Session Thirty Eight: There and back again

General Summary

Timid like a mouse, Heart of a Lion

It is 4 AM at the Ishim residence and you all have arrived. Corinne is in the garden getting acquainted with a tree under the watchful eye of Cody and Grace while Elijah finds a place for his teleportation circle indoors. Everyone else is standing around, tense, and uneasy for what is about to come.   Elijah hands Silmer a small glowing marble of Sending so he can talk to Hawk if things go wrong. He then gives April Hat-Monica whose arms, legs and hat will disappear if he dies. While April gleefully takes the Hat-Monica with interest Elijah casts telepathic bond on everyone but Nesza, Malak, Kiasuh and Vence.   As the time to leave rapidly approaches Grace looks more worried while Corinne begins to look more unsure, but she is ready to get underway. Corinne just breathes in and smiles, casting Foresight again on Elijah. Griff casts Long Strider on Elijah and then casts pass without a trace. Afterward she and Griff transform into mice and are placed onto Elijah's shoulders. Vence says some inspiring words to the three, reminding Corinne she may feel timid like a mouse but she has the heart of a lion. Just as Elijah finishes his teleportation circle Malak casts invisibility on them...and with that they not only vanish from sight but the room as well.  

Scouting Mission: Teleportation Room

Elijah finds himself in room covered with a quartz-like crystals which seem to amplify what little light there is illuminating the area. Looking around he recognizes crystal structures very similar to those he saw 60 years ago and that the table and chair are vacant. As he takes closer look at the crystal it appears as if there is something wriggling/moving behind them. In the adjacent room he hears someone striding past muttering, "Is she still up? She better be, there is work to do."   While Elijah is investigating the crystal the mice, Griff and Corinne, are checking the air. They note smells of burning metal and chemicals, which they share on the "Party Line" (Telepathic Bond). Tristan instantly relays word for word what is being said. April seems in shock and stays quiet.  

Scouting Mission: The Card Room

Elijah carefully sneaks his way into the next room where two elves are playing cards a table and one other is moving up a hallway to the north. The room has high ceilings and is brightly lit. There is an eye insignia sprayed over the crystal wall. Elijah notices that the elf closest him has a good hand. The two elves continue to talk about their game, their weapons just out of reach, as Elijah heads north tailing behind the elf. Griff and Corinne notice the smell growing more intense and direct Elijah onward.  

Scouting Mission: Chemical Storage and Station

[Alternate: A Room for April; Living in an Alchemist's Paradise] While following the northward path Elijah notices a quite intense chemical smell coming from the door to his left. Looking into the room he sees a storage room filled with scientific instruments, alembics, and various bits of equipment that would turn April's eyes into stars. Elijah even remarks, "April will definitely want into this room."   Continuing onward Elijah sees a brightly lit room with an unusually high ceiling. In the center is a large disc on a platform erupting with differently colored flames at intervals. Around the outside walls are many small research tables with various experiments running and a haggard redheaded woman is peering over one of them.   General Len peers over Valarie’s shoulder, remarking on how she has not progressed much. Valarie reiterates that she’s missing a crystal but it falls on deaf ears. With a smirk, Len reminds Valarie that the elves are up again, ready to make Jenny and Genti sing. Len then leaves the room from where he came and doesn't notice Elijah as he passes.   As he moves closer Valarie starts singing the beginning of "Brave New World". Elijah moves onward checking the next door from this room and notices it’s closed. He walks up to Valeries station and in the Crystal dust he writes with his finger “I Love you mom <3” and he moves out of the rooms cleaning of his finger as he follows the elf that left. He vaguely hears Valarie sigh and mutter something about "Sickle".  

Scouting Mission: The Card Room II – Cheats!

