Session Forty Seven: That Sinking Feeling

General Summary


It might be the fire. Or the many people attending. Or the dancing. But it's noticeably warmer tonight.   While the rest of the party sleep, Griff is currently at the "Secret Ceremony". It's practically a copy-paste of the night before. The only real difference is that the people attending are more friendly than the night before. Not that they were unfriendly previously, but now they treat you like more of a friend than a visitor.  

“Secret” Ceremony

Griff goes to the ceremony and dances along. After that he talks to the elder and explains the group is leaving for the Silent Fane in the morning to help the hooded travelers and asks for some advice. The elder repeats that its on a convergence zone bound to Dolurrh. But he’s never really been there himself due to the dangers. It’s crawling with undead seeking to cross the veil to the Land of the Dead. They sense and yearn for it. But will never be able to.   Griff explains he also encountered Azirssa and asks the elder if he knows anything about her. The elder confirms she is a hag that is part of the Daughters of Azure’s coven. They travel through water at the speed of thought. The elder seems relieved that no deals where made.   There are two more covens. The Daughters of Sorra Kell, they are the ruling body of Droaam and allies to house Tharrask. And the Daughters of Valarra who are all bad. They come from Khyber and meeting them spells a bad omen. He asks the elder if there would be a message for his grandmother from him if he encounters her. The elder tells Griff to tell her “The fates smiled upon her” And tells him that he was the fates keeping her alive. Griff tells him he knows that feeling as it’s what he does also. He asks the Elder for his name, because it would be odd to say the elder told him. The elder tells him his name is Narkal but also reminds him to continue calling him Elder.  

Sneaking back into the room

On the way back Griff casts animal messenger (a little fish) and sends a message to Azirssa: “Sorry about today. I will busy for a while. But come look me up in 20 or so years as I have a long life to share” Griff then tosses a fish at Froghemoth and tells him to only eat the “bad things”.   He then attempts to “sneak” back into the room and wakes everyone up. There is a bit of banter and they all go to sleep.  

"I mean, she has 1hp. It couldn't be THAT bad"

Silmer receives a message from Elijah explaining that April will be arriving that day. Silmer decides to stay and wait for her while the others go on ahead.   The door of the inn flies open and Myri comes back. She’s upset that Malak forgot about her and shows him the kid handled her a bit rough. Emir is still slightly sleeping and is woken up to take out a cupcake. Griff takes out a dried fish. Myri chomps on them both and crawls back on top of Malak’s shoulder.  

It's what we do for family

Griff and Tristan goes back to the room to discuss what happened at the hag. Griff explains that he could not allow Tristan to make a deal without anyone with him. He was worried because Tristan has been raising red flags for the last few days and deciding to make a deal with a hag in secret when EVERYONE else did it out in the open was very worrisome to Griff. Grace would kill him if anything happened to Tristan that could have been avoided.   Tristan looks ashamed but explains that he’s a private person. He has gotten used to doing things on his own. Griff muses about how he’s been the one that needed to ensure that others were safe. Or at least, not alone in order for someone to be there to patch them up. So if Tristan was going to go ahead and make a deal, Griff would always ensure that he’s not alone (not necessarily stop him). If he’s going to do dumb things, they’ll do it together. Because he’s somewhat family now.   Tristan appreciates the gesture and explains to Griff that he thought that Griff was just trying to get in his way. He’s still adjusting to not being alone and doing things his way. He explains that the whole thing with his dad has hit him harder than he thought that it would (the fact that his dad has not been dead for 12 years). He just… wanted to find a way to communicate with Elizabeth without someone always being in between. He doesn’t know if she knows about their dad and it worries him. They patch stuff up.  

Best way to use Prestidigitation

Meanwhile, Emir is still sleeping at the breakfast table. Malak paints cupcakes and cakepops on his cheeks using prestidigitation.  

