Session Thirty Nine: Loose Ends

General Summary


  It's very very early. The first sign of dawn are penetrating the inky blackness of the night's sky. You are all still catching your breath in the garden of the Ishim residence when Valarie asks for someone to contact Ethan. As Vence casts Sending, the halfling, Genti, weakly crawls over to the pincushion that is Malak.   "You're in a right state. Let me help you."   He uses Channel Divinity to Preserve Life. As he does so, the group can just make out a blue glow coming from a mark on his neck that has been hidden beneath the grime, dirt and blood of his unwashed body. It's at that moment that Vence has completed his second message to Ethan and Kiasuh walks into the garden. Malak promptly heals himself. Kiasuh wordlessly tries to push Genti aside but he stands surprisingly firm, a rehearsed sounding script escapes his lips: "Madam, I understand you wish to approach him. But you need to allow me to do my job and heal him first"   "I beg your pardon d'Jorasco! I work in the ER! Get away from husband RIGHT NOW." Genti turns around and falls over at the sight of Kiasuh. He moves aside swiftly as Kiasuh moves towards Malak. "Flame! What have you done?! Let's get you..." and then looks around "all of you, inside at once!"   Jenny asks where they are. Genti seems blanched. Griff tells her she’s in Thrane. While the group moves inside Tristan eats some of his herbs and seems a lot less tense. Vence takes of the cult robes and starts looking for rations for the people they just saved.   Valarie lags behind and stops April. They exchange looks. Valarie holds her by the shoulders and hugs her tightly. April feels her Strength starting to fail. Valarie tells her she’s so glad she found her. April takes of her coat and wraps it around her mom telling her she hopes she’ll feel a little better. Valarie pets her hair and pats on the googles and chuckles. April tells her she kept them save, as she promised, and they have been with her every step of the way. Valarie tells her then she was with her every step of the way to.  


Malak is told to stay on his butt and rest. Kiasuh gets everyone some tea and tells everyone to come inside and rest. She’ll take care of this. Genti notices Corinne and asks Vence if that’s the princess. Genti bows and thanks her. Tristan sits down next to Vence and speaks softly. He tells Vence that Genti is a person they both seem to have an interest in and that they should perhaps talk to him together.   Genti, overhearing them, asks the if they play another interrogation as he just came out of one. He asks for a moment. Tristan apologizes and mentions he’s Elizabeth's brother and that Vence is a good friend of Thaliashana. Last they heard, Genti was traveling with them and they are concerned about their wellbeing. Vence says that they have a few questions and he would like some information. He also offers to contact some people for him, just to ensure everyone is alright.   Malak shouts at Kiasuh that he is not getting of the couch. He asks why this needs to be secret. We’ve all shared pretty much everything here, why would this not be ok. Tristan explains he was not trying to keep this secret, he just wanted to talk to Vence before asking questions.   Valarie looks at Malak and asks him if this is his house. Malak and Valarie make introductions. Valarie thanks Malak for everything and asks him if she and April could have some privacy. She is open to share but would like to have a private reunion with her daughter who she missed dearly. Malak tells her he understands and offers them the bedroom.   Elijah tips his hat and he mentions he’ll catch up later. He looks at Valarie and tells her he will personally go and get Ethan. He waves goodbye and says he needs to leave quick as he still has breakfast plans in the morning. Vence asks him if he can let Cissa know that the dodecaphony is compromised and captured and that they’ve rescued Genti. Elijah asks if he can’t? Vence mentions he has to make a lot of calls and is very limited on magic. Elijah mentions he himself is also rather limited on magic and is about to go Windshire to rescue Ethan. He would prefer to keep his spellslots. He tells Vence he can do it himself. Vence tells him he will let Cissa know. Elijah leaves and as he walks out of the door the group hear him cast sending: “Hey Partner, how are you doing….”  


April feels her mom is weakened as she takes her along to the bedroom. Valarie asks April what’s happening. April tries to sit her down on the bed but Valarie is concerned about making a mess. April lays down her cloak and sits down inviting her mother to join her who sits down to her and leans on April’s shoulder. Kiasuh comes in with some tea and dolphin marshmallows. Valarie asks who all these people are. April says they are all her friends, amazing people she met along the way. Each and every one, out of their own will, decided to come to their aid. April tells her that when she’s properly rested and has time she’ll introduce her to each and every one of them, privately.   April asks how Valarie is doing and mentions how she’s struggling not to say a thousand things at once now, she’s really thinking about her first. Valarie smiles and tells her not to hold back. April takes this que and lets loose. She tells her everything and asks her all the questions while stroking her hair. April quickly notices Valarie nodding of on her shoulder and April continues talking as if she’s finishing a bed time story.  


