Session Sixty One: Quiet as a mouse

General Summary

Reminder: Silmer has notes for everyone but has yet to share them.   -FotSb-  

The Circle Room

  Everyone arrived in a circular room to the sound of Molly calling out their arrival. It is night time but outside is still surprisingly lit.   A dwarven woman with a dark complexion, spectacles, pinafore and hair in bun opens the door. She introduces herself as Ms. Chose and she tends to the apartment while Cissa is away...The group realizes Chantilly is missing when some consider introducing themselves (for a first).  

By any other name

  Chantilly finds herself alone. In front of a desk. With a strange woman asking for her name. Chantilly is naturally suspicious, as all bunnies are, and isn't open to sharing...But Molly explains she needs to register her name to be allowed access inside the Spire of Inspiration.   After registering Chantilly asks Molly questions to find the group. Deciding to focus on finding Tortles nearby learns there are two! Silmer being the one in Cissa's apartment and an unknown one somewhere outside the spire. Chantilly then begins making her way up to the apartment.  

Time to leave; Let’s make introductions!

  Griff just finishes introducing himself when Malak realizes Chantilly is probably w/ Molly. He then jumps the railing poofing into feathers as he dimension doors straight the ground to retrieve her. He finds her a couple flights up as she continually got distracted by "the shinnies." She tells Malak there is a tortle outside, piquing his interest.   Upstairs there is a bit more conversation before deciding to leave. Emir, possibly expecting to just have been recognized, apologizes and introduces himself and the others. Ms. Chose would welcome Emir coming back should they need anything as she is all alone up is quite sure if that if it is true but hopes it isn't...for her sake.  

We were 'tortally' waiting for you

  While waiting for the group to join them Chantilly tries to ride Malak's shoulder but it doesn't work. So after cleaning a collapsed Malak off the floor Malak peeks out the entrance to see this tortle, but can't get eyes on it.   Meanwhile Griff turns into an owl and lands on Tristan. Tristan, feeling 'birdened', jumps over the railing like Malak but casts feather fall and lands safely. A rather subdued Vence shifts in and walks down with Silmer like a normal people to the lobby. Once they all are together they venture into the night as Molly says good-bye to them.  

I'm Famished

  Outside they see the other spires but there are not many people in their direct area.   Following the sounds of laughter Malak leads them towards a bridge covered in food stalls and shopping carts. Various Brelish foods like meat pies and even Sharnian fusion are for sale. Some carts sells masks, games for kids, and even lanterns. The lanterns are seen all over and even floating in the river below.   Chantilly mentions wanting to sneak away to make sure the group isn't being followed or in danger. Vence warns her against this as there are people specifically tasked with finding people sneaking about in Wroat. While Chantilly sneaks off and scouts around Malak decides to order meat pies for everyone and purchases them all a Silverbird (Pheasant pie), Chantilly included. Griff, having flown overhead viewing the event, lands on Tristan and asks him to feed him. Feeling a 'birden' Griff flies over to Malak who kindly holds the pie for him to eat.   Chantilly scouts ahead finding a Kenku selling 'cursed items', a ribbon cart (where she finds a ribbon?), games for kids, masks, and House Deneith guards keeping a watchful eye. She notices some bards singing various songs: The Siblings 3, Flight of the Silverbird, and one about Myranna.   While Chantilly is away the rest eat their pies while Vence somberly explains to the group this is the King's City and not to cause trouble. Whether it means a scuffle or mouthing off to the guards, he doesn't want a repeat of Flamekeep with the veiled ones. He doesn't think "they" have enough influence to smooth it over. After some jokes about Vence suddenly being "responsible" and "no public scuffles" screams are heard and Tristan takes off to see what that matter is, the others following behind.  

We're here to help (and eat pies)

  Griff flies overhead to try and see signs of struggle or commotion but is thrown off while Tristan approaches the screaming individual, a buff human, asking, "Can we help? Who is gone?" The House Deneith guards recognize him and Tristan learns, "Paris'harath" was kidnapped, a name that Chantilly knows.   It seems Paris is a Kalashtar who was sitting and reciting a song and suddenly just _vanished_! Malak and Tristan didn't see any Inspired around though. Griff returns asking for a more detailed description, but the guards don't want this going on so near the Castle and urge them all to go the Guard House southward across the bridge.    

