Session Seventy: The Dancing and the Dreamless

General Summary

Always need a training montage!

  Chantilly, Silmer, and Tristan made their way to the Last Lantern to retrieve Gisleia and Piesk. The group then walked to the docks in order to fish, train, and meditate. Silmer begins by taking Piesk through the meditation exercises he did with Nesza, Gisleia following along. Then Silmer tries teaching Piesk some of his own techniques. Unfortunately, despite Silmer's efforts Piesk was unable to learn the 'Water Whip' but was able to ascertain Piesk has potential and is able to control ki, but rather differently.   Chantilly meanwhile trains on her own. She focuses on keeping her rogue skills sharply honed; doing 'shuffle runs', balance beam, climbing trees, and subsequently jumping from them.   While everyone else is busy training Tristan talks with Gisleia about her night...which was terrible. She has had more nightmares in the past two nights. Her nightmare is always the same: A void of nothingness. As if she has lost everyone whom she cared about. She came to the stark realization her nightmare was real with all of her siblings gone Tristan gently inquires if she's seen any dead people walking around. She shakes her head no.   Feeling a bit mischievous Silmer blasts a gust of wind at Chantilly attempting to knock her off her balance beam. Not realizing it was Silmer she blames the "little bunnies", much to Tristan's interest. She explains to him the events on the bridge with the translucent bunnies and their vicious laughter. After confirming she isn't running a fever Tristan explains about the "old timey people" he saw near the spire last night. He hadn't mentioned it as he didn't want to sound crazy. The pair agree that they'll keep each other apprised of their "visions."   While Silmer continues to train with Piesk, Chantilly and Gisleia go to relax under a tree. Tristan relays Vence's message of "staying put for now" to Gisleia before going off to fish.  

Why did it have to be stairs?

  The other group leaves the apartment together, Thaen now looking like a generic human. Returning the spell book to him Grace tells Thaen she wants to study it more later. Thaen smirks wondering if she'll pick learning spells over spending time with Tristan.   As they approach the stairs Malak groans about having to walk the 35 flights down. Talia moves in to help support support him down the stairs, despite his protest. Much to his surprise, she's stronger than she looks.  

Fishing for a Section Title

  After exiting the building they work their way to the Last Lantern figuring the others would be nearby. The others are just finishing their fishing with Tristan catching 5, Silmer catching a magical fish with copper bands, and Piesk catches nothing. Walking upon the scene Thaen sighs and points out to Talia the one fishing like a bear is his youngest brother, Piesk.   Upon her return Grace hugs Tristan while Chantilly hastily cleanses them of their 'fishy odor'. Edward is next to get close with Tristan, kissing him on his forehead and giving him a ribbon. Tristan goes silent learning both are from Elizabeth and explains the ribbon was given to her by his dad when they were little, "it's basically a part of her" he explains before tying it around his Sickle Mark.   Grace tells Tristan that Elizabeth was *amazing*, explaining that Malak and Tristan's letter made all the difference. Malak makes his way in and gives Tristan a hug, rubbing his beard against Tristan's face before giving Thaen grief for not making introductions. Exasperated Thaen makes introductions with Talia with *everyone*, even those previously introduced.   After everyone is done accosting Tristan, he makes his way over to Thaen and Talia. The pair of which had just been quietly discussing Tristan and Elizabeth's similarities. Tristan sarcastically comments that he feels he knows Talia already as Thaen told them so much about her, but says it is clear how much he cares. Talia tells him, without sarcasm, that she does know all about him!   Tristan gets down to business wanting to know how Elizabeth is *really* doing. Talia tells him that while she was very stressed yesterday, thinking she had lost him, she is thriving. She has been learning a lot and her stubbornness gets her into trouble sometimes. Talia explains she's here to observe him and Grace together so she can report back to Elizabeth.     Chantilly and Talia get a chance to talk. It was that the pair had met before, but Chantilly didn't know her name until now. They had met previously at The Knott when Talia was with others, the fates of which are left uncertain. As the pair hug tightly Talia learns that Chantilly is traveling with the group to help VETT.   ===Look Dad, I'm in a Parade!===   The group is made aware that a procession will start soon. Edward alerts everyone that Altor and other soldiers are up front. Based on this, most put their hoods up, while Chantilly hides in Talia's cloak. Malak, Silmer and Grace remain unhidden.   The procession begins with a number of levitating skiffs full of musicians playing Breland's national anthem while the Royal Guard with Altor float on by. Malak and Silmer stare defiantly at him. (Un)Fortunately Altor was looking in the other direction.   Next to arrive are the royal carriages with King Borenal. His hair flowing in the breeze; his confidence making Corrine look 'small'. Thaen messages her a quick "well hello there" which gets a smile as she sees Tristan and Grace. Right behind them though is Cody who sees Malak and shouts, "Hi, Dad!" and gets an enthusiastic "Hi, son!" in return. The sound of a few face palms can be heard.   After arrives a skiff of Brelish nobles, Thaen recognizing the majority. The next group however features a Pale Elf, who could only be Asir, and a young man in his late teens with platinum blonde hair and white linen clothing. Chantilly feels Talia squeeze her paw at the sight of the 'Soft One'. Talia, through a pained whisper, "that is why we're hiding." Chantilly recognizes the young man immediately and Talia's little brother.   As he looks around, Asir spots Malak and frowns. Piecing together what this must mean he turns to his companion and begins talking to him animatedly, pulling his attention.  