Jenny slowly fades between Nesza and Griff. Genti pulls up a chair, sits up strait while looking absolutely awful. He seems unfazed by it. Genti tells the group he feels he owes them something for saving his life and is pretty sure they where not expecting them there.   Tristan says they did not know he would be there and asks him how he’s holding himself. Genti mentions that while he just went through torture and is not feeling 100%. Tristan asks Vence if he has some healing left in him. Vence gives Tristan a look and gets a cloth out and stars cleaning Genti up a bit and heals him. Griff casts Aura of vitality and starts healing all that seem to still be hurt.   Genti thanks them and asks what they would like to know. Tristan asks him how he was captures. Genti explains that they noticed people following them and one of them had to stay behind for the rest to get away. He knew that if one of them would get captured they would break and he knew that he would not. Genti says that as he understands they are all still save.   Vence asks him where he was captured. Genti mentions he was in Breland, but can’t tell them more than that. Vence asks him if he remembers how long ago. They together deduce it must have been just as Solaris started or just before that.   Tristan thanks him for the sacrifice he made and tells him he would have been proud to serve besides him during the war. Genti mentions that he hopes it never comes to that again and Tristan agrees. Genti says that’s what the cause is for after all.   Tristan asks if there is anything they can do for him, should they let them know he’s save now or might it be better if they don’t. Genti mentions that if he has access to an instrument he can do that himself. Vence mentions he would like to trade the ocarina back and pulls out his lute and offers it. Genti mentions he did not have to give him his instrument, he just borrowed it for a moment and he gives him back his ocarina. Vence looks uncomfortable about not having the ocarina and he mentions that he can have the lute. Genti thanks him. Vence mentions that his sister might have a spare for him. Genti pauses as he mentions that and then mentions that he’ll need to get out of town very quickly.   In the mean time Malak uses his book to contact his mother.
Hi mom, saved Jenny and Aprils mom from elves. Also found Genti there. Sacrificed himself for Liz and Thaliashana. Love Malak
— Malak
Glad you are save. Genti? Should they go to the spire to be checked up
— Daellean
  Vence tells Genti they will get him squared away before he leaves town and asks him if he’s really going to meet back up with them. Genti says he will. Vence asks for more information but Genti explains again that he can’t tell him that. Vence asks if it’s a feather thing. Genti looks on his person and mentions it is not at the moment as they took his. He needs to figure out how to get one again. Vence asks him if he needs to have it. Genti says that’s right. Vence asks or what. Genti mentions that without it he won’t get the tasks.   Malak mentions that his mother is asking if they should take them to the Spire to have them checked out. Jenny mentions that if she is talking about the spire of life, that should be obvious. Genti looks terrified at Malak and mentions that he wont join. He’s sure he’ll be fine.  


Griff looks at Corinne and asks her if she could help. Corinne looks at Grace and realizes she has to go back. She apologizes to Griff. Griff gets up and gives her a really big hug and tells her she did a great thing today. Corinne then says that she at least did one great thing in her life. Griff says that this is just the first. Corinne smiles at him, unconvinced. She smiles at everyone and says that it was fun and thanks them all. She asks the group to say goodbye to April for her and that she’s happy that she’s been reunited with her mother. She mentions that in two weeks she has her engagement ball and that she would love them all to come. She explains that Grace will pass along the invitations as she is sure that she’ll see them all before it ends, before then.   Thanks thanks her and tells her she was Instrumental in getting this done. They could have not don’t it without her. He tells her it would be an honor to attend. She leans in and tells him to please take good care of her.   Tristan then turns to Grace and asks if they can meet up later. She smiles at him. Tristan offers locations but Grace tells him she’ll find him. Tristan tells her she can find him at the spire of inspiration or the inn.   As Corinne goes outside followed by the skykings Vence casts message
“You’re wrong, it’s not the only great thing you’ll do, it’s just the first”
— Vence
“Perhaps, but it will be a long long time before I get to do anything else”
— Corinne
  Griff walks out and tells his Wings to take good care of her. He holds them and turns them towards Corinne and then pushes them forward to Corinne. He asks Corinne to take good care of them for him. He tells her he trusts his wings onto her. He hands her his sky king badge and tells her that this means she is now officially a sky king. Corinne chuckles and asks him who is taking care of him. Griff mentions Godric is with him, he’s never alone. Corrine mentions a Sky King needs his wings, not just his Griffon. Griff mentions that for the time being he is not a Sky King, he is on holiday. He explains that he’s not sure if they can arrange it in two weeks but he’ll write the duke to let her know when an egg is ready to be hatched.   When Griff comes in Malak casts message at Cody [quote]“I’m sorry it has to be like this, but can you thank Ash for me. I’ll do it in person when I get the chance”|Malak[quote] [quote]“Offcourse, she’ll be happy to hear that someone cares”|Cody[quote]  

Genti Part 2

Malak tells Genti that his mother was surprised to hear his name. Genti mentions that everyone in this house seems to be surprised to hear his name. Silmer says he is not surprised. Genti tells the group he would like to be taken to the spire of inspiration instead of the spire of life. Malak gives hima somve travel money. Vence slaps his head and gets up and picks up his sack of 1000 gold and puts it back in his bag. Kiasuh tells him to take it, she was not going to use that. She was going to give that back. Griff offers them a ride to the spires on Godric. He says he’ll get Genti where he needs to go save and asks if Jenny is fine sticking with Nesza for the time being. She says she’s fine with this.   Tristan asks where Genti is staying. Genti explains he’ll be staying at the spire of inspiration for a while and he hopes Cissa will come back so he can get another feather, although unsure if it works like that.   Vence asks why Griff needs to go to the spire. Griff explains he’s looking for a friend who he asked to do somethings for him. Vence mentions that his friend, yes he does not need to look into that anymore. He mentions he would still like to talk about it with Malak, Griff and Nesza but he doesn’t have to look into it anymore, it’s been settled. Griff asks if he’s fine then, does he have a place to perform, is he comfortable? Vence taps the cup on his hip and mentions he thought he was worried about something else. Griff mentions he was taking about Gobby. Vence mentions that they don’t have to do so right now. He thought he was worried about something else. Malak asks what a Gobby is. Griff mentions he’s a crazy bard, he reminds him of people he’s seen after the war a lot. He asked him to help him because the, oh yeah, the cup was in Vences room.   Griff mentions he traced the cup, it was in Vence’s room. Remember the cup that follows us around. He mentions he does not know what it’s about really. But he also met a bard there, a crazy one, but he likes him. So he asked him to find Emir because the cup is there because he was looking for it. He asks Vence if he ever found it. Vence taps his cup again and tells him he did. Griff mentions that he already had that cup, wasn’t there the other cup.   Genti asks if they can move along, he’s very confused with the cup talk.   Griff mentions it has something to do with the traveler. He does not fully understand it. But his cup has been following us around since Fairhaven. It kept popping up in places. He mentions that he kind of likes the crazy bard he met and since he’s not going home any time soon he wants to give him the key to his place so he can stay in Askelios until he gets back home. There is a bar there.   Genti mentions he played there before but after 1 day the bar burned down. Griff mentions that does keep happening. Genti mentions that the place is amazing. Griff mentions that not many bards like it as it’s often not there when you show up. Genti says those are then bad bards, you don’t need a tavern to have a good time. Griff mentions there is either construction work or a tavern. Genti mentions you then sing over the construction work, what is the problem.   Tristan asks why this tavern keeps burning down. Genti asks why they are following cups, we are all talking nonsense. Griff mentions the bar makes really good ale, but the process is volatile. He’s not really good at brewing, when it works it’s amazing and when it goes wrong the place burns down. Tristan asks why he doesn’t brew it in another place then Griff mentions because he is stubborn. It’s a big military town and we always build it back up as it’s the only bar there. He’s most likely used to it. Griff mentions he’ll love to take them to Schrodinger’s bar, it’s great when it’s up.   Tristan goes to check up on April and knocked on the door. He walks in to April talking Science. They wake up Val and take her down.  

