Session Seventy Two: The One with the Circus

General Summary

Some in-tents scrying

  While the group makes their preparations to go after Malak, Niklas scries on him to get a better idea of what they’re dealing with. It turns out Malak is unconscious with a sack over his head, and is in what appears to be a tented room filled with boxes that have a five headed serpent logo on them. There’s also a faintly glowing dog with him.   Tristan makes it clear he’d prefer to avoid a fight here, to which Silmer wonders if they should go for a diplomatic or sneaky approach. Edward suggests involving Gislea, as she might be able to help since it’s her family. So the group (including Taliashanna and Niklas) move to the Last Lantern. Gislea and Piesk are however not there, so the group moves on towards the circus (using the information on the poster that they collected).  

...and we’re walking

  During the walk Tristan explains his combat abilities to Chantilly and Edward (including how these sometimes get out of hand), and hands Edward the injector in case he goes feral. This prompts a conversation about who is most likely to get eaten, which Talishanna and Niklas listen to with some interest. Silmer meanwhile keeps an eye on the surroundings, and spots groups of cloaked people moving in the same direction as them. Vence gives Silmer nightvision goggles to help him see in the dark.   As they’re talking Silmer wonders about the connection between House Phiarlin and the Eyes. Edward mentions that Len had seemed stressed about the mishap that caused the Phiarlin people to die. The Eyes don’t want to get too much of House Phiarlin’s attention.   Taliashanna questions Vence on whether he has been to see Asir yet. He hasn’t. She mentions this is a shame because Barracus is full tonight, but doesn’t expand on why. Edward wonders who of the dodecaphony passed Asir’s test first and who last. Niklas doesn’t want to talk about it.  

The tunnel of light

  Walking through the darkness, following a crowd of excited looking people, the group ends up following trails of what seems to be glitter. These trails end up forming a full tunnel around them as they press on. Chantilly reaches out to it, and feels tiny fingers try to grab her. There are little pixies in the ‘walls’ of the tunnel. Having some glitter on her hand now, she decorates a ribbon with it and puts it on her ear.   A soft, joyous piece of music with somber undertones is audible in the tunnel. A voice sings in an ancient Elven dialect about how the happiest moments can be the saddest and how the saddest can be those you look back on the fondest.   Exiting the tunnel, the group’s senses are assaulted with bright lights and loud music, many different scents coming from stands with exotic foods and drinks. There are cages with strange beasts and games to play as well. Beyond that the main tent is visible. Fully black, like the one they saw Malak being held in.  

Mal de tête

  Malak wakes up with a burlap sack over his head and a headache, his hands tied behind his back. He can feel the nose of a dog prodding against him, and barks in response when the dog barks. The dog takes the sack of off Malak’s head and licks his face. He sees the word ‘circus’ on a box. The dog takes out a red ‘ball’ and puts it on Malak’s nose. There’s some giggles from behind a curtain, which turns out to be two small Elven kids that quickly scamper off.   Not long after, an Elven man in black and white Harlequin makeup appears, making a dramatic entrance, calling his guest ‘The Malak Ishim’. The man introduces himself as Sontar d’Phiarlin. Malak questions if this is their thanks for rescuing Gisleia. It turns out however they haven’t heard from Gislea at all, and Sontar calls Malak a liar. The family has been warned about the group by Len, which makes Sontar very suspicious of anything Malak says. When Sontar leaves, Malak stands up and follows him (as his hands are tied behind his back, but not to anything else).  

Sneaking and snacking

  Outside, Vence does a sending to Gisleia. He learns she is out on the town with Piesk, and not too eager to return to the circus tent. Tristan asks the group how they want to proceed; through the front or trying to find a backway in. Edward suggests doing both, splitting the group between the stealthy and not stealthy people. After some shuffling around this ends with the division of most of the main group sneaking towards the back, while Tristan will go in the front with Taliashanna and Niklas. In case of a fight, Niklas is given some herbs to deal with Tristan potentially going feral.   The ‘sneaky’ group, also known as ‘Group A’ or ‘Team’, lose track of each other as they all sneak around the tent a little too efficiently. At the back of the tent they find cages with animals and living areas, as well as performers getting ready for the show, cannons and fireworks. Vence shoots a Message to Malak asking him where he is. Malak relays that he got pressed into a circus. The conversation is interrupted when Sontar’s voice calls out the start of the show.   Meanwhile Tristan buys himself, Taliashanna and Niklas some tickets for the show. They find themselves some seats (shuffling backwards so as not to be in front of some kids), and settle in to wait for the show. Tristan muses that he hopes they don’t fuck it up. Taliashanna says that Vence won’t, to which Tristan replies that she has a lot of faith in him. She quips back that she has as much faith as Elizabeth does in her brother. Tristan muses they’ve all fucked thinks up, which prompts her to ask about the injector he’s given to Edward. Reluctantly Tristan explains that it’s a failsafe, the concern he might eat someone is not completely unfounded. Niklas seems unconcerned, to which Taliashanna explains he always looks like that. Tristan asks Niklas to share his thoughts on the matter, and he replies that Tristan is more like Elizabeth than he thinks. As Tristan opens his mouth to question that statement, Sontar’s voice calls out the start of the show.  