  "Why do they have piglet?" Chantilly asks, catching Thaen off guard and causing him to chuckle in spite of himself. Talia asks them to sit so she can explain. Her brother, Ledritash, was taken when he was little.  Talia, her older sister and Ledritash had fled from Cyre at the end of the war. Through contacts in New Cyre, they ended at Knott for safety. Once it seemed like the coast was clear, they settled in a small house together. One day, Talia was out earning coin while her sister watched their little brother. Upon her return, she found her sister impaled upon a spear and her brother missing. She went then looking for him but assumed him dead. Not long after, an elf appeared at her house and told her she needed to run; she cut and coloured her hair, and moved to Aundaire shortly after the warning.   Chantilly had hoped Talia would be safe, but Talia assures her it wasn't her fault nor are there guarantees in life. It was the Inspired who killed her sister and took her brother. They severed his connection to Tash (his quori). She explains it is easier to train the young ones, which explains why they took him and murdered her sister.  

Are all black blades made the same?

  Talia then mentions that her brother is under the influence of the cursed weapon at his side, attracting Tristan's attention. Pressing her for details he learns that the weapon is supposed to be something of a "replacement" for his quori and is made of "dark materials." He presents his own sword, asking if they're similar, but she has no idea. Tristan mentions his friend Theda is looking into reversing the process and to talk to Elizabeth to learn more about her.   Thaen, having thought Theda was still in town, offered to contact her. Even though she was now in Korth he still had Emir reach out to check-in about her progress. Despite clearly asking if she's found a way to reconnect a Kalashtar to their Quori Theda doesn't answer the question as she is too focused on remembering the rules of the Sending spell. There are comments that Theda is so smart she's looped around...   Discussion of Theda and magic prompts Edward to ask about her magic and research. Tristan explains that while she is indeed capable of magic her research is of a non-magical nature, which interests Edward. Talia then suggest they go to the bridge to enjoy the last night of the lantern festival.  

