Session Forty Two: Directions but no Decisions

General Summary


  It's the morning after the wedding. There were no wedding bells to wake you.   April has left the group for a while in order to research the crystals with her mother and Elijah. She's doing her part. The question is, what are your next steps?   To save time Malak, Tristan and Corvus met up previous session and shared all information regarding the dream and what happened on their side.  


  Emir sneaks off to the bathroom to casts sending to Corvus. Emir: “Congratulations to you and Jurian. Wish to speak with you regarding Lucy and feathers. Meet at Hawk street. Meet you there at 1 o’clock. ciao” Corvus: “Alright”   Emir asks Cissa to join to Hawk’s house for the fountain.  

Catching everyone up

  Tristan and Malak share what they did. Silmer and Emir share the things they’ve learned. Responses to Silmer's story: Tristan mentions he met a Soft One, but is pretty sure they are dead now. Silmer asks if they were tossed of a ship. Tristan confirms. Silmer says this seems to be a regular thing. Tristan mentions that it’s a pretty big drop, if you are high enough.   Silmer asks how he met the Soft One. Tristan mentions he was captures by slave trader pirates and this Soft One was as well. They claimed to be but a humble merchant. Tristan mentions it was hard to read them. He explains there where a lot of other people too and a lot of monkeys. Tristan then explains in general what happened during the Red King oneshot.   The Soft One explained they where building an information network all over Khorvaire. They discuss how the Soft One reacted to the Tortle during the event. It seemed they just ignored the Tortle. Silmer mentions this sounds good, but then Phoenix exaggerated because she said they would kill Tortles on sight if they see one. Tristan mentions it might have been more situationally difficult or more of a Sarlona thing.   Griff mentions she seemed like a person who might exaggerate a little bit. Like her whole disguise thing. She has a flair for the dramatic. Tristan asks what that is supposed to mean. Silmer mentions bards have flair. Griff says that Tristan already had a flair before he was a bard.   Griff mentions he wants to also go to the Shadow Marches. He mentions that his people might know more about Dal Quor and he’d like to finish his tattoo. He mentions that if Silmer's brother is there they seem to share a direction. He asks if he should start calling Silmer his royal highness or just stick to sunshine? Silmer asks to just call him by his name please. Griff mentions that it was April’s leaving wish. Should we then just refer to you as sunshine when April is around? Silmer says that seems horrible, but better than the alternative.   Tristan asks how Griff feels his tattoos are related to Dal Quor. Griff explains that seemingly Nesza’s wings where covered in the same markings after they went to Dal Quor. The Gatekeepers have been defending Eberron from everything outside of Eberron. Tristan asks him if he thinks that Nesza’s transformation is linked to Dal Quor. Griff is not sure, but from what he learned from the druids it all seems plausible.   Silmer adds that since Tortles are rare, it might be easier to find his brother in the Marches. Griff tells him they have a good place to start looking then and mentions he’ll check with the druids when they get there if they have heard of a Tortle being there.   Tristan mentions that while Phoenix max for exaggerating, he does not get a positive vibe from these Soft Ones. They seem to be well entwined in the coats. It also makes sense to him that they would be working with the eyes. Silmer mentions that in regards to them killing Tortles, he’s read that in Juliona’s book.   Malak mentions they seem like religious fanatics and expresses that he’s got Silmer's back. Griff tells him that he and Godric will also stand with him. Emir mentions he’s speaking for all of them and explains that the are not going to seek him being harmed by anyone if they can help it but he wonders what action Silmer wants to take.   Silmer explains that he’s talked to Hawk and that Hawk might rally the Tortles of Q’Barra. It’s not time for war yet. But who knows what might happen.   Malak offers to check what the church knows about this and offers to ask his mother.   Tristan explains that Soft Ones are Kalashtari. They all speak Quori. They just seem to have different beliefs. Griff mentions that the only other nation that brought an inspired was Aundaire. Jossac being pressured in combination with that worries him a lot. Might they be the ones actually behind the sickness.   Tristan shares that while in Q’Barra he also spoke to Tortles about the sickness. They know of no Tortle that has died of it. He learned that the main person to discuss the sickness with though is Malak. Malak mentions that he wonders if Tortles have a sickle mark. Tristan confirms some do, and muses that the Quorri might not be able to find them to cut the cord.   They discuss finding a Tortle and seeing if the song has any effect on them. And discuss options on how to see if their sickle mark responds to the song and what their threads look like in Dal Quor.  

You saw her again?

