Session Forty Three: Fathers, Feathers and Farewells in Flamekeep

General Summary


  It is early. The sky is still dark, although there is a soft glow in the horizon announcing the arrival of the dawn is imminent.   Emir and Cissa went to bed very late last night. So, it's very much to a surprise to him that, at this hour he feels a kiss on his cheek, a gentle shake of his arm and Cissa's voice gently trying to rouse him.  

Sunrise, Sunset

  Cissa flies the two up to the top of the Spire of Life to watch the sunrise. She talks to him about Lucy and ask him to promise her that he will only help release her spirit from the bow so that she could move on and that he won't bring her back to life. This would put Cissa at risk of never being able to return home as Aereni are forbidden from using necromancy to raise the dead, effectively killing her as she won’t have access to the Duchess.   She then explains that, when he is gone, she’ll be watching the sunrise and hopes he will do so too. That way they will always be together in a way.  

Soul food

  At breakfast, Silmer decides to take Pancake's advice and tries to communicate with the party through food. He serves everyone pancakes with scribbles on them.... one can read them. They taste pretty good though.  

Next steps

The group all share their priorities. They come up with two plans.
  • The first is to go to the Shadow Marches directly and then go to Starilaskur from where they will follow the Trail.
  • The second plan is to teleport to Wroat and travel to the Shadow Marches from there.
  Malak contacts Kiasuh to check with the druids in the Spire what it would cost to teleport directly. Silmer goes to check on options to travel from Breland onward, via sea or air.    

Sweet Rescinna

  Lady: Sweet Rescinna. Word reached me of 'Soft-ones' and 'Inspired' of Sarlona, they are in every Khovarian court. Any idea what they are really after? Rescinna: Soft one; I encountered a few know from Sarlona; thought to be only ambassador.   Lady: There is more going on, making an information network. Suspect alterior motives. Stay on your guard friend. Pass it along, just not where from, please Rescinna: I will. Take care, friend.    

Bit off more than you can chew

  Tristan asks Griff along to test the effects of his rage, Tristan gives Griff some herbs to give him if something goes wrong.   They run a few tests and nothing happens. Godric notes there is a chemical smell to Tristan after the transformation. Griff, to keep the rage going, starts punching Tristan and it eventually spirals into Tristan lashing out. Griff tries to cast hold person and fail and Godric tries to push him down unsuccessfully. Tristan fights Griff some more and Griff stuffs the herb, fist and all, into his mouth. This calms him down and Godric sits on him to keep him restrained.   As Tristan comes back to his senses Griff explains what happened. Tristan passes Griff some herbs and asks him to make sure he eats them if something like this happens again.  

Final Errands

  Malak goes home and does some last errands that he has been holding off during his stay. He cleans up, puts fresh flowers in place and fixes the door with the arrow hole in it. He even buys a box of dolphin-shaped chocolates, ready for her when she gets home.  

Emir busks

Emir decides to spend some time alone for a while and plays in the market square, earning himself some coin.  

Not all Sunshine for Tristan

  Tristan visits Cissa. He first asks about Miron’s Tears and Feathers, how are they affiliated. Cissa explains that they both want to end suffering and align on that. Miron's Tears is more faith/religion bound. They are independent organizations with certain overlapping interests. At time they perform joint operations.   They talk about Birds, and how the Birds position themselves in the courts to best collect stories. They see themselves as the unofficial historians of Eberron.   He asks how many bards on the trail. She will not share this. Tristan asks about the connection Cissa has with her brother. She explains that they always just know what the other needs. Siblings are very rare for elves and often candidates to become the ruler of Aerenall. She has little in common with her brother however and is not very close. She finds him rather dull.   Tristan explains that he heard his sister singing while he was in Dal Quor and it felt like it was really her. Cissa tells him she’s not sure how this stuff works for non-elves but finds it interesting.   Cissa talks about not understanding dreams and shares Emir’s dream in which they where all half fish half humanoid beings. It sounded so absurd to her, but nonetheless, fascinating.   Tristan talks about knowing Pavo and having seen him a number of times. Cissa chuckles at this a bit, reading into his words. Tristan shares with Cissa that Pavo has a feather, which he finds out is news to her.   He questions the timeline of his father, asking Cissa when she had her initiation talk with him. After she says this happened just after the Dodecaphony was started, while Tristan knows he's been a member much longer than that and was supposed to have died a couple of years before the end of the war, it becomes clear to him that his father is still alive. Upon further questioning Cissa explains that he passed the feather on as sort of a rite of passage, having no need for a feather and being at the end of the Trail. It is confirmed that while he is there with the 'higher ups' to help 'move it to the next level', he is not a part of the Dodecaphony itself.  

Love it when a plan comes together

  Kiasuh thanks Malak for all the hard work he did in the house and they discuss his mother's new squeeze before the group arrives. Silmer returns with the information Tatalla is in Breland and would be able to help. Kiasuh comes back with a price of 3000 Gold in magic mushrooms. The group decide they can afford this and decide to go to the capitol of the Marshes.   Tristan can not pay more than 100 gold. Emir pays 1000 and Malak and Griff pay 750 each. (this can be adjusted if Silmer pays a part).  

Donald and Bark

  The group goes to the black market where they persuade Donald to sell them magic Mushrooms which he carves off of his dog, Bark. Kiasuh helps them get the price down to 2600 gold. Griff helps the mushrooms grow back a bit and they give Kiasuh 150 gold for her help.  

