Session Fifty Six: Reflections of a Bird and a Bard

General Summary

Flight of The Swans

  The group walks through a forest of twinkling plants and inedible mushrooms, evading the Fey Realm collisions. As they walk, Emir tears some of his robes. Chantilly whips out a needle and casts mending on his clothes. Tristan is reminded he can do the same. They progress until they reach a small clearing. It smells heavily of roses. A road leads to a slab of limestone with letters engraved on it. Swan statues stand around the large stone slab, placed as if they are bobbing water.   As per instructions, Chantilly leaves the group, more importantly Emir, to solve how to proceed and plonks herself on the grass. She starts making a daisy chain for Griff, who in turn makes one for her while walking around trying to help the others. It's been established that letters are Malak's thing. He reads the letters on the slab, which happen to be in Celestial. It says: “Among the feathers she had found her place and prepared for all the dangers she must face.”   Tristan tries to fit the Cadence with the Flight of the Silverbird. Emir sings through all the verses with the new words added and the stone slab rotates to reveal stairs. The swans’ wings also rotate up as if they're taking flight. Chantilly has never heard the song before and is shocked by the glowing marks.   Having been distracted between two jobs, Griff makes a very long daisy chain. It gets wrapped around Chantilly's ear.  

“The Road to Hell Is Paved With Good Intentions”

  They then descend down a spiral staircase. Crystals form along the walls and water cascades down the sides. There's an eerie white light that illuminates the path. Viol music can be heard. The music gets louder the further they go down. Some people, like Emir, sees their reflections. Emir though, sees all of VETT looking back. Vence waves.   As they reach the bottom of the stairs the music stops. The group find themselves in a circular chamber with multiple pools of water that ripple. Large crystals hang down like chandeliers. The waterfall by one of the walls is silent though. Upon a large silver throne is Cygnus. She looks tired but elegant, her radiant skin seemly absorbing the colour around her. She walks up to Emir. She doesn't look all too happy to see him. She curtsies and calls him "Baracus". Emir realizes that through the pools of water by his feet he can see all of VETT and can interact with them all.   Cygnus expresses that this conversation will be uncomfortable for both of them. Emir expresses his condolences for her loss…and for whatever role he may have played in it. Emir wants to resolve the conflict the feathers are facing so he can have a proper life together with Cissa. While the two speak, voices from memories depict building a house near Passage, an orphanage, doing fundraising and the reality of maybe having children. It seems that the waters do not allow for lies or for one to hide anything.   Cygnus hates seeing Cissa suffer after losing so many loved ones. Hates seeing her look like almost skin and bones as she loses a part of herself. Cygnus sees Emir as yet another one of the losses Cissa will experience. She wonders whether this is all worth it. Emir explains that he's willing to lose Cissa if that's for her own good. It's Cissa, however, that never leaves. Cygnus explains that there's always a ripple effect. Her choice to choose the feathers led to the death of her husband. Some of Emir's choices inadvertedly caused the same. Was that worth it? Have Emir's choices been worth it? Other than his role in Attratus' passing, Emir says he has yet to see the results of his choices. But he'll face them when they come.   She changes the subject and wonders why Thaen isn't there, this isn't all about Cissa. She hails Thaen to the podium. Emir shifts into Thaen and explains he's here so he can find Talia and bring her home.   Cygnus believes he needs to acknowledge some past happenings. If you can't accept the past and are willing to acknowledge it, you can't learn and move forward. Thaen is very hesitant at first but relents to discuss his past. He closes his eyes and uses the waterfall streams to show, what appears to be, memories.   Lady dropping her disguise as she enters her room. A noise inside her wardrobe. A gnome found inside when she investigates. Her interrogating the gnome for what must have been hours in a torch lit room, but still not getting answers. Nodding to someone as she leaves the room. The crackle of electricity and screams. A brief reprieve and more questions…but no answers. More crackles and then the dying screams of a child. Back inside is not the corpse of a gnome, but instead that of a changeling child. Emir and Vence look shocked from their position in the puddle. Thaen looks pained by what he had to show. Lady is strangely passive in this moment.   Thaen explains that there is much to regret in his past. He did it for his family, but that doesn't make it any less hard. Cygnus brings up the ripple effect again. Yes, what he did had dire consequences. Every action has an effect on the world. But, in the same breath, positive actions can have positive effects. VETT has also positively impacted people along the way and could lead them to a great future. For example, Celine who has a thriving business in Thaliost. Joshua was taught how to use the recorder. He could become the next breakout bard – a beacon for non-human races. There's also the child Thaen found with Talia in the woods who got returned safely. Now him, being a feather, could cause an even greater ripple effect. She asks again: Does he think it's worth it? Thaen replies simply that he hopes it will be.   She calls an end to the meeting, yet Vence still has a question. She tells him not to push it. He wants to end suffering but won't that sometimes cause more suffering? She explains he simply needs faith that it won't.  