  Griff asks Malak how it was to see her again after so much time and if she was mad that we killed the Quori. Malak says they did not talk about that much but he was happy to see her again.   Silmer asks if there is a way they can get there again without Corvus. Malak mentions there might be portals, like in Hawk's house. Griff mentions that the Crystals that Valarie took might be able to open a portal when all put together. He also shares that the Gatekeepers might know something.   Malak mentions that while time moved different it was too short. However, he notes that she seemed to not be aware of how much time has passed.   Cissa muses that it sounds liberating seeing his child again and smiles at Malak.  

The fountain

  Malak gets ready to put the Amulet in the fountain. Tristan takes a big step back.   The fountain casts an illusion around the group of cold-looking marshlands. The fountain itself forms into what seems to be a temple etched into a mountain. The fountain seems to drag the group into a vision of the inside of the temple, flitting through corridors, rooms and caverns. Until the vision stops in a small garden at the heart of the temple. And in the center, there is a fountain made of glass.   The vision dissipates and the temple turns back into a fountain as if nothing happened.   Malak takes the amulet out of the fountain and tosses it at Tristan. Tristan does not notice it and Silmer luckily saves it from falling on the ground. Emir, panicked, shouts out what the hell are do you think you are doing. Silmer says that was a question and that he assumed we where not doing those here.   Somewhere in the background the Traveler says 'hello child'. He asks Malak to please not throw the amulet around, it's quite valuable. Malak apologizes and mentions it was a harmless prank. The Traveler mentions he appreciates the odd prank, but one must be careful to not go awry. He walks up to Emir with a big smile on his face and asks him if he has any questions.   Emir looks panicked and tongue tied and looks at Cissa. Cissa holds his hand and defiantly postures before him. She looks pissed off at the Traveler as he’s making Emir cower.   Griff mentions he has a question, but he wishes to pay the price himself. The Traveler turns to Griff and asks him what he’s willing to pay. Griff mentions he’d like to have a price upfront. The Traveler mentions he is but a humble servant. All he needs is payment and whatever you can afford. He would only take a percentage, for a richer man he would take more than off a poorer man. Rich or poor, the impact will be the same for both.   Griff mentions he can take all his gold, that’s fine. The Traveler mentions he does not want gold. Griff mentions he just needs to get in touch with Balinor, and would like to find his cup. The traveler asks him why he needs to talk to Balinor. Griff mentions he has questions for him.   The Traveler asks if there is anything he can help with. Griff mentions he is trying to find the means to be able to talk to Balinor. The Traveler asks if he can take whatever he wants as a price. Griff mentions he wants to know what the payment will be upfront. The Traveler points at his Amulet and Griff mentions he can’t make decisions for his children, this is not his possession nor a thing he can ever wager.   Emir asks if would mind bringing Godric out, to asks him for his opinion. Griff looks around to see if there is enough space and lets Godric out. He gives him a big hug and introduces him to the Traveler and explains he’s a god. Godric looks him up and down and asks if he can eat him. Griff says no. Godric says he smells delicious. Griff asks if he smells as delicious as the changeling. Godric says he smells even better.   Godric walks up to the Traveler and bumps his beak against him. The Traveler mentions he does not need one of these. Griff rambles on about how Godric is basically a little kid as Godric starts circling around the Traveler very much like how he acts when he sees dinner. Griff starts tensing up.   The Traveler sighs and holds out his arm. Godric tears into it and tears it off. As the arm grows back and Godric sits down eating the arm he tells Godric he hopes he chokes on it. Godric seems pretty pleased.   Griff asks him if he’s ok, if that didn’t hurt. The Traveler rolls his eyes and mentions that while he is immortal it does not mean he can’t feel pain. But creatures of Balinor just tend to attack him on sight. He was surprised that Godric didn’t directly pounce him.   Malak muses to himself pondering if he’d have the same effect on Couatls. The Traveler mentions he does not think they attack people on sight and that he does not actually know what Couatls eat.   The Traveler mentions that this will be the last time he appears to them. They can keep throwing water in the cup, it won’t help anymore. He is not a genie.   Griff asks him if they need to leave the amulet in the fountain. The Traveler mentions that was a question, just to be clear. He explains that they saw that the fountain seemed to lead somewhere else. Somewhere quite cold and wet. And very mushy.   As Tristan and Emir discuss that the description does not seem to match the location on the glass plateau in Cyre the Traveler says toodles and vanishes.   Godric perks up and tells Griff his arm is gone. Griff tells him this is why he needs to eat his food and not play with it. Godric mentions that he was just savoring it. He asks Griff if that was the Traveler. Griff confirms it was and Godric tells him the dark six tend to taste very good. Griff asks him if he regularly eats the dark six.   Godric mentions they smell nice and he’s heard of others that have tried. Some succeeded, like a finger. Griff tells Godric off for bragging and asks him who succeeded. Godric mentions that Ironclaw said he took a bite out of the Shadow. Griff says that of course fucking Ironclaw said he took a bite out of the Shadow, preposterous.   Tristan asks Griff what he wants to talk to Balinor about. Griff explains that Corinne is the bride of Balinor, all animals know. That’s why they run with her through the woods. Godric meows. Cissa and Tristan asks what a bride of Balinor might be. Griff mentions he does not know, which is why he wants to talk to Balinor.   The group discusses what it might mean, if it might be more metaphysical, or more of a title.   They discuss the vision the fountain gave them and where it might be, but no one has any real idea. Silmer gives Malak the amulet back and he puts it around his neck. Emir walks up to Malak, takes out the cup and puts the amulet in the cup. Nothing happens.  

