15: Drag on Dragons Report

General Summary

The group departs from Silvium to track down some dragons. They travel to Dirst and decide to confirm that Naezor lives in the ruins north of the Baumwald, then travel to the nearby dunes to find the blue dragon. After getting lost for a day, the group reaches the outskirts of the ruins late in the evening. Making camp, they hear some noises nearby and Amnur moves to investigate. Sneaking through the ruins, he sees some large creature wandering about. He returns to the crew and tells them about his findings, and they all decide to sneak up and attack it. The plan goes awry when they fall into an ambush of the creatures design. Garrisund is heavily damaged in the first attack while the rest of the group moves in to assist. Finding cover behind an old fence, Garrisund summons the help of Dougal by speaking his name into the coin he received. Dougal appears and jumps into the fray. From high up positions Amnur and Uguz fire arrows at the beast- revealed to be a troll- successfully knocking it down. This drives it into a rage and it pursues Uguz, clawing him and dousing him in its poisonous blood. Dougal hits the troll with a fire bolt, revealing to the team that fire stops it from regenerating. This leads to Dougal being squeezed, poofing him out of existence. Amnur and Iris lay into the troll with fire bolts and an apparated flame blade respectively, severly damaging the creature. Uguz holds the creatures wrath, nearly sacrificing himself in the process. This gives Garrisund the opportunity to leap from a high spot, nearly bisecting the creature with a mighty strike. The Champions rest and treat their wounds, continuing their search in the morning.   The Champions head back into the ruins, eventually finding an aqueduct that leads underground. A portion of the wall had been carved out into a massive cavern, which the group enters. A smell of acid and iron fills the air, and they soon discover why. They happen upon the layer of Naezor, in which his remains are scattered. Amnur notes how the area seems much colder than that of the aqueduct, and that the dragon was seemingly slain at least a day ago. All of his loot was left behind, confusing the group as to the motivation behind his slaughter.

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