The group depart

Orillo arrives wearing armor resembling the Sovereign Host, polished and shiny. Malak greets Orillo and attempts to wake Emir up with a Mage Hand wet willy (Emir wakes up just before that can happen). Malak removes the cupcakes and cakepops from Emir’s cheeks again as Griff and Tristan join again.   Silmer explains to Orillo about April joining. Orillo hands Silmer a note to give to his friends at the homestead, requesting for a guide once April returns. The group say goodbye to Silmer and head out.   They pass the Orion station on their way out of town. Tristan sends a letter to Grace and Griff buys more postcards and sends a few postcards out.  

The quality of the road is going down

The group travels Orillo up front followed by Malak, Tristan and Emir. Griff flies above the group keeping eyes on the road ahead.   A few hours into the trek Orillo suddenly sinks into what seems to be quicksand. Malak halts the rest and Griff and Godric swoop in to keep him in place. A rope is thrown to Orillo. The group then pulls him out.  


They clean up Orillo and decide to leave a sign made by rocks spelling out quicksand. While this happens Tristan asks Orillo who in the Sovereign Host he follows. Orillo does not have any memory of this but is very intrigued by the thought. He tells Tristan he would like to learn more.   Griff adds that there are a lot of different ways of looking at this and explains that for Example Malak follows the Silver Flame and Emir believes in one of the Dark six. Emir shushes Griff and Orillo notes that this seems to be a subject that is contested by other perspectives.   Griff then notices the design of the armor and notes to Orillo that he seems to be from Cyre based on his armor. Orillo takes note of this. Griff asks if the others also carry gear. Orillo confirms this and the group decides to help them identify where they might have served.  

They came from the water

The group halts as the path gets more narrow and they hear splashing sounds. They fight of 4 undead creatures with ease and heal up. Griff flies up with Godric to check if more is coming but all seem calm.   Malak’s spirit shroud shows spirits of very tall individuals (most likely goliaths). They look at Orillo sad but Orillo does not notice. Malak does take note and decides to not mention this.   After the fight Tristan points out that not all undead are evil and to be careful not to outright attack them. These seemed mindless. But they could encounter others that may not be.  

What does it mean to be alive

Malak and Emir stay back a bit. Malak tells Emir that, based on the spirits that they saw from his Spirit Shroud, Orillo and his kin might have been sent to the temple for a reason other than a map. The spirits were all goliaths. Emir asks if the spirits are from a person or proximity (considering how many are undead are around). Malak seems to think that it might be linked to a person seeing as Merle appeared to Tristan in Dal Quor.   It seems that something else is troubling Malak and Emir asks what’s up. Malak is concerned about the “friendly undead stance”. Emir explains that his philosophy is to consider something as friendly unless they approach unsees. Then one needs to be on their guard.   Malak decides to try that philosophy and not attack the undead outright. He finds that very hard to do. As what’s dead should remain dead.   Emir then poses the question whether Orillo is really dead or alive. Or trapped in between. Malak considers that a good question. Emir then wonders if he is actually alive. Malak does not see why not. Emir explains that he is a Persona. He has no body of his own. It belongs to Thaen. He’s no different to Orillo.   This was true food for thought for Malak as he does perceive Emir as alive. He has emotions. He feels love. So what does is actually mean to be alive? Perhaps certain undead have this too. Malak decides to have a talk with Tristan about the undead. The scene with Merle leads him to believe that the undead from Karrnath were not like the shambling corpses they met in the swamp. But he’ll be delicate about it. He does not want to be a “Bigoted Thranian”.   Emir suggests to ask Tristan how one identifies the difference between someone who is “Continuing Service” and shambling corpses.   Malak thanks Emir. “And for what it’s worth: I think you’re alive.”  

The temple

Griff flies Godric ahead. He feeds his griffon another fish just as they approach a more forested area. There is still a lot of marsh land, the trees forming around island-like mounds of dirt. And nestled between these trees, on a larger dry expanse, Griff can make a temple out in the distance.   The many pillars sticking out are in various states of decay. They must once have held larger structure. The marble-like stone that they are made out of is laced in colours of unnatural pink and blue hues that seem to change with the light. Griff flies down to the group and explains what he saw. The group head in that direction and set up for camp near the steps of the temple. Closer to the temple, they see a translucent aura that starts at the steps. Beyond that, being closer to the ruins, the group notice that one structure within seems to still be standing and untouched by time.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
20 Nov 2021

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