Hello Sunshine~

  When Tristan arrives at the Spire and walks up to the reception area, he notices Molly greeting someone with a big smile.   Pavo nods his head and tells Molly it’s nice to see her again. Molly, sweetly, tells Pavo it’s nice to see him again and that 'she' misses him. He smiles and tells her he misses her to, but time, it’s never kind to us. He asks tells Molly that he is here to see Tristan Solis. Molly points to Tristan who is standing behind him. Pavo turns around and says “Hello, Sunshine” and gestures him to follow. As Tristan passes Molly she greets him in the usual way. Pavo, seemingly knowing the way takes Tristan up to a music room. As he closes the door Pavo says “It seems we are not going to be making music today, but apparently you needed to see me?”.   They exchange pleasantries and Pavo mentions that he has not seen him since Elizabeth went missing. Tristan mentions that he is sure he knows more about that and shows him his feather. Pavo asks him when he joined the Feathers. Tristan explains he’s joined about a week ago. Pavo welcomes him into the feathers but mentions that this is not why they are here today, or are they.   Tristan explains that a friend of his asked him to collect something for him. He takes out a rather thick envelope and hands it over. Pavo gives him a look. Tristan says that he’s thorough. He’s good with paperwork. Pavo puts it in his flamboyant jacket and ask Tristan how he’s been. He mentions that while as much as things change, they always somewhat stay the same. He mentions he’s happy to see Tristan happy and mentions she looked lovely.   Tristan mentions it’s fresh still, but reasonably serious. Pavo said that it very much seemed like that as Tristan barely even noticed him. Tristan says that if it makes him feel better, it’s hard to miss him. Pavo says that is true, especially when they announce you when you enter.   Pavo explains he’s going home tonight and asks there if there are still things Tristan wishes to discuss, pointing at the guitar Tristan is carrying. Tristan tells Pavo that he now plays and that it seems he has potential to be a bard. Pavo tells him that he could have told him that as he’s heard him sing, many times.   Pavo asks Tristan if he knows that while he has a feather he can still not see her. Tristan mentions he’s aware. He wants to respect her wishes in all of this. But before he fully understood this he was a bit annoyed with Pavo.   Pavo tells Tristan that he did not force her hand, if that’s what he’s thinking. Tristan mentions that while he uncovered stuff he was upset with Pavo not telling him more but he understands why now. He’s even figured out she’s on her way to see him after all. Pavo tells him that he seems well informed.   Tristan mentions that Corvus called him relentless, it seems that that runs in the family. Pavo says that much is true. Tristan mentions he’s now not sure who he might be referring to, as he also learned that his feather used to be his fathers.   Pavo explains that he knows of his father wearing a feather and Tristan mentions that the timeline does not seem to add up. He asks if his mother was aware. Pavo mentions that his mother knew. That his parents loved each other very much. That they loved Tristan and Elizabeth very much too.   Tristan asks Pavo if he could tell him more about his father. Pavo doesn't share more, and leans over and touches his feather.   Tristan asks Pavo if he’s familiar with the Guitar. Pavo says he’s familiar with nearly every instrument and asks why he’s asking him. Tristan asks him to tutor him a little as he could always use tips from a professional. They spend some time in the afternoon together as Pavo tutors Tristan before he leaves Tristan asks Pavo what his secret is. How does he get Molly to smile at him. Pavo says that it’s due to years of interaction. Tristan wonders how many years. Pavo smiles and asks Tristan how old he thinks he is. Tristan thinks that Pavo is pretty old. Pavo tells Tristan that when you are pretty old elder beings tend to be nicer to you. They say their goodbyes and Pavo leaves for Karrnath.  

