Session Forty Five: Questions by the Dozen

General Summary


  The "Secret Ritual" is over and the party is discussing Moon Matters with the Gatekeeper Elder. And he smiles as Silmer asks about Dhyn.  

More about Dhyn

  The elder tells Silmer that his brother Dhyn was last seen in Glumtown which is A 2 to 3 days trip down south. The elder explains that Dhyn is a druid, but not with the Gatekeepers. He was Traveling with his bugbear friend called Tam and Tiefling named Woe. There was also a human but the elder was not sure what his name was. Emir tells them if Woe is there it must be Asher. “Where Woe goes, Asher is nearby”. He explains that they are friends of Thaen and that the group would likely like Asher… although their coin purses would not.   The elder explains that Dhyn is a druid (who specializes in working with earth and plants). The group went there looking for a map to a temple. But he does not know Dhyn personally so he instructs the group to talk about this to house Tharashk instead. The elder mentions that Dhyn also really likes cupcakes and that the baker, Dozen, knows him well. And while he’s there, to also help the baker in preparing for the next secret ritual.  

Griff X Elder

  Griff tells the elder that his grandmother has passed away. She told him to go on a trip and it led him back to the Gatekeepers. It all feels destined to him. Griff asks the Elder if he has any stories about when she was younger and if she was a gatekeeper. The Elder explains that while she did not have a tattoo, that does not mean she did not “play a role” in protecting the realm. He tells Griff she was not a fighter, not even a healer. Sarah was though. They adventured together mostly in Cyre on the Glass Plateau.   Griff asks the Elder if they encountered a temple there. The elder says they might have. Griff explains the necklace Nesza found and what happened with the fountain and the vision. The Elder explains that he does not know of a place like that but tells Griff to asks his grandmother. Griff tells him that she’s dead. The elder explains there is a place called “The Silent Fane” about half a days journey from here. The veil to the realm of the dead if thin there and it’s possible to talk to her there. There are a few temples in the marches that touch different planes. This is why the Gatekeepers stayed here to guard the areas where the veil is thin.   He does warn them to only walk on the stairs and to not go in. It’s dangerous and full of traps. It is also possible to call out other people. Griff asks that if she was not a healer, nor a fighter what his grandmother was. The elder mentions that she was a treasure hunter and explorer. She had no doubts and puts it all in faiths hands. Which he explains was mostly him. She was made of paper. Griff tells the elder he knows how that feels.   Griff asks why his grandmother settled down. The elder explains that she probably got tired of adventures. She was around 400 years old by that point after all. Griff mentions that he’s intimidated by his extended lifespan. The elder says that he should be.  

Tristan X Elder

  As Griff leaves he calls in Tristan in. Tristan mentions he has questions regarding Dal Quor and explains the experience he had with his sister in his head while there. The elder explains that it might be related to the symbol he gravitates towards. Their connection linked to the symbol seems to allow Elizabeth to be able to affect his dreams through song remotely. However, others might be able to create a similar effect, but probably not as strong of an effect, if they would sing that song next to him while he is dreaming. Music evokes certain emotions, memories, nostalgia or even ways of thinking. As such, they can also effect dreams if a person hears them when sleeping.   Tristan asks why the Elder was interested in Griff’s eyes. The elder says there was no reason but Tristan notices that he is hiding something. Back to the inn On the way back Tristan and Emir walk a bit to the back and Tristan informs him on the dream stuff. Emir and Tristan decide to experiment with this tonight. Emir also suggests that Tristan alerts the group about the singing seeing as they are sharing a room and the others might be confused by Emir “serenading” Tristan in the middle of the night.   Emir explains that he first needs to make a few calls and asks Tristan if he needs to send anything for him too. Tristan says “maybe tomorrow”. Griff tosses the Froghemoth another fish and chats a bit with it. He wants to eat kids still and Griff feeds it another fish. Griff tells the group he what found out his Grandmother. She was about 480 years old (intriguing Emir) and that she and the Elder used to be adventurers together. She was a lot of trouble apparently.   Tristan warns the group about the singing (but not about the full reason why).  