To the Spires

Griff takes out Godric so he can carry the sick. Genti mentions he needs to be moved inconspicuous and asks Kiasuh and Malak to not let his sister know they saw him. Griff asks if there is bad blood. Genti says it’s the opposite, she means a great deal to him. Griff looks over at Tristan and Vence, and asks Genti if it’s the same for them. Genti says ay. Griff takes of his Cloak and hides him under the cloak on the back of the Griffon.   Tristan asks when you mean protecting, you don’t mean you contact her ever. Genti mentions that he never said protecting, he said protecting.   Tristan mentions that he wondered after he learned that they can contact people. Can all bards do that or is that a different skillset per person. Genti explains it’s a skill most bards can have. He mentions he’s not sure what type of bard Vence is. He seems confused at saying that name.   Tristan mentions he’s not sure if his sister can do this, but if it is can you ask her to call every once in a while. Genti sits up, cloak over his shoulders and he looks at him sad. He says that even if she would be able to, she is not allowed to. Tristan asks by whom. Genti asks if they can have this conversation somewhere else and take who ever that is with us, pointing at Vence. He needs to explain some things to you.   Malak casts message to Genti [quote]“That is Thaen, but I’d appreciate if you don’t use that name in public.”|alak[quote] [quote]“Thank you for explaining that Malak”|Genti[quote]   When the group arrives at the spire of life Nesza helps Jenny inside. Kiasuh grabs Malak by the back and tells him he’s coming with her. Valarie is supported by both Silmer and April. Kiasuh walks in and stats barking orders. The staff seems terrified. They are all taken into the ER where they are examined and then put all in the same room. Kiasuh drops by occasionally to bring them all tea and does some checks.  

Group going to the Spire of Inspiration

Griff carries Genti and hides him in his cloak and he pets Godric and puts him in the amulet. Vence does his usual ritual. They are all greeted by Molly. Genti included. Genti chuckles. Griff asks Genti where he wants to go. Genti tells him to just let him go, no one here will rat him out. He mentions there are soundproof music rooms here and invites Tristan and Vence to join him. Griff tells them to be nice.   Genti looks at the stairs and asks if someone could carry him. Tristan and Griff discuss who will carry him and Griff mentions he promised to and picks him back up. Genti takes them somewhat up toward a music room. Griff says goodbye. Genti asks him what his actual name was. Griff mentioned the door lady said his full name. His name is Cornelius d’Vadalis Junior. But he prefers to be called Griff. Tristan says bye Junior.  

