Session Eighty One: Just Mai Luck

General Summary

No Horsing Around   It is exactly 12:33PM and the group is heading out. Vence asks Malak and Tristan for their help teaching him how to manage horses and to "make it go". Malak’s first lesson was advising Vence to address Moonshine by their name and to apologize for calling them "it” (amongst other things). While traveling in the wagon there is a brief discussion about Ercanus. Ed recalls The Eyes mentioning the name before in frustrated tones. A bit later Tristan asks Malak about why he doesn't like Darrak. Turns out Darrak is one of the people who refused to help Myri. Malak would have killed them for their inaction had his wife and mother not stopped him. Though, for how much he hates him he doesn't think he's working with The Eyes. Ed remarks he enjoys Malak's "calming presence."   After a few days they reach a narrow rocky stretch the wagon simply will not be able to traverse. Malak takes the opportunity to again coach Vence, suggesting to ask Moonshine if he'd like to join them or stay behind. With Malak's help Moonshine explains he will do his duty to guard the wagon accepting Vence's rapier and a gallon of wine as a treat. Ed also provides Moonshine with some fruit and nuts to enjoy. Malak then has a wild idea. He has Moonshine sign their name in his book, replacing April, and is now able to use Sending to communicate. Malak will tell Moonshine when they are on their way back.     Tira take the wheel   Malak uses his dowsing amulet to guide them through the rocky trail to an outcrop with a shallow cave. As they work their way down they find a platform of green stone. The stone is marked in Celestial which read "Speak her name." As soon as Malak says "Tyra Myron" he disappears. The others quickly jump on the platform and speak her name as well, joining Malak inside the cave.   They find themselves in a dark room with cathedral high ceilings and large bronze double doors. On the doors are two reliefs, one of a Half-Orc Aasimar winged maiden with a sword and the other of a winged serpent in flames. Also on the doors, in Celestial, "Speak her name" and on the sword "Mailak Kloinjer", which baffles Malak. He then speaks her name and the doors open. Thick smoke rolls out and the smell of incense permeates the air. Ed tries ducking below the smoke but there is no ventilation. Tristan attempts to hold his breath, just in case, while Vence attempts to use to teleporter to clear the air, but to no avail.     Smooooke in the Cavern, a crystal way up high   In the distance, through the smoke, they see a dim yellowish glow about 10 feet in the air. In the smoke the sound of deep breathing and hissing in the walls can faintly be heard. Tristan signals to the group they aren't alone. Malak whispers he has two bad ideas. Teleport directly to it or simply ask who is there. Ed considers trying to use his house for them to safely move through the smoke and speculates the source of the smoke is near the light. Malak briefly wonders if it is a dragon, but then recalls the yellow crystal has radiant power from their previous experiences in the caves.   After endless back and forth Tristan loudly asks if anyone is there. Malak, remembering the guardians were okay with visitors before, walks forward as the others follow behind. Ed follows stealthily while Vence and Tristan walk along the walls, each finding vents. The ground begins to snap and crack like ice as they traverse the room and once they are all in…the doors slam shut.     The Four Matadors   As the doors slam shut angry sounds can be heard near the yellow glow and a loud rushing sound as a huge bronze bull rushes past them in the haze. The sound of it crashing into the bronze door echoes through the chamber and the bull only grows angrier.   Realizing the bull is too hot to climb Ed flings a bottle from his bag at the floating gem. A critical strike and the gem is visibly loose and Ed hides himself in the smoke once again. Realizing the floor is brittle Malak blasts it apart causing a portion to collapse trapping one of the bull’s legs. However, this makes the ground near Tristan dangerously unstable. Vence attempts to slow the creature, but it resists. Realizing his precarious situation Tristan moves away and discovers another vent as he uses his Wand of Winter to limited effect against the bull.   The radiant heat of the bull burns Ed and Vence. Even with the bull missing to gore Vence the sheer heat from how close it came sears his flesh. Ed expertly throws a sending stone upward, knocking the gem out of its setting. As the gem clatters to the floor the bull ceases moving, billowing smoke, and begins to cool.     One down, six more to go   Ed quickly retrieves the gem and discovers it to be quite cool to the touch, but also it seems to have some energy inside of it. The hows and whys of this energy are a mystery to him though. Tristan finds the exit through the haze and they use the gem to pass through. As they do the smoke dissipates.   They begin to make their way through a long corridor of crystal, Tristan lighting the way with Malak's magic. Vence, as if prompted by the crystals, brings out Crystallini (and therefore Lucy). To Tristan’s surprise he can see her without even trying and signs to her it is safe now.   As they walk along Vence points out the art reliefs on the walls while Malak, feeling some whimsy, skips along. The reliefs seem to depict the following:

