Session Seventy Four: Tief of my heart

General Summary

An Injection of Calm

  Edward and Vence return to the Gold Dragon Inn and are met by Tristan, who is sitting a table littered with papers, and invites Edward to join him (Vence is allowed). Vence makes a faux pas w/ the alchemy jug but orders drinks for the table, billing it to Malak Isham of course.   Tristan opens the conversation to see if Edward plans to join the group long term. Edward isn't certain given his focus on meeting his son, something that could change any and all plans. But Tristan is concerned that Edward is genuinely afraid of him, Edward's of the opinion Tristan just needs to sleep...he's very grumpy.   Edward admits about telling Elizabeth her and Tristan's dad. She took it well though and understands why he didn't tell her, loves him etc. Edward says he delivered the news gently and now she can help research it...and then tries to send Tristan to bed.   An already annoyed Tristan reaches the boiling point and realizes, "Yup. Time for bed." But Edward notices the hair starting to grow, and fearing Tristan will eat him, attempts to inject Tristan w/ the serium. The two tussle a bit before Edward is successful and Tristan immediately calms down, though is still quite annoyed. Vence quietly sips his ale watching this unfold, while his free hand was on his ocarina. It isn't long before they go up to bed.   Vence stops by Chantilly's room before sleep but turns out she isn't feeling well but the'll speak later.   Tristan's sleep is disturbed yet again by a horrible nightmare. One in which he has to watch Ellie die slowly and where he rips Grace apart. He wakes up exhausted once again.    

A streamlined breakfast, how out of character

  The next morning Chantilly and Silmer set off on their own to go shopping in the market.   The remaining people put together their schedules for the day.
  • Gisleia will need to visit the circus after breakfast
  • Elijah will come for Edward sometimes to visit Sharn
  • Tristan is to meet Valdis at noon
  • Thaen needs to meet Talia at noon
  • Malak is w/o plans, Edward invites him to visit Sharn too
  • Thaen relays the information he received from Talia about the dodacophany and the Shrouding Syzagy. For him the information doesn't quite align with what they know regarding Luscina, The Duchess, and Corvus.   Talia's information:
  • The Shrouding Syzegy is cyclical, having happened before
  • All magic will be reset during this event
  • The dodecophany is needed to help reignite the Silver Flame
  • Corvus' information:
  • The Shrouding Syzegy is a day when Luscinia will be able to overthrow the Duchess
  • Luscinia is using the dodecophany to achieve this
  • Suffering fuels the Duchess
  • Talia had mentioned that the stories might link somewhere.   Malak is skeptical on all of it and it just give Tristan a headache.  

    Sweet dreams are made of Trees

      After some discussion, and a bit of sassing from Malak, Tristan decides it is best that he get some sleep. Malak gives him a pleasant dream where he and Grace are in the forrets around Flamekeep. The two enjoy eachother's quiet company against a tree.  

    Time to the circus?