Much needed meditation

  Silmer finds himself a quiet place at Hawk’s and meditates, trying to process the events of the day and day before.  

Gentlemen Callers

  Malak goes and visits his mother at the spire of life. He is met by a Jorasco receptionist who tells him she’s very, very, very, very, very busy. Malak offers to wait and the receptionist goes and checks with her to see if she can make time.   He comes back and tells Malak that his mother can meet him tomorrow for dinner. Malak thanks him and asks him if he knows anything about a gentleman caller. He tells him that he’s not aware of a gentleman caller and that many people visit his mother every day. Mainly doctors and patients.  

Flying with Kings

  Griff goes flying with the Sky Kings. They discus old war tales. Griff asks the Duke and Baron Billy if they remember Kleris Godfried. The Duke explains that he and Billy worked closely with Kleris. He was working on some kind of machines that ran on crystals. Kleris and Chelon flew all over Khorvaire gathering these crystals and taking them to Cyre. Griff tells them that Chelon has passed away recently and his adopted son is traveling with them right now. He asks them that if anything important pops up to just write him a letter.   He asks the Duke if they remember what these crystals looked like. The Duke explains they had all kinds of colors.   The Duke and Billy asks Griff to tell them some more about Tristan. Grace rolls her eyes and tells them to just be nice to him, he’s sweet. Griff adds to that that he finds him a great guy. Cody says he likes Tristan to. Grace tells them to just not get him mad, she doesn’t want his stinger to pop out. Griff mentions he’s also sometimes a bear. The Duke asks if that’s what the kids call it theses days. Griff repeats again that he’s a nice guy but we have to make sure the Griffons have his scent.  

