Session Fifty Nine: The Gloss Ripple

General Summary

Sweet Pea and Sage

  After a long morning the party finally makes their way outside. Pheonix contacts Chantilly letting her know they’re on their way and will meet them all soon (ish). However, Chantilly’s attention is quickly drawn to the smell of something both floral and herbal in the air; which can mean only one thing, Greensong hasn’t kept the Feywild at bay. Chantilly hurriedly rushes everyone back inside and quickly explains “The Gloss Ripple” is when the sky turns pink and the fey realm crashes into theirs, potentially swallowing the city. During this time people will be stolen, so ‘bunny up’! Chantilly informs the group she needs to get people to safety before the sky turns pink, which Malak thinks is crazy. Brix assures him it is true and that the Harregon know the fey realm. Brix also, somewhat begrudgingly, lets them know the house can hold 15 people. The group hastily discuss splitting up and then set off in different directions.  

Griff and Chantilly

  Together Griff and Chantilly take off. While traveling to various areas Chantilly beats drums alerting people to get back inside or to safe houses and to ‘bunny up’. Griff uses magic to enhance their speed and abilities while repeating Chantilly’s warnings. Between the cracks of masonry small flowers begin to sprout. In the distance there is another faint drumming sound and the scent of sweet pea and sage on the wind.  

Tristan, Silmer, Emir

  Malak elects to stay behind with Brix while the trio head off toward House Lyrandar and Deinith. Emir uses Minor Illusion as they head off telling people to get to safety while sending those he sees to Pavo’s House. The trio head to House Lyrandar and see a large throng of people outside of House Deinith. Silmer manages to persuade a reluctant Tatalla to let in 50 people. Emir begins calling for people to come inside while Tristan mans the door counting entries. After House Lyrandar reaches capacity Tristan finds he nearly has to physically beat back a “Karen” but Silmer joins him in blocking the entrance after which Emir walks the others back over to House Deineth.  

Malak, Brix, and Fans

  Meanwhile back and Pavo’s House fangirls are rushing in looking for Emir. Malak directs them to Emir’s room, implies/says it is Emir’s house, and even sells Emir’s pillow. Some of the girls are so enamored to meet an acquaintance of Emir’s they stroke Malak’s face and beard. Brix is not amused by what all is going on and gets himself a bottle of whiskey to soothe his nerves while ardently counting with Malak the number of people who have arrived. After 15 people arrive Brix is clearly done with the new arrivals. However, a small 10 year old girl with her teddy bear begs to be let in and Malak manages to talk Brix around into letting her in…after which the door was locked and all others shelter seekers were sent to House Deineth.  

Butterflies and Blink dogs

  The “Gloss Ripple” continues to evolve and now there are butterflies around. Dark clouds begin to approach and while it is just weather it makes for a bad combination. After getting everyone to safety Chantilly and Griff keep their eyes peeled for Fey Creatures. Standing outside Tristan and Silmer notice, apart from the butterflies, that there is a dog wondering around that regularly ‘poofs’ away and reappears elsewhere. With House Deineth filling up Tristan tries to tell Emir that it is time to go. As it begins to rain the clouds change from grey to teal. Through the rain the shapes of people begin to appear and some emerge from puddles and begin to approach Chantilly and Griff’s position. Chantilly tells Griff it is very important not to interact with the “rain men”. Suddenly, there is a scream, “Ilo! Ilo?!” As Daney the Firbolg shouts for her missing nephew, Ilo. Chantilli and Griff say they will try to find them. Tristan and Silmer check House Lyrandar but he isn’t there. They head over to House Deineth and Emir tries messaging Ilo but to no avail.    

Malak & the Fans, Brix & the Whiskey

  With the sound of fans jumping on a bed upstairs Malak uses ‘Dramaturgy’ to try and gather the fans into the study, “Where Emir practices and writes his music!” Not everyone joins but he continues to play up that there will be a meet and greet and how “Emir” has special protection magic in the study. Brix enthusiastically joins in and backs Malak’s ruse and even says Malak will perform for them! Malak then plays a ‘pop’ rendition of the Myranna version of Flight of the Silverbird. Two more fans run down the stair but the 10 year old girl is still missing. The sound of crying can be heard and while Brix entertained the crowd with castanets Malak heads upstairs to investigate. Malak quickly checks Emir’s destroyed room and realizes the crying is coming from his own room! He finds the girl crying in the closet. As he comforts her he learns she’s there due to a wish she made…for a big bear…and it came true and ate her parents before ‘poofing’ away. Malak, ever the pragmatic, casts Armor of Agathis on himself as he coaxes out a sniffling 10 year old…who is holding a teddy bear. As Malak and the girl return to the study they see Brix finishing a magic trick and suddenly her teddy bear turns into a big. Big. Bear.  

