Session 06 Carrion Crown Report

General Summary

  • As Kass, Holly and Grobb make it back to the town, they stop off at the Lorrimar manor.
  • Meet up with Shadria and Shair
  • They stay a while and Kendra heals them.
  • Kendra offers to identify their items. They identified everything from Session 2
  • They return to town and sell 2 of the +1 arrows
  • Bought 10 cure light wound potions and split amongst the party
  • Bought a wand of cure moderate wounds(19)
  • Once that was done, the party took Professor Lorrimar's corpse back to the grave yard
  • Kass had an experience at gravestone, it read:
  Here Lies Kass (Full Name)
Come to my world, and be as I;
As I am now, soon you will be;
Embrace your end and witness me.
Died 4661 Ar
  • The party gathered wood, placed it in the bottom of the professor's original grave and Shadria started the fire.
  • Once the party finished burning the corpse they headed to Harrowstone Prison
  • They encountered an animated scythe
  • They found the following
Ø A set of masterwork thieves tools (Grobb took this)
Ø A bronze war medallion from the Shining Crusade
Ø An unframed Taldan painting of Stavian
Ø A set of nobel woman's silver hair clips
Ø A masterwork punch dagger
Ø A pouch containing a dozen masterwork shuriken
Ø A masterwork silver war razor
  • In the same room where the found the above they also came across a secret door.
  • They were able to open it, the party found the following
  Ø Blood Stained Hand Axe
Ø Collection of Holy Symbols
Ø Moldy Spell Book
Ø Smiths Hammer
Ø Tarnished Silver Flute
  • The party made the connection between these 5 items and the 5 notorious criminals of Harrowstone
  • Shadria picked up the 5 items.... And failed a will save.
  • The party has 1,650 gp left over from the sale of the magic arrows of which they have 8 remaining
  • The party leveled up

Carrion Crown

Shair Sarnan

1-Level Swashbuckler

Grobb-Tar Phraatelk

1-Level Sorcerer


Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed Tiefling)
1-Level Elemental Kineticist


Half Giant
1-Level Bloodrager


1-Level Druid
Report Date
16 Jul 2022

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