The music room

Genti sits down on a harpsichord stool, leans back and mentions that both of them seem to need some explanations. He asks if they have questions about their loved ones. Tristan mentions that if it will help him speak more freely he does have this, as he shows Genti his feather.   Genti says that is his and that he knew he had it. Genti mentions that this is actually a rule he knows Cissa can’t tell you about but he did not make that promise. And he sticks to the rules very strictly. When you accept a feather as part of the dodecaphony there are a few rules you need to follow.
  • - First one is that your feather should be visible at all times
  • - Second is that you should insure that you are never the cause of suffering
  • - Third is to find ways to ensure that suffering doesn’t occur when you leave either. So always better the world around you.
  • - The fourth is to end suffering as much as possible by following the trail.
  When you join the dodecaphony, he’s not sure if this is for all feathers, but it is for the dodecaphony. You’re tested every step of the way. Not just by the treacherous journey and that you have enemies all along the road. But you are also immediately tasked to make a sacrifice. To show you are dedicated to the cause and to show faith in the people around you. The sacrifice is to leave the one you love most behind. Without telling them anything or where you’re going. With the faith that they will still love you when you return   Thaen fades in slowly, looking crushed. Genti says there you are Thaen, good to meet you. Thaen greats him.   Tristan goes very pale and takes a moment. He asks how exactly that is supposed to not cause suffering. Genti mentions that he is unsure and questions it himself. Tristan mentions it makes absolutely zero sense. Genti mentions he does not fully know where this is going or that suffering can be ended through things like this. It has something to do with the magic behind the trail that these tasks have to be completed. And this is one of them.   Thaen asks how the feathers are different from the dodecaphony. Genti asks Thaen if he should not know this by now. Genti mentions there is a difference. Being part of the feathers as a whole allows you to join the trail. But the specific tasks do not apply to you. As such the magic does not work when you are on the trail. The people wearing feathers do not have to wear them out in the open. So they can hide and be allies in the shadows. The dodecaphony are 12 bards. Unfortunately we have lost a few, so at this moment we are not as many. We need to follow the trail till the end, learning the song, to ensure the magic works. We are trained along the way to earn our skills as members of the dodecaphony. And if we travel in groups we also learn how to work as a team. Genti mentions he understands this is a lot to take in and he understands that they feel hurt in some way or another.   Tristan asks that if he has been given one and the intent is form him to go on the trail. Is this meant to be a loop hole of sorts. Genti mentions that the one he has is his fathers. It was not officially given to you by luscinnia or so. It was handed down to you. Tristan asks if membership is hereditary. Genti explains you can pass your feather on if you feel the need. But if you are not a bard you are certainly not going to be part of the dodecaphony. Tristan mentions his father did not pass it on to him. He’s been dead for some time and he found it in his sisters room. Genti says that’s right and shrugs. He mentions that he does not know everything what goes on with his family but that feather was handed down to you Tristan is visibly struggling trying to process with this information   Thaen asks how close he was with Talia as he has a question related to this regarding that. Genti mentions that they are close. They are friends. They have been on the road for some time now. He mentions he is not sure what the question is. Thaen says that his sister left behind the other feather behind if he understands correctly. He asks if Thalia left one in her viol. Genti mentions he’s not sure. He mentions that Thalia however told him that Thaen was selected for the dodecaphony. The feather that Tristan has is just to become an ally. Genti mentions that as he understood, to be part of the dodecaphony you need to get a letter directly from luscinnia.   Tristan asks if any bard can make the soldiers mark glow. Genti mentions that off course not any bard can just do that. Tristan mentions that they both did. Genti mentions he’s not supricred that Thaen did, but he is surprised that Tristan did. He asks Tristan if he’s a bard. Tristan mentions that’s a good question, maybe. Genti grins and says the plot thickens. Tristan mentions he wishes it would stop at times, it’s a bit hard to carry. Even for me. Genti says he does not blame him, it can be hard to carry at times.   Tristan mentions that if he is a bard and someone who could be part of this dodecaphony, would that mean that I could see my sister again or would we be separated due to the sacrifice. Genti says that ironically that means that he would eventually be able to be reunited with her. Tristan says that he wonders if she knew. Genti mentions that she never told him that.   Genti mentions that for what it’s worth they both talked about you very fondly. Thaen has a smirk started to grow. He asked if she talked verbally or through your mind. Genti laughs. He mentions Thalia’s mindgames are the best. Thaen says they are quite fun. He mentions that he misses them. Genti says they are indeed fun. So serious when she is talking but then the voice in your head. All the snark. Thaen asks if he has learned never to play cards with her. Genti mentions he has learned to bet on her when she plays cards.   Tristan asks what Genti can tell her about how she is. Genti tells him he should be proud of her. She doesn’t give up. Doesn’t matter what. She comes across as a sweet lamb. Even the most difficult of tasks don’t make her lose her cool. He hears Thalia’s voice in his head when she gets a little upset. But Elisabeth, I never hear her. She’s relentless. The amount of times here in Flamekeep she broke her toes, oh. Tristan mentions that the lady who’s house we took you to told him. Genti asks if Kiasuh told that she was there. Tristan says she only told that Elisabeth was there. Genti wonders if she ended up telling his sister. Tristan mentions he can’t speak for that.   Genti mentions that if they have no other questions if they can…   Tristan says he has just one, he has heard that there were 4 of you traveling together. He wonders if he may ask who the fourth is. Genti says he might ask, but if he does not know who that is, he does know if he’s at liberty to say. Genti is not sure what the wishes of the fourth are. Thaen mentions that he can show him if he likes. Genti says he was trying to hide privacy, but if he knows and he rolls his eyes.   Tristan mentions he just wants to know who she’s with. He wants to know that she’s ok. Thaen shifts his face into that of the man. Human man, lightish skin, longish black beard. Longish black hair, bushy eyebrows and dark brown eyes. Hair is well groomed. Tristan thanks Thaen. Thaen says welcome.   Tristan thanks Genti for talking to them is his current state. Genti says hmm, ok. Thaen mentions he does have one last question. Genti says hmmm. Thaen asks if he would like to stay in Cissa’s room. Genti mentions he does not know how to answer that. Thaen says they have privacy, they have time. Genti asks why he has access to Cissa’s room. Thaen says that if he comes with him to Cissa’s room he’ll show him. Genti says ok, let’s go to Cissa’s room then. Thaen says he can get an instrument of his choosing probably there. Genti says lets go upstairs then to the top floor. He mentions that he thought that Cissa didn’t come to Flamekeep anymore, but ok. Thaen shifts into Vence. Genti grabs Tristan sleave and he guides him upstairs subtly.  

