Session Fifty Four: Final Day in the Shadow Marches

General Summary

Would you kindly, Big Daddy

  Dhyn, Woe, and Asher have left and the party sets to turn in for the night. Right before sleep Emir ‘Sends’ to Markus kindly reminding him to bring the gem paint tomorrow. Markus readily agrees stating there is only enough for one application but he'll share the recipe to make more. The next morning and Thaen wishes for a quick word with everyone before going downstairs suggesting to call him "Barrakas" in public given his history. He also proposes using a descriptor to refer to the other personas when they aren't around, giving some alliterative examples. Malak humorously adds that they can call him, "Daddy." Many laughs are had and Emir shifts in as they head to breakfast.  

Reigniting the Flameless

  At breakfast Griff wonders “who they are as a group” before mentioning he has thought of a group name, "The Flameless". Silmer has mixed feelings as he is non-religious but Malak explains that is the point Griff is making, the Flameless weren’t really part of the Silver Flame. Tristan and Emir both seem to like the name, but have slightly differing concerns about putting a target on their heads. Griff believes just hearing about the Flameless will confuse or agitate The Eyes. Malak says he will ask Myri for permission to use it and the party agree they’ll discuss it further tomorrow.  

Monster Hunter, Neru

  It isn't long after that line of conversation that Markus arrives with his wife and 2 kids. Introductions are made and Griff immediately hugs the kids. Markus’s wife, Neru, is very prim and proper. She is wearing a coat made from a manticore and orders herself a tea while the kids are, well, confused but excitedly hugging Griff back. Markus gives Emir the gem paint with an explanation of how to use it as well as a recipe. When Emir tries to pay Markus he is declined; Markus doesn’t want any money. Griff suggests that instead Emir does a goodbye performance as he is kind of famous or something. Emir agrees and suggests they teleport out during the finale.   Neru tells them that she met Markus when she was hunting a manticore in Breland. This fact interests Silmer as he expresses, for the first time, he is interested in potentially becoming a monster hunter himself! It seems having met Hawk made quite the impression. Neru gives Silmer her card should he wish to receive training or contact her in future. Given her profession is questioned about Beholders but she says it isn’t her expertise but will do some research for the group. At some point the children learn Tristan can transform as well and excitedly ask if he is a druid. Tristan tells them he is not a druid, a point he has to reiterate. Good byes are said and Markus gives everyone a big hug, except for Silmer who manages to dodge Markus. After Markus and his family take their leave and the party splits into two groups, the fishers and the bakers. Griff wanting to say goodbye to Froghemoth, Silmer wishing to try Dhyn's magic fishing hook, while Emir and Malak are going to talk to Dozen. Tristan, not wanting to deal w/ Dozen, goes with Griff and Silmer.  

Farewell Froghemoth

  Griff, Silmer, and Tristan head out to where Froghemoth resides. Griff manages to convince/bribe Froghemoth to share where a good fishing spot is nearby and to let Silmer fish. Relaying this information Silmer takes his leave and goes to setup on the pier and begins fishing. Meanwhile as Griff talks w/ Froghemoth Tristan asks how he can help as he wants to learn how to help Grace or contribute in the family. Unfortunately he learns, and is told, that he isn't much help to d'Vidalis when they're monster taming. At Griff's suggestion he goes to practice meditating with Silmer (after evading another of Froghemoth's tentacles).   Froghemoth tells Griff he wants to eat all kinds of children and wants to know if it they “accidentally” fall in if that’s okay. Griff tells him it is not and mentions Neru, who it turns out scares Froghemoth. Before leaving Griff of course wants to give Froghemoth a proper hug goodbye. Turning into a giant snake Griff and Froghemoth share an odd high-five / hug, which is observed at a distance by Silmer and Tristan (much to their confusion). Griff tells Froghemoth he might bring with him in future. They might get to eat a tasty monster, a Beholder, and maybe even some elves. Before Griff leaves Froghemoth tells Griff “I am the biggest and baddest bitch in this swamp.”  

Silmer's Fishing School of Meditation

  Silmer gets himself comfortable and fishes patiently for an hour waiting for the magical hook to work its magic. After an hour he catches a "Copper banded Green Wood"! A fish that will provide a full day’s nourishment to whoever eats it. Silmer thinks it'd make a tasty lunch to share with others before he casts out his rod again, trying to catch something else.   When Tristan arrives Silmer invites him to join in the fishing, but says he’ll need his own rod. Tristan explains he actually was interested in his assistance with meditating. Silmer gives Tristan some basic suggestions such as sitting still and focusing on something, such as a non-Silver Flame or waves...though Silmer mentions waves don't work well for him anymore. Tristan understand the basics as "Sit still. Be calm. Be comfortable?" Silmer explains that meditation isn't some "strange art like yoga." Tristan doesn't seem to find meditation to be working for him. After observing Griff and Froghemoth hugging it out Tristan wonders if talking to monsters makes you like a monster… Silmer says he’ll ask April. The two end up swapping meditating and fishing. Silmer excels at meditating and Tristan finds some peace in fishing, even managing to catch himself a fish before Froghemoth shows up and scares the rest away.  