It's a bit Chantilly outside in the cold

  Silmer and Chantilly stood outside while the rest of the group headed in, but the 'buff human' who had been giving Silmer odd looks and asked him to come inside with the rest. Malak encouraged Silmer to go in as well. Chantilly valiantly chose to stand guard outside.   Inside it is revealed the 'buff human' is _actually_ a female Sarlonan tortle named Dea. Possibly "Dea-m" if she is Silmer's type. Dea believes the Soft-Ones kidnapped Paris, but they were supposed to be all sent back. Malak thinks this all makes sense, but they learned from House Deneith a new Soft-One entered the Brelish court 2 days ago. Griff gives some explanation regarding Soft-Ones and kidnappings but House Deneith needs real evidence of this, even Tristan's word isn't enough.   Dea uses her Hat of Disguise to show them what Paris looks like. A Kalashtar man with light blue eyes, average height, silvery blond hair, and very tired eyes.  

Bug out

  Griff uses animal messenger with a cockroach to send Paris a message letting him know Dea is safe and people are coming to find him. Griff transforms into a cockroach and takes off in pursuit. As the cockroaches scurry under the door and past Chantilly she jumps in the air and narrowly misses squishing Griff, who warns her not to squish him as he leaves.  

Waiting Inside

  Malak asks Vence about maybe contacting 'The Big Guy' for some insight/info about the Inspired in Wroat, Vence isn't sure that is the best bet and will think on it. Tristan is surprised by the disappearance happening so brazenly in public. House Deneith does admit to people appearing and disappearing all the time throughout the city. Tristan asks Vence about secret passages, but Vence just says there aren't on the bridge.   Silmer asks Dea if she saw or sensed anything, but nope, she didn't. She looks at Silmer and asks, "Are you him?" "Eh, prolly not." She assumed he was one of the missing princes, but Silmer smoothly avoids the comment and introduces himself. While Tristan tries to encourage Silmer to be honest with Dea Silmer holds fast to Phoenix’s advice not to tell people.  

Tall, buff, and likes to hug: Not George or Griff

  A tall, buff, tired looking human lady, comes into the guard house grumbling about it being her day off. She and Tristan look excited/happy to see one another and they hug, she is called Briar. She remarks that Tristan got strong and she calls him "The Colonel" while he calls her "Lt". (She is not lit, she is sober)  

Roach glitched

  Griff meanwhile is in hot pursuit of the cockroach messenger. Together they scurry back across the bridge under food stalls and over barrels before heading straight down through the support beams. Working their way across to the other side where they scurry to a house guarded by palace guards.   After they get under the door they are in an empty room. The animal messenger tries to get through a wall but can't. Griff tries himself but also cannot get through and lightly bounces off of it. Uncertain of what is happening he scurries out and in secret turns back into Griff and walks back to the guard house to share what he discovered.  

Filling Briar in

  Back inside Tristan introduces the group to Briar and the guards update her on this evening's events. Briar also has a penchant for hugging to cheer people up but Dea declines. Malak and Tristan make odd comments that Briar really needs to meet this cockroach they know, much to her confusion.   Briar takes Tristan aside to let him know she got a letter from Elizabeth and asks if he's heard from her lately. She tells him she is trying to save "this guy" and Tristan thinks it could mean him, but no he hasn't talked to her directly in quite some time. She gives him the letter, which is actually a song, and not only is "the guy" some 'Edward Berkeley' Elizabeth also personally delivered the letter sand might still be in town.  

Sending for Backup

  Chantilly and Griff return as Silmer, Malak, and Vence discuss contacting Phoenix. Vence reaches out and asks her if she has evidence about the Kalashtar kidnappings. While she hasn't had the time to collect proper evidence she will try to arrange for it but in the meantime "find their sword."   Malak asks Dea if she can help elaborate on the meaning. She explains that soft-ones are assigned a new Quori through a weapon and it keeps them being a soft-one.  

Hugs and Houses

  Tristan introduces Chantilly and Griff, he and Briar hug it out. Griff then explains to everyone which house the cockroach went and that it was guarded. Briar explains the guards are "The Shields" and House Deneith doesn't have jurisdiction there.   The group discusses and agrees they need to rescue Paris'harath. Tristan and Malak joke it might be considered "causing trouble" and rules are now "no public scuffles", much to Vence's chagrin. Briar wants to hear _none_ of this. She tells them they can find her later at the Last Lantern, Emir Kaarde is going to play, there were posters!  

Last things

  Tristan asks Vence about contacting Talia or Genti and explains he is worried about running into Elizabeth. Vence is reluctant as they are about to do a rescue mission but will do so after. He guarantees how they're traveling they won't run into her.   Before they leave they learn the song/poem about The Siblings Three, it will be their way to uniquely identify Paris and not an imposter. Chantilly, in talking to Dea, learns that she is the escorter of Kalashtar in Wroat and is aware of The Knott. Dea said she'll stay under the protection of House Dennith for at least the next couple days, but is unsure what to do after that. Malak guarantees success for all w/ The Siblings Three at their backs.  