As Elijah follows Len back into the 'Card Room’ he hears Len comment as he passes by that one of the guards is cheating. Elijah notices the guy on the other side of the table has cards hidden under the table. Len continues down another passage eastward of the card game, Elijah in pursuit. Following behind Elijah scratches his foot on a protruding crystal, remembering Vence's words he manages to collect himself enough to stay silent. Ahead Len heads through a door where he instructs two other elves to get Jenny and Genti out and do the usuals. The room is rife with the smell of unwashed bodies, urine, and rot.   Elijah moves back toward the 'Card Room’ and he notices a bit of the wall that seems thinner and light seems to be shining through from the other side of the wall. He heads though an unexplored hallway and as he does so a voice cries out, "You're cheating!" The table is flipped over and one of the guards backs into Elijah, but thankfully too deep in his cups to have noticed. Continuing on Elijah notices a human guard snoozing at his post and a set of stairs heading upwards (Stair Room).   Elijah checks two more hallways. One seems to lead to where a lot of soldiers congregate. The other seems to lead to a big open room with a large crevice. Deciding he has explored enough Elijah heads back to the teleportation room as the cave is filled with the sound of tortured screams. He starts sharing what he has seen in all the rooms and mentions that it seems that they are going to need to be fast. He tells them to get ready, they are going in in 10 minutes. Hearing Genti's name amongst the prisoners shocks both Vence and Tristan visibly.   He leaves the mice pats them on the head and tells them to be safe and teleports back.  

We’re going in hot

Back at the Ishim house the message of Elijah's imminent return and that they should prepare to leave has been dispersed. April goes around giving people things to help them. Tristan receives back the herbs he gave her a few days ago with an explanation of how they can calm him. For Nesza and Malak, a healing potion each. For Silmer, a potion of resistance. April tries to give Vence the Periapt of Wound Closure insisting it is to ensure he stays alive. However, Vence insists she put amulet back on and refuses to take it, but she sneaks it onto him as he is putting on the cult robes and elven armor.   Tristan tells April to stay behind him and Griff. He then turns to Malak and tells him to also stay behind him. Malak grabs a cup of water and soaks himself and casts Armor of Agathys. Tristan tells Malak that he would still like him to stay behind him because he does not want to be the one to come back and tell Kiasuh. That would leave them both dead. Kiasuh looks she has words for Tristan for being disrespectful and then looks at Malak and tells him to take care of himself.   Nesza casts pass without a trace on himself.   Silmer asks how dark it is and if anyone can help them. April and Vence mention that they have the same problem. Malak casts light on Silmer’s shell, which will make him a shining beacon in the dark of the cave.   Vence drops onto the table a bag of 1,000gp telling Kiasuh if they don't come back to buy the best mercenaries she can. Using minor illusion to look like Len and then shifting into his appearance, Vence says he’ll be back for the gold otherwise.  

Teleportation Room: Danger Mice

As the group rushes through the teleportation circle Vence and Grace unfortunately step on Corinne and Griff respectively on the otherside, causing both of them to revert to their human selves.   Immediately Elijah rushes off towards the prison and noticing no-one is there through the bars runs back to where he last saw Valarie. As dashes past the group playing cards he tosses 3 daggeries (Tiny Servants) at them. Which begin stabbing the elves violently.   Silmer chases after Elijah and seeing the elf being stabbed tries to attack but flailing made him difficult to hit. Silmer does manage to land a blow just as Tristan come running by heading straight for the prison. Putting his shoulder to the door Tristan’s sight is met with urine, blood, rotten food, but no people. As he takes a moment he hears screams and laughter mixing together. With that he rushes towards that door in a rage, his appearance becoming rather scorpion.   Nesza moves into the stair room taking aim with his bow on the sleeping guard and silently puts an arrow through the back of his skull. Moving towards the card room he puts another arrow through the neck of the elf still ‘dancing’ with the daggers. Running toward the last elf Nesza strikes at him with his scimitar heavily injuring him.   April moves up towards the card room and turns around casting Aid on Malak and Vence. Giving her a nod and a smile Malak follows behind Nesza to stand at alert in the stair room while Griff moves forward and throws a tongue of flame at the card player leaving him at death's door.   Grace picks Corinne off the ground and readies herself while Vence takes off towards the fight, seeing they have it all in hand he dashes off to backup Tristan.   The cards drop from the remaining elf's sleeve as he draws a dagger giving a thaumaturgic scream, "THERE ARE INTRUDERS" and slits his own throat collapsing to the floor.   The rest of the cavern definitely now alert as the party can hear others moving and Tristan sees an eye on the door ahead of him blink before disappearing. Cody moves to block off the teleport room from stair room and readies his crossbow to backup Malak. Corinne is trying to collect herself and get her bearings.  

Round 2: Fight!