Of daughters and feathers

  Corvus arrives at Hawkstreet 1 and the door is opened by a surprised Cissa. Corvus is equally surprised and is ushered in by Cissa and brought to Emir in the courtyard. As they arrive Cissa gives Emir a look and Emir asks her to give them some privacy as he’d like a private conversation with Corvus. Cissa says her goodbyes and leaves for the Spire of Inspiration.   As they sit down somewhere Emir asks if Corvus is looking into removing Lucy from the bow. Corvus explains that he is going to Karrnath to first find means of communication with Lucy to ask her what she wants and to help Cissa get closure. Pavo has some connections there that might help.   Emir explains that Cissa would prefer to just destroy the bow and he is not inclined to let that happen. He finds that a foolish idea. Emir also muses about bringing her back to life. Corvus explains that while that might be possible, especially in Karrnath. He wonders if its worth the price and if its what Lucy would want.   Emir would like to discuss this with Lucy. Cissa wants it to just be done with it. Emir expresses he’d be interested and open to helping with this. Corvus explains the easiest way to help him is to give him the bow and violin so he can take it along. Emir does want to part with the violin. Corvus gives him a teleportation circle to Karrnath so he can come when the time is right.   Corvus explains he’s not one to make decisions, he’s just gathering information. The choice is fully Cissa and Lucy’s.   Emir looks at his notebook. Corvus asks him if he would like to talk about feathers now. Emir says yes but he has two voices in his head and they are very annoyed with him. Corvus asks how many there are.   Emir explains there are three more, but only two tend to talk. Emir mentions that the the two want to join the Dodecaphony, but he is not willing to leave Cissa behind. Not knowing how much pain it will cause her.   Corvus mentions that he must have then met his mother. Emir says he has not and instead of explaining shifts into Thaen. Thaen says “I’ve met your mother”. They introduce themselves and Thaen explains he met his mother but it was a weird interaction. Corvus mentions that she is after all his mother.   Emir explains she tried to recruit someone else who is on the trail, Thaliashana. That did not go well. But then she disappeared and joined a group of bards traveling on the Trail. Corvus mentions that it seemed the recruitment went right then in the end.   Thaen says that depends on your philosophy of the matter. Seven years is a long time to disappear and not make progress on this. Emir is concerned joining will take too long with no end. How long has this been going on. Corvus tells Thaen it has been going on since Myranna has been in a coma, 10 years.   Thaen asks if his mother then started the Trail. Corvus says yes. But the groundwork was done by his father, a long time ago. She does not fully understand the magic at play here. Corvus mentions he is trying to figure out how it works and to minimize side effects.   He explains he decided to not join the Dodecaphony when asked and that he told Cissa to not let Emir join. He finds it a bit idiotic to just keep hurting yourself when you for once are happy.   They discuss how to travel faster and Thaen asks why Corvus decided not to join. Corvus explains the price is too steep, he can’t pick sides. Thaen asks him if it because Corvus wants to remain neutral.   Corvus explains that the outcome as it stands is that he’ll either lose his mother or the Duchess. And his goal is to insure we don’t need to lose anyone and to have his mother succeed.   Thaen asks how one gets a feather. Corvus explains that Luscinia selects those for the Dodecaphony. Feathers like the ones ready for Malak and April can be given out in many other ways.   Corvus asks if erasing Emir would not make it easier for the rest to go on the Trail. Thaen says that it would be difficult and a poor decision. Corvus shows him his feather and tells him he is inclined to help. So if there is anything he can do to help, to just let him know. Corvus mentions that if they choose to go on the Trail he’d like to examine them every so often to ensure there will be no negative side effects.   Thaen explains that Emir promised to not hurt Cissa and he does not break promises. Corvus explains that it would only be temporary as he starts drawing teleportation circles to Fairhaven and Starislaskur. He asks if Thaen has a way to Wroat. Thaen says he does. Corvus explains he knows the last circle as well. He’ll give him that one when he gets to Karrnath. He also tells Thaen to talk more to people in his party. They might know more than he’s aware of on the Trail.   They say their goodbyes and Corvus tells Thaen to not let him finish the Trail before they do as he’s making a detour to the Principalities after this. As Corvus is about to leave he turns around and mentions there is one more thing. He asks Thaen if he’s aware about how the song of birds works. Thaen mentions he has a general idea. Corvus explains that after a bird sings to the Duchess they are left somewhat drained and are nursed back to full health. This can take some time. He wants to insure that the Dodecaphony is not left defenseless after singing.   Thaen asks if Luscinia is aware of this, or purposefully hiding it. Corvus explains he does not believe she understands how the magic actually works. There is a lot of things that make no sense. He explains that he for example should not even be alive. He explains that is why he is going to Karrnath. He needs people who have been around for longer, preferably millennia.   Thaen looks at his cup. Corvus looks at the cup. Thaen briefly explains the cup and the Traveler. Corvus says alright and that he loves the process. Thaen asks if Corvus can’t ask the Duchess and if she would answer. Corvus says she would, and that he has already talked to her. She’s not going to intervene with Luscinia, but she will defend herself when attacked. Corvus mentions he just wants to make sure they can coexists and that he is done losing people.   Thaen mentions that Vence has a request however. He would like Corvus to gift Phoenix a flamingo costume. Corvus refuses and explains he’s just made an outfit for her and something like what Vence is proposing is beneath his capabilities. If he would have the time he would rather make Vence an outfit like the one he used to have, but he’s about to leave.   Thaen asks what happened to it. Corvus tells him to follow the Trail and he’ll find out. They discuss April leaving and Corvus’ plan to create a haven in Aundair for changelings, to slowly show the world they are not all bad. They say their goodbyes (again...) and Corvus leaves.  

Grace at Dinner

  During dinner at Fernando’s Grace and Tristan discuss on how to stay in touch. Tristan mentions it will take him a while before he can cast sending and Grace reveals she’s already learned it. It seemed required having a long distance relationship.   Tristan asks about the Balinor thing. Grace mentions that regarding the young mouse that she’s not sure what to do. Tristan mentions he’ll keep an eye out and says not to worry   Tristan tells Grace that he had a rough day and that the Traveler showed up again. But they seem to have a better idea on what to do and it seems all roads lead to the Shadow Marches.   He mentioned he also had a talk with Pavo, the bird from Korth. He explains that he learned that his mother did know about his father’s alternate life.   Grace tells Tristan she went out flying with the Sky Kings and had a fun afternoon. She cleans some dirt of his forehead and tells him it will be fun, their hearts are in the right place. They discuss how to address them, Grace tells him to just stick to their nicknames. Grace tells Tristan that the secret to talking to the Duke is talking about cute little animals and they muse on this for a bit. They finish dinner and pack up to go to see everyone at the Lazy Bull.  