Light in memoriam

  Tristan checks-in with Grace and learns she's expecting to be leaving tomorrow at noon, she tells him to "enjoy the now, we'll talk later." While the two are talking Chantilly is deeply focused on finding the bunnies she encountered the last time on the bridge. The world becomes quieter as she focuses. As the sun sets she hears 3 voices giggling and the scent of sweet pea in the air. Tracking the smell to it's origin she hears a voice say, "She wants more socks!" and remembers being small and soft "mom" paws separating her from 3 others.   Near the group is a stand with various lanterns for sale. Thaen, uncharacteristically, offers to buy everyone a lantern, either for the sky or for the water. He explains that the tradition is sort of a "death memoriam." Originally having been for soldiers lost to the war but it has since expanded. Everyone takes a lantern and writes a message.   Talia (water): Writes a poem to her sister Gisleia (Sky): Writes the names of her lost siblings Piesk (Sky) : Writes a name Silmer (water): Writes for his enemies, Hyan, and Challon Tristan (sky): Writes Merle, Rolund, and his mom Edward (sky): writes many names in very small letters arounf the lantern Thaen (sky): Writes for the changeling boy whose name he never knew   Thousands of lanterns across the city are released as theirs join; lighting up the night sky and the dark river. As they watch them float away Silmer asks Thaen for help contacting his sister. It's been so long she is likely to slap him next she sees him, Thaen thinks Silmer can easily evade her slap. But he agrees to help later.  

"At last I see the light" 

  Tristan gently bumps into Grace and tells her he is glad she is here. Both are glad that Grace was able to meet Elizabeth. Grace talks about how the future isn't given and that she had an opportunity today and took it...she asked for Elizabeth's blessing. Grace gets down on one knee and proposes to Tristan. After remembering how to breathe Tristan says, "Yes, but get up!" (Grace is low-key moritfied that her knee is dirty but Chantilly cleans it instantly).   As this is transpiring Malak is hastily writing to Kiasuh that "it's finally happening", quill quickly dashing across the page. Kiasuh's reply is understood as a squeal of delight and asks how their son is doing. Malak telling her how well he did in the parade.   Tristan chuckles as he now gets why Grace was so nervous about meeting Elizabeth but is also amused that Grace was not very nervous proposing. Grace was sure Tristan would say yes, but wasn't so sure about Elizabeth liking her and giving her a blessing. Tristan wished Elizabeth was here or he could talk to her, Talia smiles and tells him that this is what she was here to observe.  

Vhere's Valdis

  Talia tells Thaen that Elizabeth had been worried that when she left Tristan would go on a murderous rampage. Thaen mentions that Tristan kind of did, but has been better since joining them. She tells him that she will be leaving in the next day or so, they are just waiting for Valdis to arrange transport.   The name Valdis gets Tristan's attention and asks if Talia can arrange a meeting. When asked if he can be nice, Tristan says "no." which is her reply to setting up a meeting. She needs him in a good condition or their trip could be affected. While Tristan promises he just wants a conversation, man-to-man, and won't even lay a hand on him... Thaen adds provisions for no weapons or emotional damage either.  

A Dream Come True

  As part of an engagement gift Malak offers to send Tristan and Grace into Dal Quor to tell Griff of their engagement. The happy couple eagerly accept the offer. Thaen smirks wondering how Grace will have time to copy spells between announcing the engagement and "celebrating" with Tristan. Malak, correctly reading Thaen's face, tells them they don't have to do it tonight while Chantilly sits thinking about socks.   The group feels particularly merry and dances to the festival music. Malak and Edward watch on while Silmer opts out to cook fish. Thaen suggests he and Talia play for the group, but she has no instrument. Thaen, grinning at the irony, hands her her own viol to play while he uses Crystallini.   During the dancing Tristan, just for a brief moment, see's Lucy dancing amongst the group, but isn't sure he really saw her. Grace noticing his distraction confirms that it is indeed Piesk dancing...   After the merriment and Silmer's delicious fish are enjoyed the group head back to the Gold Dragon inn. Tristan hugs Talia good bye and tells her to reach out if she or other need *anything*. Talia tells them that Niklas wishes to speak with him and suggests Tristan learn sending. There is some discussion of the Message spell and the implication it might have on the magic of the dodecaphony. The conclusion is there might be an opportunity for Tristan to talk to Elizabeth. Both thank the other for keeping their loved ones alive, Tristan remarking "it's a hard job" with Thaen quipping "that is a mean thing to say about Malak."  

