Mining Team 47 Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Mining Team 47
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Supporting Cast
  • Pit Boss of the Forties, Galar Thumbnose
    Galar Thumbnose manages the six surviving 'Forties' crews. He is gruff and direct but works hard to see his crews well-supplied and maintained. His right bicep is tattoed with the numbers and dates of his four lost crews.
  • Quartermistress Seonaid Garnetty
    Seonaid runs the Gearyard and Supply shop for all the mining crews. An ex-miner herself, now with one bronze leg, she keeps a long tally of favours and debts owed, and woe betide any crew that doesn't keep that in mind.

Scheduled Sessions

Mon 8th January 2024 14:00

Session 19: After the Fall

What happens after a mile-long fall down the waterfall? What is in the Great Cenote below? Who's still alive?   Date/Time tbc

Sessions Archive

18th Dec 2024

session 20: The Fall at the Falls

Read the Report
11th Dec 2023

Session 17: Under attack!

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4th Dec 2023

Session 16: Beyond the Burrower

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27th Nov 2023

Session 15: Mining for Mysteries

The party nears unexplored mining grounds in search of 'strange things'. But everyone feels somewhat on edge...

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6th Nov 2023

Session 14: Back to the Mines (and One shot wrapup)

Terror in Onewe Hall, and happy hunting in the SW tunnels

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30th Oct 2023

Session 13 - Inc Halloween One Shot

Time to Load up and ship out...

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25th Sep 2023

session 12: Hunting the Hat Owner

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18th Sep 2023

Session 11: Strikes, Brawls and a Hat!

And it was decided not to go to work - a note from Idon was received, but the team went for striking, and instigating a wider strike across the mining teams. After a faltering start, a picket was established and free beer and food helped.

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11th Sep 2023

Session 10: After the Fair is over...

The merchants head out of town, the election period begins, and Mining Team 47 have one day of furlough left...

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4th Sep 2023

Session 9: Selection Festival: Racing Dragons, Quizzing Pebbles

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21st Aug 2023

Session 8: The one with the Mortuary Break-in

The team continue their exploits in the city, now with added apprentice...

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14th Aug 2023

Session 7: Back at Home

Back in the city, with tokens to spend and the new found status of 'Top Mining Team'.... No need to worry about a murder when there's new foodstuffs to be stuffed!

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3rd Jul 2023

Session 6: Lights, Frights, and Bready Delights

After Night Six the 47ers decide whether to press their luck and mine further, or head for home with their riches.   The Kommisarium Mining Code might be worth checking...

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29th Jun 2023

Session 5: Puzzling Ancient Treasures

The '47ers discover an ancient chamber and riches therein

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19th Jun 2023

Session 4: Red Hot Riches

The weakened crew regroup after the sickening light incident, and head off to do some mining, meeting some Kobolds along the way...

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12th Jun 2023

Session 3: Banshees and Ghasts, Oh My!

After the Rocktopus encounter, the team continue working on the (mine) railroad, heading for the opportunity to break rock and make new finds...

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29th May 2023

Session 2: The Stalagtite Incident

Mining Team 47 regather after their day-trip with Kantor Bluefinger

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22nd May 2023

session 1: Drinks and Inks

Celebratory drinks turn into a tattoo session, and then to a furtive day trip to the mines with a new friend...

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14th Jan 2023

Session 0: Under the Shovel & Sickle

Mining Team 47 regroup after an enforced break, and plan for their next expedition, only to be distracted into helping Vern with an outbreak of fiery creatures in the brewery

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This story is told by

The Protagonists

Amber Jadeforge

Lawful Neutral Mountain Dwarf (Uthgardt Tribe Member)
Barbarian 2
25 / 25 HP

Drezza Broadhand

Crew bods Maevdille Bigroar