Session Thirty Six: A-spiring to Learn, to Grow, and to Take One's Place

General Summary


  April, Silmer, Tristan and Elijah all exit the Oren station. You have about an hour or so before your meeting with Martha. What are you going to do?  

Heading in different directions (everyone goes to the Spire of Inspiration)

  After checking with April if she's ok with him going off for a bit, Tristan decides to go off on his own for a bit. Before leaving, Silmer excitedly tells Tristan about meeting a very big tortle. Like, REALLY big. Tristan also hands April some herbs and asks her if she can tell what they are for. April will need some time to have a proper look but she'll get back to him.   Elijah ensures that the two are in good hands and Tristan heads off.   Silmer, April and Elijah then discuss where to head to next. Shopping was brought up but April wants to go to the Spire of Inspiration instead. They have a meeting with the Circle (Martha) at three and she'd like to look around before that meeting.   As they head towards the Spire, they notice Tristan going in ahead of them.  

Tristan at the Circle

  In the Spire of Inspiration, Tristan takes a moment to absorb the atmosphere. As Solaris just ended, there are more artisans the Spire getting ready to leave. There are children running around. People are playing or tuning instruments. There are even people painting on the walls. It's chaotic. Loud. Happy.   After taking it all in, Tristan goes to the door of with a golden circle embossed onto it. And heads into the Circle. In the circular room with chairs lining the walls, there is one lady (a half-elf) and three gentlemen (a halfling, a half-orc and a human). Tristan decides to sit with the halfling, who greets him in a Brelish accent and introduces himself as Garry Ghallanda.   When Tristan politely introduces himself as "Tristan Solis", Garry regards him for a moment and then recognises him as Elizabeth's brother. Tristan asks Garry if he would be able to help him figure out whether his voice has magical properties similar to his sister's   The others in the room are listening along to this conversation and the half-orc explains that there a few ways to test. One way is with the Circle but the most definitive test is with the Heart's Keeper, Cissa. When asked if Cissa's the only one on the continent who can do that, Garry explains that she's the only one that he knows of. As Tristan is well aware that Cissa is not around at the moment. he decides to test his abilities with the Circle first, opting to take a second test with Cissa when she gets back.   Garry Ghallanda asks Tristan whether he has an instrument. At first, Tristan does not quite see a reason to show it because using a flute defeats the object of singing. Garry explains that the instrument is focus. If Tristan truly has bardic magic, he merely needs to be holding one for his voice to have power. Tristan takes his bamboo flute out and holds it in his hands. Garry then instructs Tristan to sing a basic major scale. As he sings the flute very slightly glows.   After he stops, Garry explains that the test is finished. It is not a 100% certainty that Tristan's voice was what triggered this reaction in the flute. But often it is.   Tristan asks, assuming that this test was not a false positive, how can he go further developing his skills. Garry says practice. The best course of action is to have someone teach Tristan. If he can also play an instrument, it will certainly help. Performance is very important for a bard. (Tristan was afraid that he'd say this...)   Garry tells Tristan to send his regards to Elizabeth. Tristan explains that he hasn't seen her lately but he will once they cross paths again. Garry reveals that he actually saw her in Wroat a few weeks ago. He apologises if he somehow misspoke in this conversation. Tristan tells him that it's fine, noting that the others in the room are still listening intently. Tristan then thanks Garry and leaves the Circle.  

My Heart is telling me to pull out a welder

  At the reception desk of the Spire of Inspiration, Molly greets April, Silmer and Elijah. She tells Elijah that Cissa has a couple of errands for him to run. She hands Elijah a piece of paper, he scans it and tells her that he'll see to it.   April and Silmer offer to help out with his tasks, considering that he's always willing to help them out. Elijah appreciates the offer but kindly declines. These are errands that he can sort out quickly. And he's sure that "Ciss" won't appreciate him giving away addresses of her Wards. Half the time, they don't even know that she exists.   Inside the Spire, they are greeted with the same scene as Tristan moments before. April then starts looking around for tiny constructs (Elijah mentions that he can also help her out there...).   After looking around for a bit, April notices an old man with long robes and a long pointy white beard. He is sitting on the floor in a small clearing, showing some kids a little copper butterfly. It flutters around, then books a child on the nose before it flutters off again. He then grabs the butterfly, stuffs it in his sleeve and pulls out another small critter (sometimes it's a mouse, then a bird, then a butterfly again).   April leans in and asks the old man if copper is just one of those pliable materials that makes it easier to make a construct. The man looks at her, he tells her no, not necessarily, he just finds it fun and he finds it pretty. April agrees that it is. The old man takes the butterfly out again. It flutters up to April and boops her on the nose. As April looks at it in wonder, the old man gives her a once over. He takes notice of the goggles and asks her if she is cosplaying or is actually an artificer. After trying to dodge the question, April explains that she is currently untrained but is very good with potions. She also infused a mechnical monkey with the ability to make missile sounds once.   The old man takes the butterfly and puts it on his finger. He then asks if April can create something here. April tells him that she’s been researching how to make a construct. She is just not 100% sure how everything fits together. She’s sure she’ll get there but it still alludes her.   The old man smiles and tells her she is in the best place to try something like this out and offers to help her. He asks her what she wants to build. April explains that she wants to build some wings around one of her vials. Like a clockwork sparrow with the vail sitting in the middle. She wants to be able to transport her potions around.   The old man puts the butterfly back in his sleeve and pulls out the bird again and hands it to April. He tells April that can take it apart and then create what she needs to create with the rest of the components she has. Grateful for his help, April asks if there is anything she could do for him. He mentions maybe one da   The man smiles and tells her to breathe slowly, very very slowly. He then mentions to her that she should "ignore her head and listen to her heart". April says that her heart is telling her to "pull out a welder". The man then instructs her to close her eyes for a moment and envision what she wants to create. As she closes her eyes everyone around April sees a vision of what April wants to achieve. The room glows a little golden. As she opens her eyes again the vision is gone. The man tells her to continue. April makes herself comfortable on the floor. She pulls out all her ingredients, her tourmaline.   She just puts her goggles on and whispers “we got this mom” and sets to work.  

A voice from above....

