Session 3: Welcome to Haven Report

General Summary

Jessica Chavez escorts Peter, Quinn, Angie, and Joe inside of Haven. She is the woman who shot the insectoid creature as well as Peter's TA. She directs other residents of Haven to clear the forest of remaining monsters and retrieve Peter's car. Peter, Angie, Quinn, and Joe are brought to a medical building where Peter and Joe are healed with magic, though they are still very injured. Peter is given ambrosia, food with potent healing qualities. Eating too much will kill a demigod. Eating any will kill a mortal. It is a golden translucent cube. Peter, Joe, Quinn, and Angie recover from their journey with a long night's rest. Quinn's hair regrows in her sleep.   In the morning Jessica comes in and explains that she was assigned to watch Peter to help him should he be attacked by a monster. There is a device in Haven that can be used to track all demigods. It was modified to track only demigods who had not discovered who they were and was further modified to track demigods who were not in close proximity to someone who knew the truth. This was designed to help them determine which demigods needed protection. When Peter decided to attend San Jose State University, Jessica was assigned to watch him. She is apologetic that he was attacked in the one week during which their schedules did not overlap. Quinn was not assigned a watcher as the device detected her father as someone in close proximity to her who knew the truth. Jessica explains that they are demigods and takes them on a tour of Haven (read the article on Haven for an in depth description of what they learn of the settlement). She also explains that they will be staying in the Hermes building until their godly parent's claim them.   They eat lunch in the pavilion, saying prayers to the gods. Peter asks to find out who his godly parent is. Quinn asks the gods to keep watch over her father. They say a sweet goodbye to Angie and Joe who are not allowed to stay another night in Haven as they are mortals. They are escorted home by several demigods for protection. Joe promises to take care of Quinn's work. Angie reminds Peter to look after himself.   Jessica, Quinn, and Peter then go to the Big House to meet Dionysus, aka D. Dionysus is appears as a short Hispanic man, wearing a Hawaiian shirt and cargo shorts. He laments having additional residents to look after. He calls Peter Percy and Quinn Quill. He slams the door in their faces after grumbling at them to go away.   Jessica takes Quinn and Peter to the Forge to meet Liam, a son of Hephaestus, who fits Peter with chainmail and a shield. Liam then goes with them to the training facility where he has them test out various weapons. After much trial and error, he works with Quinn to determine that she would be best suited to using daggers and a light crossbow. Peter and Liam determine that Peter should take a longsword and hand axe in addition to his chainmail and shield. He recommends that Peter try using the sparring ring on another floor of the facility to gain some practice using his shield. He directs Quinn and Peter to go upstairs for some initial training in magic. He takes the weapons with him to make some minute adjustments so that they will be better suited to Quinn and Peter. On his way back to the forge, he can be hear crying out in despair as in the short time he has been gone, something has caught on fir in the forge that was not supposed to be on fire. Liam is one of the older demigods responsible for training newcomers.   Peter and Quinn meet Hazel upstairs. She is also an older demigod responsible for their training. She welcomes Peter and Quinn and directs them on how to use their spells. She performs a spell and identifies Quinn's tattoo as an arcane focus but comments that she has never heard of anyone else suddenly getting a tattoo as an arcane focus. She is delighted by the power of Quinn's magic and notes that she is quite the mystery. She informs Quinn that her powers are innate abilities and that she will gain new abilities over time. Hazel agrees to train Quinn so that she will be able to use new spells immediately rather than needing to discover them in a safe space like the training facility. She sees Quinn experience a wild magic surge (Quinn cannot become intoxicated for 23 days) and is fascinated by what happened but has no explanation for it. Quinn is giddy with her successes and the felling of her magic.    Hazel also helps Peter discover his own magical abilities. She loans him an orb to use temporarily to practice his magic. She recognizes the spells he is using and gives him a spell book to learn other spells. She notes that he will be able to prepare new spells each day but will be limited in the number of spells he can have prepared. When she sees Peter use healing magic, she wonders aloud if he might be a son of Apollo. She recommends that he compare his life experiences with those of the residents of the Apollo cabin to see if they have experienced similar things.  She does state that it is entirely possible that his father is someone else.     After a very full day in this new location, Peter and Quinn share dinner in the pavilion before heading to their room in the Hermes apartment building for the first time.

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
20 Nov 2022

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