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Planet Girth Campaign

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of The Golden Empire
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Sessions Archive

7th Mar 2024

29: Passage to the East

The group is traveling east to find Halmo.

20th Feb 2024

28: Dreamweaver

13th Feb 2024

27: War Were Declared

The Champions return to Silvium and learn of a brewing war on the eastern border.

25th Jan 2024

26: Crystal Golem

The group encounters a crystal golem deep in the abandoned fort.

6th Nov 2023

23: Spooky Scary Skeleton

The group is investigating the dream Garrisund had about Slavelord Kain.

23rd Oct 2023

22: Searching for the Red Dragon

Read the Report
2nd Oct 2023

21: The Blue Knights are Back

After a mini-session of rest and recuperation, the Champions are back on the grind. Recent events revolve around an increase in Blue Knight sightings in the countryside and the attack on Milil's Theatre.

6th Sep 2023

20: Party Time

The Champions are asked to come along to a fancy party.

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8th Aug 2023

19: Time for Church

The Champions must decide to do with the spooky church.

31st Jul 2023

18: Helping at Mossmound

The Champions have just finished off a Chimera pair that has been harassing the hamlet of Mossmound.

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12th Jul 2023

17: Chimera Troubles

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30th Jun 2023

16: Return from the woods

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6th Jun 2023

15: Drag on Dragons

The group goes out looking for dragons

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30th May 2023

14: Visiting Zor

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23rd May 2023

12: House Party Y'all

14th May 2023

12: Uh oh Dragon

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4th May 2023

11: The Little Blue Man

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20th Apr 2023

10: Helping Theren Moontouched

18th Apr 2023

9: Defeated the Chain Ogre

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13th Apr 2023

8: Helping Fellow Adventurers

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19th Mar 2023

7.2: After the Hag

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13th Mar 2023

7.1: Working for the Man

The group is now on retainer for the governor of Silvium.

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5th Mar 2023

6: Silvium Rebuilt

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26th Feb 2023

5: The Mysterious Dust

The Champions begin investigating the mysterious residue left behind by the magic suits of armor.

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15th Feb 2023

4: Death of a Friend

The party returns to Pike's Bay with the body of Amnur in tow.

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12th Feb 2023

3: Celebrating in Pike's Bay

The Champions left of celebrating the defeat of the King of Sludge in Pike's Bay.

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5th Feb 2023

2: First visit to Pike's Bay

The Champions are in Pike's Bay, having dropped equipment off for enchanting.

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26th Jan 2023

1: Returning from Warehouse Woes

Read the Report
25th Jan 2023

Test Session

Testing the session setup menu

This story is told by

The Protagonists

Iris (Azalea Marigold) Rose

Amnur Balderk

Uguz Hellgrip