  • The Maiden traveling with Orc + Half-orcs + "winged things" fighting demons
  • The group holding crystals
  • The group them putting the crystals together
  • They then give a plant to another demon
  • The demon then goes off to sea
    Sir Pentor   As they turn a corner they see light ahead and hear the sounds of hissing. They stealthily enter the room and see winged golden cobras playing in a large pit of flame, ignoring the group. Along the pit there are a number of raised platforms with divots in the middle. Ed takes out the crystal. From the moment the crystal left Ed's pocket the snakes stared at the gem. Ed, unnerved by the staring snakes, waves akwardly. One snake waves back. Ed places the crystal on the divot. Once it was placed the snakes slithered towards the crystal and encircled it.   One of the snakes (the one that waved previously) taps Ed on the foot, instantly bonding with him, and begins to communicate with him telepathically. After some introductions and conversation they learn the following:
  • Malak looks a lot like a guy named "Sami", it's confusing
  • Kloinjer used to be the Silver Flame
  • The snake doesn’t have a name, but accepts the name "Sir Pentor" from Ed
  • Northern tunnel has water, Sir Pentor won't follow but can still talk
  ... Ugh. An underwater level...   The group makes their way through the northern tunnel and as they venture they notice a flooded set a stairs going downward, and in front of the stairs a pile of gear. As they approach the gear the door behind them slams shut. After some investigating they learn gear will allow them to breathe underwater, but they won't be able to take any gear with them. It is also clear that no magic works in this area (nor Ed's card trick), but Malak’s hair still glows and Vence can still shift.   As they all change into the diving gear Tristan muses it is likely a test and everything will be just fine... After they descend into the water a ways they encounter a large bubble and some sort of kelp. Unable to resist Malak pops the bubble causing the kelp to take a humanoid shape which is clearly upset. Ed whacks Malak across the back of the head and makes apologetic gestures to the Kelp-E. With Tristan's help the pair manage to defuse the situation, which ends with Malak getting hit in the back of head again by Kelp-E.   Malak apologizes and explains he didn't know what would happen, not meaning to burst his bubble. The inadvertent pun goes over well as Tristan tries to get directions to the next crystal, but he wants real magic in trade. Tristan trades him the ‘Sending Stone to Len’.   Kelp-E leads them through the area to the next crystal. When they take it the water drains from the room but they don't feel the magic return. They head back up to retrieve their gear and change before venturing further. Sir Pentor joins them as Tristan lights a torch before heading back down.     Kelp me, I think I made a wrong turn   Going past where they were before they enter a round room with many large bubbles, which burst. They have encountered Kelp-A through Kelp-D, all are armed and openly hostile.   Malak and Vence have no success trying to torch and stab one respectively. Malak is struck in retaliation and Ed throws a lit torch at another, hurting it badly, as he narrowly dodges an arrow. Tristan enters the fray slashing one, while Malak again misses with his torch. Vence manages to 'dagger dagger' successfully as Tristan gets hit and Malak ducks out of the way again. Ed deftly kills one of the Kelp as Vence and Tristan both are hit again. Malak lands a glancing blow and dodges one in return. Tristan takes another strike but retaliates with a killing blow. Ed manages to finish off the remaining one after it attacks Vence.     Taking a ⅛ rest   After the fight the group take a short rest with a musical interlude to recover their health. Tristan checks in with Lucy and learns, while she might have a dragon mark, she can't talk to the snake (though she thinks it is cute).   Malak and Ed ask Sir Pentor about who this 'Sami' was. They learn:
  • Samir Kes (Sami) brought the shard to the cave at least 3000 years ago
  • Malak explains 'Sami' is to Ed and Sir Pentor
  • "Kloinjer was the next one."
  • "Tira was the next Silver Flame and Kloinjer was her sword" - Malak
  • Mailak's sword was named Thirza
  • Sami visits the caves every few hundred years
  • Sir Pentor looks not unlike Samir's Quoatl
  • Malak feels he has a good idea of his name's origin now