  Vence leads them across the street to the side of an unoccupied building. Shifting into Lady and using a special ring she opens a secret entrance into the side of the building. Once everyone is inside the plan is to take a hidden passage under the river and to the building where Griff's cockroach was unable to proceed. Griff uses Pass w/o a Trace to help conceal the party as they travel in the tunnels beneath Wroat.   They travel quietly in tunnels going down as they traverse beneath the river and back up seeing nothing as they travel. After about 15 minutes they come under the house Griff told them about. Griff then recasts animal messenger and eventually finds a mouse. The group follow the mouse further north and into the upper district. The mouse scurries up a ladder and they follow quietly.   They enter an ornate room and hear Elven voices talking softly and Silmer senses a quori nearby. The two elves are wearing robes of The Eyes and discussing what to do with the Kalashtar. It seems he isn't being cooperative. They've decided on Plan M, murder...The party has a different plan, take them out w/o a sound.  

Plan Surprise!

  As the party is about to spring into action Griff's mouse finds Paris and relays the message in Griff's loud voice. While the elves are distracted the group seizes the opportunity to attack.   Chantilly moves quickly to slit the throat of one of the elves while Silmer stuns the other and knocks him to the ground. Malak moves forward and burns both of them with holy light. Lady moves in to stab the prone one but can't land a blow, cursing she motions for Tristan as this is more his thing. Tristan hacks the prone man twice while Griff uses powerful necrotic magics to make both men wither and decay, causing one to pass out, and moves towards the sounds of the mouse upstairs. Chantilly chases after Griff but not before spring boarding off the other elf's head, knocking him unconscious.  

We'll always have Paris

  Griff and Chantilly head into the room where the mouse spoke and all but Lady follow. Inside they find a man bound to a chair, bloodied, and looking relieved they aren't elves. Chantilly glomps Paris as Griff and Tristan work to heal and free him.   After some brief greetings and reminders of 'tea' Griff's offer to carry Paris is accepted. As they head downstairs Chantilly remains behind to quickly inspect the room. She finds a moon touched dagger and what appears to be gold rope holding the curtains open. Downstairs the rest see Lady finish her bindings on the unconscious elves.   The group agrees that they will take them back to Briar for questioning and they will do so stealthily. Malak and Griff heal the prisoners enough to keep them from dying. Malak gets the house address so Briar can send investigators over.  

Distractions in the Dim

  They begin making their way back to the guard house but at the first junction they hear something, the sound of someone running eastward. Silmer wants to pursue them, but others think it is too risky to go alone and they've got prisoners and a wounded man. However, Silmer is easily able to ID the tracks and to which boot created them.   The rest of the journey back is uneventful and as they exit the house Vence returns. Tristan, feeling self-conscious with a body slung over his shoulder, takes particular caution when crossing the street.  

"We gottem!"

  Griff exclaims as they return. Briar is initially worried by the sight of the bodies, but fully on board realizing they are alive and prisoners. Malak tells her we found them at 12 Shady Lane and Briar sends a squad off to investigate.   Griff tries teasing Tristan for being a Vampire (pale), both Tristan and Briar are not amused. Griff tries offering a hug to smooth things over, they'll be family after all and briefly mentions Grace. Tristan pulls Briar aside to explain more fully. Meanwhile, Vence takes the opportunity to verify Paris is who he says he is. Paris sings The Siblings Three with such passion there is no question of who he is.   After all this hard work Briar thinks they all need to go for a drink. Where to? "The Last Lantern, Emir is playing." Vence looks unhappy about it and says he doesn't want to go there. Seems the last time he was there he was booed out of the establishment. The others remind him of his skill with the viol, besting even Asir. While appreciative, Vence is still a bit off, but ultimately agrees as they need to look into this "Emir Kaarde."  

Asking for a Friend

  Before they set to leave Tristan asks Vence again to talk to Talia or Genti as he doesn't want to accidentally run into Elizabeth. Vence says he'll ask Genti as he doesn't know Talia. While this is going on Chantilly sets up a time to talk to Paris the next day.   Vence -> Genti: Heard you lot might be in Wroat still, heading to Last Lantern. Tristan wanted to make sure not to run into you all.   Genti -> Vence: Expected you to reach out, saw Emir's posters. Not going there, we're well hidden.   Vence -> Genti: That is an imposter, looking into it. We just finished rescuing Paris'harath, a Kalashtar.   Genti -> Vence: Imposter is concerning, keep us updated; No idea who Paris is, but thanks.  

Let's get a drink

  On the way to the Last Lantern the group reserve rooms at the Gold Dragon Inn. They casually enjoy the lantern festival as they make their way w/ Briar to the bar. Upon entering they see an Emir dancing gaily. As they enter Emir sees them all and grins. Vence notices a few facial features of Emir a tiny bit off as Emir saunters over and whispers, "Told you I was the pretty one."

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
07 Oct 2022

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