Session Seven: That time Malak agreed with Mia

General Summary

The Plan   The group needed to come up with a strategy on how they were to infiltrate Windshire. The goal is to quell a rebellion without revealing that the crown is backing the party. Ideas that the party came up with:   Malak: Go in as a group. As an envoy of peace. Just go in to talk Nesza: We split the party. One half goes in all sneaky behind the scenes. The other half an envoy of peace Mia: Send Vence in as a travelling bard because that’s what they do. Let him scope out the area and report back to the group so they can figure out what to do next Vence: Go in as a travelling circus. Everyone has a role! George is the strong man! Nesza shoots apples from people’s heads! Mia drinks the men under the table! Vence provides music! Corvus: We could go in as an envoy of peace, and offer April and Silmer to get on their good side. (Silmer: “And…. then what???”) (Corvus: “We’ll figure it out?”) George: Give them food? (Everyone paused for a moment. Because this could be an actual reason why the Sicklemen could be doing this…. XD) Mia (again): Go in as a group of mercenaries lead by a House Lyrandar representative. Ask why the supply has been cut off. Offer work/transportation/payment for the wines. Figure out exactly what they want.   April will be made invisible by Malak and Silmer will keep watch by the river. MALAK AGREED WITH MIA! The rest agrees that this is the best idea too.     Evening Discussions (Below Deck)   Tatalla leads the group lower deck to their sleeping areas (except Silmer, who goes to his own room on the ship). April joins Silmer.   While the group settle in the cabin, Corvus asks Vence to play a song he wrote. Vence sings a sad song about a young soldier who was maimed for his country, and left with a poor pension and forced to beg. It was named The Cruel Wars.   Corvus is disappointed. It annoys Vence who then asks if there is anything else he can sing. Corvus suggests the song of Myranna Ishim. Vence, after checking if anyone in the room would be offended, says there are two versions, which would he like? He ends up singing both. Malak is happy to hear them, sitting back and petting a silver-furred weasel on his knee.   Corvus is still disappointed, which sucker-punches Vence’s ego. Malak chimes in to explain that Corvus is not trying to offend Vence. Corvus is after something that he simply hasn’t explained yet. Corvus, surprised that he offended Vence, explains Cissa sang a song that made his Sword Cane glow.   His Sword Cane once had magical properties. But since he started working in Aundair, the magic disappeared. He thought maybe it was linked to personal songs, which is why he asked Vence to sing his own. When that didn’t work, he thought perhaps it was linked to the melody. Myranna’s song is sung to Cissa’s melody that she originally wrote for Hawk.   When he mentions Hawk, Corvus turns to Nesza and says Cissa mentioned that Hawk was an Aasimar like him. He is famous for saving the Keeper of the Flame. She was part of his party and knew him very well. But he died many years ago. Corvus suggests that, for Nesza’s quest to find his light again, perhaps he needs to go to Flamekeep and find out more about Hawk.   While on the subject of Aasimar, Nesza tells Mia and Vence about his powers and that he sometimes can’t control them. He doesn’t demonstrate it, like he previously did with Malak and Corvus. Vence is curious as he noticed Nesza had glowing golden hair and bright blue eyes. But he chalked that down to “everyone is shiny in Fairhaven”. Mia thinks Nesza’s skills could be very useful.   Malak also lets his disguise down to reveal his hair and beard to also be golden and eyes a sapphire blue. He then releases his “Radiant Consumption” to show how different his special attack is to Nesza’s (at Nesza’s behest).   Nesza recognises this as his mother did this sometimes when she was pissed off. Corvus carefully walks into the dim light radius (the safe zone) of the Radiant Consumption. He becomes more radiant somehow. Nesza walks straight into the bright light radius (the danger zone) hoping this would cure him somehow. It doesn’t. It just hurts him (and Malak)…   After going back to his normal state, Malak heals himself and Nesza. Vence circles around them, taking everything in. He then circles around a sleeping George, inquiring to Nesza about his markings.   Vence then takes Mia aside (under the watchful eye of Tatalla, who does not trust Mia wondering around her airship). He whispers that he could make Mia look more legit as a Lyrandar higher up if he had stationary with signatures on it. He would need documentation from Tatalla to arrange this. Mia LOVES this idea. In the middle of the night, she is able to sneak through her cousin’s things and get some sort of manifest to Vence.     Evening Discussions (Silmer’s Cabin)   Meanwhile, April and Silmer talk for the first time in three days and they have A LOT to unpack. While talking, they are sparring. It turns out Silmer’s room is also a dojo and he frequently trains crew members.   Tatalla comes in to check up on her brother. April tries to make awkward conversation with her and it weirds Tatalla out. She then takes April with her to the cargo hold and gives her a bottle of swirling black gas/liquid (it’s hard to tell). It was sent by her grandmother. April then joins the group in their quarters where she tells Malak and Nesza that she agrees that she never should have roped all people with the mark in with the Sicklemen, but it wa all she ever knew. She will also be listening to her grandmother and stick close to Malak as she promised.     Next Day   The next day on the ship goes on without much incident.   Nesza checks the map he’s made and is trying to compare it with the one from the stranger. He also ensures that April and Silmer knows about his Necrotic Shroud.   Vence forges documents.   Silmer trains in his dojo.   Mia has Corvus help her get ready to look bad ass. He has braided his long hair and tied it up with in a red ribbon. She notices his heart isn’t in the make-over. She also comments on his new silver bracelet, which he covers up as soon as she mentions it.   Everyone else gets ready. In the evening, they are dropped off a few miles outside Windshire.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
28 Mar 2020
Primary Location

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