  As Tristan leaves the Circle and enters the atrium area of the Spire once more, he is confused to find everything aglow. He then hears someone squealing happily from the staircase that they have found April. Tristan looks up a sees a scrawny old human man running down the stairs.   Tristan quickly looks towards where the source of the glow is coming from and sees April (with Silmer and Elijah nearby). He walks up to Silmer and taps him on the shoulder. The glow subsides in the meantime. Silmer mentions April is making a "cool bird". He then explains seeing the vision of what April is making and the glow that seemed to omit from her.   In the meantime they see a scrawny hand pop up in the crowd, enthusiastically calling for April. Elijah asks what that is. Tristan asks if this is something we need to be worried about.   Silmer turns to the old man and asks if she can be disturbed while making this. The old man says rather not. So Silmer suggests that the three of them intercept whomever is moving through the crowd. Tristan and Elijah agree. They move towards the voice.   Gobby recognizes Silmer, calling him "that other person". He asks if he could go to April. Silmer kindly explains that she is busy but would love to talk when she’s finished making something.   Gobby asks what April is making. Silmer: "A big bird" Gobby (in awe): "no..." Silmer: "it's pretty cool" Gobby: "Wow....." Silmer: "Yeah...." Gobby: "... why she is making a bird?" Silmer: "I don't know."   Gobby then asks Silmer if he has seen Emir Kaarde. Silmer says he hasn’t seen him for a while.   Tristan tries to find out who Silmer is talking to. But Gobby dodges the question because he wasn't talking to Tristan anyway. He was talking to Silmer. Tristan explains that Silmer is his friend. And so is April. That seemed to be enough for Gobby to introduce himself to Tristan and Tristan introduces himself too.   Gobby asks Tristan if he's seen Emir Kaarde. Tristan mentions that "at one point in his life he has seen Emir Kaarde, yes". Gobby enthusiatically mentions that he has as well. He asks Tristan if he should tell him the story. Tristan agrees (it will keep him busy).   The epic tale of meeting Emir Kaarde "One day, I was minding my own business. And then... this voice of an angel came from above.... actually it was next to me.... but it sounded as it came from above. And this sound asked me. Me! ME! Not her *points to a random bard* ME." (Tristan apologizes to random bard) "The voice asked ME if I could help. I... don't actlually remember what he asked him to do though. But it was great!"   Tristan says that he can tell it left an impression. Silmer tells Gobby that it’s a very good story. Gobby mentions he’ll write a song about this one day. The best day of his life. Tristan asks him why he hasn’t written a song about it already and Silmer asks him why he doesn’t go and do it now. Gobby mentions he can’t because he promised his best friend in the whole world, Junior, that he would look for Emir Kaarde.   Tristan asks if Gobby could describe Junior for him. Gobby describes a man that was big, he had a beard, baritone voice but was really bad at singing (he heard him sing from outside). Tristan muses that Gobby meets a lot of interesting people. Gobby asks if he can talk to April now. Tristan mentions she still seems busy. They'll know when she's done once they hear a triumphant noise.   April has noticed nothing about her surroundings. The moment she started, it felt like the world and all its sounds had disappeared. Everything was muffled and soft, as if she surrounded by ball of cotton wool. She finishes her construct. It went much faster than she had intended. The old man applauds her for her good work and April thanks him for his help.   Gobby (loudly) notices that April is done. April’s sixth sense goes of as she finally hears Gobby. The old man notices April's anxious face and looks over her shoulder, seeing Gobby . He then gives April a “do you need help" look. April stairs back with pleading in her eyes.   So the old man takes out the butterfly. It flutters towards Gobby’s nose and Gobby seems in awe. Then it flutters away and Gobby follows the butterfly, forgetting what he was doing and leaving everyone well alone.  

Bumped into an old friend

  Vence heads to the Spire of Inspiration and, after noticing that there seems to be quite a commotion going on and no one is noticing him, he flies up to Cissa's balcony and goes in quickly. Molly greats him as Thane as he walks through the door.   He hears sounds coming from the kitchenette. Vence shifts into Emir and sets his bag down quietly. From the kitchenette, a calm, airy male voice tells Emir that he knows that Emir's there and to stop being sneaky. Emir recognises the voice as one he's heard in the Gold Dragon Inn in Fairhaven.   Emir shifts back into Vence who asks they are Almentash. From around the corner a head pops out a young man with olive skin and white hair. His hair is pulled up into a high ponytail with pink streaks in it. He looks at Vence, sighs and asks who else he thought it was going to be. He then returns to the kitchenette. Vence follows.   Almentash rummages through the cupboards, explaining to Vence that he want he wants to mix a nice drink for them. But it seems that the Heart's Keeper has been gone for quite some time. There's nothing there other than the wine that Vence is keeping for "an elusive elf that who is obviously not going to come visit anyway".   Goes back into the room and grabs his bag. As he returns to the kitchenette, he rummages through his bag and calls forth an instrument just to get his hand on it. He casts sending to April.   “Bumped into an old friend. Your guide will be delayed. I will catch you up later today. They will still call to talk with you.”   Vence notices that the message does not arrive and gives Almentash a more narrowed expression. He gives Almentash a once over to check if he can make out his belt. And sure enough. Almentash is wearing white robes and a sash-like belt that changes to a different color every so often.  


  He looks around at Vence and asks if he is going to keep the wine or if he can use that instead. Vence answers that the wines are gifts but he does have other wine, pulling out the alchemy jug as he says so. Almentash frowns, then shrugs and says he’s had worse. He looks at Vence expectantly. Vence says "fiiiine", opens the jug, says wine, pulls out the copper cup and fills it and slides it to Almentash. Almentash asks him if that was so hard and takes a sip. Vence says no, but it is a mighty bit confusing. Almentash says cheers and takes a sip. Vence says cheers and looks around for the other copper cup. He doesn’t see the cup anywhere. Vence asks Almentash if he would mind him asking how he got in there and more importantly, what the hell he is.   Vence is confused as to why Almentash is there. Almentash explains there because he was asked by Vence to be there. But if Vence doesn't want him there, he'll leave. Vence stop Almentash from leaving, asking him to stay. He's just not sure when he asked for Almentash to be there. Almentash replies "When you took my cup". Vence nods in understanding and asks Almentash if he is actually the Traveler.   Almentash leans against the cabinets and asks Vence if he isn’t going to drink with him. Vence muses that he’ll need another cup and he heard there is another copper cup already. Almentash opens the cabinet and hands him a glass one. Vence fills the glass and takes a large swig. Almentash says cheers and sips again.   Almentash asks whether the only reason why he's been invited is because Vence wants to know whether he was the Traveler. Vence explains that he actually has a lot of questions for him. Like how des he know Hawk. Vence looks very confused trying to sort out a long list of questions in his head.  

What is your interest in all of us?

  Almentash looks at the floor and looks at Vence again. He takes another sip of his wine. He then asks Vence what the most important thing is for Vence to know right now. To know whether he's the Traveler or what his involvement is. Before Vence can answer, Almentash tells him to realize that he of all people should understand that all information comes at a price.   Vence asks how expensive two answers are. Almentash says that depends on the question. And that Vence knows identity is a very pricy question. Vence’s eyes narrow and says that Almentash already knows, it seems. He smirks.   The Traveler puts their cup down and smiles. They says they’ll give Vence one question for free. All others might cost double. Thaen shifts in. The Traveler mentions that they were wondering when Thaen going to join and greets them with a "hello child". Thaen says hello and asks the "real question".   The Traveler asks if that is Thaen's question. Thaen says that it is their free question.   The Traveler explains that, actually, their interest never started with the whole group. It just happened that they all ended up in this web. They say that, although they do find Thaen interesting, they were focused another.   The Traveler stands up and gestures Thaen to go into the room. As they walk, they straighten their pony tail and look for a pillow. They then sit down on the floor, cross legged. Almost in a regal position. They gesture for Thaen to join them. Thaen sits cross legged on the ground.   The Travel then continues with answering the question in full. They explain that that it didn’t start with the group, it started with the promise the Traveler made to protect a family at a price. And, as a result, they are currently bound to the Fallen Aasimar in Thaen's group. Thaen asks if the Traveler is referring to Nesza Greenthorn (2nd question). The Traveler acknowledges.   Thaen asks if a price was paid for this protection (3rd question). The traveler says that it is actually a bit of an exaggeration. It’s more a show of appreciation. Thaen tries putting pieces together: Greenthorns or maybe the Wardens did something for the Traveler in exchange to get Nesza to Dal Quor to deal with his Quori. The Quori is still there though but the Traveler got him there thus kept their word and are now free of a burden. The Traveler says no. Thaen sighs.   Thaen reaches out for the Traveler's cup, fills it up again and hands it back. Thaen finds it unusual that the Traveler came when they or Vence called. The Traveler says that they keep their promises. Thaen cannot recall ever having made a promise or deal with the Traveler. The Traveler explains that their promises span generations. When Thaen asks whether the Traveler if a promise was made to their mother or grandfather, the Traveler merely asks how many questions Thaen is planning on asking for free.   Thaen asks how many questions the Traveler is willing to answer for free (which is yet another question). It then dawns on Thaen that what the Traveler might be referring to is a story known by Changelings about the Traveler. And the promise the Traveler made to the mother of changelings. Thaen asks for the Traveler to confirm this and the Traveler merely replies with "you may assume whatever you want". Thaen then establishes that assumptions are free. The Traveler chuckles and says "all assumptions are free and they also make an ass of you and me".   Thaen says that they didn’t realize taking the cup would bring the Traveler to them. They are not mentally prepared for this visit. The Traveler decides to ask a question in return: If Thaen did not expect a visit, why did they take the cup?   Thaen says curiosity and hope. Cups typically don’t follow people. Changelings are all raised with the stories of him. Having a part of it or to believe. The Traveler is the only one that walks these lands. The others do not. The Traveler chuckles and says, "Another assumption, but sure". Thaen pulls their notebook out and writes that down.  

