Session 13: D&D Live!!!: Healing and Leaving Report

General Summary

Quinn spent time inside of Haven making medicine checks to help stabilize people who had fallen in the previous fight.  She managed to save three people.  She realized that while people were not angry with her in the same way they were with Peter, they believed that she had been dragged into Peter's mess.  They believed that spending tiem with Quinn would lead them to more trouble since she spent so much time with Peter.     Meanwhile, Peter spoke with Collin and Clarice.  He discovered that the last time anyone had seen Hazel or Jessica, Jessica had been heading to the library to do research.  People thought she must have found something and left.  While Peter could not enter Haven, he went around the perimeter of the barrier until he could see the library.  He found the lack of evidence of anyone moving through the woods odd given the fire that had occurred.  He cast divine sense and noticed a celestial presence very briefly that seemed to notice Peter had cast divine sense and fled outside of his range.  He also saw a shimmer near the library.  He contacted Quinn who walked over to the library, trying not to be noticed as she feared people would think she was abandoning them once more.  Quinn, Collin, and Clarice attempted to investigate the shimmer, but they could not discover anything about it.  Quinn entered the library looking for clues related to what had happened to Jessica and Hazel.  She searched the library system and found that Jessica had checked out a book of recent newspapers, ending about a month ago, and a book on cults.  The book with the newspapers had been checked out by both Seth and Valerie.  No one had checked out the book on cults before Valerie.  Quinn took the book of newspapers with her.  The book on cults was not in the library.  When Quinn was logging out, she found that while Hazel had not checked out any books recently, she had logged into the library system and likely knew what Jessica had been looking at.  Quinn gave a heartfelt goodbye to Collin and Clarice who returned to helping the injured.  She mentioned that her reputation had been harmed through her association with Peter and did not want to harm Collin or Clarice.  Collin said, "Screw that.  I don't care what anyone thinks.  We know Peter is a good guy".  Clarice agreed.  Collin gave Quinn a hug.  Peter was working out while chanting House of A to hype himself up.  Collin gave him two big thumbs up, and Clarice gave him a salute before the returned into the heart of Haven.     Quinn texted Valerie who had found Seth and John, both of whom were okay.  Valerie stated that the three of them needed to stay behind to bring some organization and efficiency to the work being done in Haven since Jessica and Hazel were missing and Liam was so badly injured.  When she heard that Peter was unable to cross the barrier, she went out to meet Peter and Quinn.  Valerie examined Peter and found that Zeus was the one who made it so that Peter could not enter Haven.  Only Zeus can undo that restriction.  Valerie warned them to be very careful of the danger of having caught Zeus' eye.  She recommended going after the next clue in the cryptex and searching for Veritas since Seth, John, and she were now needed in Haven and would be unable to continue the quest themselves.  Peter asked Valerie for advice on how to get back in Zeus' good graces and make amends for having messed up.  She did not have advice on how to handle Zeus.  She did tell him, "When it comes to making amends, you don't need to.  Cursed or not, you are my friend.  Even if you are cursed, being cursed wasn't your choice, and anyone who thinks badly of you is just wrong".  Peter, Quinn, and Valerie went to see if they could find the celestial presence Peter had previously sensed, but they were unsuccessful.  With that, the friends parted ways.     Peter and Quinn returned to Peter's car.  On the way, Quinn helped Peter save nine more people.  The duo spent the night in Peter's apartment.  Peter retrieved a small personal loan from his mother.  Quinn examined the book of newspapers and found that based on the locations of cracks in the spine, people had been looking at articles related to thefts of various objects.  Peter ate his breakfast and poured some out thanking his father for his gifts, D for his sign, and Z, the king of the universe for spring his life.  Peter will continue to do this with every meal.  Peter also tried to call both Jessica and Hazel. He received an out of service message from both phones.     Peter and Quinn went to the Grand Canyon.  They were passed on the road by a large group of big scary guys on motorcycles.  When they arrived at the Grand Canyon, they found the same motorcycles and noticed one motorcycle that was drawing a lot of attention as it was a very nice bike.  Moving away from the other people and towards the edge of the canyon, Peter and Quinn felt the coin that led them to the canyon grow warm.  It dissolved, and the gold dust from the coin transformed into mist which grew into a fog until they could only see white.     What follows is a direct quote from the session: "The fog slowly recedes revealing a world cast in black and white. It looks like you are inside of an old movie. There fog continues to fade, and you can make out the lettering on the office standing in front of you. Before you is a detective agency, and lying on the stoop is the body of a man. He is approximately six feet tall, in his early twenties, and has a small puddle of blood that has formed beneath his right ear. You begin to hear a noise which slowly clarifies into words. You quickly deduce that the detective who runs the agency is speaking with a police officer. “So to clarify one more, detective, you were not expecting any visitors and do not recognize the victim?” “That is correct. I heard a shout and opened the door to find the young man bleeding. He said, “This isn’t…” before passing away. From my earlier examination of the body, the man was stabbed in his neck and bled out here on the stoop. He had this in his hand,” the detective reveals before showing the officer an article from the paper with a record of the death of Arthur Westrum. Golden script fills the air before your eyes. The script is familiar as you had previously seen it pose you riddles. The text now reads, “Since you are so skilled at solving puzzles involving death, let’s put you to the test with a new kind of puzzle. You can control the good detective and direct him to new locations to interview new witnesses and collect information from experts, but be aware that directing the detective will steal some of your health while correctly answering questions about the case will heal you. Of course, you will not experience those changes until you return to your normal plane. You must discover who killed the man on the stoop, why he was killed, and who killed him to be able to return to your realm. There will be other questions, but those may result in other gifts. Good luck!”"

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
18 Jul 2023

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