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Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed Tiefling)
1-Level Elemental Kineticist

Campaign & Party

Order of the Purple Potato

Atiya Shair Grobb-Tar Shadria Kass Vivian Holly
Run by Daemixis
Played by
Sat 2nd Jul 2022 01:57


by Shadria

father charlataan, the lauper, the mosswater maurader, the piper of illmarsh, the splatterman.
the piper used to charm stirges and play a dirge on their (instruemnt)

The major events and journals in Shadria's history, from the beginning to today.

Session 11 Carrion Crown

01:54 am - 03.10.2022

Session 11 Carrion Crown

01:54 am - 03.10.2022

Session 09 Carrion Crown

05:44 pm - 05.09.2022

Session 09 Carrion Crown

05:44 pm - 05.09.2022

Carrion Crown Interim Session 1

04:54 am - 02.09.2022

Carrion Crown Interim Session 1

04:53 am - 02.09.2022

Session 08 Carrion Crown

08:25 pm - 14.08.2022

Session 08 Carrion Crown

08:25 pm - 14.08.2022

Session 07 Carrion Crown

03:34 am - 06.08.2022

Session 07 Carrion Crown

12:41 am - 06.08.2022

The session

06:33 pm - 16.07.2022

The session

02:06 am - 16.07.2022

Session 05 Carrion Crown - Crimes Not Forgotten

05:14 am - 09.07.2022

Session 05 Carrion Crown - Crimes Not Forgotten

01:03 am - 09.07.2022

Session 04 Carrion Crown - Crimes Not Forgotten

07:53 pm - 02.07.2022


father charlataan, the lauper, the mosswater maurader, the piper of illmarsh, the splatterman. the piper used to charm stirges and play a dirge on their (instruemnt)...

01:57 am - 02.07.2022

Session 04 Carrion Crown - Crimes Not Forgotten

01:45 am - 02.07.2022

i want elks blood

03:31 am - 14.05.2022

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Shadria.

Played by