A Dozen of Apributts

  Malak and Emir made their way to Dozen's bakery while the others headed off to talk see Froghemoth. "Big Daddy" Malak again proves his strength and effortlessly opens the door to the bakery. The smell of 'apributts' and rose fill the air. Dozen is delighted by Emir's return. Emir explains he has a favor to ask of Dozen; Dozen is all too happy to help. Emir loosely explains he is trying to fulfill a deceased friend's dying wish and though Dozen might be able to help ("Lucy was here"). Dozen suggests a few locations including his own bakery (which he'd maintain). Emir accepts Dozen’s offer and will use the space between the bakery windows outside.   Emir sincerely thanks Dozen, going so far to shake his "hoof" much to Malak’s confusion and amusement. Malak is amused once again when Dozen makes a pass at Emir and then has to be gently let down. Before they leave Dozen gives them a basket of 'apributts' with Emir saying he plans to return with Cissa in future. With Malak's “guidance” Emir writes "Lucy was here" before they return to the Inn.  

Making Lunch and Amends

  Before joining the group Griff quickly arranges with Markus to feed Froghemoth in his absence.   Back at the Inn Silmer wishes to make everyone lunch before they leave. However, the manager is very unhappy the last time Silmer used their kitchen. Seems Silmer and Dhyn didn't do a very good job tidying up after last time. BUT with promises to share the fish paella with the staff and to clean up after himself he is allowed to use their kitchen once again. Unfortunately, the paella doesn't quite come out to Silmer’s liking so he sprinkles on some "Dust of Deliciousness" and serves the 'apributts' for dessert.  

A Concerted Effort to Leave

  Tristan, having felt a bit useless today, asks if he can play with Emir. Emir graciously accepts his assistance and writes out some of the music so Tristan can accompany. Malak says he thinks Tristan is very brave to play in front of the whole town, teasingly having a go at Tristan's nerves. Griff however just thinks Grace will like to hear Tristan played w/ Emir! There was some teasing about Tristan’s ability to perform which caused the conversation to again derail. It is nice that the group is able to now share laughs together.   Before leaving the group quickly discusses Emir's concert plans and how they can help. Emir plans to use a pulsing star illusion for the final song and will have it play the music while he makes the teleportation circle. Griff says he can help them stealth away with ‘Pass without a Trace’ but Silmer drops an ‘apributt’ behind as they vanish.   Tristan and Emir performed very well together and the group managed to teleport away under the cover the illusion and Griff’s magic. As the group magically arrives in Starilaskur all that remains at the end of Emir’s performance is a lone “apributt”.  


  The group arrive in a well-lit townhouse. The room is of polished dark wood with a teleportation circle in the center. The room has lots of green, blues, and golds…much like that of a peacock. A fire is roaring in the room over which hangs the portrait of a very flamboyant looking elf, Pavo. Neither Tristan or Emir were aware Pavo had holdings in Starilaskur.   As the group are inspecting the room the door begins to open. Silmer quickly dons his hat of illusion to appear as Hiyon. A dapper Leonin enters the room. He has a dark brown mane and is wearing a navy blue jacket, green waist coat, monocle, and was clearly expecting them. Griff is denied the opportunity to hug him. Introductions are made and Brix Razorclaw tells them they were expected. Tristan recalls hearing the Razorclaw name during the war but can’t play the details. The group ask about if Corvus or Cissa have arrived, but neither have yet.   Brix offers them lunch but they are all still quite full from the paella and instead offers them rooms to stay if they wish. The group agree to stay at Pavos but Silmer wishes for a more subdued room. Turns out the previous group of bards that stayed here before felt similarly and Brix even mentioning a Karnathi.   Griff is still staring at the portrait and eventually asks who it is. Malak reminds Griff he saw him at the wedding, Griff says it doesn’t count, but Brix tells him it is “Master Pavo.” A little discussion of Pavo takes place where Tristan explains he and Pavo are friendly with one another, though not “buddy buddy.” A few seem to understand that the two do talk regularly.   After showing them to their rooms Brix explains that they have the run of the house, there are no secrets here much to Tristan’s surprise. Brix tells them when meals will be served but does ask if they don’t plan to attend they give 2 hours notice.  

Next steps

  The group discuss next steps. Silmer suggests perhaps they explore more. Emir explains he needs to find Cygnus and with Brix not telling them where she might be it could prove difficult. Griff mentions that Kennerun is nearby and about the Hag and Gobby connection.   As they walk outside, Emir is almost immediately recognized by a gaggle of girls and, with great effort, extracts himself. Tristan helps by intimidating the girls, acting like some sort of bodyguard.  

Something fluffy with a feather

  Griff suggest group get a drink and the group head to a gold dragon inn. Malak whips it out (VIP) and arranges free drinks with the receptionist, Novak.   While the group sample the local wine, some people notice a small white herigon observing them. The moment she sees that Emir has noticed her, she shows him a sneak peek of a feather before hopping away.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
09 Apr 2022

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