Griff looking for Gobby

Griff is looking for Gobby and finds him after calling his name for a while. They catch up and Gobby explains what happened with Emir the previous evening and that Emir is now his friend to.   Griff asks if he is stuck here. Gobby says he’s not stuck here. Griff says he has an important tasks for him. He gives Goby the key to his house and tells him its in Askelios. He explains that he’d like him for the time being to stay in his house and perform at the bar there. It’s in dire need of a bard and he won’t be going home for a while. Gobby asks if he can take Griffs Identity. Griff tells him he cannot, but he’ll give him a few contacts that can help him get settled.   Griff is looking for Gobby and is loudly calling for Buddy in the spire. A Gnome pops up and says he’s Buddy. Griff mentions he is looking for Gobby and apologizes. The gnome says it’s still early and scurries off. Griff starts calling out Gobby. They discus changing names and Griff ends up advising against changing the name change because it’s a military town and he trains Griffons. Gobby asks if Griffons eat people. Griff says they only eat small kids.   Griff adds that there is a bar there. Schrodinger’s burning bar. And they make really good ale. But some bards don’t want to stay because sometimes its burning. Gobby says that’s a problem yeah. Griff mentions that you can then just perform outside. He asks if Gobby can perform. He knows he is the greatest bard gobby. He explains he’s not going home and might never go home. It’s a long story. Gobby mentions this is a long story to begin with. Griff mentions he hears that a lot. He mentions he doesn’t know why but he just wants him to be happy. And he does not feel that sleeping behind the wall there is going to make you that.   Gobby mentions that is however far away. Griff mentions he’ll arrange a carriage ride for him. Gobby asks if he gets a Griffon when he gets there. Griff says that he most likely won’t, but they might give him rides.   Gobby says he needs to tell Emir, he’s also a friend now. Griff repeats that Emir is a friend, what?! Gobby mentions that Emir did not say it but yes. Griff says he thinks so, he’s a buddy to. If you’re my friend then you’re his friend to. Gobby asks if that is how that works. Griff mentions that’s how he feels it works. Emir is now his friend to. Gobby says ok.  

In front of Cissa’s room

Vence, Tristan and Genti arrive at Cissa’s room and are greeted by Gobby saying “Hey! Visitors!”. Genti says hello and asks Gobby if he’s also here to visit. Gobby asks who everybody is. Griff smiles.   Tristan asks if he doesn’t and is interrupted by Gobby screaming Hello. Tristan mentions he met him briefly yesterday. He says that he ran off after a butterfly. Gobbies shoulders slumb and he says that it broke. Gobby mentions it was his friend. Griff says he’s still his friend and he won’t break.   Tristan introduces himself. Genti creates a butterfly with minor illusion that flutters to Gobby. Gobby says that is so pretty. Genti introduces himself as Genti d’Jorasco. Genti is looking at Griff, questioning if Griff wants him there. Griff smiles at Tristan and Genti. Gobby asks who Vence is and then remembers! He’s emir’s boyfriend!   Griff starts laughing. Tristan looks at Vence very confused. Vence has no expression. Vence introduces himself. Gobby says he knows. Vence says he’s never introduced himself.   Gobby says he knew who he was because Emir really really likes you and he asked me to do something when you’re here. Something about music. But I assume he just likes your music because you’re his boyfriend. Vence mentions he doesn’t think he is his boyfriend Gobby asks if he knows that. Vence says he’s pretty sure he does   Griff tries to get them to have a bard off. Gobby says he has nothing to prove and is not interested. Tristan just looks very confused at everyone. He looks at Genti and asks to not make a contest. We should keep moving.   Gobby says he’s moving, to Askelios and he runs down the stairs. Tristan asks why he is going to Askelios. Griff mentions that he just gave him the keys to his place. Tristan says that makes frightlingly much sense coming from you. Griff mentions he’s not going there for a while. He’s been staying around this room every time he’s been here. He’s not sure but he’d be an asset to Askelios. He would be able to be happy there and would make others happy, so yeah.  

Cissa’s Room

Genti invites Griff along. He walks slowly into the room and circles around. He’s clearly been there before and is reminiscing with a smile of wonder on his face. As he looks up at the fresco of the starts he slowly trips on the circular rug on floor. He mentions that he’s still confused to why they are there but it is good to be back. As soon as the door is closed Emir shifts in.   Genti looks at Emir and says what is going on. Griff says he’s a changeling. Genti mentions that he figured that out and is pretty sure he knows that. Griff says no, cool. You get used to it. He likes Emir, Vence a little bit more, Thaen is also ok. Genti asks if that’s Emir. Ah right, golden eyes. I see. Still don’t understand what’s going on but ok.   Emir asks why he thinks Cissa would give him access to her room. Genti says that with all due respect, but why does Cissa do anything. Emir mentions she does things for those she loves and pulls out Lucy to make a point.   Genti says oh. He mentions he does not understand how this works. Aren’t you with Talia. Emir says that gets really complicated. Let’s put it this way. I, Vence and Thaen are all separate, we are not the same. Genti says ok. Emir says it’s complicated   Genti says well. He looks over at Lucy and says that if she gave you Lucy she must care for you a great deal. It’s good to meet you then. Emir says it’s nice to meet him to and they shake hands. Genti’s handshake is a little more firm than one would assume.   Griff asks why he’s here. Genti says the more the merrier, he doesn’t know, you were outside.  