Lucy In The Water With Crystals

  Before leaving, Emir wishes to share a drink with Cygnus. He's been keeping some wine for such a meeting. Cygnus is not completely convinced but accepts the glass and takes a sip. During this moment, Cygnus asks if she can look at the viol. Upon approval, she takes it out and strums it lightly. It glows. There are reflections of Lucy in the water.   While the other can't see her, those in the water can. Vence gives her a hug. Thaen waves. She's eventually spotted by Malak, who casts message to see if she can hear and understand him. She can but can't speak back. Stepping further away, he asks if she would want to be reborn. She gets an urgent look on her face suddenly, but Malak can't understand her. He wonders whether he should have mentioned it. She blows him a kiss and then Emir switches with Lady so he can see Lucy in the water. Lucy goes over and they hug.  

The group converse with Cygnus

  It seems the court of Wroat in Breland is their next stop, according to Cygnus.   Griff speaks up. He wants Cygnus to know that he's met Cissa. He's going to be living a long time, as will Malak. So Cissa won't be entirely alone.   Chantilly also greets Cygnus, deciding to keep standing on Griff instead. Yay cleanliness. She gives her part of the daisy chain Griff made. Cygnus gracefully drapes it over one ear and looks delighted, giving the first truly sincere smile since this whole ordeal started.   Tristan also has a question before they leave. He wonders what's expected of him now. Does he also have to take the tests or just accompany? He doesn't want to be met with a locked door at the end. He does want to make the journey through to find his dad. Cygnus explains his role is to be reliable to those with feathers. He doesn't need to learn the songs or reach the final destination. Tristan asks VETT if they would like him accompanying them on the trail and his help in the trials. Just being there is fine for now, Lady explains, but isn’t opposed to him watching in on trials. Cygnus smiles genuinely. She tells Tristan that Atratus learned he had a good voice from Tristan's sister.   Griff, meanwhile, spots that Malak has silver, transparent wings in his reflection. He tries to touch them but he reaches nothing. Tristan tells him to look down. Silmer reveals it's the second time he's seen it on Malak. Reflection Vence pokes the wings and Malak feels a phantom echo of it. He tries to flex his wings and ends up doing a form of chicken dance.  

Holy Molly

  Tristan asks what Cygnus knows about Molly. To the party's knowledge they are identical. Tied to the spires, share knowledge and only one of them has a sense of humour. Cygnus seems very amused by this sudden question and decides to lean into it. She draws the parallels between the waters of this cavern and the Spires: You cannot lie here and you cannot lie to Molly.   It seems Molly is tied to this cavern. She's actually tied to all places. She sees all that has happened and all that is happening. In the Spires her name is Molly. But she's actually a manifestation of the worlds around them: The dragon Eberron. This is big news to the whole group. But it also explains something to Tristan. Pavo once referred to himself and Molly as "Elder Beings" who show each other respect. She apparently bowed to him and this confused Tristan.   As they make to leave (for real this time), Chantilly explains she'll bring extra flowers. Cygnus wants her to go with the group and guard VETT as a feather. Chantilly agrees to go with them and recommends Caroline to take her place.  

Through the forest they go

  They eventually leave and it seems four hours have past. Griff casts pass without trace and Chantilly starts leading them back to civilization. She makes an effort to avoid the Fey Realm areas and rougher terrain as Emir is struggling a bit. Malak also seems to be daydreaming a bit.   Malak is snapped out of his daydream by a very familiar song. Chantilly immediately starts herding them all in a different direction. They move away from the hag's song.   Chantilly aims to go home and meet them all for breakfast tomorrow. That being said, the party splits up.  

