Session Fifty Three: Be nice and don’t burn things

General Summary

A Burning Question

Marcus packs up and Silmer rejoins the group. They have dinner together and after dinner Silmer asks Emir to cast Sending to Hawk and ask if there are any formal tortle greetings. Hawk has no idea but asks Phoenix (who is with him, apparently). Phoenix contacts Silmer herself and tells him to not be too forward, stay nice and to not burn things. Silmer asks Phoenix if Dhyn knows about being a prince and the Inspired. Which she confirms. Silmer seems a bit nervous about the meeting. To ease the tension, Emir tells Silmer that he’s only met his siblings recently too. It will be fine.   Before the group head to bed, Griff goes outside and tosses a fish at the Froghemoth who thanks him. Griff wishes him a good night.  

Grace tries to explain "elven babies"

When they get to the room Tristan explains he got a letter from Grace regarding Corvus. It appears Corvus came to visit Cissa while Grace was tending to her. Corvus has only recently learned what Tristan about to share.   Apparently, although there are supposed to be a fixed amount of elven souls, Corvus seems to be a "new soul" or a "split of soul from Luscinnia’s". The Duchess is destined to be replaced by the elf with the one dim green eye. The group wonders if this means Luscinia or Corvus. Tristan mentions that Corvus most likely learned this from Pavo who, according to Grace, seems to remember all previous lives.   Malak decides to send Jurian a message to check up on his friend. Jurrian confirms the new information and tells Malak that Corvus will be in touch. Corvus reaches out immediately. He tells Malak that he’s still trying to figure out his capabilities. When Malak has more questions Corvus tells him that he’ll visit him in his dreams.   Malak wonders if there is a connection to the crystals and Emir wonders in what way a Bird is different to a regular Aereni elf and how he was explicitly told the Duchess does not kill. The group discusses the relation to General Len and Sickle and if they are taking something out of Dal Quor or maybe are trying to bring something in.   They talk about the fact they know old people, maybe they know someone who might know more. To see if the Duchess has ever failed. Tristan mentions that Pavo is the oldest person he knows and it seems that he is unaware. Emir brings up Sister Merry and wonders if she might remember something.   With all this conflicting information, the group decide to go to sleep.  

Sweet dreams are made of trees

Malak dreams he’s in Fairhaven, in a familiar booth in the restricted section of the Spire of Knowledge. Corvus is sitting across from him.   Corvus explains he’s in another library in Korth (Pavo’s) and wishes Malak was there to help him. It’s full of old fascinating books. Corvus changes the scenery to Pavo’s library. Malak asks Corvus what he’s learned and Corvus explains that he should not exist. That, when elves are born, a soul is brought to their body by the Duchess. Corvus knows that this is how it works because he assisted the Duchess with the last 3 births.   When he found out that he was born in the Lhazzar Principalities, he had wondered how he was even born if the Duchess wasn't even present for his birth. The answer seems to be that Luscinnia put a part of herself into him. She created his soul by taking part of hers, muting her own soul in the process. Malak asks if he talked to his mother about this yet and Corvus explains that he has other problems to solve before he gets to those of his own. He’s not in a rush.   Malak asks about the green-eyed elves that are supposed to replace the Duchess. Corvus explains that the Duchess is not a goddess, just a Bird with a lot more experience. He thinks she’s been using the suffering of the Birds to sustain her life force all those years and Birds die of old age under normal circumstances.   Malak wonders about his own father and asks Corvus if he knows whether he is still alive. Corvus explains that he’s unaware as Malak's genealogy does not mention his father. Malak explains that his father is an elf, called Samyr Kess. Corvus tells Malak that he has heard of Samyr Kess but has never met him. He used to be one of the Councilors of the Undying Court and left for unknown reasons. Corvus assumed banishment was a likely reason of his departure. Malak also shares his mother is his actual mother. Corvus asks why she lied about this on official documentation and Malak explains that his mother, as a Veiled One, is supposed to protect her virtue. Corvus tells Malak he’ll ask Pavo if he knows more about Samyr Kess.   Malak asks Corvus if only Birds can replace the Duchess or if any elf could. Corvus assumes its only Birds but mentions there are things he does not understand about his own kind. He wonders if he can do what the Duchess can do. Perhaps he might be able to guide a soul to a body. He explains that he’s considering offering Lucy the option of being born anew, as an elf. He’s talked about this with Cissa, and she’s positive about the idea. He tells Malak to keep this between them however. Malak asks if the Duchess also guides the Valenar. According to Corvus, they have their own means.   Corvus explains that the Duchess does not mean harm. He assumes that Luscinia will take the Duchess’ suffering, returning her mortality which is long overdue. Corvus is, however, done losing people and is looking to make the transition peacefully. He explains that the Duchess seems non-concerned. She’s not scared, she had time to prepare. But having never been part of the cycle, he might be able to break it.   Corvus mentions that he visited Myri but he can’t help her. He’s useless fighting Quori. They can’t see him and he can’t touch them. But given that he is planning on visiting Illashtafar. They agree to meet up when Malak gets to Starilaskur.   Before leaving, Corvus asks Malak what dream he would like to have tonight and Malak mentions he’d just like to dream of Myri. As Corvus fades out he changes the scene to Malaks house. The table is set, Kiasuh can be heard from the kitchen and at the table sits Myranna.  

