14: Visiting Zor Report

General Summary

The Champions head out from Silvium to meet with Uguz's old boss Zor Deathgrip. Using their new map, they are able to plot a route that saves them a few days. This proves to be frought with danger, as they are met with a pair of triceratops, a deadly lightning storm, and a rockfall in the mountain pass. Reaching the Greystone Mercenary Camp, the group is welcomed warmly by Zor. Uguz and Zor catch up while Amnur takes some time to mingle with the camp followers. The group talks with Zor, who offers them a great deal of money to confirm the locations of two suspected dragons. He tells them of a blue dragon in the dunes north of the Wailing Plains and a red dragon in the grasslands near Orsikar. Agreeing to the request, the group teleport to Silvium and prepare to track down the dragons.

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