Elijah puts potion of healing in Valaries hand and then rushes around the corner and through the prison door and is met with the back of Tristan's new form. He alerts the "party line" about Valarie and has his daggers start carving out a path in the crystals in the card room. Silmer hearing Elijah's message runs off towards Valarie and begins escorting her back; she is happy to see him.   Meanwhile, Tristan rushes through the door and is met with a horrific scene. An emaciated woman hanging on the wall, broken beads, clothes torn and tattered. A halfling man is tied to a bed and screams as the 2 elves apply a crystal to his leg, the flesh looks burned where it was touched. When they remove the crystal he begins to laugh and sing "Freeze the arrow in the air," which only annoys them. Rushing forward Tristan attacks the nearest of the elves w/ his sword landing two blows. The elf retaliates using Inflict Wounds causing part of Tristan’s flesh to turn black briefly while his companion puts his hand to Genti's throat.   Nesza hastily kicks the bodies under the table and readies his bow for whatever evil comes into view, while something wriggles in the crystals by him.   A crossbowman enters the stair room, where Malak is guarding, and tries to attack Malak but is met with 2 Eldritch Blasts and his bolts go wide. Cody seeing this happen lets loose his own bolt killing the man. However, 3 more crossbowmen enter and while many bolts are shot his way only 2 manage to pierce Malak's thick armor.   To the south of the stair room General Len moves with purposes demanding to know what the commotion is about. Once he sees Malak quickly moves into range and casts Cloud of Daggers at Malak. Seeing that Malak is in danger April shouts "Don't die on me now!" casting healing word on Malak, reinvigorating him.   Valarie digs her heels in as Silmer tries to pull her along saying she needs to get the crystals and begins running back with now pulling Silmer along.   The elf torturer not threatening Genti tries to magically restrain Elijah but fails and while he retreats takes a blow from Tristan shouting, "Sickle, help!"   Malak breathing heavily has a smirk on his face as he backs out into the teleportation room. Despite being sliced by spinning daggers he gathers divine energy and hurls it into the center of the room. The room fills with a Sickening Radiance and seems to hold the enemy at bay for the moment.   Griff casts magic and an aura of pleasant feeling magic emerges from him, he then transforms into an eagle, and flies until he is perched on Tristan's shoulder and considers Tristan "his mount." Which is an odd thing for a bird to consider. Tristan seems at least pleased he is not a white owl.   Grace is still standing guard over Corinne who seems to be getting herself prepared and Cody manages to kill another elf with a bolt through the eye.   Meanwhile, Vence disguised as Len points at the torturer holding Genti and demanding they release Genti at once as he casts Dissonant Whisper. Blood begins to pour from the elf's nose, eyes, and ears as it ruptures the vessels in his head killing him. Turning to Genti he says, "Talia says get behind me."  