Looking High and Low for Ilo

  Tristan and Silmer wish to help more and Chantilly has them go visit the blacksmith, Master Stokeroy, the last person to have seen Ilo. Daney quickly gives everyone a description of Ilo. Per Silmer’s suggestion Tristan hastily tells Tatalla they’re leaving, much to her annoyance, but vaguely mentions a missing child and will explain later…it doesn’t improve her mood. Meanwhile, Emir messages Malak and gives a description of Ilo, a tall 7 year old Firbolg male. Malak gives a detailed reply regarding the all of the fan girls, but all Emir hears is, “Emir, am surrounded-.” Worriedly he relays this and Griff heroically flies off on Godric to save Malak from this unknown danger.  

The Bonked Smith

  Silmer and Tristan arrive at the blacksmith’s and ask if Ilo is there (he isn’t) and since the Master Stokeroy is alone he should come with them to ‘bunny up’ and help find Ilo. He says he is okay and doesn’t want to leave, later saying, “I cannot come with you.” It is at this point Silmer gives the okay for Tristan to knock the man out and bring him with them. While Tristan pulls the man over his shoulder Silmer takes a look around the room but doesn’t find anything out of the ordinary. As they head out into the rain Silmer sees in the distance a tall child holding hands with a “rain person”…and take off after them.    

The Bunny and Bard; Griff ‘n Griffin

  Chantilly tells Emir they should check the safe houses for Ilo as they head back to Pavo’s. Even as keenly focused as Chantilly is they don’t see anyone outside nor do they find Ilo at any of the safe houses before arriving at Pavo’s. Meanwhile Griff updates Godric on what all has been happening and that Malak might be in trouble as they zoom towards Pavo’s house.    

The Bear and Malak ‘n Fair

  As the bear appears the crowd applauds, not realizing this isn’t a performance. Malak strides forward and Banishes the bear away. Malak hastily explains to a confused Brix that the bear ate the girl’s parents while she cries, “mommy and daddy are dead!” While the fans wish Emir was there Malak is begins writing a message to Cissa about the bear and to tell Griff that- just as Griff and Godric arrive to the ‘rescuse’ Malak.   While the girls cry, worried Godric will eat them, the bear returns with a roar! Godric and Malak fiercely attack the bear and while it roars and pain and gives them a pleading look it isn’t long before it dissolves away into nothingness. With the bear dispatched Malak clarifies to Griff what his original message to Emir was about (Fangirls, not bears). When Griff asks those gathered if they’ve seen Ilo the little girl tells him that Ilo went with the water people, the same people who gave her the bear. The girl says to Griff, “It loved me, who will love me now?!”   Griff gives her a comforting hug and tells her Emir is on his way. Griff tries to take Malak with him to go after Ilo but Brix is not okay with it. As Emir and Chantilly walk through the door Griff and Malak quickly moved past them to go after Ilo. While there is some fuss with Emir’s arrival he tells them all, much to Chantilly’s relief, that he must help save Ilo but he will return afterward. Before they leave Chantilly and Emir learn the little girl’s name is Tessie.  

I’ll(o) Save You

  While in pursuit Tristan shouts out to Ilo and while he looks over at them continues on as 2 more water people join in. Silmer runs ahead cutting them off and tries pulling Ilo away, but realizes he’ll hurt the boy before extracting him and lets go. Silmer decides the only way to free Ilo is through well thought out and articulated violence. With a few well-placed strikes the water creature falls into droplets; Ilo just stares at Silmer. Tristan follow’s Silmer’s lead and strikes at another one of the creatures turning her into ice before she cracks apart into shards. It is at this moment Griff, Godric, and Malak arrive. The 3rd creature seeing the new arrivals casted Hypnotic Pattern, causing Malak and Tristan to stare at the kaleidoscope of colors. Silmer landing a glancing blow as WC3 takes Ilo’s hand and begins walking them into the river; Ilo begins to drown.   Griff rushes over and casts Control Water to save Ilo while Godric kills the final water creature. Whatever charm was upon Ilo releases and he screams. Chantilly, just arriving, rushes to Ilo to comfort him and let him know his Aunt is alright as a winded Emir arrives a bit behind her.  