Make me a private room.

During breakfast Emir mentions it might be a good idea to get a private room and asks the staff of the golden dragon inn if they have such facilities. They seem hesitant until Malak flashes his membership card and fabricate a private room.  

Dhyn greets Silmer... and burns things

Marcus arrives and takes Griff to the private room to continue the tattoo. Not long after they move upstairs, something shuffles into the inn ending up under the table leaving scorch marks everywhere. It is soon followed by a bugbear calling for "Coal", who appears to be a koala. He finds the koala and picks it up with an oven mit. Then in steps Dhyn and the bugbear hands him Coal (Dhyn does not need an oven mit). He's a copy paste of Silmer, wearing red cloths. He walks up and just looks at Silmer. Silmer looks back and an awkward hi happens. Silmer says hi and mentions he was told not to burn things. Dhyn mentions that must have been Phoenix who told him that. He dismisses Coal. On the side of Dhyn two people walk in. A dutsy rose tiefling with blue eyes and a half elven male with a big bushy beard. They observe but keep quiet. The group move upstairs  

Private room

The group introduce themselves. The bugbear is called Malbach, the tiefling is Woe and the Half-Elf is called Asher Clymore. Malbach explains that he’s Dhyn's guide.   Dhyn sits on the floor, legs crossed and Silmer joins him. Silmer asks Dhyn about burning Phoenix’s hair. Dhyn mentions he did not mean to, but their sister has done it too. Silmer asks Dhyn how long he’s known. Dhyn mentions that he’s known for a few years. Silmer mentions he’s only learned it about a month ago. Dhyn feels bad for not looking for him. Silmer mentions that the grouped helped him to get here.   Silmer asks if Dhyn likes boats and sailing. Malbach seems happy at the question and Dhyn explains they’ve been on ships from time to time, just never airships. Silmer mentions he’s been on an airship and that his adoptive sister is an airship captain. Tatala, on “The Silverbird”.   Silmer asks Dhyn what his life has been like and why he’s traveling with his companions. Dhyn explains it has to do with Dal Quor. Silmer mentions they’ve been there. Dhyn explains he wants to fight the Inspired and the best place to do so is in Dal Quor. Malbach is a circle of Dreams druid and they’ve been exploring Dal Quor together. Dhyn wants to lead an army of tortles to fight in Dal Qour. But he first needs a map to the lantern tower to get to Cyre.   Dhyn explains that Malback raised him and he and Phoenix used to work together. Silmer tells Dhyn about his life and what they have been up to. He fills him in on the Sickness, the Soldier Marks and the red threads.   Dhyn explains that the mists of Cyre don’t work on tortles. He found this out in his dreams where a voice also told him to find the map. Emir sighs and imitates the traveler and freaks Dhyn and Malback out. Tristan takes it “well” and Emir explains the Traveler stuff.  

Totally tested tanks

Asher joins in the conversation as Woe gestures something. He explains that, as long as they don’t need to breathe, they will all be fine. Their friend, Jasper, invented oxygen tanks. Asher explains that he and Woe are in there for the treasure and want to gather the riches. Woe chimes in on the treasure... sort of. It turns out she's mute and communicates through visuals, sounds and subtitles using Minor Illusion. Or Sign Language. When asked why they don’t just travel to Cyre he explains that the Lantern Tower is closer than just traveling all the way there and has a doorway into Cyre. Malak mentions friends who are on their way to the Lantern Tower. Upon hearing Malak speak, Woe turns to look at him and seems... scared... of him.  

Scary Malak

Malak notices and tells her not to be scared of him, he’s not like the others. She gestures thank you. Emir vouches for Malak and Thaen shifts in. Griff mentions that the people in Cyre are not all dead, however. They seem to be sleeping and offers the idea of saving people with their riches for a fee. They seem to not be aware and the look on Woe’s face changes.  