Emir calls people

  To Grace Emir: Hello. Offered to send you a message. He declined. But I know he misses you anyway and is trying to be strong. Grace (after a long pause): Hello...? Thanks for letting me know. But if Tristan does not want you to message me, just tell me to message him. Also it late…   To Woe Emir: Hear you are in Shadow Marches. Me too! Surprise Asher later with this info. What are you doing with the tortle? Woe (in a whisper): Long time no see. Or hear… We are friends with the tortle. How do you know about this? Are you interested in a venture? Emir: Travelling with their brother. Long story. Definitely interested in a venture. How long are you in Glumtown? Has Asher fleeced anyone else yet? Woe: Interesting. Did not know he had a brother. Also gullible? We are on the road right now. Will let you know when in Glumtown. Emir: There is a story there but he is a good egg. How will you be contacting me or Thaen? Woe: There always is… good eggs are best eggs, right? I have my ways to contact you. You will know when you hear me… or see…  

Sing me to sleep

  As Emir gets to the room he tells Silmer he has means to get messages to Dhyn. Tristan thanks Emir again for offering to help with the experiment. He turns around and tries to sleep but is unable to. He asks Emir, who is sitting by his bed to perhaps turn around. Emir sighs exaggeratedly, grabs the viol from his bag of holding and casts darkness. Tristan still struggles somewhat to go to sleep by he eventually drifts off. Griff and Malak go to sleep while Silmer finds it hard to find rest and just lies there in the darkness...   When Emir hears Tristan’s breathing slow down, he starts to sing “ A hero comes home” in Elizabeth’s voice. (Silmer is rather unsettled by a random female singing in the room)   In his dream, Tristan was in a dark sea of nothing, being tossed around by a storm. But as the song starts, the voice lifts him out of the water and onto a boat. It rocks gently, soothing him. He feels safe. The storm into blue skies. And the dark water turns into a lake, surrounded by a familiar shore and houses by its banks. Day turns to night quickly. The moon seems close by and its reflected on the lake. Tristan focuses on this moon but cannot make out which one it is.   Emir loops the song and changes the language. Tristan does not seem to experience anything difference in his dream. Emir does this for about 45 minutes before going to. (Silmer lies there in agony until he goes to sleep)  

The Baker, Dozen

  Griff and Malak get up early and decide to go to the bakery. They try to sneak out but manage to wake up everyone accidently. Tristan slowly wakes while Silmer and Emir sleep in.   On the way to the bakery, Griff tosses a fish to Froghemoth. The bakery (called “Dozent it smell good?”) is colorful and smells amazing. The door is very large, very wide and much taller than Malak, and very heavy. Griff muses the idea that the baker might be a Giant. Malak opens the door exerting himself and they go inside (a tiny bell over the door rings). Inside is as vibrant as outside, with cakes, cupcakes, pastries and bread everywhere. The counter is very high.   They are greeted by trotting hooves as a very tall Centaur (olive skin, bright green eyes, hair in 13 tiny multicolored braids and a golden brown body) leans over the counter. Malak and Griff get two Coffees and order breakfast for the party. He gives the two butter beer-esque coffee, called swamp beer.   Dozen mentions he is out of vanilla extract and things to flavour stuff with and asks Malak and Griff if they can help. They mention they’ll look into it.   For breakfast, Dozen decides to get everyone pastries so asks what everyone’s flavour is. It’s decided that Silmer’s is apricot (because apparently tortles like that?) and Tristan is blood orange (because Karrnath) but instead he’ll just get regular orange because Dozen does not have blood orange.   Dozen freaks out when Emir is mentioned. Dozen is a big fan and has a song for Emir. Malak and Griff decide to introduce him. Griff asks him if he can be cool and Dozen puts on sunglasses. They strap a big basket filled with treats and Griff gets on Dozen to hold it in place as they ride to the inn.  

Tristan runs some errands

  While the two are at the bakery, Tristan goes to the house Orion station and sends a letter to Theda to inform her that he’s in the Shadow Marches and if she wants to do the examination here it should be fine. Otherwise, her next option would be when they are in Starlaskur. Emir and Silmer turn around once more   The two grunt and sleep some more as their nights were long due to singing.  