Why me?!

  As Chantilly hugs Ilo the rain stops, the sky transitions from pink to back to blue, and the floral and herbal scents fade away from the breeze. Ilo cries, “Why me? Why did he do this?” When pressed they learn he is talking about the blacksmith who, “did something.” But he can’t recall anything more.   Griff and Silmer head into the river and search it to see if anymore sacrifices were made that day. While they search Tristan ties up the blacksmith, Chantilly fusses over Ilo, and Malak offers healing. Griff and Silmer return having found no signs of other sacrifices. Emir then suggests they take Ilo back to his aunt, after which they can interrogate the blacksmith. Chantilly makes it clear that no fingers are to be removed which causes Tristan to suggest that she lead the questioning. As they walk back Malak tells Emir that a great battle was fought in his room, but Malak’s grin gives him away. Ilo talks to Silmer about his big friend and the fairy (Hawk + Pheonix) going to the Knott and that Cassidy and Krull were there days ago; and if he wants to find them, just ask the harregons.  

Returning to normal

  As they make their way back to House Lyrandar they see that the people are out and about again as if nothing happened. Chantilly’s reassuring smile to everyone they pass is more unnerving than helpful.   When they arrive Tristan alerts Tatalla to their arrival, which causes sparks to fly, and he explains to her some of the details regarding Ilo’s kidnapping and the blacksmith’s involvement, which causes another round of sparks. Tatalla plays doting host to Ilo while his Aunt is summoned. While they wait it is clear that Tatalla wants to kill the blacksmith…but Tristan and Silmer call her off for the time being as he needs questioned first.  

Questions that need answering

  With Ilo safely in his aunt’s custody again the group, with Tatalla joining, head to the blacksmith’s house to begin questioning. Stokeroy wakes up on the floor as it was decided by some he didn’t deserve a chair. Stokeroy is indignant about being hit over the head and being tied up. Chantilly sits on the floor beside him and wants to begin her questioning…as Tatalla threaten to kill him. Emir makes it clear no-one is killing anyone today. Griff, realizing Tatalla isn’t helping the situation, picks her up and carries her outside. Tristan aggressively sharpens his blade in the corner.  

Q&A with your local kidnapper

  The atmosphere remains incredibly tense, even with Tatalla safely outside. Over the sound of Tristan sharpening his blade Chantilly questions Stokeroy as to why he gave Ilo to the Fey. He tells her has hasn’t been able to sell anything for months and that his husband had left him. He had hoped this arrangement would help bring in more customers. Chantilly chastises him for being so greedy and selfish. If he had asked for help the bunnies could have helped…but it is clear to her (and everyone else) that he isn’t truly sorry. As such his repentance will be community service. Bad community service.   Stokeroy doesn’t feel he quite deserves such harsh treatment and even tries to justify his actions saying, “Sometimes the kids were happy!” The room becomes cold at the revelation and Thaen shifts in asking, “How many children?” He tells them it was four children, but he was doing it for the changelings! He doesn’t know why it is happening, but it has been going on a few years and isn’t very apologetic about it. Tristan takes him by the throat in his anger before Chantilly tells him to stop as she will bring someone from House Deineth.   Outside Griff tries to calm a ‘sparking’ mad Tatalla. Chantilly tells them as she passes by that she is going to get someone from House Deineth. Tatalla sees this as an opportunity to assault the blacksmith again, but Griff tells her she already did so earlier when she pulled the chair out from under him. So she suggests feeding him to Godric instead…Griff again tells her in no uncertain terms, “No.”  