Do the right thing, pay the price, be rewarded handsomely

  Thaen asks if there is anything they can do for the Traveler. The Traveler is glad that Thaen asked. That question is a very, very good one.   The Traveler explains that Thaen discovered an amulet that is very important to them. It can be very powerful in the wrong hands and needs to be returned to where it was originally made. Thinking of the wood of Nesza's box, Thaen asks if The Traveler means the Principalities. The Traveler chuckles. If it only it was so simple. No, it’s in Cyre. Thaen sighs and says that hopefully The Traveler means New Cyre. The Traveler asked if they stuttered. Thaen says that they did not stutter but that Thaen is also aware of the Traveler's tricks. The Traveler says that it’s not New Cyre. It's actually on the Glass Plateau in Cyre. The location of the ruins of the Sheer Temple. The only temple ever made for the Traveler.   Thaen mentions that it seems that Cyre is not hospitable for life. The Traveler does not understand Thaen's point. Thaen tries to explain that they will probably die trying to get there. The amulet will be "lost in a miasma of death, never to be returned". The Traveler suggests that Thaen should then give the amulet to someone who can go there.   With this information in mind, Thaen asks who can be trusted to do this. The Traveler says this is not the puzzle that they set out. Thaen can decide for themselves. But, of course, Thaen will also be held accountable for whatever happens to the amulet.   Thaen muses that this is not the first time that they try to do right thing and pay a price for it. The Traveler acknowledges this but also points out that Thaen will be handsomely rewarded if they succeed. Thaen asks whether they or the Traveler pick the reward. The Traveler asks if Thaen is asking more questions.   Thaen thought they where negotiating a deal but The Traveler explains that they are not going to negotiate with someone who they know is a swindler. Thaen says that they have never swindled a deity in their life and would not be so bold to try. The Traveler chuckles and tells Thaen that they had better not. But the point still stands, Thaen will find out what the reward will be. They will not be disappointed.  

The Wrong Sort

  Thaen asks if the Traveler can tell them who the wrong sort would be to deliver the amulet. The Traveler tells Thaen that they are the wrong sort. As such, Thaen can then easily tell who the right sort would be. Thaen is a little gutted while The Traveler looks at them knowingly. Thaen says they’ll see what they can do.   The Traveler thanks them. When Thaen inclines their head in a bow, The Traveler chuckles and tells Thaen that the gesture is appreciated but they do not need to do that. Thaen says that even deities have egos. The Traveler quips that unfortunately Thaen seems to be following the one with the biggest one. Thaen quips back "What can I say, you made me". The Traveler raises their glass and takes another sip.   The Traveler then asks Thaen about their appointment. It's 15:10. Thaen sighs and agrees that Emir needs to go down quickly. They mention that they might not bother telling anyone about what happened because no one will believe them anyway. The Traveler suggests to at least tell the "Big Bird" who was was after the cups today. Thaen figures out that the Traveler is referring to Griff and agrees to talk to him. The Traveler explains that Griff is a follower of the Devourer, who would not be happy with the Traveler if Griff is not calmed. Thaen doesn't need to tell the rest. They don't care about the Traveler and the Traveler doesn't care about them. But Griff seems curious.   Thaen asks how they can contact The Traveler should it be necessary. The Traveler doesn't think Thaen needs to. Thaen asks "and what if I want to". The Traveler tells Thaen that they are not a hotline.   Thaen thanks the Traveler for the visit. The Traveler finishes their drink and says goodbye to Thaen. But before theydisappear, they tell Thaen to stop scraping cups.   Thaen bends down, picks up the cup, turns it over. They mention that these are old symbols of the Traveler and wonder whether the Traveler has forgotten that. Thaen puts the cup back on the belt and hastily changes into Emir’s clothing.  

But Emir is never late!

  It's time for April and Silmer's meeting at the Circle but Emir has not arrived yet. Silmer suggests going to Molly to check if Emir is in the Spire. So he goes to the reception with Elijah.   At the very busy desk, Silmer manages to get a moment with Molly and asks her if "his friend" is in the Spire. Molly says "there is a friend next to you". Silmer clarifies that he means the friend who came in with him the other day. Molly asks if he means Thaen. Silmer confirms this. Molly confirms that they are in the Spire. Silmer asks "where" but Molly explains that she's not authorised to give that information. Silmer is very confused because Emir is always on time but links his absence to people like Gobby looking for him. Silmer and Elijah look around a little bit before returning to April and Tristan,   Meanwhile Tristan asks April what she makes of Emir. April says that she thinks that he’s a "swell fellah". Tristan then asks if Emir is trustworthy. April says that he has never steered her wrong and she'd trust him with her life. And he’s an amazing singer. Tristan says he’s heard people mention that before, but not that he hasn't actually seen Emir perform on stage.   Silmer and Elijah return and Elijah informs Tristan and April that they cannot find Emir but he is somewhere in the Spire. Silmer suggests that maybe Emir is already at the Circle and that they should perhaps just go in already. They do not want to keep Martha waiting. Elijah tells Tristan that maybe they should not all go in together. Tristan says that he has other business to attend to anyway so Elijah agrees to go to the Circle with April and Silmer.   Everyone says goodbye to Tristan and head to the Circle.  

The Fastest Wizard in Khorvaire

  The group enter, slightly late but the Circle members don't seem too bothered by it. Martha, however, does seem very surprised that April and Silmer are there with Elijah d’Orien. April apologises for being late and asks if her friend can stay. Emir is somewhere in the Spire and should join them soon. Martha glances at Elijah and states that he is not part of the Circle. The information retrieved is specifically for Circle members and those who accompanied them. Elijah does not belong in this conversation.   April sweetly asks Elijah if it’s ok if he waits outside. Elijah looks at Martha and tries to be charming by saying, "Martha! Come on! It was just that one time!" April: "Oh..." Silmer: *Not surprised*   It transpires that they have had some fun together in the past... Elijah tries pleading with Martha but he just makes her angry. He eventually gets the hint and starts to leave. April asks "If you have fun experiences together, can’t you just like talk all civil like?" Martha then gives her a death glare. Elijah is behind Martha and gestures April to stop.   Elijah, the fastest Wizard in Khorvaire, gets up and leaves very quickly. Martha takes a moment to compose herself. The other members of the Circle are listening in to this conversation and chuckling.  

