Session 09 Carrion Crown Report

General Summary

The session starts with Atiya and Vivian entering the group. They were late to the professors funeral and were directed to the prison to find the others by Kendra They met up with the party and …  

  • A haunting dirge, played upon a flute, began emanating from the hall.
  • As soon as the party was aware of the noise, they heard also a few more skeletons animate.
  • The skeletons began attacking
  • After the first round The Piper of Illmarsh manifested before the party. This caused the party to make a save or be shaken.
  • Shadria and Kass were affected but no further effect occurred other than being shaken
  • The party quickly dispatched the skeletons, but had to deal with The Piper.
  • The end of the round in which The Piper manifested, Kass was able to use a Haunt Siphon and damaged the haunt.
  • Next round, The rest of the party was affected, but Shadria was able to shake of the effect.
  • Holly failed and became petrified by the haunting melody, and hundreds of tiny wounds opened up on her arms legs and neck and she started bleeding.
  • Shadria was able to use another Haunt Siphon to neutralize The Piper.
  • Shadria was able to stabilize Holly
  • The party, having spent quite a while in the prison decided to head back to town where Kendra told them that they were summoned to a Town Hall meeting
  • There Councilman Hearthmont advised that the town had undergone many strange events.
  • The party was asked by Kendra to let the Town Council know what was going on.
  • Shadria gave an impassioned speech about what was happening in town and how it was correlated to the prison.
  • After that, the Hearthmont asked for questions, the public erupted and at that time, flaming skulls burst into the room, lighting curtains and other flammables on fire…

Carrion Crown


1-Level Fighter

Grobb-Tar Phraatelk

1-Level Sorcerer


Oni-Spawn (Hungerseed Tiefling)
1-Level Elemental Kineticist


Half Giant
1-Level Bloodrager


1-Level Sea Witch


1-Level Druid
Report Date
05 Sep 2022

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