2nd round of questions

  Seeing Malak as something of the groups ‘conscience’ Thaen asks for Malak’s permission to mind read Stokeroy. Malak, having heard enough from him already, believes he is without remorse and an evil man…and he approves (as does Tristan, who is slowly squeezing the man's neck).   Griff and Tatalla are called back in to help with the next line of questioning. Griff, seeing Tristan's hand on the man's throat, takes a moment first to convince Tristan to not sink to the blacksmith’s level and to let him go, which he does. Silmer calms Tatalla somewhat as Thaen explains Griff will handle the questions as he uses Detect Thoughts. Stokeroy is unnerved and afraid, but no-one is very sympathetic to him. Griff begins by first properly sitting Stokeroy on a chair. He then asks Stokeroy, “Why did you do it?” and they learn a great deal. A few years ago his wife died in childbirth and just thought that is how life was. Later married his husband who had a child previously. They had a very happy life together until the child’s 7th birthday when the Ebony Syndicate took them…never to be seen again.   In his grief he sought out the Hag, Greensong, and begged for the child back. She tells him the Fey cannot make their own children, but they can turn their children into changelings. She agrees to return the child if he provides a 7 year old each Gloss Ripple. This was to be his 4th but he failed…they might as well kill him. Griff also uncovers that his husband had left after a while as he kept failing and never agreed with the kidnappings. Without him though he couldn’t manage the shop anymore, and things became worse.   Throughout the questioning Thaen is able to tell that what is being said aligns with the memories and feelings he is able to sense. Thaen believes the man once had a happy life and in his grief turned selfishly inward.  

Never too late to change

  Griff tells Stokeroy that everyone makes mistakes, but there are sometimes things you shouldn’t want. There are many people in this very room with their own losses and regrets, but it is never too late to change things around (Tristan turns away). While Stokeroy can’t bring his child back he shouldn’t condemn others to his fate, he should put his energy into ensuring it never happens to anyone else. “But how?”   Griff explains that they saved a child today and that they’re on a mission to make the world a better place. Well, it isn’t “his” mission or Tatalla’s (which causes Tristan to punch the wall). But his craft can make the world a better place and it is not too late to say, “Sorry”. There is a bit of silence before Tristan tells the Stokeroy that, “You’re a Grade-A asshole, but you don’t always have to be, but you need to choose. But if you keep making the same mistakes it’ll just get worse” before leaving. Malak then follows Tristan out.  

Ripple effects

  The blacksmith wants Thaen to stop reading his mind, but it seems Thaen stopped after the first question. There is some small discussion that at “best” he’ll get community service for his crimes. Silmer suggests he move and get a fresh start elsewhere after his community service, but he is reluctant as his life is here…where would he go?   Griff asks him the name of his child, Charles, and then tells him he should make sure what happened to Charles doesn’t happen to any others. This turns into a discussion of who else had deals etc, but it seems without offerings Greensong cannot hold back the Fey realm. The ultimate sacrifice is a child, but socks are also a really good offering.   Griff suggests orphans instead of kidnapping children as they have no-one and the Fey realm isn’t “all” bad. It is established though that the children have to consent to this. If Stokeroy wants to stay here he will have to make the city a better place and he can do that by saving other kids. Thaen emphasizes that if he wants to stay and make this his home it will be hard and he will have to earn it.   Griff asks one final question, wanting to know the names of the others who did the same as he did…but apart from the Ebony Syndicate Stokeroy doesn’t know. Chantilly then arrives with someone from House Deineth and they take him into custody.  

Malak and Tristan

  Tristan, fuming, paces around briefly before ducking into an alley where Malak easily finds him huffing and puffing. Malak humorously asks Tristan to not take his anger out on the ‘innocent buildings’. Tristan admits to wanting to kill the man and is ashamed by his poor self-control, it’d have been so easy. Malak tells him, “Sometimes easy is what tempts us off the path of right.” Both of them cringe a bit at the ‘sermon’ like line, but Tristan admits Malak has a point.   Malak understands Tristan’s anger. The man’s reasoning was corrupted and he deserves it, it was children after all, but it isn’t up to them to determine what happens to him. All the same, Tristan understand wanting his family back. Malak tells him he wants the same, but not by sacrificing other people’s daughters. Malak reminds Tristan he is a good man and that lesser men wouldn’t even stop to consider. Malak then fills in Tristan on all the excitement back at Pavo’s.   Suddenly, Malak hears Corvus in his head telling him that the elves get neither the sickness nor the soldier’s mark because they don’t sleep, they meditate. Though Malak wishes to learn this technique Corvus is clear it is genetic in nature…which kicks off a brief discussion on gene splicing and ‘Man-Pires’, he also shares a bit about Theda to Corvus.   Around the same time Chantilly is contacted by Pheonix, letting her know they won’t be making the concert. She and Hawk are now in New Cyre after dealing with the Ebony Syndicate. Chantilly says they’re better off, there was a Gloss Ripple in town today but everyone is fine.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
02 Jul 2022

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