At the Lyrander station

  Griff and Silmer head to the Lyrander station. Tatalla is there. Silmer blocks her punch. She wonders where he's been. To this, Griff yells: “With me!”   She hugs him. The buff elfs join in. So does George. It seems Tatalla was worried and doesn't want him to just leave again. Silmer explains that that's part of being in a group. He explains who's now onboard and how he got to go fishing with Tristan. He'll come back to speak with her in full tomorrow after breakfast.   Griff asks if SHE'S there. Tatalla, who was about to invite them onto the ship, rescinds her offer. Yes, SHE is. She's also not happy. As they walk out, Griff tells Silmer he'll likely be punched tomorrow. Silmer asks what he did. Griff had a relationship with the second in command during the war. Because of that he didn't want to get serious. She didn't like that. He regrets it now as he thought he wouldn't live through the war.   Silmer believes that was partly his decision to make and that he can teach him how to block and avoid kicks.  

Plans Around The Table

  Back in the manor, Tristan checks with Brix if there were any messages. It seems Cissa will be arriving after dinner. She will be staying in a place near the manor house of the local lord and Corvus will be accompanying her. He will fetch Tristan while she waits for him there. Tristan looks for Emir, but finds Thaen in his room, and relays that message. Thaen braces himself.   Malak, meanwhile, is making himself comfortable on some pillows in the lounge. He writes to Cissa about seeing Cygnus and Lucy. He's worried about her and so does SHE.   Dinner is an assortment of bread and an empty bottle of mango sauce. Brix was too embarrassed to take Tristan up on his offer for help making food. Brix pretends not to see Tristan's raised eyebrow.   The group go over some plans. Malak has some inside knowledge as he's been to Wroat before. Silmer won't need a hat there, but err on the side of caution because of the soft ones. Emir explains they have a teleportation circle leading to Wroat. They can stay in one of Cissa's apartments if she permits it. There, Lady can track Asir.   Tristan asks if they could stay a little longer as he wants to get checked out by his doctor. He wants to reach out again and see if there’s a chance, they can make it over ASAP. Silmer also wants to meet up with his sister before leaving again. He explains that Griff might get punched soon. Malak wants to go with to hug George. Emir wants to find more gems for paint.  

A Visit from Corvus

  Corvus arrives at Pavo’s house and is greeted by Malak, Emir and Tristan. Corvus explains that Cissa is elsewhere and will remain there to not inconvenience Emir. He’ll take Tristan there. Malak greets Corvus and takes him aside for a quick chat before talking to Emir.   Malak explains to Corvus that he talked with Lucy. She could only gesture back though. She is at peace though, but trapped in the bow of a viol. Corvus wants to know where the viol would be so he can examine it.   Corvus asked Pavo to look into Malak's dad. He also looked into Greywater's dreams. She was in a dark place being attacked by bees. Malak responded that he could also look into some of the dreams and that he visited Myri.   He suddenly came to a realization that he should be looking into other peoples dreams as well and that it would be a great source for information. He started pondering about maybe visiting the dreams of Jossac, and explains her situation to Corvus. They talk about the Dal Quor for a bit. Malak mentions to Corvus that they met Cygnus and the conversation they had there.   They return to the others and then Corvus and Emir go off to have a chat.  

A future for Cissa and Emir... and Lucy

  Emir tells Corvus how it was to meet with Cygnus while they don't discus the task that needed to be fulfilled. Emir mentions that they are now on their way to see Asir.   Corvus tells Emir about ways to free Lucy of her curse. There are three options:
  • discover magic so powerful it could make a wish come true
  • ask the Hag to lift the curse
  • have a soulless body Corvus can move the soul into
  • Covus explains that he might possess certain powers similar to the Duchess. If he focuses, he can see spirits. Corvus asks Emir to take out Lucy's bow. As Lucy appears Corvus can see her. She, excitedly, gives him a hug. He explains to them of his idea to put Lucy's soul into the body of an elven child of Cissa and Emir. Ordinarily it would be born without a soul and die, but this might be a way for Lucy to be reborn.   Corvus explains that there are some possible issues that need to be resolved before this would be possible. Emir and Lucy agree to explore this option further when the trail is completed. Lucy mentions that George has also always been able to see her and was often talking to the spirit of his mother.   Corvus shares he has also been checking in on Melissa Greywater. She seems stuck in perpetual darkness attacked by "Bees". He's giving her some rest using dream and trying to see if there is something he can do there to wake her up. He also plans to visit Il'lashtafar.   Jogged by that Emir asks Corvus to check on with Jamie in his dreams to check if he can find out who saved him back in the train. Corvus questions if Jamie is even still alive and Emir says he will check if Jamie is still alive using sending.   Corvus asks Lucy if she has a message for Cissa and Lucy sings a song for her: "In this world we're just beginning; To understand the miracle of living; I was afraid before. But I'm not afraid anymore"   She asks Corvus to also relay that when they write "Lucy was here" to do it in bright pink.   Corvus tells Emir he will tell Cissa that he loves and misses her. Corvus leaves.  