Lazy Bull – Something about baby Tortles

  Everyone else has gathered at the Lazy Bull. They are having a gay old time. Eating some pancakes, bacon and eggs. Baron Billy and Cody are trying to get everyone to join in with some shots. Emir joins them. Kiasuh asks for two shots for her and Malak and downs them both. She gives Malak a playful look and then gives him a shot also. Griff tells them he’s not going all out but is in for a shot too.   The Duke tells them it’s a lovely establishment and Griff warns them to not stack the bacon and eggs on pancakes. Baron Billy, about to do so looks at Griff confused as Griff explains that Eggs is still haunting the place and she will smack you in the face if you do.   Muffin looks still slightly traumatized about seeing Eggs the other day. Griff walks up to her and gives her a big hug telling her it will all be fine. Muffin leans into the hug and pets Griff on the arm getting comfortable. Griff just stays standing letting her rest in his arms.   Silmer is sitting back observing and the Sky Kings remind him of sailors. Griff tells Silmer that the Duke knows Chelon much better and might be able to answer some questions. The Duke and Baron Billy turn to Silmer still in disguise as Hayon and call him an impostor pulling out weapons. Griff tells them to stand out and tells them he’s a Tortle in disguise because of the Sarlonans being here. They seem to want to kill all Tortles. The Duke says he’s just impersonating an old friend, a person I know well. Griff tells them that in actuality he’s Shellon's kid, but he’s hiding himself and asks them to be a little mindful.   The Duke turns to Silmer and tells him his father was a good man. Billy seems to find the situation amusing mainly. The Duke asks for permission to touch him. Silmer says its fine. The Duke smiles as he feels the shell and tells him he used to hang out with Hayon and saw him when he was just a baby and Silmer was just the cutest little baby Tortle. He explains he held him in blankets and is happy to hear he’s ok.   Silmer thanks the Duke and excuses himself to help out in the kitchen as Muffin is still in Griff's embrace. Muffin semi squeezes Griff's but. Griff seems to not mind this and seems comfortable.  

Lazy Bull – A stinger and a guitar?

  Tristan and Grace come in. Tristan notices the gentle face of the Duke switching to serious. They sit down with the rest, Tristan next to the Duke who turns his chair backwards and faces Tristan. Tristan turns his chair to face the Duke.   The Duke asks Tristan where he is from. Tristan mentions he’s from Lakeside in Karrnath. The Duke then asks where he served. Tristan mentions he served mostly in the south of Karrnath at the Cyre border.   The Duke then asks if he encountered any of the Sky Kings during the war. Tristan says he has not.   The Duke then asks about our Princess of Perfection…. What are your intentions. Grace puts her head on Cissa's shoulder going oh my god. Tristan says that depends on the term. Are we talking today, this week, this month, this year or the next 10 years?   The Duke asks him what his 10 year plan is. Tristan says he expects to have at least settled down and have one kid.   The Duke seems happy they have discussed this and asks Tristan what last name their child will carry. Tristan says that given she is from a noble house and the option of a dragon mark appearing he’s fine with their child not having his last name.   The Duke asks him if he has any special powers. Grace mentioned his stinger might pop out if he got upset. Tristan turns to Grace and goes “Really dear”. She tells him she told them to not get him upset. Griff chimes in that otherwise his stinger would show. Tristan says he indeed has some abilities.   The Duke asks him if they are hereditary. Tristan explains he did not inherit them, but is not sure what would happen going forward. Barron Billy hops forward and mentions he has a guitar. Tristan says he does   Barron Billy tells him that Grace mentioned he can sing. Tristan side eyes Grace and mentions he can. Barron Billy says they are all good qualities, stinger and all yeah.   Kiasuh has marched up behind Tristan and gives the Duke a look. Tristan smiles feeling the support. Kiasuh asks the Duke what is wrong with him, can’t he see they are head over heels for each other. Tristan says it's fine, this is just a thing they have to go through and he thinks it's fine, so far.   Kiasuh turns to Malak and tells him to never do this to her daughter's future lovers. Malak says it’s just their custom. She looks at the Duke and tells Tristan if he requires her to do anything he should just say the word. Tristan thanks her. The Duke looks amused.   Tristan asks the Duke if he has any further questions. The Duke mentions he would like to know his opinion on baby Tortles. Tristan gushes about Tortles and mentions he was in Q’Barra about a year ago when a couple of clutches came out. The Duke gushes along mentioning that sounds amazing. Tristan tells him it was one of the best things that has ever happened to him   Malak whispers to Kiasuh that their next job is to find Silmer a girl. Kiasuh asks what about the Tortle that visits Thrane every so often. Grace joins the conversation and asks Tristan if he knew that the Duke has a special animal sanctuary in his home. Griff says it's freaking cool, it's where he saw his first white owl. Grace explains that he fixes up animals there. Tristan says that’s adorable. The Duke talks a bit about how he cares for animals and makes a point that if anyone hurts his animal or non-animal friends he will feed them to his Griffon. Tristan says he’s aware of this. Griff mentions that Tristan knows the Griffons will want to smell him later.  