News on Athandra

  Emir arrives at the Circle and sees Elijah leaving bristly, who tips his hat at Emir. He then says in rapid succession: Afternoon! She needs you! Go now! Don’t ask! Go! Emir is a little stumped and walks backwards, observing Elijah leaving swiftly, before turning around and going through the door.     Martha chastises Emir for being so late. Emir slicks his hair back with a look of chagrin and apologises. He says that he overslept. To make amends and as a thanks for her help, he pulls one of the bottles of wine out of his bag. He sets it on the table, he sits down next to April and doesn’t say another word. April looks kind of scared at Emir. Martha inspects the wine and tells Emir that he does have good taste in wine. Silmer smells that Emir had a glass of wine recently.   Martha looks annoyed at this whole situation and gives the three of them a stern look of disappointment. April apologizes for upsetting her. Silmer mentions they will try and not tell Elijha about what she has to say if that would help. Emir looks confused and apologizes again for his lateness. He promises it won’t happen again. It is truly a first. Emir then asks what's going on with Elijah. Martha hastily says that it's not important, and gives April a look saying "It's. Not. Important". Emir takes the hint.   Martha moves onto the information they gathered in Athandra. She shares the below with the group:
  • No "outsiders" are being allowed into the town so the bards have been unable to enter. Being a trade hub, however, trade is still ongoing and even thriving but is conducted outside or on the land of farms nearby
  • There is a large camp forming outside. Growing by the day
  • When observing the town gates, groups of what seem to be soldiers pass in and out. None are wearing colours of a specific country so one could consider them a band of mercenaries perhaps.
  • Packs of strange-looking dogs are often spotted within a mile of the town.
  • A large herd of horses are grazing in the fields near the town walls. They don't look like Vadalis horses
  • Any civilians met have seemed... happy
  Questions asked:
  • Emir asks if the people are content and happy normally or content and happy with glazed over eyes. Martha mentions she does not know. Emir finds that is worrisome.
  • Silmer asks if there are symbols seen. Martha does not know.
  • April asks if the people are happier. Martha clarifies that did not say "happier", just content
  • Silmer asks if the General has been spotted. Martha explains that they have not been able to get inside so no.
  • Silmer then asks if there are any elves. Martha says yes, there seem to be a lot of elves. Silmer asks if they are Valenar elves. Martha assumes so.
  • April asks if there were red cloaks amongst the elves. Martha doesn’t know.
  • April asks if there where any soldiers seen with Sicklemarks. Martha says that they did not focus on this.
  • Silmer asks if it’s possible that they have a teleportation circle of some sort. Martha asks how they should be able to tell that. Silmer wants to show her the circle but realizes Elijah has that piece of paper and sighs.
  • April asks from which direction these soldiers are coming from. Martha answers: everywhere.
  • Silmer asks if they are coming in small batches or are they guided. Martha explains that they are not coming as troops, but in smaller batches. She assumes it is to not bring them any unwanted attention.
  • April asks how well they are equipped. Martha answers that they are well equipped enough to determine that they are soldiers.
  • Emir asks if the frequency of the arriving batches is increasing or is it a steady flow. Martha answers that it’s been two days, she wouldn’t know if there’s been an increasing amount.
  • April asks how long it has been going on since they’ve detected. Martha answer that they have only been looking for two days but she does have a few agents of the Circle nearby to keep tabs. They are reporting in regularly. At this current moment everything seems to be stable and the flow is steady.
  • Silmer asks if all the soldiers are adults from all kinds of races. Martha says it seems so and she has heard of more races.
  • Emir asks which bards went by this route. Martha says a few of the Circle agents. She would rather keep them anonymous in case they get in trouble for reporting this particular information. Emir inclines his head, thanks her and mentions that he understands.
  Emir looks at April and tells her that they definitely went above and beyond on this one. April thanks Martha.   Silmer mentions it sounds a lot like Windshire to April. April agrees. Emir asks if Windshire returned to normal. Martha mentions that, according to reports from Isla, it seems so. But only time will tell.  

The Deciding Arrow

  They thank Martha again for all her help. As they are about to leave, Martha puts her hand on Emir’s shoulder. She says that she's heard from Cissa that there is now a location in Thaliost where they need to send bards to. And that Emir would also know about it. Emir confirms this. The Deciding Arrow. He says that he and Cissa bumped into each other recently and where came up. As much as a pain in the ass Cissa is to them, it seems that this location is a worthwhile endeavor.   Emir mentions that he is willing to finance recruitment of bards if necessary. Martha says that she'll send a bard that is familiar to the area to scout out the tavern, Isla. Emir asks if more bards can be sent. Martha says yes, for sure. But she will first send Isla out because she has been scouting things out for the Circle lately anyway. Martha thinks that Isla requires a little more attention than being a basic bard in Windshire.   And with that, Emir thanks her for her patience and sincerely apologizes. He wishes her a good day. Martha wishes him a good day and says she must mention that it seems Cissa has rubbed off on him somehow.   Emir turns, sighs and shakes his head. He then pulls his cloak's hood over his head before following Silmer and April out of the Circle, through the atrium (where Elijah joins them) and past the reception desk (where Molly bids goodbye to Thaen).  