      Elijah shows up during breakfast but Edward isn't ready to go just yet, he has to go to the circus. Elijah casually mentions knowing Salenar and says that he cannot join as he is not allowed to be involved in inter-House issues (being from House Orien). He does give Edward his card and instruucts him to tell Salenar that he has an appointment with Elijiah after the circus visit. Salenar would not be able to keep Edward as he woulld then be messing with Orien House matters. Elijiah then decides to hit up the Nifty Beard Bar Vence suggested to wait in the mean time. He relays April's regards and that they've progressed on the portal thing.   Edward, Vence, and Malak go to pickup Gisleia and Piesk before heading to the circus. Piesk has dressed up for the ocassion because he's meeting the family. Gisleia is visibly nervous but also dressed up.   Together they set out back to the circus. One their way back Malak decides to check the area around the boulder where they had seen the people last night. He searches the area but doesn't find anything conclusive.   When they arrive the circus is nearly finished tearing down and packing up. As they approach family run up to Gisleia hugging and her and crying with relief she is okay. Gisleia looks incredibly uncomfortable with it all.   --   They all go into Salenar's tent, Gisleia is nervous. When they enter he is seated in chair, but the way he sits it looks like throne. Gisleia is very nervous and looks down. Edward puts his hand on her shoulder and relates his insights as a father himself that Salenar was worried and happy she is safe.   Salenar thanks them all for returning his daughter to him, but Gisleia hides behind Malak causing Salenar to falter. She says she doesn't want to stay with him. Malak persuades her to actually talk with her father, or at least hear him out.   She explains that she wants to be free and not be with the circus, which confuses him. She is clearly safer with family and with them no-one will hurt her. Vence feels it isn't a threat, but rather he's used to being obeyed.   Salenar tells her she is free when with them and can go where she wishes, just come back. Edward interjects that she wants more time before rejoining, though Malak points out she never said she'd return...   Cautiously, Gisleia asks what would happen if she didn't return. Salenar's silence terrifies her. He wishes to speak to her in private and attempts to dismiss the group. However, Gisleia doesn't want to be alone with him, Malak backing her up. Salenar simply doesn't understand.   However, Salenar asks Malak if as a father is it not his duty to protect his own? Malak confirms _but_ also the importance of letting them go and spread their wings. Gisleia explains she wants space away from everyone but to also make a difference. Further, she doesn't feel safe there anymore. For years they let Len into their camp. She wants to make sure what happened to her siblings can never happen again.   Piesk, putting his arm around her, looks at Vence and then tells her he knows a safe haven for her if needed. Salenar, finally taking notice of Piesk, asks who he is. Gisleia ignores the question and says, "let me go."   Salenar again turns to Malak if he's ever encountered this before. Malak explains he handled it poorly and he has regretted it for the past 10 years. He forbid Myri from going to war and she went anyway. She is her own woman and he never got to see it. And now, it might be too late.   Salenar relents and allows her to go, but not before threatening Piesk if anything should happen to her. Gisleia hugs Malak and thanks both him and Edward. She agrees to stay with the circus until they leave.   The conversation turns as Edward asks Salenar about The Eyes. Salenar explains they are disgruntled Valenar Elves with the goal to "do something" on the day of darkness. Something about "wielding the shadow" but whatever it is won't affect elves it seems.   Edward explains to Salenar about the sickness and Vence asks for more information.
  • They captured 1 of the Generals, Gazeer Len
  • Arbane Olona and Kharis Kellee are the other two generals
  • Arbane Olona is on the otherside of Cyre
  • Kharis Kellee is in Sarlona
  • Salenar worked with Len
  • Eyes have been asking about Wine and trying to make more and sell it at an absurd price
  • Given Salenar's high opinion of Valenar wine Vence takes the opportunity to trade a bottle of fine Flamekeep wine for Valenar wine.   The group then say their goodbyes and head back to town.    

    Valdis was a great conversation...

      Tristan wakes up before the group and Valdis arrive. Edward and Malak decide to relax for a while instead of meeting Valdis. It isn't long before Talia and Valdis arrive.   The Tristan and Valdis immediately squabble like an old married couple. Tristan was upset that Valdis was never being reachable and did not reach out when he got in contact with Elizabeth. Valdis is frustrated that Tristan expected him to magically know where to send any communications to. Seems Tristan has been writing to him, but never got the messages. Valdis also never needed to constantly tell people where he was whenever he was travelling and, considering Tristan was travelling without reaching out to anyone either, he did not see why Tristan could get upset about this. Talia joining Thaen to watch this unfold.   On top of this Valdis has also been stressed ferrying Tristan's sister in secret, the weird "spell balancing" they're up to. He does not want to mess with the magic that has Elizabeth and Tristan not be able to meet each other so he would not have told Tristan at first anyway because he wants them to properly reunite without having messed anything up. It was why he kept this whole thing secret, even with his cousin Briar. She's too much of a chatter box.   The anger eventually fizzles out. They both were mainly just worried about each other or each other's families.   In a bit of a lull Tristan tells Valdis about getting engaged, the first bit of news that actually stuns Valdis. He explains that he is sincerely happy for Tristan. But hearing all this, he realises that Tristan has been able to move on from the events of the war... and Valdis still thinks about his lost love often. Thaen comments about Tristan giving Edward grief about "being gentle". The two hug it out while Thaen tells Talia he likes Valdis. Talia says watching him and Elizabeth is great.   Despite not wanting to get into it, Tristan explains that his dad is alive and is annoyed he didn't get to tell Elizabeth himself. Talia tries to comfort him, telling him while she has feelings about it she has no negative ones towards him. She's strong and she and the others are all there for her.   Tristan admits he may need to hit Valdis up for some gear and that he has to meet Theda to "get rid of a thing." Apparently Tristan doesn't want to "eat people" anymore. He tells Valdis Elizabeth can explain more, he'll just have to ask her about her activity in the Lakeside Forest; she'll know what it means.   Valdis tells him he'll be heading to Korth via airship and to write to him at home if he needs him. He'll also check on Theda for him. Thaen gives Valdis a fair warning if the airship captain is Tatalla.   Tristan thanks Valdis for watching out for his sister before departing. Talia tells Valdis to go ahead, she wants a word with Thaen.  