Delivering breakfast

  Dozen, Malak, Tristan and Griff arrive at about the same time. They pass some coffee to Tristan who goes and wakes up the rest. Dozen traumatizes Tristan with his cheery demeanor. Tristan goes to get Emir so that they can “suffer” together. He tries to wake the two sleeping. After waking up properly, Emir asks Silmer if he has a message for his brother. Silmer explains thathe hasn’t had enough sleep to be able to give that thought yet. He explains that he was rather worried about no one noticing the strange lady’s voice in the room. Emir explains that he was mimicking Tristan’s sister and the others were sleeping.   Emir asks about Silmer’s birthday. Silmer does not actually when it is. But April picks a random in the year.   To April: Emir: April, when is Silmer’s birthday? April: Right… hi. You know what, right? We sendin? How we remembering? We counting words? Can I just.. speak? Random day and year.   The Silmer heads down with Tristan who went to get them again while Emir quickly washes his face. Dozen thinks Silmer is Dhyn. After some confusion this is corrected.   Emir gets down and Dozen “acts cool”. The basket is actually still on his back and Tristan and Griff takes it off. Dozen sings a song about the difference between cake pops and cupcakes:   Oooooh     Cupcakes are Poofy at the top And very small in the middle     While cake pops are Spherical And nothing in the middle     They are just little stick Just little sticks Little stick all the way down     Just little sticks Just little sticks All the way down   That’s why they’re not MUFFINS  


  They talk to Dozen and asks him what his story is. He explains he was a sailor and sailed from the Eldeen Reaches. They did not appreciate his baking there.   Silmer asks Dozen about Dhyn and Dozen explains he loves cup cakes and strawberry is his favorite flavour. Silmer mentions he loves pancakes and offers to teach Dozen. Dozen magically makes a kitchen appear on his back and Silmer makes pancakes in the middle of the tavern. The owner gets upset but Malak flashes his membership card and the crisis is averted.   The group discusses payment for the breakfast and Dozen mentions it will costs them a trip to the Marshes. He requires fruits to makes jams and extracts. Also some flowers, toadstools, mushrooms and frogs. The group decides to help him out.  

Tristan, Silmer and Dozen

  Tristan wonders if April would be able to make one of these kitchens for Silmer. Dozen says that he does not know if that is possible, a hag made it for him. Tristan asks why. Dozen explains he stated in Drooam and they are nice. Tristan takes a good look at the kitchen. Silmer and Dozen shares some recipes. Tristan notices the kitchen is Magical, not mechanical. And Silmer mentions he would love one of these   As Tristan tries to leave Dozen asks him what he does. Tristan mentions he’s a soldier. Silmer adds that he is also a bard. Dozen asks if he can sing him a song and Tristan, after a little protest, performs “Good Riddance” that he used to sing with his sister.   Dozen and Silmer are blown away by his performance and Tristan gets hugged. Dozen asks if they are best friends now. Tristan agrees they are. Tristan asks Dozen what he used to do before. Dozen explains he was a sailor. He stayed here after finding “The secret party”. It was poorly planned and catered for. He found his calling, to be a party planner.   Tristan mentions that he always wanted to be a soldier and that he’s good at killing. Dozen mentions he is to, when he was a sailor. Silmer mentions he wants to follow in the steps of his master and that he does not really know much. He’s looking to find his path to follow.   Tristan wants to know more about Dozen as a sailor. Dozen explains it was boring, there where no cupcakes, he accidently stabbed someone and they met a kraken. And he woke up in a hags home after the Kraken took down the ship. Silmer and Tristan asks him if he remembers if he gave her anything. Dozen does not seem to recall if he gave the hag anything. But from Droamm he sailed away again to eventually arrive here. Tristan leaves them to check on Griff.  

Griff communes with nature

  Griff sits outside and casts commune with nature. The moons on the floor and his arm start glowing. A familiar stag appears in the center of the marking on the square and shows from where he can find the things Dozen needs and shows him a birds eye view. As the spell ends he just sits there, pondering.  