Lazy Bull – Muffin for dessert

  Cissa turns to Griff who is still standing there with Muffin in his embrace. She asks him if he is going to move forward with this or is he just going to be holding her this whole time. Muffin looks up at him, bashing her lashes and asks if they are moving forward with something here.   As this is happening Emir uses minor illusion to have a faintly romantic music softly playing in the background.   Griff turns bright red.   Tristan casts message to Griff “Unless, of course it makes you feel bad regarding Celine”   Griff replies with a long “Uhhhhhhh” while turning more red.   Tristan casts message to Griff: “Hey friend. I'm not trying to put you on the spot or anything. I just don't want you to do anything you might feel bad about later either. If this is good for you then go for it. By all means”   Griff replies with a long “Uhhhhhhh”   Tristan turns to Grace and tells her that he think he broke Griff. Grace tells Tristan that he was already kind of broken. She asks if they haven’t ever seen him being flirted with him before? This is how it always goes.   Tristan asks Grace if she is familiar with the Celine thing. Grace mentions she is. He asks her if they should perhaps interfere here as he seems to clearly require help deciding. Grace tells him to just let them be.   Muffin hints to Griff to take this upstairs.   Kiasuh seems to like where this is going. Malak tells her that he believes there might be someone else and explains Celine to her. Kiasuh mentions that his brain does not seem to be on somebody else right now. And they decide to not get involved more.   Cissa is telling Emir they look so cute right now. Emir agrees as he keeps changing romantic tunes using minor illusion.   Muffin and Griff move upstairs. As they go up the stairs Griff turns to the Duke and Baron Billy. Barron Billy mimics Griff's rambling. He shrugs at the other Sky Kings and moves upstairs with Muffin.  

The Lazy Bull – Chopin and Lorraine

  Just before the Duke and Billy leave they all take Tristan outside to meet the Griffons. Malak joins them to thank Ash. Ash seems a bit guarded and Cody seems to be focused in case she bites. She however accepts Malak's bow and bows back.   Lorraine, the griffon of the Duke, is a lass just a little smaller than Aristotle with a mechanical right front paw and a mechanical hind leg (left). She has a ballista mounted on her back.   Chopin, The griffon of Baron Billy, sits up very strait and is size wise between Aristotle and Ash. Chopin turns his head to the side and tries to smile while waving with a paw.   They all take a big sniff of Tristan and all seems well.   The Duke asks when they are actually leaving. Tristan says they still need to discuss and with Griff not here that’s hard. But they seem to be leaning to go to the Shadow Marches next. The Duke mentions they are also leaving the first thing in the morning and tells Tristan it was nice to meet him.   Tristan mentions they are not leaving tomorrow, he has some things left to do, Griff seems indisposed right now and he would need to properly say goodbye to Grace.   Baron Billy gives Tristan a big hug before he leaves and welcomes him to the family. Tristan extends his hand and the Duke grabs it, as he pulls him in for a big hug. He tells Tristan that Vadalises are huggers. Baron Billy and Cody jump in also.   The Duke and Baron Billy say their goodbyes and wish them all safe travels.  

The Lazy Bull – Shall we make some music?

  While Tristan is getting sniffed outside, Emir gets closer to Cissa and tells her the place seems to be haunted and Eggs seems to be looking to hear a particular song of yours. Cissa asks what song. Emir mentions she seems to be fond of the song of Hawk.   They decide to play it, Cissa will do the illusions to guard the identities of those involved and Emir will perform the song.  

The Lazy Bull - Makin' Pancakes. Makin' Bacon, Eggs and Pancakes

  Silmer helped out in the kitchen making eggs and Pancake thanks him. She notes he’s not a talkative one. Silmer says that is not really his thing. He likes kitchens, working, but socializing not so much.   Pancake tells him she has a trick. She asks him what his favorite spices are. Silmer mentions that he’s grown fond of the spicier Thranean spices actually.   Pancake takes out some of the spicier seasonings. She then asks him what his least favorite seasoning is. Silmer mentions he’s not that into salt. Everyone overuses it.   She tells him that because he doesn’t like talking much, people don’t get to know how you feel either. And ask him if that’s correct. Silmer says that’s correct, people don’t really seem to ask him questions much.   Pancake tells him he does not have to talk to tell them, he can tell them through his cooking.   Silmer says he’ll try that.  

