The party nears unexplored mining grounds in search of 'strange things'. But everyone feels somewhat on edge...
Terror in Onewe Hall, and happy hunting in the SW tunnels
And it was decided not to go to work - a note from Idon was received, but the team went for striking, and instigating a wider strike across the mining teams. After a faltering start, a picket was established and free beer and food helped.
The merchants head out of town, the election period begins, and Mining Team 47 have one day of furlough left...
The team continue their exploits in the city, now with added apprentice...
Back in the city, with tokens to spend and the new found status of 'Top Mining Team'.... No need to worry about a murder when there's new foodstuffs to be stuffed!
After Night Six the 47ers decide whether to press their luck and mine further, or head for home with their riches. The Kommisarium Mining Code might be worth checking...
The '47ers discover an ancient chamber and riches therein
The weakened crew regroup after the sickening light incident, and head off to do some mining, meeting some Kobolds along the way...
After the Rocktopus encounter, the team continue working on the (mine) railroad, heading for the opportunity to break rock and make new finds...
Mining Team 47 regather after their day-trip with Kantor Bluefinger
Celebratory drinks turn into a tattoo session, and then to a furtive day trip to the mines with a new friend...
Mining Team 47 regroup after an enforced break, and plan for their next expedition, only to be distracted into helping Vern with an outbreak of fiery creatures in the brewery