Tension in the Spire

The group suddenly sees blue and yellow sparks shooting from somewhere from the center of the room. First only few. Then more. More and more. And then you see the round rug rising up, then falling to ground as a bloody figure emerges from what seems to be a teleportation circle on the floor. Once fully materialized, the figure wobbles unsteadily and then collapses. And the familiar chuckle of Cissa escapes the figure's lips, be it a bit weaker than usual. You then hear her say: "Mia. I made it! Are you safe? Will you be alright?" (chuckles at Mia's reply). "Very well, my friend. Take care on your journey. Our paths will cross again soon"   Her skin, hair, clothes, everything is soaked in blood and cold to the touch. There is a familiar odor of blood and possibly other fluids coming from her. She is just about able to sit up.   Griff casts aura of vitality and starts healing her while Genti starts to heal her. Griff walks into the kitchen and runs the tap and using shape water starts trying to clean her off. Genti says Cissa, we’re here. Tristan supports Genti as he is trying to help her and asks why she is covered in blood. Cissa asks Genti why he’s there. Griff drains the remains into the drain. Genti covers her in a blanket. Emir helps Genti dry her off and get her warm.   Cissa seems very much disoriented. She’s warming up a bit in her blanket. Griff asks her if she’s ok. He mentions he does not want to ask what she was covered in, but it just went down the drain. Cissa mentions that was the Comedore. Griff asks if he flushed the Comedore down the drain. Cissa mentions what’s left of it. Griff asks if that is not a problem for the drain. Cissa chuckles and says that it’s probably a problem.   Tristan, lightly confused, and asks that from what he was told the Comedore can’t be killed and needs to be bound. Cissa waves and says yes, no, where is Malak, I need to give this to Malak. Holding up the crystal. Tristan says Malak is in the spire of life getting tended to at the moment, we just came back. Cissa asks where Emir is and looks for Emir. Griff points out he is there. Emir says hello. Cissa slumps into him. She thanks god he’s save.   Griff mentions they saved them just now. The ladies are in the spire of life being treated as is Malak. He took a lot off arrows to the chest but he is perfectly fine. He asks her why she is back covered in blood. Cissa crawls into Emir for a moment and tells them they defeated it. They blew it up, quite literally. This thing… It needs to be given to the keeper immediately. It’s much too powerful.   Griff says cool. How fast. Didn’t you guys need to clean up before you teleported. Cissa says that’s a long story Griff. Tristan tells Griff she just came back home looking how she did. Maybe give a moment to breathe before you give her the 3rd degree.   Griff mentions he’s not giving her a 3rd degree but he would like to know who of the wardens where with her. Cissa mentions there were a couple. Dreas off course.   Griff ask if they let het leave like this, he seems upset at the thought of this. Cissa mentions they all look like this at the moment Griff. That thing was (Her voice shaking and absolutely terrified) humongous and when it was defeated it exploded on all of us.   Tristan asks of that means that the Comedore is completely defeated or might it come back. Cissa says she does not think it’s coming back anymore. Tristan mentions April will be pleased to hear that. She hesitates as she says she supposes. Emir is comforting her. Genti is quietly observing   Cissa says that at any rate. Let me just clean up and then I need to talk to the group Griff puts his hand on the gem and starts glowing. He says hmm. He asks Cissa if he should take it to her. Cissa says she wants to give it to Malak. Griff says that he thought she wanted it to go to the keeper fast.   Cissa says yes. And she wants Malak to do it. Griff asks her why she needed to teleport so fast. Cissa asks why he keeps asking her these questions. Griff mentions that he knows Dreas to be a good man and he would never in his life allow anyone to leave his sight looking like that. Cissa mentions that the reason Mia is not with her is that the Lyranders were killed. They needed a captain on the ship. Everyone needed to get on that ship quickly. Dreas was injured, but she thinks he’ll make it. Sarah is there to help him recover. But there was another ship as well. And it didn’t look like it had Lyrander tech on it and it was approaching fast. She needed to get back to Flamekeep and the others needed to leave.   Griff says that he promised Tyra the same thing Malak promised Tyra. This is why he glows when he touches the gem. Cissa says she knows. To be truthfull also, Dreas didn’t want to give me the gem and she needed to get out of there quickly before he recovered. Griff asks her why. Cissa says that Dreas saw the potential of the Gem to be used in the eldeen reaches to hold of the demons.   Griff asks her what happens if she gives it to the keeper. Cissa says she’ll give it to Tyra. Griff says yeah. Cissa says that she fights the shadows. Griff says yeah, in Dal Quor. Cissa frowns and says what.   Emir says this isn’t the time for this. We’ll get to this, he promises. He asks if we can please do this as a group. Let her please get cleaned up and recover. Griff smiles and says well, so you do have empathy as he looks at Genti.   Griff says he’ll go collect them. [[He tells her to understand they’ve been to Dal Quor and know Tira is there. It’s where the flame leads. It’s also where Myranna is.]] He tells her that he is not convinced that giving the gem is the right thing to do. Because she does not fight. She just sticks next to the keeper. He’s not sure she’ll actually use it. He does say that Tristan and Vence can probably explain it better. He turns around and leaves to pick up the rest. (This segment is between 2:00 and 2:26)   Cissa cleans herself up. Emir and Tristan inform her of what happened in Dal Quor. Leaving out Hawk and Lucy.  