This wasn’t in A is for Aasimar

  Malak thanks Walter for the lesson. Walter says he’s very welcome, smiles at Nesza and tells him he has potential. Maybe one day, about 10 years from now. Nesza mentions that he’ll keep practicing and will challenge Walter again one day. Walter chuckles and tells Nesza that he should realize that when he is practicing, so is he. But he looks forward to the challenge, it won’t be taken lightly. Seraphina sighs. Seraphina turns to Nesza and says it was lovely meeting him and that he should not worry. One day Nesza’ll be slightly better.   Malak and Neza head to the Ishim residence. On the way, Nesza explains that his visions and dreams seem to be nothing but a white void. He could not even reach Hawk through his meditation. Malak asks if Nesza had considered that maybe these voices he heard during meditation aren’t actually Hawk and are actually sent by the Quori to Nesza. Nesza considers this to be a possibility. But it's also possible that something in his mind that is different now. Griff said that he said he smelled different.   Nesza asks whether Malak noticed if he smelled differently. Malak jokingly says he didn’t want to say anything. Nesza muses that Griff is an animal and he sometimes have the heightened sense of a dog. Malak agrees but he's not really an expert on these sort of things.   At the house, Nesza takes out the amulet and shows it to Malak. He asks whether the metalic thread linked to the amulet is similar to the silver thread is the same as the on around Myranna's wrist. Malak tells Nesza that the strings don’t look similar in any way.   Malak says that it was definitely Myri that they saw in Dal Quor. He talked to her last night. And, as he was discussing the events in Dal Quor with her, she reacted. And when he got to the part with the Quori, a tear rolled down her face. She knows it’s not over yet. Nesza asks if she’s ever responded to stories like that. Malak mentioned not for him. Nesza mentioned that she also glowed with a song. Malak mentioned that was a first for him as well. But this was different. The reaction to the music did not seem voluntary whereas this did. Nesza mentions he should have trusted Malak when he said that it's Myri.   Nesza asks Malak if he can try to pop his Necrotic Shroud out to see if something changed there too. Malak stands back and observes.   Nesza tries to tap into the emotions he uses to release his shroud. He focuses hard on a vision of Robert's face. But the negative emotions associated with the shroud never manifest. Instead, there is a calm feeling. Not necessarily good or bad. Just calm.   Malak, meanwhile, sees cloak-like wings sprout from Nesza's back. It is as dark as the night's sky and seems to be adorned in thousands of tiny stars and images of the 12 different moons of Eberron in different phases of the lunar cycles. Nesza's hair, the stars and the moons seem to emit a silver radiant light (rather than a golden one, which is common for Aasimars). The cloak, and his hair, billow softly in some mysterious breeze.   Malak looks confused. Nesza, having not seen what he looks like, is surprised by Malak's reaction. He looks down at his shoulders and sees a cloak that was definitely not there before. He asks Malak if he’s ever seen what just happened before. Because Nesza doesn’t know if he can repeat this. Malak confirms that it's a first for him too.   Malak mentions that Nesza should be careful with that around April because, with all those sickles on there ,she might get twitchy. Nesza agrees. But he's also weary of what this new shroud's ability might be. As he wonders how to get rid of the shroud, it disappears.   Malak asks if this is what his dad or mom looks like. Nesza says no, not at all. Nesza mentions they need to talk to Juliona about this, because this was not in the book. He asks Malak if he thinks the spire has any information on what just happened. Malak mentions that if it’s not in "A is for Assimar" he doubts they’ll have more of it. It’s quite limited compared to Fairhaven.   Nesza mentions that Daellean mention yesterday that she is knowledgeable about Aasimar stuff. Malak agrees, pulls out his book and uses sending.   Malak: Mom. After Dal Quor Nesza’s Assimar Transformation has changed. He no longer seems fallen but has a lunar energy about him. Thoughts? Love Malak Daellean: Malak. This is peculiar. Never heard of this before. Radience usually for Assimar comes from the sun. Lunar? Love Mom. Malak: No wings. Cloak adorned with lunar phases. Light but moonlight not sunlight. Fits him better. No references in A is for Assimar though. Daellean: … A is for Assimar? Malak, since when do you need a book to figure out who you are. Don’t know what this means though. Malak: Thanks mom Daellean: You are welcome. I hope you will find the cookies on the counter.   Malak looks in the kitchen to see if there are cookies and says "awesome".   He relays the information. Nesza asks Malak if he felt threatened or fear at all. Malak says no. Nesza wonders if Malak has any ideas where they can find more information. Malak mentions Fairhaven would be their best bet, but they would have to ask Corvus. But he just left.   Otherwise, perhaps Nesza should try to Sarah. Nesza mentions he has not been able to reach her yet. But suggests they try to reach her via the gnomes. Malak takes him to the Spire of Words.  

Is this ever going to Eldeen Reach her?

  They are both greeted by Molly and ushered inside. Nesza introduces himself to the gnome inside but the gnome interrupts him and says he knows. Nesza asks if any messages arrived for him from Sarah Greenthorn or Selandriel Greenthrone. The gnome gives him a look and starts looking through his folder then tells Nesza no. Nesza then asks how much it would costs to send a message to Sarah Greenthorn. The gnome says 10 gold. Nesza agrees and sends the below.   “Dear mom. I do not know where you are right now. But since my last message things have changed. I am no longer having black [wings sprout out. Wings are now white moon things. What gives.]”   (DM note: Nesza reached 25 words at "black" so the rest of the message was lost and the gnomes most certainly did not correct him)   Nesza ticks down another 10 gold. The gnome is asking if they are sending this to the Eldeen Reaches. Nesza says yes. Nesza mentions if they could make it Fairhaven. And asks if he can send another message. The gnome says ok.   “Sorry to be cutting of the message like that. Hope you are ok. Please reach out any way you can. Love Nesza.”   Nesza thanks the Gnome. The Gnome says ok, bye. Nesza asks Malak if he still has to send something. Malak mentions he does. He asks if he can send something to Corvus in last know location in Fairhaven. Malak mentions that Actually he would like to send it to Jurian ir’Wyrnarn in the royal palace in Fairhaven. The gnome asks Malak for 2 silver pieces. Nesza sighs and turns his back to the gnome. Malak asks if he tried apologizing. Nesza says he did, he put it in writing. Nesza mentions that he thinks all of the gnomes know. The gnome mentions he apologized to Sinny, not to all of them. Malak says message first, then Nesza can apologize. The gnome pleasantly says ofcourse, go right ahead.   “Dear Friend, I hope your adventures are to your liking. Something has happened with Nesza that I think Corvus would be interested in. Love Malak”   Nesza slowly walks to the gnome and courtsies and sincerely apologizes for his past behavior. The gnome passes him a document. Nesza reads it. It says “I Nesza Greenthorn apologize for this” followed by a lot of very small gnomish writing. Malak tries to read the gnomish bit. Nesza casts enhance ability on Malak to help him.   Malak can't read everything. But he can identify the gnomish and is able to identify some of it. What he gleams from this document that it has something to do with Nesza owing the gnomes something. Malak is not sure what as those are the more complicated words and that would require him to have glasses or something to read with. Nesza takes out his bullseye glass to help Malak read with and the Gnome takes the document away. Nesza mentions that before he signs but the gnome interrupts him and tells him goodbye. Nesza says goodbye. Malak smiles. Nesza walks out.   Malak wishes the gnome a good evening. The gnome wishes him a great evening and tells him he hopes to be seeing him around.   Nesza mentions he probably should not have signed that document that they’ve given him in Windshire. Malak asks him if they gave him a copy. Nesza mentions that he distinctly remembering it to be an apology to all of the gnomes. Mallak mentions that he is sure it was something for all of the gnomes. Nesza says he agrees. Mallak mentions he could not read all of it but it said something about Nesza owing all of the gnomes something. He mentions he does not think it was monetary as he did not see any numbers there but there where some complicated words that where just to small to read. He mentions it’s been a while since he’s exercised his gnomish.   Nesza suggests that maybe when they are done in Athandra, they should look into this. Malak mentions that maybe they should have brought Seraphina for this, she is better in gnomish. They return back to Malak’s house and on the way back they get Malak some reading glasses.  