  Rock and Roll out   The group moves on carefully after their rest and come to the red crystal. Malak recalls this one is the one that blocks magic and as he takes it they feel magic return to them. As this happens Sir Pentos tells them that Cersei d'Kunderach (the Warders), the purple crystal guardian, set all of this up.   In the next room they hear loud cracking sounds. The sounds of the crystal creatures they encountered once before. Vence recounts the previous deadly encounter to Tristan, who is annoyed he wasn’t made aware earlier. As two crystal creatures enter their view they hear the scuttling of more behind them.     The return of the Crystal Creatures   Ed uses a special bead from his bag and flings it at one of the attacking crystals banishing it from this dimension. Malak, a Raging Tristan, and wand wielding Vence attack the remaining one in view dealing solid blows each. The crystal creature slams into Tristan before burrowing into the rock and appearing next to Vence and Malak.   Ed grabs a chunk of debris and throws it at the crystal, hitting it hard, while Malak uses a flame strike against the newly entering group. The radiance in the spell seems quite effective. Two of the crystals slam hard into Tristan has away and uses the Wand of Winter on the group. Vence, remembers Mia's spells and seeing the effectiveness of Malak's, casts Destructive Wave causing two of them to shatter apart.   One of the crystals bites Malak and he retaliates with his shield, knocking it over to Vence. Ed seizes the opportunity to stab it unawares as it scuttles back to Malak. It explodes, crystalline shrapnel hitting Vence. Ed then strikes the remaining crystal creature, causing it to explode next to Tristan, ending the fight for the moment.   The group get themselves into position for the return of the banished crystal creature. Once it arrives they all attack at once nearly eviscerating it in an instant. However, Sir Pentor lands the killing blow.     Orange you glad we went back?   With the battle concluded Lucy checks over Vence while Ed heals Tristan and Malak. Tristan suggests Malak check in on Moonshine. The group proceeds further to a stairway and on the dais sits the green crystal. Tristan asks what it does but no-one seems to know. Vence says "Only one way to find out!" and takes the crystal.   The group then returns to the room with the flame pit and set the crystals on all the raised platforms. The fire is extinguished and they are able to collect the orange crystal from the pit. They collect all the crystals before taking the southern path. They are met with a door that opens when the slot in the orange crystal and they continue on into a large circular room.     Sam I am not   In the center of the room is a purple crystal and a purple-ish Dwarven woman (Cersei). She is translucent and tinkering with some clockwork item. "Sami! You've come back!" and tries to hug Malak. Malak then informs her that he is Malak, Sami is his dad.   Malak explains that they are there to give Tyra the pieces to reforge Kloinjer for battle. Cersei tells him that Tyra won't battle with the sword as she's the Silver Flame now. Malak then understands that Tyra will become the sword for Myri and Myri will then become the Silver Flame in turn.     The Fate of Maidens   Malak asks Cersei about she knows about becoming the Silver Flame.    She explains that, during the syzygy:
  • The Silver Flame goes out
  • Magic ceases to exist
  • The chosen maiden forges a new sword from the essence of the old Silver Flame and the prismatic crystals
  • She then sacrifices herself and her Couatl, reginitghting the Silver Flame and returning magic
  Malak asks if it will hurt, but Cersei doesn't know. He will ask Tira later. Cersei is surprised he didn't ask Tira and also confused that he is here at all collecting the shards. This is normally a quest reserved for the worthy maiden herself. Malak explains Myri is trapped in Dal Quor, so it is up to her father to do it in her stead.   Tristan checks in on how Malak is handling the news. Malak admits while he saw it coming it is still hard to accept. He always knew she was meant for great things. But he can contact Tyra in Dal Quor so he'll talk to Myri then too.   Vence, looking for a loophole, asks Cersei if Keia (firbolg in Dal Quor) had a quatl. If she did, could she then take Myri’s place instead? Cersei tells him that it has to be an Aasimar and a quatl together. Malak wonders if Tula knows any of this and Tristan suggests asking them later on.   Ed asks if Myri being trapped in DQ presents an issue, but it doesn't seem to be the case. But then he wonders if we have a spare Aasiamr or someone else could take her place, like could Malak swap? Malak had considered this before but doesn't want to get in the way of her chance to fulfill her destiny. Ed explains he's more thinking it as a sort of a Plan B. Vence, trying to lighten the mood, jokes about a 3rd backup possibility that may exist "but he might not be happy with us. Still, a kidnapping could be fun!"     Deactivate me already and move along   Cersei tells the group about the indigo crystal nearby and its power to control people. Ed freezes, recalling his experiences surrounding the indigo crystal with the Eyes. Cersei begins to elaborate more but stops herself, telling them to remove her crystal from its slot or she'll just keep talking... The group collects the purple crystal!

Sickle Moon
Report Date
08 Jul 2024

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