Spire of Life again

Malak had nodded off. Nesza sits besides Jenny and asks April what she is going to do now. April says she is going to look after her mom, find out what happened to her dad and find out what happened to windshire. People I love come first. Nesza says that makes sense and says that he hopes to be able to get hold of the people he loves soon. He hasn’t been able to get hold of his mom lately. April says she hopes everything is fine.   Nesza says you know, my mom back in the eldeen reaches used to patch us all up so I’m pretty sure she can handle herself anywhere. She’ll be fine. She’ll be fine. April asks him how he’s feeling about the whole baxon sunny hawk situation. Nesza says he now has a house, he’s not sure if it’s his though. Because it’s kind of hawks house. But you know it’s good to know there is family, hope my mom will find out one day that he’s around and then I can talk about it with her. Maybe go talk to the tree Olian and tell him about what happened. He might be able to give me advice on what to do next. But first, he looks at Jenny, he says he has a task to do. We have to sort the commodore thing out first.   April asks what he wants to do after that. Nesza explains that they need to get back to Dal Quor sometime. He thinks Malak was right and that maybe was Myranna he is not sure, she could be. So yeah, I need to do that. Kiasuh comes in and brings some tea She pats April on the head. Jenny and Val are out.   April thanks Nesza for helping and tells him he has been a well propper friend. Nesza says you’re welcome. You’re a good friend. The last good friend I had was George. It’s nice to have new friends. Friends like you. April asks if he wants a nickname. Nesza says that he’s not sure he should get a nickname while his player is not here.   As Malak wakes up Nesza asks him how he’s doing. Malak says he’s fine, he has been fine the whole time. He was just resting his eyes. Nesza says he does that a lot to. April gives Malak some tea and tells him she’s glad they got all the arrows out. Malak says it was better this way. Nesza says Kiasuh indeed did not look very happy. Malak says he’ll pay for that later. April says it does mean he’s loved though. Malak agrees.   Nesza asks if this is where she works. Malak says she does. Nesza says he noticed her telling people to do stuff, it was really fun. Malak says that’s a weird way of putting it.   April asks Malak how the two of them met. Malak explains they met where he works at the spire of knowledge. Nesza says that’s not here though. Malak says it’s not, this is where she works, not where I work. Nesza asks him why she was there. Malak says she loved to read old journals of keepers and other people.   Nesza says he has a journal if she wants to read it. Malak says he’s sure she would love to read it. Nesza says he gave it to her before we left, I should ask for it back. April says she wrote a few things down in her journal as well about social queues if she’s interested. Like how to address the elephant in the room when standing in front of royalty, even if there are no elephants. Nesza nods and says that’s a very good idea   Malak says they can always ask her if she is interested. Nesza asks if he then met her while she was reading journals. Malak explains that he met her while she was telling of woman that where bothering me. Nezsa asks if she was reading journals while that happened. Malak says that is why she was there yes. Nesza nods approvingly.   April asks if she swatted at them with a journal. Nesza asks if she did. Malak says he thinks she might have. They were making a lot of ruckus in the library and that is not what libraries are for. As you might have noticed, she likes it when people adhere to the rules. Especially if she sets them.   Nesza aks if he then kissed her. Malak mentions that happened after a while. They just got to talking. Nesza asks if that’s how it works. April asks if they talked about the journal. Malak mentions that is how it worked for them. They talked about journals, their jobs, their family. His mom. Her parents   April asks if then they kissed. Malak says and then we kissed. Nesza says he would take a note of that if he had his journal. Malak says that as soon as he asks her she will return it to him. He’s also sure she has not read the journal yet. If she started on anything it would have been his letters. He smiles jokingly.   Nesza says he doesn’t have anything to hide so. April asks if she’s going to be reading all the letters. Malak says he’s sure she’s not reading all the letters, maybe just the ones I wrote. Nesza asks if he wrote a letter to her. Malak says no. Nesza says that she then most likely read the letters.   Malak explains he just wrote one to Corvus and Jurian. April interups him and asks if he did not write one to his wife. Malak says that his wife knows how he feels. He said everything he wanted to say then. There is also a message for her in Myri’s letter as he’s sure she’ll be reading that.   Nesza says that’s very romantic. April says yeah. Malak asks Nesza why he is so curious, is he looking for a wife. Nesza mentions he is not looking for anything, he just doesn’t know how this works. Malak asks what about that girl in Dal Quor, Emmy. Nesza explains that they ensured not to tell each other personal details of themselves so he doesn’t really know her that well. They were only supposed to work together to ensure their families where kept save.   Malak says that he heard in a play about a runaway carriage that relationships forged under stressful circumstances are often very successful. He thinks the play was called speed. Nesza says that what he understands from this is that he needs to find someone on a speeding carriage. Malak says for example, or you can write your commander and ask him for Emmies personal. That’s to creepy right, yeah that’s pretty creepy.   April says that’s to creepy yah. April tells nesza to take some exams and cram work, those are stressful situations. Malak says they’ll also keep an eye out for speeding carriages. Nesza seems confused.  

