Session Seventy Nine: Finally on the Wroat again

General Summary

Group says their goodbyes

  It's the evening before the group depart. Chantilly and Silmer turn in early.   VETT drops a letter off at the Spire of Inspiration to inform Ms Chose of their departure, followed by a private visit to Rescinna. Thaen informs her that of their departure and asks for a contact in Korth. Rensina explains one will reach out to them when they get there.   Later, everyone (except Chantilly and Silmer) spend the time at the Last Lantern for a last drink with Briar, Piesk and Gisleia. VETT is there as Vence.
  • Gislea gives Edward, Tristan and Malak a gift and Piesk gives his brother one.
  • Tristan shares the news of his engagement with Briar and gets hugged.
  • Briar asks Vence to get Tristan home safe and Vence promises to
  • There is merriment and dancing and a "magic" card trick performed by Edward
  • They leave a letter to update the people who are staying in Wroat.
  • That night, Tristan takes the time to think about how his sister has changed her aesthetic, wondering what she is up to. After some consideration, and sleeping on it angrily, he changes his cloak to a red cloak with dark red clawmarks on it  

    Before leaving

      The group look at traveling options and decides to travel on foot for 8 days. Edward steals 6 days of trailmix.  

    While walking

      Marching order Tristan, Edward, Vence, Malak
  • T is on the lookout for threats
  • E is foraging food and looking out for everyones wellbeing
  • Vence is trying to keep up morale using songs and quizzes
  • Malak watches the rear.
  • They walk for a few hours until the spot that the caravan ahead of them suddenly stops moving. After talks they group decide to up the pace and check out what's going on ahead. While going there Vence and Malak remark Tristans new cloak.  

    The Troll Road

      They spot a caravan being stopped by trolls, a goblin leader of sorts and another goblin hidden in a tree.   A Thranian man in front shouting that no one told him this would be a “Troll road”. Malak wanders forward and checks in why they need to pay. The Goblin mentions it's for security. Malak then uses Thaumaturgy, trying to intimidate the goblin and Trolls. The goblin leader hides behind the troll, the trolls are not affected. However, it also causes goblin from hiding arm his bow. Tristan kills him using his wand of magic missiles before he could hurt Malak.   Combat starts and the group disposes of a lot more hidden goblins and the trolls. The final blow however is dealth by the Thranian Paladin who smites the Troll who instantly proclaims himself our saviour.   He introduces himself as Ecanus Dain. As the group starts moving the dead trolls and goblins off of the road, Ecanus compliments Malak on training his followers. Malak tells him these are his friends, not his followers. Tristan, while moving the heavy creatures from the road, glares daggers at the Paladin.  

    After the fight

      The cart drivers emerge from within the cart. They introduce themselves as Dan and Jan. Edward jokes that the toll was reduced to a 1000 gold but apologizes after he sees their alarmed faces. He asks if they can hitch a ride onward and shares trailmix with Dan, who seems excited about it. Ed then offers to do another magic trick and, to the suprise of the party, makes a literal house of cards appear.   Vence in the meanwhile checks the bodies for look and finds 3000 gold and 4 travelers checks for 3000 gold, each to be cashed in at the Spire of Trade. The checks are all addressed to Barry Boo the 3rd and are signed by
  • Moris Gales
  • Chandler d’Deineth
  • Amanda von Danstorm
  • Dan d’Orion
  • Vence pockets the loot and gives Tristan a look as if he hit the motherload.   Dan attempts to help Tristan tidy up the food while Jan starts making everyone food.Edward takes 5 vials of Trollsblood knowing it is an ingredient for medicine.  

    A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush

      An eagle lands on Ecanus’ arm. Ecanus refers to the bird as Valour. He tells Malak he’s heard a lot about him from a dear friend of his, a man called Darek. He explains his wife died but his children are in thrane under the good care of Derrick. Malak tells him he’s a lucky man, gritting his teeth.   Ecanus notices Malak gritting his teeth and inquires to why he is. Malak tells him he’s simply sad hearing about the passing of his wife.   The group checks where they are traveling to and Ecanus tells them they are on their way to Starilaskur. Malak lies and tells him they’ve never been there. Ecanus gives Malak a look of disbelief. Later, Ecanus takes his leave and wanders into the woods for a private moment. Malak starts writing to Kiasuh in his book, informing her of Ecanus and to alert Dallaen.  

    The eagle has landed

      The group notices the eagle flying overhead and Tristan, using animal friendship, gets it down. Malak starts ritually casting speak with animals to ask the bird what he’s up to.   Meanwhile Tristan distracts the bird as Edward swipes the letter on its claw, reads it and puts it back. It states:   General, Ishim is with me. Will stay with him. I have his trust, best buds, Saved his life. Signed with the drawing of an eye.   Edward looks at Tristan, panicked as Ecanus returns. The gig seems up and Edward and Tristan lunge. Edward draws Ecanus’ sword from his sheeth as Tristan knocks him out cold.   Edward informs everyone about what was going on. Tristan ties up Ecanus, and the group calm down Jan and Dan.   Tristan and Vence discus the loot Vence had found in private. They decide to discuss it further with the group later. They investigate Ecanus.   He had on him:
  • Longsword
  • Shield
  • A Panic stone in the shape of an eye
  • It is time for the party to take a long rest before traveling onwards.

    Sickle Moon
    Report Date
    02 Mar 2024

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