Session Eight: That time Malak and Mia agreed…to murder!

General Summary

The Forest   Part of the group set out on a “diplomatic” mission to Windshire. April and Silmer stay behind instead at Corvus’ behest. George stays behind on the airship because he won’t wake up.   Malak leaves Myri with April. The remaining group dress up as bad ass rangers and Mia as (in her words) “A Sky Pirate Captain who has gone legit”. The cover’s aim was for Mia to be the spokesperson of the group, there to discuss why no wine is being shipped to House Lyrandar and to negotiate new terms to start shipments again.   Half way there, Nesza picks up on the fact that there is a bird constantly circling over them. He deduces the group is being followed.     Windshire   Once the group reaches Windshire, they head to the market square where the Town Hall and tavern are situated. The bird perches on the swinging sign of the tavern. It’s a hawk of an unusual colour (purple).   In front of the Town Hall doors stand two Sicklemen. Neither are surprised of the group’s arrival and already have their weapons drawn.   Mia approaches them, only to have two arrows be shot from behind as warning (they land near her heels).   With her enhanced Charisma and Bardic Inspiration (granted by Corvus and Vence respectively) she is able to convince them that she’s a very important contact to have. So the two that she was facing take the group inside the tavern. The tavern had five more Sicklemen (so seven including the two who brought the group in), a captain and two hounds. There’s also a barkeep.   Mia tried to start up her negotiations with the captain, but he saw her words as threatening and quickly initiated combat. Luckily, Vence cast Hypnotic Pattern early on, incapacitating four Sicklemen and the Captain. One hound ran outside.     MEANWHILE   Silmer and April have a picnic. April occasionally plays with Myri.     Back at the Tavern   The two Sicklemen still standing outside joined the fray. They were quickly chased out again after Malak cast Eldrich Blast on another guy while giving those two a look. Mia created an Ice Knife out of the blood of one of their allies, throwing it at them and skewering one.   The remaining Sicklmen that were not incapacitated and the other hound were killed. But not before they did some serious damage to the group. When the hound fell, its body disappeared instantly.     MEANWHILE   April creates a potion. Silmer stands watch.     Back at the Tavern   When the fight was over, the group tie the captain and the last three Sicklemen up.   Mia and Malak head to the upstairs area of the tavern to investigate if they can find something interesting. There were three rooms. One big and two smaller ones. Mia looks in the big room and Malak in one of the smaller rooms. Both had a bed and multiple bedrolls squeezed in.   Mia finds three pictures and a vial containing something that looks suspiciously like the vial from the first session. Malak couldn’t find much (the room stank of unwashed bodies). But he did manage to get a picture of a child between the belongings.   When he leaves the room, Mia stands at the door, excitedly holding out the vial. Malak was lost for which words to use.   They decide to check the last room together. They find no bed or other furniture. The room is empty… .except for the multitude of scribbles of eyes covering the wall   Meanwhile, Corvus sends a message to April and Silmer explaining that the cover is blown and everything has gone to shit. They are in the tavern and need back up.     MEANWHILE   After an odd exchange with Corvus, Silmer and April decide to head to the House Sivis station in Windshire. Myri sits on April’s shoulder.     Back at the Tavern   Corvus speaks to the Barkeep, a lady called Carey Palethorn. She whispers to him that she doesn’t belong to the Sicklemen and has a safe haven for them.   He tells her that he is affiliated with April Highthorn. She replies that she knows the whereabouts of April’s father.   When Corvus inquires about April’s mother, Carey says she’s not in Windshire and doesn’t know where she went. (Vence, who was “raiding” the bar, curses under his breath when he overhears this). Carey explains they are being watched and needs Corvus to hit her, making it seem like she is being resistant to interrogation.   He does so. The Captain sees it, but also the rest of the group, who have no idea why Corvus is doing this (other than Vence, who could hear the conversation).   Meanwhile, Nesza is trying to talk sense into the Captain but he’s practically frothing from the mouth. Nesza shows his Soldier’s Mark, hoping for him to seem on the same page. But the Captain simply calls him a traitor.   Due to this exchange, and Carey’s warning that they are being watched, Corvus walks up and casts “Heat Metal” on the Captain’s armour. As the Captain was tied together with his other Sicklemen, it also hurt them. The Captain resists and one of his Sicklemen perishes from the pain. The heat burns though the rope and the Captain gets ready to attack again.   By this point, Malak and Mia are back downstairs (they heard screaming).   Before another fight could break out, Malak manages to convince the Captain to back down. Corvus claims he’ll stop the pain if the Captain bows down to Mia.   Gritting his teeth, the Captain bows. Mia then murmurs “not low enough”. Before the Captain could resist, Vence jumps to his feet, slams his dagger into the bar and intimates the Captain into going lower. He submits fully   Vence takes a moment to speak with Carey. She indicates that they can either hide in her home or that of Dan. They live next to each other about 500 meters down the road   The Captain is sat down by one of the tables. Malak takes the lead in trying to reason with him. The Captain laughs saying he’s merely “small fry” and everyone is going to die.   Malak asks him for his name (calling him “Captain Small Fry”), saying that Mia had previously introduced herself and it’s rude for him not to at least do the same.   The Captain then says, “well YOU didn’t introduce yourself”. So Malak does, making sure to include his last name. The captain takes note and says that Malak should know better. His name is John.   Malak thanks him and then transforms himself into the Captain and marches towards the door…..

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
10 Apr 2020
Primary Location

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