D&D LIVE!!! Session 17: The Lotus Hotel and Casino Report

General Summary

As Quinn and Peter entered the Lotus Casino, they had a sudden feeling of calm that overtook them, and they quickly forgot why they had come to the casino. Peter and Quinn approached the check in desk, and were informed that they could get a room for $50 a night. When Peter mentioned going to get his clothes out of the car, the desk clerk informed them that everything they needed was in their room. At that point, Peter and Quinn started to wander through the casino ready to head to their room. While walking the casino floor, Peter made his wisdom save and came out of the charmed effect and remembered why they were there. Peter attempted to help Quinn snap out of it, but was unsuccessful. When chatting with a guest in the casino, Peter noticed that people in the casino were dressed in retro clothes and appeared to have been there since the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s and more.   As they moved into an amphitheater, our heroes found John, Seth and Valerie, who were all charmed. They were able to get John to snap out of the charmed effect as well, and after eliminating a fiend, they convinced Seth and Valerie to head towards the elevator with the allure of the pool. However, while investigating other parts of the casino, Seth sat down at a slot machine and began playing. Peter attacked the slot machine and drew looks from everyone around, but managed to pull Seth away from the machine, though at that point Seth seemed much more ‘out of it.’ When the entire group got into the elevator, they selected the fifth floor, but the elevator did not go anywhere. At this point, Valerie was able to snap out of the charmed effect, and everyone moved back towards the front desk.   Once they arrived back at the front desk, Quinn snapped out of the charmed effect, and our heroes moved into the food court where they found Hazel and Jessica. The group was able to snap Hazel out of the charmed effect, and Peter picked up Jessica to move towards the exit. Quinn created cover for everyone to move towards the door by claiming they were going to the coffee shop near the exit. Upon arriving at the door, the group discovered that the door was sealed with some kind of magic. After battling some fiends and saving Seth on multiple occasions, our heroes were all able to break the door and escape the casino. When looking back into the casino, the group saw that the fiends were not interested in pursuing them outside of the casino and that the magical barrier around the door began to regenerate. The group was able to snap Seth out of the charm effect, and they all got away in Peter’s car, heading to a hotel on the outskirts of town.   Safely in the hotel, Valerie cast ‘Tiny Hut,’ allowing our adventures to speak freely and safely recover, giving Seth a long rest to recover from the damage he had taken (which had reduced his HP max to 3). Peter and Quinn discover that while they felt they had been in the casino for a few minutes or an hour, it had actually been two weeks. Meanwhile, Hazel and Jessica felt like they had been in the casino for a day or two but had been in the Lotus for over a year. Peter and Quinn noticed that while people were in the casino, it did not appear that they aged.   When asked about the end of their time in Haven, Jessica said that she had gone to do research on Veritas, heard someone approaching, then didn’t remember anything until the group met up with her today. Hazel also had a similar experience, going to the library to check on Jessica and then waking up in the Lotus Casino. Jessica checked her pockets and discovered that she had a page out of a book in her pocket, with information on the Titans, including Kronos, the former king of the universe before Zeus.   At this point, it appeared to our heroes that they would need to split up, with some of them returning to Haven while the others made the cross-country trek to the Library of Congress to conduct more research on the Titans and Kronos.   Before splitting, Peter called Liam and confirmed to him that Hazel and Jessica were alive, rescued and safe with them. They asked that Liam not inform anyone and once Seth, John and Valerie arrive in Haven, they will discuss with each other about potentially telling Dionysis the truth about Jessica and Hazel.   Peter and Quinn each called their parents to check in on the news and were informed that nothing of any particular importance had occurred recently while they were away. Most importantly, our heroes feel that they can trust each other, and potentially no one else as they attempt to discover what forces are working against them in their second summer as demigods.

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
15 Jan 2024

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