Session 04 Carrion Crown - Crimes Not Forgotten Report

General Summary

The party having defeated the stirges at the inn left for Kendra's home. Once they got there they saw a large shadow speaking with Kendra through the window. The party went in and Grobb was able to sneak in and determine that there was no ill intent. Holly introduced herself to the new person Kass , a 1/2 giant. During this time, Shadria did more research on the information they found out after the tavern emptied from the stirge attack. The party learned the following :
  There were Five notorious prisoners in Harrowstone:

  • Father Charlatan
  • The Lopper
  • The Mosswater Maurader
  • The Piper of Illmarsh
  • The Splatter Man
They also learned that before he snatched his victims, the Piper taunted his targets with a mournful dirge on his flute. He preferred to paralyze lone victims by dosing their meals with lich dust and then allowed his pet stirges to drink the victims dry of blood.   After a brief introduction, as Shadria was coming downstairs she hears a knock on the door. As she opened the door, she saw Professor Lorrimor standing there. 3 other shadows lurked behind the professor and Shadria had time to deliver a warning and damage one of the zombies before she dropped unconscious.   The ensuing battle was tough, and the party barely made it out alive. Kendra saw her father , dead again, this time as a zombie laying on the floor and this is where the game session ended.

Rewards Granted

375 XP each to all who showed up.

Carrion Crown

Grobb-Tar Phraatelk

1-Level Sorcerer


Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed Tiefling)
1-Level Elemental Kineticist


Half Giant
1-Level Bloodrager


1-Level Druid
Report Date
02 Jul 2022
Primary Location
N. The Lorrimor Place

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