    Corvus and Tristan head to Cissa

      After bidding Malak and Emir a good night, Tristan and Corvus head out onto the streets of Starilaskur. Tristan notes both Emir and Corvus seem unharmed, which is a positive, and fishes for what their conversation was about. Corvus however states it is a private matter, and it is left at that. As they walk Tristan tells Corvus to forget about the deal they had made upon their first meeting in Flamekeep; he has chosen to have faith in his family’s choices, and Corvus’ time is currently better spent focusing on his own issues and helping Lucy. He does however want to own up to his side of the deal still, and tells Corvus that his guess on the fifth member of the Trail is correct. The two also agree that they both wish to keep those they love safe, and Corvus agrees to bring Elizabeth fully in the loop on everything they have learned when he meets her. He’ll also relay the message that Tristan loves her and is proud of her.   Meeting up with Cissa, the conversation turns to what Corvus was discussing with Emir, and he decides to loop Tristan in to a degree; he is helping Lucy ‘move on’. After the two men bid each other a good night, Tristan heads inside with Cissa.  

    News from Korth

      Back to the conversation between Tristan and Cissa. Cissa says a bunch of things about how there was research of the Veteran movements in Loomkeep (Karnath) That she has contacts outside of Karnath and that there are camps of Valenar elves near Cyre. She also explains that there is a Re-integration program for the Veterans and wonders if Tristan has any contacts to share if they need help adjusting to their new life, many didn’t do well. She also mentioned that the soft-ones are all called back to Sarlona for “Pest Control” Tristan would like to keep this information from Silmer and his family, and mentions to Cissa that he met Silmers Brother. After some bad puns they move on with the conversation. Cissa mentions that she has a message from Grace for Tristan and that she sends her regards and hugs. Tristan says he misses her, and asks if Cissa heard something from Briar and Valdis. Cissa does a quick sending to General Hammond, who explains that Briar is in Wroat.   Tristan says that’s on the way of their route. Cissa actually does not want to know that... Cissa doesn’t want to stay for much longer, Tristan mentions that “He” misses her, she replies back that she misses him too. Tristan tells Corvus to give Jurian a hug before heading back to the Manor.    

    Avoidance 101

      Emir rests in his room while Malak and Tristan go to find Griff and Silmer. The two are sparring in the garden. Silmer is teaching Griff to parry. Griff wonders if it's better to just take the hit on the chin or simply not go at all. Malak suggests he take it. Malak also has an idea to help Josak. He can enter people's dreams. This way e can see what they're using against her. Tristan and Griff suggest bringing Silmer along as there might be Quarry danger. Griff suggest they try it on something or someone else first as there's the possibility of a kill switch. Malak suggests using it on the beholder but it's deemed too risky. Malak's second suggestion comes with a snigger: “What about Wrogar?” Silmer suggests the “Greyjoy soldiers”. Malak says he'll sleep on it. He'll need to remember some names first.  

    The Sleeping Starling

      Chantilly goes to her Burrow and explains to her family that she had received a new task to help the Dodocophany, Her mom is really happy about the new responsibilities that Chantilly received. Chantilly recommends that for her replacement it would be Carol. She also got reminded that she shouldn’t be stealing anymore.   Her parents are very proud and gave her a big hug, they said that “Every bunny is proud of you” Chantilly then does her rounds past her 11 siblings in the Burrow and talks with Chad for a bit, she told Chad to stay here and look out for all the others as they look up to him. Then Chantilly explains the job to Carol and mentions that the Kalashtar likes warm blankets and goes to the Starling, braids her hair and mentions that one day she might wake up.  

    A Gift Unto Thee

      That night, in his sleep, Malak dreams of Tula. They're in the Heart of the Spire of Knowledge and Tula is looking down, swirling around. He turns into a man and hands Malak a chain necklace with a new link on it: An arrow. Session End.

    Sickle Moon


    Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
    Monk 8
    51 / 51 HP
    Report Date
    05 May 2022

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