Intristan foreshadowing

  Tristan walks into the Spire of Life and notices a vibe in the air. As if something has just happened. The people at the reception area look a little shaken and are whispering to each other. And as he walks towards Molly's desk, he notices multiple tree branches from the walls, ground and ceiling reaching and coiling towards something that might have been there earlier but isn't there anymore.   Tristan greets Molly and asks her who is researching the Sickness that is claiming the lives of people with the soldier's mark. Molly says he does not have authorization. Tristan suggests to otherwise have that person come down to meet him instead of him going inside. Molly says no. Tristan asks what if he has a very important message for them, how can he get that to them. Molly says she does not know, but it’s not through her.   Tristan then asks if Molly knows what the ruckus in the reception area is about. Molly says yes. Tristan asks what it is about. Molly says it's none of his concern. Tristan says he had a feeling she would say that. Tristan tries to see if can figure out what happened by himself. There are a few people but it’s hard to judge their eagerness to share. Tristan mixes himself in the crowd a little and asks what happened here. A person asks him if he wasn’t here for that. The person says o, that’s quite a pitty. Tristan sighs. The person mentions they have never seen something like that before. Tristan mentions that it sounds very impressive, what was it. They glance at Molly and mention it was something special.   Tristan stage whispers that today was going so well till about 5 minutes ago. He thanks them for their time and he goes back to Molly.   Tristan then asks Molly, what about if he writes a letter and leave it with her. Would that find its way to the right person? Molly says maybe. Tristan says better than nothing and that he might be back later. Molly wishes him a good day. Tristan says he’ll try and he heads to Malak’s house.  


  Princess Corinne is escorted to the Spire of Life by Griff, Grace and Cody. At the door, she hesitates momentarily. She's not very good in public places like this. And the only Spire she's ever visited was the Spire of Knowledge. Griff kindly encourages her to go in. She steels herself and enters.   As the four of them go inside, it's as if there is an immediate change in vibe. The room fills with a slight golden glow. And Molly looks up and smiles. She she stands up and bows... at Corinne... and says "Welcome Heart's Keeper. We've been waiting for you."   Around Corinne, it's as if the Spire itself is trying to greet her. Branches are reaching out to her from all directions, as if saying hello to an old friend.   Corinne is TERRIFIED and keeps looking around as if Molly was making a mistake. Molly ensures her that she is the Heart's Keeper. She will know more about what that means once she enters the Heart of the Spire. When Corinne asks how she would be able to access the Heart, Molly tells her "You'll know".   Griff puts a hand on Corinne's shoulder and tells her he does not know what that means, but he feels like Molly likes her. Corrine asks him why. Griff says he guesses they’ll find that out. "Don’t be afraid, kid"   They enter the Spire, leaving the chaos of the reception behind them. They are met with the druids who were assigned to test whether Corinne is one of them.   It's pretty clear from the moment that the tests start that Corinne is most certainly a druid. But as the tests continue, Griff starts to notice that she has capabilities that not even he has yet. And not much further down the line, it becomes clear that her capabilities surpass that of even the druids who are testing her.   When the tests finish, the four of them head back to the atrium. At the atrium, Corinne stops at a metal door and tells Griff that something is calling her to go in... alone. She tells the group to go on ahead. She'll make her own way back. But as she says this, she looks very scared.   Griff puts his hand on her shoulder and looks her straight in the eyes. He explains to Corinne that, on his path, he never understood a single thing. He doesn’t know why he ended up where he ended up. But it all seems to be fated "House Vadalis is not the biggest or strongest House. But sometimes fate chooses you. And it chose you and put you where you need to be". He looks around and tells her that it seems she’s always been meant to go to the Spire. Griff looks at his necklace and explains that Fate had always gotten him where he was meant to go.   Corinne is unsure what she's going to find and what she has to do. Griff tells her to not to worry. Whatever she does is fated and therefore fine. She should just be herself and she'll be able to whatever she wants to. Like that little girl on the back of a Griffon. And if she loses her way a little, they are all here for her.   Griff mentions that she might not need his help, seeing what he saw today, but if she needs someone to talk to, he advises to talk to Grace and not listen to Cody. But if it Grace seems to doubt something, Then Corinne should talk to Cody. Cody gives a side smile.   Corinne says he’s scared. Griff says he’s terrified too. But they are leaving tomorrow. Hopefully he can fly on Godric a little bit over the city by then. That point reminds Corinne that she has a letter for the Vadalis station to allow Thranian gear for the three Sky Kings and their griffons. She hands it to Griff, who thanks her.   She thanks Griff. Griff says he does not need to say thanks. He is just happy he could bring her to her, Destiny?   Corinne straightens up. She’s ready. Griff says "see you on the other side", Cody gives her a smile Grace gives her a hug and gently pushes her in (before Corinne could change her mind).   As she goes through the door the glow that has been following her subsidies. The three of them stand there for a moment, gob smacked and breathless.   Griff then breaks the tension and says "told you so...". Grace says they all knew that she was special. Griff asks if they know she was this special. Grace mentions there is special and then there is special. But they all knew she was special.  

Klaus Friedgod, Artificer

  To change the subject, Grace brings up airships again. Griff confirms that he wants to know about the Gust.   He explains that Silmer's adoptive dad was, in fact, Chelon d'Lyrander. They would like to know what happened to Chelon.   He mentions he had a lot of fun with... he fumbles on a person's name. Grace irritably says Merel, chastising him for forgetting his ex-girlfriend's name.   Griff muses how they never got back onto the ship after. Grace thinks it's justified, considering how much of an ass Griff was to Merel. They discuss how Griff did not want to fully commit because it was the middle of the war and he thought they'd eventually die fighting. Grace retorts by explaining that the war is over and he's still not able to commit.. Griff mentions it's due to something else, but that’s for another time.   With regards to the ship, Griff asks if she knows what happened. Grace thinks back and looks at Cody for confirmation of a words every so often as she starts to talk.   Grace explains that:
  • Although they were always escorting soldier ships, there were never any soldiers on the Gust
  • There was always an artificer on the ship. She can't quite recall his name. Klaus, Chris Or Kees? Last name Frieddiety or Friedgod? Klaus Friedgod?
  • The Gust was transporting something of Klaus'
  • When they were kicked off the ship that last time, Klaus wasn't there but it seems that the Gust was transporting soldiers
  • Grace doesn't know what happened to Chelon. All she knows is that his first mate, Merel, took over when he left. And when she took over, they no longer transported Klaus
Griff asks if she remembers Freckles, the little girl. Grace asks if he means Tatalla. Griff explains that she now is the captain and she renamed the ship the Silverbird. He might even be able to see the ship again.   Grace is not impressed. Cody, on the other hand, is super excited to hear this. They geek out about airships for a while until Grace tells them to perhaps move along and not talk in the atrium for so long.   The three of them head to the House Vadalis station. While gearing Godric up, Griff informs him of everything that happened as of recently:
  • About the little girl near all the fire giving them permission to fly in Thrane but people are going to be weary so they have to dress up in purple.
  • About Dal Quor
  • About Nesza and everything he’s missed out on.
  • About the Gust, Freckles, Silmer and that whole thing.
Griff also explains that something happened to him when he walked through that fire with Malak in the cave and he might now outlive Godric. It’s quite possible he’ll be around for all of Godric's life. Godric playfully nips at his arm and tells him he’s glad. The worse thing he could think of was eating Griff's corpse after he died. Griff gives Godrc a big hug and tells him that getting really old scares the fuck out of him. But he’s happy that he’s going to get really old with Godric. The griffon agrees.  

Meeting up at the Ishim residence

  With their griffons are ready, they head to the Ishim residence. They decide to summon some birds to chirp a song as they march (because NONE of them can sing).   As the tree of them walk out on their griffons with birds fluttering around them chirping, people are following after, slowly. Other people give them side glances. When they stop at the Ishim residence, the crowd scatters once more. It is at that exact moment that Grace and Cody wonder whether they where actually invited to this. Griff says it’ll be fine.   Emir, Silmer, April and Elijah also congregate at the door. Elijah is also not sure whether he’s introducing. Aprils says ensures him that he's not. Elijah says alright. As Emir, Silmer, April and Elijah head inside, The Sky Kings stay behind to stow their griffons. As Grace and Cody stow Aristotle and Ash, Griff gives Godric a big hug and throws him a fish before stowing him.  