We were waiting for him to say "Hello Champ"

  Malak and Kiasuh arrive at Fernando's and are guided to the table where they see Malak's mother and a halfling man. None other than the assistant, Gregory! Malak tries to understand how much of an “assistant” Gregory is and learns Gregory is her “assistant” on many levels. Malak also asks if he’s more of a boyfriend or a boytoy. Kiasuh hits him over the head for that and reprimands him for even asking that.   Daellean asks how he even knows about this. And Malak explains that Myri told him in a dream when they met in Dal Quor They talk about the Inspired, his mom knows about what we know. They talk about Aria being in the marshes. His mother finds this interesting. Malak asks if he can get access to Hawk or Aria’s office. His mother says that only next of kin can. It’s locked behind molly. His mother does share there are a lot of temples in the Shadow Marches that might be of interest for his quest.  

Grace with Dinner

  Silmer helps Tristan make a Karrnathi dinner for Grace. The couple spends a nice evening together. He shares what he has learned that day, and she tells him about the baby griffon and looking forward to helping Corinne raise it.  

A final serving of Muffin and Pancakes

  Silmer, Cody and Griff spend the evening together at the Lazy bull. Cody and Griff drink and Silmer helps out Pancake in the evening. They all say their goodbyes and thank Muffin and Pancake for the great time.  

Emir – Last fun evening

  Before Cissa returns for dinner Emir hides a number of short notes throughout her apartment. One under a bottle of wine, one under the bathroom mirror cover, one under a box of tea, one in her jacket pocket and many more in various places. Emir has arranged bacon and eggs from the Lazy Bull. They have a nice evening together.  

A bird for a Bird

  Slightly hungover Griff wakes up on top of Hawkstreet one. He calls down a bird with his song and sends it to Cissa to relay the following: “I know I won’t be able to say goodbye and give you a big hug when I leave. I will bring them all back friend.”. He then wakes up Godric, Ash and Cody to get ready to pounce Grace and Tristan.    

Joining the Dodecophany

  The next morning, Emir and Cissa watch the sunrise together before enjoying eachother's company for a little longer. Eventually though, the two can't put it off for much longer and make a small braid behind eachother's ears as part of their goodbye ritual. When Cissa completes Emir's, he tells her to tie a Feather at the tip.   Cissa tells Emir that she needs to speak with Thaen. So Emir gets dressed and shifted into Thaen.   Cissa explains to Thaen that it would be best if Emir goes last in accepting the feather. Then checks with him if he is onboard in accepting a feather as a member of the Dodecophany. Thaen confirms that they all will accept. So Cissa has Thaen sing the first verse of Flight of the Silverbird and she sings the second.   She then says the below:   "You stand before me as a candidate of the Dodecophany. I give you two tests. My tests are perseverance and faith. You have passed perseverance in finding me. Your next test will be ongoing throughout the trail: Faith. Faith in those that you love. You will be leaving here today, leaving someone behind, in full faith that they will love and accept you at the end of the trail. You may not reach out to them unless they are on the trail with you. Who will that be?   The next stop on your journey will be Starilaskur... to Cygnus. Sing both verses to her in order to receive your test. Please touch the feather: I swear to avoid causing suffering in my path. I swear to help all those who suffer in my path, be they sinner or saint. Leaving the path behind me better than how I found it. My aim is to end all suffering."   Thaen does all that Cissa asks. And explains that his loved one will be Taliashanna.   Cissa then asks to speak with Lady. Thaen shifts into Lady and Cissa asks Lady the same questions. Lady swears to the same oath and says that she's leaving her kid sister, Dris, behind.   Vence then shifts in and gives Cissa a big hug. He swears to the oath and says that he's leaving his brother, Wies, behind. Before shifting into Emir, he tells Cissa that he'll miss her and gives her another hug.   Emir slowly shifts in. Cissa attaches the feather to his braid before the two kiss and share a tearful goodbye. Emir then tells Cissa that he will be leaving her behind. And then says the oath while touching the feather.  


  When Emir finishes the oath, Cissa posture suddenly straighten as a misty aura surrounds them and her eyes change. Her irises and pupils disappear while her eyes emit a silver glow. Cissa's voice is the same but her expression and tone are... robotic. And it echoes as if multiple Cissas are talking at once.   "You have been selected to harness the power of the Shrouding Syzygy. The day world goes dark, you and the other members of the Dodecophany will bring the world light. Welcome... Barrakas."   The aura then disappears and Cissa's eyes goes back to normal. She shakes off whatever just happened and then wordlessly leaves the tower.   Emir stays behind just a little longer to process what just happened. He then shifts his hair black, puts on sunglasses, grabs his bag and leaves.  

Tristan saying goodbye

  During their last morning together, Grace decides to make Tristan breakfast. It's pretty bad. But he appreciates the effort.   After Tristan is ready to go and is standing outside the house, they agree to have Grace go back inside so that she doesn't need to see him leave. He passes her the keys to Hawkstreet one and requests to check with Jayna to create another set for when he returns.   Tristan then gives Grace a kiss and tells her that he loves her. She says the same.   But the moment is interrupted by four shadows looking down on them from the rooftops. They are surprised by Griff and Cody who, knowing Grace was not going to come and say goodbye, slept on the roof with Ash and Godric to say goodbye here.   They all say goodbye and there is a lot of hugging. Grace and Cody then go inside as Tristan and Griff fly off with Godric. Grace steals a glance as Tristan leaves and Tristan gives a small wave.  

Goodbye... hopefully for the last time

  Malak says his goodbyes to Myranna. He tells her about what his next steps are and the he'll miss her very much.   

To the Marches

  They give the magic mushrooms to the orc, Rakha (wearing beads around his neck and nothing else), and he transports them through the tree of the Spire of Life to “capital” in the Shadow Marshes.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
25 Sep 2021

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