Session 08 Carrion Crown Report

General Summary

Continuing on into Harrowstone Prison the party encountered the following:

  • Workshop : Here the party encountered the ghost of Vesorianna Hawkran. She explained to them that she was put in this room when she got word that her husband might be in danger (the warden) at the prison, and when she got here the guards put her here for her safety. She died from smoke inhalation. She explained that she is responsible for keeping the prison's inhabitants under control, but this was her husbands job before his ghost was removed from Harrowstone by a group of people, who she also sensed, killed another individual. She explained that the weapons the group found are cursed. She also said that if the party can defeat the 5 VIP criminals and bring her a badge of her husbands office at the prison, she will be able to lay the rest of the prison to rest for ever, never to be haunted again. The party agreed to help Vesorianna. She then also told the party that time is of the essence because the Splatter man is slowly working away at her resolve and she fears she may not be able to resist it much longer. The party also found a secret door here that lead to…
  • The Laundry : Here the party encountered an animated straight jacket. Once again, they were able to retreat closing both doors (the secret and the main door). hey headed towards the main hall.
  • Collapsed Stairwell: This set of stairs leads downward. It is blocked by rock and rubble.
  • Stairwell: This stairway leads to the second floor of Harrowstone.
  • Infirmary: The party came to this room and soon encountered a poltergeist. They were able to collectively defeat this creature. They found :
  1. 2 fully stocked healer's kits
  2. 3 vials of antitoxin
  3. 2 vials of antiplague
  4. 3 doses of bloodblock
  5. 3 doses of smelling salts
  6. 2 vials of sooth syrup
  7. 4 potions of cure light wounds (split amongst the party)
  • Privy: The party found this area, searched it thoroughly, and found nothing.
  • Stairwell: The party went upstairs
  • Upper stairwell: They exited this area and went south
  • Guard Post: The party came to this area, but were not able to get past the bars yet to explore.
  • Eastern Cellblock: here the party searched and found nothing of much interest here, but were able to explore the guard post.  Nothing found here either.
  • Father Charlatan's Cell: Here they found the remains of Father Charlatan. Other than this, there was nothing else found here.
  • Western Cellblock: Here the party found a number of cell doors already opened. After a bit, 4 human skeletons rose and fought the party. Kass almost died from a critical but for the die hard feat.

Carrion Crown

Grobb-Tar Phraatelk

1-Level Sorcerer


Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed Tiefling)
1-Level Elemental Kineticist


Half Giant
1-Level Bloodrager


1-Level Druid
Report Date
14 Aug 2022

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