Try me

  Before the Sky Kings head inside, they notice Tristan arriving. Broodin. He is muttering to himself not paying attention to his surroundings.   Grace leans forward, trying to get into Tristan's view. He startles back into the world of the living and greets her with a "hey, how are you". Noticing that he's off, she throws the question back at him instead. Tristan says that he’s been better but he won’t bore her with the details. He's sure that she's not interested in his sad stories. Grace gives him a warm smiles and says "try me".   Griff comes up from behind Tristan, says "Good evening, buddy" and pats him on the back. Grace gives Griff a glare. Griff gives her a knowing smile as he goes inside. Cody looks over Tristan's shoulder, giving Grace a thumbs up before he walks after Griff. Tristan is not unaware of this but clearly choses to ignore it.   Tristan and Grace go for a walk. As Grace actually knows nothing about him and his problems, he decides to start at the beginning.   Tristan mentions that after the war he was not ok. But his twin sister took care of him. After his recovery, they travelled together for about 8 years. It really helped him and he had a lot fun. But two years ago she disappeared and he has been looking for her since.   The search took him across most of the continent until he ended up finding himself in Breland. And the last couple of months he spent there were in Wroat. He left a couple of weeks ago, chasing Cissa. Today he learned that another bard saw his sister a couple of weeks ago in Wroat. So if he never left he would be with her now.   He doesn't know what she's up to or dealing with. But she's on some sort of path. He doesn't have more information than that. All he knows it that she is determined to see that through.   Grace takes a moment to think. Then says that it sounds complicated and frustrating. But there is one thing that she hasn't heard Tristan say: What is it that he wants?   Tristan laughs softly and says that he doesn’t know. He initially thought that someone had taken his sister. He wanted to find her and take her home. But that is not the truth. So now he doesn't know.   Grace asks if they factor his sister out what, what are his next steps? Tristan explains that he promised to save Aprils mother and Griff’s friend, Jenny. After that, even outside of what’s going on with his sister, he needs to talk to Cissa. She seems to have answers he needs. And after that he doesn’t know.   Grace asks what changed today that was different to the other days. Tristan says that technically, factually nothing changed. He then comments that Griff’s right, she's smart. Grace cocks her brow and asks if he needed Griff to tell him that. Tristan says no, he didn’t. The first time she opened her mouth it was clear. Grace quips that she would hope so.   Tristan points out that she is not shy. And he likes that about her. Grace chuckles, saying that if he wanted a demure lady this conversation would have ended very quickly. Tristan mentions he has met some of those and then this conversation would have been frightfully boring. Grace tells him to not underestimate them. They are shrewd and more clever than he might give them credit for. Tristan mentions some of them are and some of them really aren’t. Grace smirks and looks at Tristan for a while. She mentions she has been in courts for most of her life and she can assure him that they are pretending most of the time. They have gotten the best education in the world. If they come across as boring there is a reason. They are trying to catch him off guard.   Tristan thinks his court days are over. But if he ever finds himself in one again that he will keep those words in mind. Grace tells him to not worry. If he is in a court next time, she'll ensure that she is with him. He won’t get caught off guard again. Also she scares the shit out of half of them. That amuses Tristan.   Grace asks him if he’s ok. Tristan says he will be. Grace then asks him if he’s ok to go inside or if he needs some more time. Tristan mentions he’s ok to go inside but he just wanted to say thanks and that it’s nice to just talk. He hadn’t done that in a while. It’s always business. Grace mentions she’s glad she could be there to just talk.   Tristan takes a moment to think before he admitting that he's not very good at this so so he is just going to say that if she ever wants to talk or needs something, to just let him know. Grace gives him a kiss on the cheek and tells him that’s very sweet of him. She then starts walking towards the house. Tristan looks a little uncomfortable bit has a little smile on his face. He notices as she’s walking in front of him, that her one ear has gotten a little redder.   They go inside together.  

About Moons

  Nesza walks up to April and tells her about the new transformation and asks her to not freak out about the moons on his cloak. April grabs is wrists on the sicklemark and tells him he’s her friend and she would never get freaked out by him having a mark. Nesza thanks her and explains he still does not know how he feels about it. April thanks him for warning her and tells him she’s there for him if he needs her   Elijah walks in and Introduces himself to Mallak.   Cody and Griff awkwardly come in wearing Thranian cloaks. Nesza notices Griff'oo. Griff shares Tristan and Grace will be a little later. Nesza asks Griff for a moment and they move to the garden.   Emir is still looking confused to why he ended up here. Ue just followed April. Malak offers that if he needs to change out of his cloak. Emir thanks him for the offer.   Nesza shares with Griff everything he knows that just happened and asks Griff about his tattoos. Griff mentioned the orcs of the Gatekeepers “gave” him it and that it’s not finished. He has however no real way he knows of to reach them to ask for information as they are in the shadow marches. Nesza wonders a bit if there are maybe books, maybe D for Druid or M for Moon that might help. Griff explains that druids share their knowledge orally and he does not expect much to be written down. The fact that the Gatekeepers protect the plane of Eberron against things not from here does stick with them. Cody runs in and gives them Filthy Orcs. Griff mentions he has no answers and asks Nesza to remind him to look into this some more.  

The Bard with the Golden Eyes

  Emir has taken off his cloak and is standing there unsure and awkwardly when Cody slides up next to him and asks if he is the Bard with the Golden eyes (can’t come up with his name). Malak introduces him as Emir Kaarde. Cody introduces himself and mentions that Grace is a big fan. Emir asks what a Grace is. Cody mentions she is Griffs other wing. He asks Emir why he is here. Emir says he followed April. Cody asks why. Emir said he did them a favor. Cody asks why. Emir says because she is nice. Cody asks why he would randomly help a sweet young girl with red hair. Emir explains that there is a misunderstanding, he is helping her because her mother is a famous wine maker and he would like to get on the short list. Cody tells him he should have started with that.   Griff comes in, and says hey Emir and drags Cody away. Cody asks since when Griff knows Emir. Griff says he’s a buddy. Cody says he’s a buddy and tries to give Emir a big hug. Griff lifts him onto his shoulder and walk the other way. Cody tries to high five Emir, who can’t high five back as he is being dragged away. Griff tells him to give Emir his space, he amongst friends. Cody says that he’s awkward and needs a friend. Griff mentions that he thinks he has friends. Griff plops Cody down next to April.   Grace and Tristan enter. Grace asks Griff what he did. Griff introduces Grace to Emir Kaarde and Emir to Grace. Griff then tells her to behave. Treat him like he’s a friend, like he’s at home. So Grace asks if she should treat him like a friend. Griff repeats to treat him like a friend. Griff says like Cody. Grace jokingly says "oh".   Tristan mentions this is a surprise and asks Emir if he is joining them for dinner. Emir mentions he was following April and their friend Silmer. If he is permitted, perhaps. Tristan says it’s not his house. Emir says he’s pretty sure it’s Malak's. Malak mentions he’s not sure what Kiasuh would say, but she would not object to Emir's presence.   Kiasuh comes in and asks what she would not object to and halts counting the people in her house. Elijah greats her. Mallak introduces Elijah, Emir, Grace and Cody to Kiasuh. Kiasuh looks around the room and realises there is not enough food in the house for so many people. They are eating out. Fernando’s.  