    Thaen's Instructions

      Thaen tells Malak and Edward location of his family's tavern - Tell them that he found her.
  • Gives the intersection as tavern name changes (Tristan and Edward understand where to look It's in the Dragoneyes
  • - Relays parents may have info; Dad is an active bard in The Circle - Asks Tristan to talk to Dris about Grace and to see if folks need money. - Thaen gives them warning to be on good behavior. Comments his mother and Kiasuh are similar ("less shooty-shooty and more stabby-stabby").

    Welcome to Bowels of Sharn

      The group, minus Talia and Thaen, set out to retrieve Elijah from the Nifty Beard Bar. While they're waiting Edward tells Tristan to not touch him. Tristan reminds Edward he did stab him. Malak, lost, wants to know what he missed...but no-one explains, so he just reminds them to behave themselves. Eventually, a lady exits, followed not long after by Elijah. They teleport to the Orion station in Highwall. Elijah tells the staff to give them a free return trip and leaves.   It is _very_ dark out as they're in the lowest level of Sharn. Little to no sunlight reaches here. It stinks, smelling of rot and unwashed bodies. Apartments are set into the wall itself and there are small fires in containers scattered about. Ladders connect between the apartments and people are watching them carefully. Malak's hair glows in the grey environment.   In the wall there is a sign for the orphanage, plain and non-descript. Edward starts to explain that the inside is better than the outside as Malak pushes him inward. Tristan, having been here before, seems a little apprehensive to return, but follows.   As they enter they see the cold empty room, rats scurry about, and the stair wells have collapsed. A putrid odor and that of stinky kids lingers in the air. Once they're fully in the room the door closes the illusion breaks. The room is actually well maintained, well lit, and filled with the sound of children laughing in the distance.   Edward welcomes them to his home as a red tiefling with antler like horns greets them and is a little annoyed to see Tristan. Seems last time he scared the children, something for which Tristan is very apologetic. It doesn't seem to be going well until Edward makes his presense known and that he was saved by Malak and in turn saved Tristan. The tiefling is overjoyed to see him.   The tiefling, named Shy, knows of Malak, he's a friend of Emir's. Which Malak confusedly confirms. Seems they all know about him and the "April Friends."   Edward tells the tiefling he learned about Alex from Cissa, but he'd been held captive for 9 years and never knew until recently. They decide they'll meet with MJ first and the others will entertain the children. Tristan volunteers Malak as he still needs to apologize.  


      They are taken into a courtyard where a human man is tending to babies, a Minotaur to a toddler, and a green tiefling lady with a broken horn singing to children of different ages. When the children see Tristan they scream and he hurriedly starts to apologize. The green tiefling stands in front of them, "you again?!" Before Edward pipes up "Hi, he's with me."   Edward begins to introduce his companions during Marie Jeanette's initial shock. Tristan attempts to apologize but she silences with a finger, not even looking at him. Edward assumed MJ had moved on but she tells him she never gave up hope as he takes her hands. The pair hug one another but before Edward can explain what happened they're approached by a small green hued tiefling child, "Mom?" he says to her. For the most part, he has MJ's features but his hair is the same as Edwards and he looks far too serious for a child his age.   She then introduces Alex to Edward, his father. Edward gets down to Alex's eye level and explains why he's been missing all these years and that he was taken before Alex was even born. But 3 days ago he was rescued, gesturing at Malak, and that he saved someone too, gesturing at Tristan. It wasn't long after that he learned Alex even existed.   Edward attempts to give Alex a stuffed hydra from the circus, but Alex says he's 8 and prefers books. Edward promises to bring books next time, possibly things involving The Panic and that he has an autograph (Ed is now "cool"). Alex tells him his favorite books are about Anna Arcanix and that he really likes explosive science too. Edward asks about hugging Alex, but for Alex is just too much too soon and Edward isn't pushy about it  