THE Malak Ishim

  As Sontar starts his announcements, Malak follows him into the center ring. Making use of Thaumaturgy, he announces himself (while still wearing the big clown nose and being bound). “Tonight Only! *The* Malak Ishim! Savior of Gisleaia Last-name-of-this-circus! Wrongfully accused of her kidnapping!” Seeing Malak in the ring, Tristan Messages to him so he’s aware help is just a call away should he need it. Sontar tries to paint Malak as a villain, and asks what he’s done with Gisleia. More Elves move into the ring, performing around them. Malak performs a little Thaumaturgy show of his own before Dimension Door-ing to the other side of the ring. He asks Myri to undo his binds. The dog from before is still following Malak and goes after Myri, taking her out after Malak’s hands are freed.   Outside the tent, the performers are panicking, some moving away from the tent while others move inside. Vence turns himself into a performer to join the ones going in. Edward takes advantage of the confusion to slip into a medical tent and steal some supplies, then runs to the main tent looking ‘doctory’. Chantilly steals a dancing outfit and sneaks into the main tent, while Silmer skulks near the back way in to keep watch. Sparkling Valenar horses come into the arena as can-can dancers (including Chantilly) join too. Edward stumbles into the arena, to which Malak decides to involve him in the show, calling him ‘the evil doctor who kidnapped him’. Edward looks like a deer in headlights. As the show gets more and more out of hand, Tristan asks Taliashanna if they should join in or just watch. She hands him some popcorn.  

A voice in the dark

  Suddenly the entire circus goes dark (except for Malak who casts light on himself) and a sad song starts playing. The three bards in the stands can’t help themselves and start to vocalise over it. When he spots a dark figure near Malak, Tristan pauses his singing long enough to warn his friend. Malak makes himself invisible. Moments later he hears people around him in the stands starting to get up and leave.   Tristan hears a soft voice calling him by name, motivating him to get up and start heading to the exit. Taliashanna tries to stop him, she and Niklas don’t hear anyone calling. While Tristan easily shrugs off her hand, Niklas picks him up to prevent him from leaving. This snaps Tristan out of it, and they decide to head down to the ring to help Malak. Getting a feeling for what is going on, Malak casts Aura of Purity to protect the audience near him. He loudly announces that there is a charm going on. Chantilly meanwhile heads out to see where people are headed, informing Malak on what she was doing before she leaves. They seem to be walking back to Wroat, she decides to follow them. Vence and Tristan both head to Malak (after he makes a light again for those without darkvision).  

The world’s tallest Elf!

  Sontar meanwhile has fled the ring and exits out the back past Silmer and Edward. As he heads to another tent, they both follow him. Sontar has a flying mouse familiar he is talking to, worriedly stating that Salenar won’t be happy. Sontar had hoped Malak would have come quietly, and had been so sure that he had Gisleia. From the conversation it becomes clear Sontar had no authorisation for this kidnapping, but he seems convinced Salenar will forgive him. After all, the Eyes had told him that Malak’s group had taken Gisleia.   Ducking into the other tent, four dark figures follow him in. Even outside, Edward and Silmer can hear Sontar greet them with a hearty “Welcome friends!”. Edward recognises the voice that responds to Sontar. A voice he’d heard Len speak to with reverence in hallways near his cells. This recognition prompts him to step into the tent, still clutching the medical supplies he stole. Inside he finds the tallest Elf he’s ever seen, a man with fire-colored hair, a black cloak that looks like a black cloud, silver-ringed fingers holding a cane. The Elf looks at Edward with cold eyes.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
28 Oct 2023

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