Malak and Emir at the Tharashk station

  Malak and Emir decide to leave for a bit to go to the tharashk station to check on the travelers who seem stranded. It seems to be big building. The inside is reasonably neat and there is a Sarlonan rug there. Behind the large desk is a decently dress half-orc and one that seems to be more scruffy-looking. The decadent half-orc seems to be talking with a hooded heavy set person. The half-orc mentions they have already discussed they have no available escorts. The hooded figure’s shoulders slump and he asks when he should return. The half orc mentions he is not certain. The hooded figure mentions they will come back tomorrow.   As they pass Malak and Emir, the two hear how heavy the man’s footsteps are. He nearly bumps into them and apologises as he walks past. Malak and Emir decide to leave house Tharashk and follow the hooded figure outside. Emir casts message to the man and explains that they overheard his plight and could possibly help him.   They catch up to him and introduce themselves. The man stops to talk with them but seems quite hesitant to do so.   But during their introductions Malak mentions the group have met more of his kin, a person named Lumay. And Emir has assisted in helping Kleris Godfried get some of them out of Fairhaven. This information seems to put the hooded figure at ease. He bows and introduces himself as Orillo. Orillo mentions there are 3 others here also. They need to go to the Lantern Tower but have no direction to get there. They know there is a map for them in the Silent Fane that will take them to the Lantern Tower and help them find more of their kin. The problem is that it’s in the heart of the temple and House Tharashk and the Gatekeepers do not want to go in there, which is why he believes they are resistant to helping him. He explains that he and his kin are not able to be stealthy and that one needs to be able to go through the Silent Fane without a sound. The would otherwise activate one of the many traps inside.   Malak mentions they are here with more companions and would not mind helping out. He asks if they are camped somewhere. Orillo mentions they have a residence in the city and explains where they are staying. Malak asks if the people in the area are aware of what the group are and Orillo explains that the people here know that he and his kin are not of a “usual species” but they don’t judges. Malak and Emir agree to meet Orillo and his kin after their mission in the marshes.   Orillo gives the two his thanks. But explains that he does not have a reward to give them, should they decide to help him. Malak say that he can’t speak for the whole group but he thinks that it shouldn’t be a problem. Emir agrees and suggests that, if no reward can be given, perhaps exchange some stories. Orillo agrees.   On the way back Emir loops Malak into the conversation he had with April about a surprise party for Silmer.  

Tristan joins Griff outside

  Griff is staring at the circle. Tristan walks outside finding Griff and sits down next to him. Tristan mentions that Dozen was a pirate. Griff thinks it makes sense as he was on a ship. Dozen does not have wings and needed to go over a body of water. It’s obvious. Tristan mentions he still finds it odd for a centaur to be on a ship and asks Griff how the ritual went. Griff (ignoring Tristan’s question) asks Tristan why it is weird for a centaur to be on a ship. Just because he has four legs and a big butt, he can’t be on a boat?! What does he have against horses? Griff has been a stag on an airship! Tristan is getting annoyed and asks whether the ritual went bad.   Griff (ignoring Tristan’s question) mentions that if Tristan can be a bard, then why can’t Dozen be a pirate. Tristan, trying hard NOT to fall into this trap… falls into this trap, tells Griff that he is as much of a bard as the centaur is a pirate: barely at all.   Griff then has a “heart felt” moment, telling Tristan that no one should get his singing down. He can really sing beautifully. He asks if Emir is making Tristan feel a lesser bard? Is Tristan intimidated by Emir? (Tristan is trying HARD to explain that he is not intimidated by Emir) Griff assures him that Grace will love him, even if he’s not a good bard. “She loves you for YOU, Buddy”   Tristan gives up…  

Group meet again

  Heading back to the group, Emir asks Malak what type of filling he is. Malak says that Dozen never got to figuring him or Griff out but they’ll ask when they get back.   Emir then also explains to Malak about what he discussed with April and that he might ask Dozen to make a birthday cake for Silmer (a high stack of pancakes). And have a surprise party for him. Malak likes this idea.   The two pass Tristan and Griff. Seeing Tristan’s grumpy face, Malak asks what’s up. Tristan does not reply but Griff explains that Tristan is sad that he cannot be as good of a bard as Emir. Tristan gets up in a huff. He goes inside and gets a stiff drink. Meanwhile, Griff asks Emir if he can “inspire” Tristan to be a good bard. Emir wonders WTF Griff is up to.   Griff then explains to Malak and Emir what he saw in his ritual. Tristan comes out again and they all agree to head to the swamp. Tristan goes back to the bar to get another drink and then Silmer. Emir comes inside too to get his supplies. Dozen is delighted and asks for Emir’s autograph. Dozen tries to convince Emir to sign his rump but Emir finds a piece of paper as it would “last longer”:   To Dozen, Fondest Wishes Emir Kaarde   Dozen is happy. Then asks why Emir’s hair is black. Emir tries to explain that he needs to be incognito. He is on a research trip to learn new stories. But he’s worried that people would embellish the stories too much if they knew it was him to impress him. He says that people tend to be more truthful to strangers.   Dozen has no idea how that must feel. Luckily he does not do that. He then says he can’t wait to his mom about Emir’s visit and trots to the door. He hugs Griff at the door. Dozen smells of peppermint.   Meanwhile, Tristan finishes his drink and has the barkeep fill a flask with a stiff drink. It’s gonna be a day. The group then head out to the marsh land.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
23 Oct 2021

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