    Entertain the Children he says

      Malak and Tristan are asked to entertain the kids so Edward and MJ can have a private conversation. Tristan having already made "an impression" sits down looking a bit sad. It isn't long before a child approaches and comments on Tristan looking sad. Tristan explains that the last time he was here he was looking for his sister and people were tight lipped. Due to the stress of the situation he scared people and is sorry for doing so.   While this is happening Malak feels a tug at his sleeve and is informed that he is "shiny." Malak makes the child shiny as well with some prestidigitation. Malak confirms again that he is the same Malak with the April's friends and that they did rescue her mother. However, he's a bit surprised to be asked about Melissa but explains her situation last he knew to the child. That she is in the hospital after being exposed to the sporing, she became too aggressive and was unsafe. Turns out Emir already told them this, but Malak promises he'll check in on Melissa.   Before leaving the child wants to share Emir's terrible joke. Tristan and Malak don't have high opinion of his humor as is, but listen anyway. "What do you call a cow that plays a musical instrument? A moo-sician." Malak thinks it's pretty funny.  

    Will you stay?

      While Alex sits reading under a tree Edward is hand-in-hand with MJ apologizing for taking so long. He tried making friends and escaping before, but they died due to the sickness. Further explains how Myasha wine helped save Tristan and how the sickness kills people and that the Elves captured him when he was researching them.   MJ asks if he'll be able to stay, but Edward has made promises. As Dr. Mercy he has to deliver people's final words to their families. The others might even have a way to stop all of this from happening. While he can't stay he can come back and write. MJ understands this is bigger than just them and the impact he can make. He is "sowing seeds", just like they were all taught to do. Edward assures her that she and Alex are the most important thing to him and explains everyone's connection in all of this.   MJ is proud of Edward and tells him she loves him. He tells her he loves her and Alex as well before discussing the green feather. Turns out the ones Cissa gives them are special and alert the orphanage when they return home. MJ teases him that he only came home because Cissa threatened him. Edward partly agrees, but more that he might not be able to come back.   As Edward lists his traveling companions MJ mentions already being aware of the April friends. Having never met April this confuses Edward and he begins to list off the companions he does know about. MJ pointedly tells him she does not care, but asks how long he can stay. Edward can stay only a little while longer as he has to guide people in the Dragoneyes to deliver messages to a companion's family and will then come back.   When they're back Tristan apologizes to MJ for his behavior last time, explaining the situation with his sister, even though it is no excuse. She had every right to kick him out. Tristan promises to keep Edward safe and not to eat him.  

    Thaen and Talia

      Before Valdis leaves Thaen asks if he has any messages to relay in his own voice. Thaen takes Valdis's reply of "maybe another time" as a fitting message. As he leaves Talia tells Thaen she's never seen Valdis so riled up before, Thaen likes Valdis even more.   Thaen, already knowing the answer, and saying so, asks Talia leave with him instead. She can't, but returns the question to him...Thaen is _very_ tempted to join her but still has to deal with Asir and suspects he'd disappoint some of the party. Talia says if not for Elizabeth she might have suggested the groups to merge. Her group would have understoo if she had left to join Thaen given just how much Thaen means to her, but they have been through a lot and she cannot abandon them now. Thaen debates asking if she'd come if she and Tristan switched groups, but thinks better of it.   Thaen silently feels unsure of their status, but tells her he'd understand if she moved on. She tells him she was the one who left after all, but she hasn't. Given some of complexities at play Thaen mentions she might want to talk to Cissa about the future. Like anything involving VETT, it's all very complicated.    