The Lazy Bull – "My friend became the saviour of the Keeper of the Flame"

  When everyone is back inside, Emir starts the song and in the meantime Cissa starts casting the illusions. She shows the illusions as always and leaves the singing and playing to Emir. Whenever in the song illusions would show people she instead focuses on objects and obscures the people. While Emir is performing suddenly he notices Eggs singing along. She takes over the illusion and shows everyone everything.   The song swells to a big crescendo as Hawk dies and it basically shows the different people going their own direction and Eggs coming back to the Lazy Bull. And as the song ends you can see she kind of stands next to Cissa for a moment gives her a big hug and then disappears. There are two other people in the Lazy Bull at this moment. There is a silence, a very pregnant pause after the performance.  

Lazy Bull – A map of the Sky

  Muffin and Griff are laying in bed together. Griff is still processing what just happened as Muffin traces the moons tattooed on his arm with her fingers. She asks him why he has a map of the sky on his arm. Griff explains that he got that when he became a druid. Muffin says that he must then know the Gatekeepers. She explains she has family in the Marches. Griff explained he got this when he was pretty young, when he turned 20. Muffin tells him they don’t just give those to just about anyone though. Griff tells her he’s not the brightest of the lot and they laugh.   As she walks over the moons with her finger she asks him why it’s not complete. Griff mentions that they never got to finish it. He’s planning to get it finished and figure out what it means. Muffin tells him they are moon alignments and they tell a story, but not one she can read very well. Griff tells her he hopes someone will be able to tell him, he just thought they where cool. Muffin tells him they are very cool.   Griff asks her if she’s feeling better though. She smiles at him and tells him she’s doing better.  

Lazy Bull – Shaken

  Tristan turns to Cissa and mentions that he had heard the big guy took the name because he killed Hawk, but that was visceral. Cissa, still shaken about what just happened, tells him it was. But it was also merciful and swift. She hopes to never have to do something like that again. Emir squeezes her shoulder.   Kiasuh looks shell-shocked and sits there for a moment. When it all dawns on her and how it impacts Cissa she gets closer and gives her a big mom hug. She gives Emir a squeeze back and sits down with the group again. When she sits down Malak gives a hug also.   It does not seem to mean anything to Grace and Cody as they are unaware of the context. They do check if Cissa is ok from a distance. Seeing that she is well taken care of they don’t step in.   The few other patrons in the bar look surprised. Thinking Eggs was part of the illusion, not an actual ghost. It does not seem mind-blowing to them.   As the night dies down the group decides to meet up at the Lazy Bull to discuss next steps during breakfast the next morning. Tristan casts message to Griff: “Buddy, I hope I'm not interrupting anything. We're talking about having breakfast at the Lazy Bull to decide where we should go next as a group and when we should leave. You game?”   Griff turns to Muffin and asks if he’s staying over. She smiles. Griff replies “Will still be here”.   Tristan turns to Cissa and asks if they can have a conversation tomorrow in the afternoon. Cissa says sure.  

The lovers say goodnight

  On the way to Hawkstreet one, Tristan tells Grace everything he knows about the story of Hawk to get her up to speed. At Hawkstreet one they say their goodbyes. Tristan tells her he can try and get her a key. So she can stay here if she feels like it while he’s gone. He just asks of her to not take down his notes on the wall. Grace asks if she can add to them. Tristan says he’ll appreciate that.   Grace says she’s not tired yet and they decide to go on a nightly flight on Aristotle.   As Emir and Cissa walk back to the Spire of Inspiration Emir passes her an elixir of transformation. He explains he was supposed to give it to Martha but thinks Cissa might find it more useful. It will allow her to transform for a short period of time, so she can feel what it’s like to be Changeling briefly. He thinks that it might even be able to stop the glamour for a bit. She gives him a big hug and thanks him.   Cissa asks Emir what he and Corvus had to talk about. Emir looks uncomfortable and explains they spoke a bit about Lucy and the Trail. Cissa asks him why she could not be there for those conversations. Emir mentions he just wanted a private conversation and having her there would have made it more difficult.   Cissa says that it would have obviously not have been a private word if I had been there. Cissa sadly says she hopes it went well. Emir asks her why she’s sad. There was no fighting, it seems it went well. Cissa looks suspicious but doesn’t say anything. Emir tells her to not worry, it’s fine.   Cissa asks him if they are leaving soon. Emir says it sounds like they will, but they’ll have their goodbyes before, he promises. Cissa holds him to that. Emir says he’s not leaving without his braid. Cissa tells him she most definitely would not want him to leave without her braid.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
11 Sep 2021

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