Session 4: Red Hot Riches: Report

General Summary

Recovering (partially) from the sickening light, the '47s rouse themselves and continue on through the cavern, blocking up the lost tunnel for another day (or never). they scratch a warning on the rock, and debate whether this makes it more or less attractive to explorers!   After a day of reduced rate track laying due to three exhausted members, they make it to the end of the cavern and the opening of the next mine tunnel. Setting up in the entrance with a makeshift barricade of mine wagons between them and the cavern. Some night time trickiness from Maevdille Bigroar netted her a beard hair from Pebble, and a nose full of snot from Drezza Broadhand , leaving a dwarf shaped outline of mucus on one wall. Below this was spotted a set of tracks - two Kobolds had passed this way earlier. Pebble resumed watch with images of gnome hating Kobolds dancing in her imagination...   The following day got the party to the selected mining site, running track as far as the final junction. At the rock face they found both red diamonds and signs of others digging. Ignoring these, they struck out on the likely vein, finding both riches and a route into the next cavern. Here they encountered Coalsy_and_Nuggets who were not very secretive about looking for Firesnake Eggs. They dug in one area, the party in another, opening up a further cavern with leading to a hotter area that eventually was opened into a lava and magma floored opening.   Unfortunately, as Firesnakes were spotted, a Rocktopus metamorphosed and attacked the party from the rear. While Coalsy and Nuggets fought and chased Firesnakes looking for eggs, the '47ers fought and hid from the Rocktopus . After each was successful, Pebble inadvertently released a lava flow, and it turned into a race to escape to the entrance before being blocked off - Pebble panicked and ran the wrong way, 'Ress picked her up and falling over each other, everyone made it just back into the entrance in time for Maeve's Mould Earth magic to block up the mining opening and let the lava settle.

Mining Team 47 Campaign

Amber Jadeforge

Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Uthgardt Tribe Member)
Barbarian 2
25 / 25 HP
Report Date
21 Jun 2023

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