Totally Tested Tanks Two

Silmer asks if Jaspers name is Godfried and the confirmation he explains you should always do lots of testing of inventions. Tristan emphasizes the importance of testing science.   Dhyn mentions that Jasper pops in and out from time to time. Silmer asks if Dhyn has an army of tortles yet. Dhyn does not... yet. Silmer explains he knows Hawk, a tortle chief from Q’Barra who might be willing to help and that he’s also a monster hunter (while gesturing at his sheer size).  

Where in Windshire was Thaen?

Asher asks Thaen what he’s been up to. Thaen references the paper. Asher guesses who Thaen was for a while before revealing he did not know Vence was Thaen. Thaen mentions that he still owes them money from the “loans” Emir has given Asher. Branded by the Silver Flame.  

What makes you different?

Woe asks Malak, through Asher, why he’s different. Malak tells Woe he’s traveled a lot and thus has seen many varied people. He has some reservations about somethings the church teaches. They’ve let him down. He explains that the group has met the person responsible for not helping his daughter. And she’s now in Dal Quor , fighting with Tira Miron. Tristan speaks to Malak’s character. He explains the he’s a Karnathi and while it took Malak some time to warm up to him they are on good terms.   Woe’s eyes warm up to Tristan and through Asher she explains that Karnathi have sheltered them during the war. She lifts her shirt and reveals a brand of the Silver flame and explains that besides branding her the Thranians took her tongue. Griff offers to heal her wounds, but she declines. Griff nods in respect.  

The Stonut for the golden fishing hook

Through all this, the two brothers have just been staring at each other awkwardly.   Silmer, realizing that they won't be together for long, takes out a stone with a hole in it and gives it to Dhyn so that when they are apart he has a memento of him. Dhyn gives Silmer a golden fishing hook that can help him fish or might find him interesting things. Silmer offers to teach him how to cook spicy Thranian food. Dhyn also loves cooking. They go to the kitchen and cook the rest a meal. They make Thranian swamp fusion food for the group and exchange recipes.  

Thaen’s family

After dinner, the tortles awkwardly brotherly hug. Dhyn and Malbach then leave towards the elder to get the key to the house where the map is in.   Asher is amused by the exchange. "Brothers. Am I right?" Thaen thoughtfully reflects back on his own family and mentions he argued with his brother, Wies, the last time they met. Thaen clarifies that Wies is the musical one of the twins. There was a disagreement about whether the Traveler was dangerous or not. And there seems to be some bitterness from Wies' side because he feels obligated to stay home while Thaen is on the road. Asher asks how the family reacted to Cissa being in “The Dragon’s eyes’ part of Sharn. Thaen mentions that Emir and Cissa walked around together but he guided her to his family’s establishment as a familiar dwarf. His sister however saw through his disguise immediately. Marcus finishes Griff's tattoo and says his goodbyes.  

Gracious role models

Thaen turns to Tristan and asks him if Grace would be willing to talk with his little sister, Dris, when this is all over. She's only about 10 or 12 but she's very smart and has an interest in wizardry. Tristan suggests asking Grace directly. Griff adds to this that, as the Arlessa of Arcanix, she’s linked to the best university on Khorvaire and has some pull there. Thaen mentions he can’t make introductions right now anyways due to the Feathers. He explains that Lady gave up Dris and Vence gave up Wies. Thaen then briefly explains the trail to Asher and Woe.  

Griffy-bird with a Griffy-voice

Griff turns into a bluethroat and lands on Tristan shoulder. He muses about how he can now see Emir glowing, and Tristan slightly. The group can understand him as Griff’s voice comes out of the tiny bird. Griff explains he sees a glow from Thaen, with a small trail of list rising up into the ceiling. There is also a slight glow from Tristan.  

See you later, brother

Dhyn and Malbach return with the key and Dhyn asks Silmer if he will join him when the time comes. Silmer mentions he will only join him if he tests his equipment properly.   The brothers say an awkward goodbye. Before they leave though, Thaen makes an illusion of Hawk appear outside of the window freaking out people in the streets.  

Just a heads-up

Before going to bed, Tristan takes Thaen aside. He warns Thaen that when they get to Starilasker he’ll be meeting with Cissa who offered to act as a liaison between him and the general in Korth.   Thaen thanks Tristan for the information and everyone heads to bed.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
26 Mar 2022

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