Griff arrives at the spire

Griff arrived asks them if they are all ready to go. Malak asks to keep it down a smidge because if his wife hears they might not be able to go. Griff looks at them and tells them it’s really urgent.   Malak asks what’s wrong. Griff says the crystal is back and the crystal looks good. The rest is not and they need to go fast. It’s for the keeper. Malak sends Kiasuh a message telling her” Uhmm, myrdrah, we have to go immediately. Something extremely important has come up. Griff will make sure that I’m ok. There will be no unpleasantness. It is some returning friends”. Kiasuh replies back gentler than anticipated “Be carefull flame, go straight home if you are feeling ok and rest up after this please. I’ll be home later to check up on you.” Malak tells her “offcourse, see you later”.   Griff looks at Nesza and tells him his dad was there. Nesza says that makes sense. Griff mentions that it sounds like the Comedore is dead. Malak says that they can go and discuss it there.   Griff looks around the room and tells them he prefers to tell them here. He explains that he thinks Nesza’s dad did not want her to take the crystal and that he thinks Cissa fled. Nesza asks why. Griff says because it killed the Comedore. Nesza says that’s good right. Griff says yeah, but he thinks he wanted to kill more demons with it. Nesza says that makes sense.   Griff mentions that Cissa wanted to return it to the keeper. Griff mentions he’s updated her on the Dal Quor stuff, but not Hawk and Lucy, so she knows about Tira. Griff mentions he touched the crystal and he still glows. Malak understands and says that it then must still be charged. Griff asks if they are really going to return it to Dal Quor. Malak asks if they are.   Griff says that’s what they learned right, that’s where she is. Malak says that they got it from her and she was very adamant that it had to be returned as soon as possible. So what if that crystal is the only way that Tira has to stop whatever is threathing us in Dal Quor. He explains he understands Griffs perspective but everybody deserves a vote in this and they don’t have all the info. Griff mentions that he’s not promising keeping it as a weapon, they made a promise and he’ll adhere to that. But he just wanted everyone to be up to speed. Especially because Nesza’s parents were involved.   Nesza asks if they were both there, that explains why I haven’t been able to get a hold of them. Griff mentions that Cissa was covered in blood and gore of the comedore when she came in. The comedore exploded, is that normal April. April says she does not know what they do, exploding can be normal. Nesza asks if they should just ask Cissa. Malak asks if Mia is ok.   Griff explains that some Lyranders died and they needed someone to captain the ship. He explains he’s not sure how the ship is doing but she at least got out. Malak says that it sounds like Mia is having the time of her life then. Griff asks April if she has ever seen the ritual when Jenny performed it. April says that there seems to be some kind of misunderstanding. Her being there had nothing to do with the eldeen reaches and the ritual. She was there for wine purposes. She has never seen the ritual. She knows what the commodore looks like and what it can do. She has done tactics to get away from it. But she has never been up against it or has she ever performed a ritual. Up until this point she was not even aware someone came with them just to do a ritual.   They leave.   [Additional notes from Nesza] Nesza can see what his dad means with trying to keep the crystal to help defend the Eldeen Reaches, but Nesza's not experienced enough to really factor that in. To Nesza, it's relatively simple. We made a promise to Tira to bring it back after use, so that's what needs to happen. Nesza's been taught by his parents, both Dreas and Sarah, to be honest and do what is right. So in this case, Nesza's very happy the crystal went back to where it should have gone. If his dad would argue otherwise, Nesza would tell him that there's gotta be more caves like this one, we now know what kind of crystal to look for, and by being honest with Tira, we might have gained an ally that could help us out in times of dire need, by maybe lending us the crystal again.  

Informing Cissa

Ask Tristan and Mike for input.  

Discussing the crystal

The group argues and decided to take the crystal to the keeper via Daellien. They express they would like Val to look at it, but she needs rest right now. Malak apologizes for the fight he had with Cissa before they left. Griff is onboard with giving the crystal to Tira because it will help her fight Quori in Dal Quor and this is helping Nesza get rid of his forever. They made the promise and should honor it. The argument being is that giving it to the wardens helps the wardens, giving it to Tira helps all the people who dream.   Malak casts Identify on the crystal. It’s biological. It has strong magical properties. All schools of magic. The closest familiar thing he can link it to is a Kybershard, but it’s not that. Tristan, Vence, Malak and April go to give the Crystal to the keeper. Genti stays with Cissa to catch up.   Tristan asks Cissa to have a conversation, soon, Cisa tells him she’s fine to do it tomorrow.   Emir checks in on Cissa, if she is ok if Vence goes along and sees this true. Cissa explains that she wants to clean up and relax, she’ll stay here with Genti. She’s fine if he leaves at Vence. Emir kisses her on the forehead, tells her he loves her. Vence puts his hand on her shoulder and gives it a squeeze and then looks at the others and says he’s alright.   Silmer, Griff and Nesza go to the spire of life to check on the ladies.  

Giving the Crystal to the keeper

Malak writes him mom and she meets them in the foyer and helps them all into the inner sanctum. An elf is playing on a lute. Daellean announces to the keeper that they are back with the crystal.   The keeper jumps up seeing April and asks if she found her mother. April says she did she did, she’s resting soundly.   The keeper says she’s so excited with the crystal and she asks if she can have it. Malak says offcourse. As they give the crystal to the keeper there is an instant glow around her and her eyes go blue. She slowly turns around. Her body went rigid, her eyes glowing and her hair is flowing in what seems to be a warm breeze. She walks toward the wall of flame and the flames open up. She walks into it and it closes behind her. Nothing happens for 5 minutes and suddenly they feel the floor trembling. The chandelier on the sealing is rinkling. There is slight debris falling from the sealing. The flames start to flicker, and then they rise up and shoot up against the ceiling. They go from silver to red to green to blue to purple to gold and then silver and then they go down. The flames open up and the keeper skips out. She walks up to Malak and smiles.   She tells him Tira says thank you. Tira also says there are more and that he knows how to find them. Malak says alight, we will. Tristan asks if we will. Malak says he will. Tristan says oh boy. The keeper smiles at Malak and tells him that way they can complete the sword.   Tristan asks how many crystals they are talking about. The keeper says she thinks there should be 3 pieces but they’ve scattered a bit. Tristan says that means there are two more. The keeper says that they might have broken into bits. Malak says two or more.   Tristan wonders why nothing is ever easy with you thranians. Malak tells him to remember what they did this morning, and smiles at him. There are no Thranians involved there. Tristan sighs. Malak asks him why nothing is ever easy. Tristan says that he is as always, correct. Except when you march out in front and almost get yourself killed. Malak says he should talk to his wife. Tristan says he’d rather not   Vence has an oh shit look and leans open to Malak. He tells Malak he really has questions about how gods give people tasks and he thinks he’d like to talk to him and Griff at some point. Malak looks confused and says off course Vence. He’s quite new to it himself but we can always have a conversation.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
17 Jul 2021

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