Session 6 D&D LIVE: Mysterious Magic and Escape from Haven Report

General Summary

We picked up with a brief overview of what Peter and Quinn did in Haven over the past few days.  They trained with Hazel, and Quinn became proficient at manipulating the Haze.  Peter needs one more success in training to gain proficiency.  Peter also learned that his shield has some magical abilities, though he has not yet discovered what they are or how to activate them.  He did learn fro Hazel that he can transfer the holy symbol and magical abilities to a new shield by pressing his current shield agains a new one.     Quinn became friends with her suite-mates and had a regular movie night with them.  Quinn spent time with the children of Aphrodite, and has used what they taught her to improve the quality of the YouTube videos she makes.  She has gained many followers even though she posts less frequently.     Both Peter and Quinn successfully became friends with Clarice who they discovered is socially awkward but loves their hugs.    Peter and Quinn spent a lot of time with Hazel, Liam, and Jessica.  They learned that there is another person, Seth, who arrived at Haven with Hazel, Liam, Jessica, and Thalia.  They have not met Seth as he is out on a quest with a man named John and a woman named Valerie.  They are searching for missing magic items that have been disappearing.  They are also attempting to protect other items they believe that the thieves might be targeting.  They were on their way to Los Angeles and are heading to the Getty Museum.  They believe that the Belt of Aphrodite is in the museum on one of the statues and is going to be targeted soon.  They believe they will need to steal it themselves to prevent the thieves from getting their hands on it.  They still need to scout out the museum and determine which statue holds the Belt of Aphrodite.     Peter and Quinn went to the battleground to train.  The battleground was set to the fire and lava map.  Utilizing excellent teamwork with their teammates: the thimble cleric, top hat rogue, and horse fighter, they succeeded in capturing the flag at the center of the map and returning to their side of the map.  They did this with all members of their team still standing.  The opposing team only had one of its members still standing, and that member had been knocked down to 2 hit points.     At dinner, Peter questioned Liam and learned that there are magical items that have been blessed or created by the gods that can reappear on your person after being thrown.  Liam does not know any additional information about how these items work or where they might be found.  Quinn asked Liam to train with her after dinner in using her weapons.  Liam agreed, and Peter watched the forge while Liam was with Quinn.  Peter brought some weights to workout while watching the forge.  He did need to use the fire extinguisher to put out a fire in the forge after an explosion occurred.  Luckily, no one was hurt, and the forge was not damaged due to Peter's quick intervention.  He messaged Doug to bring him a new fire extinguisher.  The other people in the forge love Peter for putting out the fire and lying to Liam about the fire occurring.  Liam immediately saw through Peter's lie and thanked Peter for looking after the forge.  Liam did pretend that he bought into the lie when speaking with the other children of Hephaestus.  Liam was able to give Quinn some pointers in correcting her stance to conserve energy while using her weapons.     Peter and Quinn had a long night's rest.  At breakfast the next morning, they sat with Colin, Clarice, Hazel, Liam, and Jessica.  They overheard that Seth has arrived in Los Angeles.  Clarice suddenly pushed Peter out of the way from an attack and alerted the others to danger.  Peter and Quinn saw that many residents of Haven had glassy eyes and were preparing to attack them.  Colin, Clarice, Hazel, Liam, and Jessica shielded Peter and Quinn on the way to Peter's car from attacks shot at them by the enchanted residents.  More residents fell prey to the spell as they ran.  Clarice recognized the magic as having a similar feeling to the magic that had previously caused her to attack Peter and Quinn.  Eventually Colin, Hazel, and Clarice fell prey to the enchantment.  However, Liam and Jessica were able to get Peter and Quinn into the car thanks to Peter's healing abilities reviving Quinn.  Jessica instructed them to drive to Seth in Los Angeles.  As they drove away, they saw Dionysus grow in size and command the residents to stop.  They immediately dropped their weapons.  An hour later, Peter received a call from Jessica that everyone was okay and being healed with a greater restoration spell.  She told them that they would contact Peter and Quinn immediately if they found any information about what had happened.  However, she instructed them to continue to head to Seth as she fears Haven is not safe for them or for the other residents until they discover what had happened.  She also told them that Liam asked them not to press any of the new buttons installed in Peter's car until he can discuss with them what each button can do.  Jessica hung up to call Seth and inform him of what has happened.  She texted Peter the address at which they can find Seth.     We ended our session with Peter and Quinn leveling up on in the car on their way to meet Seth for the first time.

A World of Myth and Magic Campaign

Peter Stevens

Human ()
Paladin 8
68 / 68 HP

Quinn Quade

Human (Art/astronomy student)
Wild Magic Sorcerer 7
Bard 1
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
27 Dec 2022

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