Sweet Dreams

  Once the three are in the room Malak casts Dream, whisking the happy couple away to see Griff. Upon their unexpected arrival Griff hugs Grace and Tristan. Griff welcomes them to his new home, creating his apartment for them to go into. Grace, politely declining, tells him they have big news and both briefly show him their engagement rings before being pulled into a BIG hug.   They also share news that Cody has been adopted by Malak and Kiasuh. Tristan doesn't get how it works but thinks Myri might like knowing. Griff tells them he has been exploring on his own and feels like he has been here for months and is surprised to learn it has only been days. His mood is brightened learning about meeting Elizabeth, Talia, and Genti. Griff admits he likes the company and the pair tell him they can come back again before hugs goodbye.   When the couple wake they find Malak got them champagne and strawberries with cream for them to enjoy. After thanking Malak for both gestures Tristan makes it clear Malak needs to leave and things "fade to black."  

Catching up on Correspondence

  Before she parts Talia realizes for the first time in years she won't have to worry about accidentally bumping into Thaen. She and others (except Niklas) have gotten so used to having to check for "those they left behind" possibly being around she isn't sure she can go back to normal. Thaen confirms he'd like to see Talia again before she leave and tells her to go straight back, no stopping for piggies (literally). She makes no promises and departs.   Thaen shifts into Vence and invites Silmer to come to his room to do the sendings. The initial conversation involves Vence chastising Silmer for not learning from Griff about sending letters to family and Silmer saying he's been rather busy. Vence explains to Silmer he'll relay the messages from Tatalla, in her own voice, with Minor Illusion so he can hear her reply.   -To Tatalla- Vence: Silmer is doing well. We are in Wroat. Apologies about the letters. He misses you and hopes you're well. Wishing you and Mia the very best.   Tata: FINALLY! I was wondering if he forgot, AGAIN. Glad to hear's okay. I miss him. How is Griff?   Vence: Griff is alright. He is currently sleeping. He got some good news today. His cousin is engaged to Tristan.   Tata: Huh. Funny that. It is not what Meral told me. Grace reached out to her. Why have you not told me?   Vence takes a moment, worried she'll shoot the messenger and tells Silmer to please write to his sister and do so before he leaves tonight. Vence resumes his sendings.   Vence: We have had a very busy time. I have made Silmer promise upon pain of death he will write to you. Tell Mia 'Hi'   Tata: I will await his letters. We are heading to Stormhold, he can send the letters there. Mia says "hi."   Silmer begins writing his letter to Tatalla.   --Sending to Woe-- Vence: Hello, how are things going in Cyre? Did you find the temple? Did Asher get himself killed? Oh, found Talia!   Woe: We have reached the outskirts. Can't see very far. Need to stay in the bubble. Asher is alive. Yay?   Vence: Glad to hear it. Travel safely. How are the Warforged handling it?   Woe: Warforged can travel through the mist w/o a problem. We need assistance of an air bubble. Movement is slow.     --Sending to Tessie-- Emir: Hello again, I hope you are adjusting well. Have you started school? Made friends? We are all wishing you-   Tessie: Hello! This place is very pretty. I like Driss. Weis is grumpy. Mom is nice. Started school. Little scared, but I'm happy.   --Sending to dead(?) changeling child-- Thaen: I don't know if you can hear me. If you can, I am sorry. I hope you found your parents. Thaen knows that the spell did not reach them and he goes to bed both relieved and hurting.    

Dreams and Nightmares

  In Tristan's sleep he finds himself back in the nightmare forest with the tree right in front of him. He sees Elizabeth still alive, struggling. His claws begin to grow and the scene slash cuts to him cutting down Grace with his claws. The smell of blood makes him hunger for more. His fangs grow as he leans in to devour he wakes up screaming.   The screaming wakes Grace as well and as he sits up, breathing hard, Grace reassures him, telling it's okay. Looking at his hair she notices that he now has a white lock of hair.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
30 Sep 2023

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