Pre-dinner sharing

  April wants to share some private information before they leave. She tells the group:
  • What she learned from Corvus
  • What she learned from Martha
  • What she learned from Hawk
  • She puts a lot of emphasis on possible allies in Hal d’Deneith, Gruss and Ornata.
  • Then about the beholder called Sickle and the ties there.
  • And in terms of Marthas information the Valenar elves and that Hawk is willing to help after he’s dealt with the Manticore. Elijah adds that he’ll also be hanging out with the untll they don’t need his help anymore (and tips his hat).
  Tristan is surprised that the group seem to at least be aware of "Sickle" and the Len was not working alone. It was vital information to have shared. Malak mentions the on-the-nose iconography and Griff tells Tristan about the letter said something about "orders from General Len and Sickle". April mentions that if they are using Sickle, they could be after Commadore for the same reason. Cody asks what a Commadore is. April sits down and explains the whole situation to him.   Malak he is unsure if they are exploiting sickle or if they are under control of Sickle. There is a lot they don’t know. They do know that Valerie is there and some soldiers, mercenaries and elves and stuff. Tristan takes out a notebook and starts writing feverishly in it.  

Valenar Dogs and Horses

  Griff mentions that the horses April mentioned are most likely Valenar. Grace and Cody Agree. Emir asks what the difference is. Grace frowns, and mentions they are Valenar horses. There is a Valenar General in the lead. Malak asks if the horses have pointy ears. Griff says yeah, actually. They are also blue. Emir mentions he was looking for the capabilities of the Valenar Horses. Grace and Griff explains that the Valenar horses are fey and very fast. Grace mentions she is not sure about the horses but she knows the hounds have a psychic connection with their masters.   Nesza mentions they encountered these dogs in Windshire and confirms the psychic links.   Elijah takes a harmonica out of his pocket. It sprouts arms, legs and a hat and starts running circles on the table making noise from the air passing through the harmonica. Elijah chimes in that he has horses two that aren’t beast, monster or even Fey. No one responds. He tells Hat Monica that he tried.  

So you're leaving tomorrow... then what?

  Tristan while drawing a mindmap in his notebook, he looks up at Grace and tells her he could get used to her schooling people, it’s fun. She chuckles looking over his shoulder and asks him what he is making. Tristan mentions he is trying to reorganize what he knows about this organization. Learning about Sickle has changed things a lot.   Grace asks the group when they are leaving. Tristan mentions the plan is tomorrow morning early. Grace asks then what. Griff says they will scout the place and form a plan. Tristan adds ideally save the two woman in captivity if possible.   Griff mentions that from what it sounds like, there is definitely an army there. The scouting bit might not be necessary. Griff mentions he is not sure if they can deal with that many troops. Tristan says he agrees. He believes the best option, based on the scrying by Elijah, might be to go in via the caves. Emir mentions they only saw the outside of the city, one of you might be able to see above. Griff explains from the signs April explained there is an army there. This is a thing he saw a lot during the war. This is what it looks like what an army occupying a city looks like. Griff does not think going in will give them any worth while additional information. Emir says he misunderstand, what are they building behind walls. Grace says that is not a bad point. Griff agrees, not on Griffons, but he could check as a bird. Grace agrees.  


  Silmer takes out the map of Athandra and puts it on the table. He explains that this is the most recent map Daelleann could find. This might help. t. Tristan thanks Silmer and agrees with getting a birds eye view. Tristan mentions they don’t know the Eyes' objective. He has a bad idea in that respect. Infiltrate and learn what they are up to. It seems they are all aware of party, seeing that they left the group a message in Thaliost. He the message was left, so he might still be off their radar.   Elijah chuckles, his feet are on the table (Kiasuh is not happy). He mentions that while they might know about the group they sure as hell don’t know about him. If they need someone to infiltrate, he has been to Athandra before. He can get in. Tristan asks if they will talk to him. Elijah has no idea but is willing to try. Tristan wants to first asses the risks, Elijah asks what risks. Tristan mentions life and limb. Elijah laughs and tells Tristan to not worry about him.  

We're missing something...

  Nesza mentions they met the general and got a proposition to Trade Mia. He feels that the group are not a threat worth raising an army. So there seems to be a piece of this puzzle missing. Why is he raising an army? It’s not for the party, so what is his goal? Getting in and out without being seen as Tristan and Elijah just mentioned to learn what they are up to is clearly important.   Nesza feels that they are operating blindly. Silmer also mentions that they know most of the group, so most of them won’t be able to infiltrate. Grace says that she wants to help but she can’t just randomly leave Flamekeep unless they have a concrete plan. She has a duty to the princess. Cody agrees with Grace. Grace adds that they are willing to help them prepare, but they can’t just go with them without a concrete reason.   Silmer mentions that Daellean pointed out an area of the map that is the cave system that leads to the cave system that goes to under the keep. That’s how the Miron's Tears people got in and out undetected.   Malak gets what Nesza is saying. But their first objective now is to save Aprils mom and Jenny. He understands gathering more intel and that is definitely important to Thrane as a whole. But he wonders if it might not be to much hay on the fork. Nesza agrees, but it is no longer just about her mom and their friend. This is a general from Valenar. If he is getting ready to start a war here in Thrane. It might trigger a new war the group can prevent now.   Mallak mentions its easy to call yourself a general. They are already gathering an army on Thranian soil. The group saving two woman is not going to be what triggers this war. And it's not a thing that 14 people can fix. It’s a matter for the Church and Thrane to fix and maybe Aundair can help with the improved relationship. But it is not up to this group. This is way over their heads. All they need is Jenny and April's mom, nothing more.  

Why not just ask Jossac?

  April mentions that, if they need more manpower, they might really need to check in with Hal, Gruss and Ornatta. Grace chimes in and asks if they can’t check with their own troops. She can otherwise check with Jossac. Griff sighs. He mentions he would like to say he could, but she is working with them.   Grace says what. Griff says but. Grace says WHAT! Griff mentions she is being forced to work with them, it has something to do with the Sicklemark. Grace looks at her own Sicklemark. Griff says it’s a long complicated story and he will fill her in. He wish she was by his side during all of this as she gets this stuff better than he does. Griff mentions that no matter what this thing is, General Len is not the head of it and Jossac is somehow related to it and it has something to do with the Sickness. Griff tells her they are not to get involved they have a different job. Grace gets up and mentions she will take her leave. She bows and walks out. Cody sits there and thinks. Grace looks really upset. Griff and Tristan get up at the same time. Tristan asks Griff if he wants to. Griff says he’s going and tells Cody to come along.   Emir casts Message to Grace and says “I hope you are ok, please don’t do anything rash. That is big” She does not reply.   As Griff leaves he turns to Silmer and mentions he’ll get back to him about Chelon, Airship and Klaus Friedgod, Artificer. He says he's not sure what that means and leaves. Silmer says ok. Cody says to Silmer "whatever he said" and walks out to wishing everyone a good evening.   Kiasuh asks what the actual fuck is going on in her house.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
12 Jun 2021

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