Round 3: The Ground is Slimy, Wipe Shoes at the Door

Suddenly many of the party feel as though someone they cannot see is watching them. The feeling of which gave April and Grace a sharp pain in their mind while the floor where the party is at suddenly turns slimy underfoot. The wriggling behind the crystals finally ceases... as tentacles erupt forth as if horrific aberrations.   Elijah's daggers continue to chip away at the crystal working to expose the secret passage as he strides toward the remaining torturer. Elijah casts shatter at the crystals above the retreating enemy causing them break apart and the falling shards impale the elf to death. Talking to the "party line", "Uhh, have my daggers finished their work?"   Silmer works with Valarie to collect all the crystals but notices the orange crystal is missing. Realizing they need to move he grabs Valarie and heads back to the main room shouting, "April!".   Tristan looks between Jenny and Genti wondering, "Which is heavier?" before realizing Jenny probably outweighs Genti. Tristan frees her, puts her over his shoulder, and grabs the red crystal before heading passed Vence. Tristan explains to Jenny that the eagle was Griff. A tired but smug voice replies, "I knew it."   Nesza seeing Jenny on Tristan's shoulder rushes over and casts Cure Wounds on her. Asking if she is alright she replies, "I want to fucking kill something!" Nesza tries telling her not to go into the room with the sickly aura but is cut off with, "Do I looking fucking stupid Nesza?!" Nesza falls silent and Vence wonders if she has class levels in barbarian…   The 3 crossbowmen step further into the hall with one finding the process seemingly exhausting and painful. The three setup in formation and pepper Nesza and Cody with bolts. Not all find their marks but Nesza and Cody tale a painful bolt each just under the arm and Nesza a couple more on his thigh.   General Len confidently moves in the hall but even he winces in pain at the light and looks as though it was taxing. However, he still manages to cast Cloud Kill toward the teleportation room where Grace, Corinne, Cody, and Malak are positioned.   April shouts to everyone, "Sickle knows we're here!" and turns to the teleportation room casting Aid on Malak, Cody, Grace, and Corinne before running at her mother full speed and 'glomping' her. Valarie wraps her arms tightly around her daughter, crying, "We have to get out." Taking a crystal she points it at the wall and with a loud boom the crystals and daggers are blown aside and she moves towards the opening. The blast echoes throughout the cavern and who or whatever was still asleep is definitely awake now.   Malak tries to move out of the cloud of toxic vapors but the poison seeps in and having been already weakened from the bolts and daggers finally succumbs to his wounds and collapses.   Griff flies up further into the card room and turns back into himself and creates a large flaming sphere to help halt the forward progress of the crossbowmen and General Len.   Grace, choking on the toxic vapors, grabs Corinne and moves them both out of danger into the card room telling everyone who can hear her, "Malak is down!"   Back in the prison Vence is finding his Len disguise problematic as a struggling Genti makes it difficult at first to cut the bindings. Vence pulls Genti up and slaps an ocarina into his hand as Genti asks who he is. Vence leads Genti out of the room with a reply that should say it all, "Thaen."   Corinne a bit panicked at Malak collapse, the shouting, and the approaching soldiers with crossbows summons a large wall of thorns to close off their approach. Coughing on the toxic vapors Cody seizes on the momentary reprieve to summon his griffon, Ash. Cody pulls Malak on Ash and they get into the card room.   Behind the wall of thorns soldier gleeful shouts of, "Sickle is coming, Sickle is coming!" can be heard.  

Calm before the storm

With Corinne's barricade of thorns momentarily stopping the Sicklemen and Len's advance the group finds themselves with a brief reprieve. Malak looks around blearily as Griff and Nesza are around him healing him. Valarie hastily explains how they can escape through the passage and as the group is starting to make their way out Vence and Genti manage to catch up. Grace is ushering people into the tunnel, ensuring she is in the rear.  

Between Crystals and Tentacles

As the group rushes up the passage Grace is pulling out and firing her wands of magic missile behind them, collapsing the tunnel as they go. As each wand is spent it is dropped and she draws the next one. As the tunnels collapse behind them it seems that the tentacles are alerted to their presence. Tristan and Silmer manage to dodge a pair but Griff gets grabbed from behind. Griff is able to force his way out of the tentacle but ahead April and Elijah stumble over some fallen crystal, slowing the group’s escape a little. As the group rounds the bend they see some purplish light to their left which causes Valarie to shout, "Ignore it! Keep running!"   The group ignores the lights and as they run they begin to feel moving air ahead of them. Next thing they know they are out of the cave and rushing into the tree cover. Corinne moves to the front of the group and picking and old oak opens a portal back to the tree in the Ishim garden. Everyone is rushed inside and seconds later they are all panting heavily in Malak's garden. As the spell ends the portal, that has split the small tree in two, closes and the gravity of the situation begins to set in on everyone.  

Family, Friends, and Profanities

Everyone is taking a brief moment to collect themselves and Vence shifts back into Vence. Valarie breaks the silence, "Can anyone contact my husband, Ethan? Jossac is watching him and he needs to leave now." Vence puts his hand up and steps forward and casts sending to Ethan.  
Ethan, message from your wife. Jossac is watching. Get out of Windshire. NOW! Valarie and April are ok.
— Vence
That is well good. Getting em back. Uhhhhh Jossac is a swell girl. Wha. What is wrong with her.
— Ethan
  Vence's slaps his forehead loud enough to echo and asks Valarie, "What do you say to your husband when you want to ensure he does what you tell him?" She asks April to cover her ears and in an instant 3 additional sets of hands are covering April's ears. Valarie lets loose a profanity laden reply that leaves Vence both impressed and intrigued, having never thought of a few combinations.  
(relays a few choice words and that Ethan needs to leave now)
— Vence
Alright. I'll go to Passage then.
— Ethan
  After relaying that Ethan says he’ll be heading to passage Elijah reaches out to his own house station to be on the lookout for Ethan Highthorn and any expense of teleportation or transport Elijah himself will cover.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
01 Jul 2021

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