    Tell me a story

      After a bit of silence between them Thaen asks her about the stories she behind. The two discuss them and Thaen explains which one's he thinks he has figured out.   The Giants: "The original story goes that the giants were defeated by the dragons, and were exiled to Xen’drik. As far as you know, they still exist. In Taliashanna's book, she talks about the giants being wiped out completely. Their hearts being stolen by humans. This makes zero sense."   Thaen's conclusion: Refers to the fate of the Goliaths   Valenar Elves: "As far as you know, Valenar Elves bond with an ancestor and embodies them. It is right of passage and a great honor. In Taliashanna's book, she mentions elves becoming slaves to powerful elder creatures."   Thaen's conclusion: He isn't sure, but it seems to indicate Vaelar elves are being controlled/guided   The Sword of Stars: "A story about a weapon that can only be wielded by one "Baptised by Fire". It is created from stars. The weapon is said to cleanly cut through any material. Presently, the weapon is missing."   Thaen's conclusion: Refers to Kloinjer and Thaen explains Malak's quest to return the rainbow shards.   The Dark Lake: "In the deepest and darkest of lakes, there is said to be a key, guarded by a beast. This key is able to unlock doors within, between and outside of the mortal realm"   Thaen's conclusion: No idea about this one, but the end sounds vaguely Dal Quor related   The Glass Flowers: "There is said to be a glass flower can awaken those in the deepest state of sleep. The flowers are said to grow in a forgotten shrine on the Glass Plateau, when all twelve moons are full (Talia tries to sketch a flower... it looks like a kid's drawing of a daisy)"   Thaen's conclusion: Seems to refer to the Traveler's Shrine   The Children of Metrol: "A rebellion in Metrol against an old king. Children were being stolen away to the "Cradle of Mankind", severing them from their families. The rebellion ends in a bloodbath and fails to stop the king. However, the children later return as adults. But they no longer care for the ones who love them. And, in fact, turn on them. (this piece has dried up water droplets on some of the words)"   Thaen's conclusion: Has something to do with Softones and the Kalashtar   The Village of Non: "A story about a village named Non. One fateful day, a Demon Queen started to taint the village with her fungal powers. A group of adventurers tried to stop her but it was all in vain. She was destroyed... and the village as well. (in the margins, Talia writes "Also, a Dinosaur?")"   Thaen's conclusion: Thaen has no idea what this is about   Thaen tells Talia that he's actually met the Traveler and his dealings with him. Further explaining about the Warforged traveling to the Lantern Tower and into Cyre. Explains that Asher and Woe are traveling with them and a Godfried.  


      Talia is interested in how the Traveler presented himself and Thaen shows her an image of Almantash, a Kalashtari male. At the mention of his name Talia eyes widen. Her brother's quori's name is Tash (Lathri-tash). She believes this not to be a coincidence and believes they need to find Tash.   Thaen pulls out his replica copper cup and pours alcohol into it. Speaking to the cup Thaen promises he'll pay whatever price for how to reunite Tash, but there is no response. Talia doesn't quite understand what transpired and Thaen's bitter disappointment.   Talia asks Thaen about the last tale, The Children of Metrol, and what he knows. Thaen explains he believes it relates to the old king of Khovaire, the Kalashtar, and the Soft ones. He knows Kalashtar kidnappings began then and the text is clearly about softones towards the end.   Talia wants to find Tash first before trying to save her brother. There was uncertainty what would happen if they just removed the blade from his side.  

    "Be Safe"

      Thaen offers to walk her to House Lyandar so she can join the others on the airship. During the walk, Thaen asks Talia what she meant the night before about Barrakas. She merely tells him that he needs to really see Asir soon. When they arrive Niklas and Genti are busy helping load and there is the scent of Jasmin in the air. The ship present is powered by an air elemental and is clearly not the Silverbird, somewhat to Thaen's relief.   As they set to depart Elizabeth, wearing a red cloak lined with black fur, gives Thaen a hug and tells him to take care of Tristan before she heads to the airship. Thaen and Talia talk together a little longer discussing next steps. It seems the journey will take the Airship so it's possible Thaen could arrive before her in Korth. With a smirk he says, "Then it's a race to Korth" before more seriously telling her in Quori, "Be safe." With hug goodbye and a soft kiss on the crown of her head, the two part ways.   Thaen watches Talia board the airship and watches until it is out of sight. For Thaen, it's a terrible day for rain.

    Sickle Moon


    Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
    Monk 8
    51 / 51 HP
    Report Date
    25 Nov 2023

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