Session Fifty Seven: Breakfast - the most important conversation of the day

General Summary

The early Griffon rises

  Griff wakes up early, around 5:30 and looks for Brix. When he can’t find him he writes a note and leaves it for Malak. He “sneaks” outside. Waking up a few people where he takes out Godric. He tells Godric that the Gust is here and that they are going to go and say Hi. He tells him that Merel is also there. They take off, interrupting a few more slumbers and fly above the clouds towards the gust, which is now known as the Silverbird. To Griff and Godric the gust has changed. It looks more ornate, and it’s painted. The swoop down and Godric moves to a spot on deck that seems extra varnished. He scratches it and marks his territory. Griff casts create water and uses shape water to quickly clean up and tosses the water overboard. Behind him a scrawny dark skinned half-elven man stares back at him. He seems alarmed but Griff tells him it’s ok. Griff hears Merel’s voice and she does not seem to pleased. Griff greats Jules to which the ship sparks a little extra. Griff tells Merel that he would not be here if it wasn’t for him. Merel offers him to come down and for them to have a chat. Griff tells Godric to stay put. Godric looks at Merel and agrees.  


  Merel asks him what he’s here for. He tells her that he’s traveling with Silmer, Shelon’s kid. He has questions about his father and he does not want to get in the way of Silmer getting help from Merel. Merel says that Griff left her in pieces, but she’s happily married now to Raylar the half-elven man Griff met on deck. And Griff coming in immediately asking a favor… it’s hard. Griff mentions he’s happy she’s happy and that if he’s honest had considered avoiding her altogether. But he needs her to help Silmer, it’s not for him, it’s for the old man. He explains that he does not remember everything that the old man used to do clearly. And Silmer has questions. She asks him if he doesn’t remember, and Griff tells her he’s been actively trying to forget. Merel explains that Claris Godfried used to fly along, at first she thought he was just hitching free rides. But he made things for the crew like a “gunlike” contraption she shows Griff she’s carrying on her side. Griff tells her that Silmer’s best friend is Claris’s grand daughter. It’s all oddly connected. Merel explained that during the war they ferried Kalashtar and Goliaths to safety to a lot of different locations under which Mossmantle. They worked with a pale-ish elf in Aundaire who was working with Claris and his wife. Griff asks her if the elf had a bird name. She can’t seem to remember his name, but remembered it was a small type of bird. Griff asks her how long she and Rayler Medani have been together. She explains they have been together for seven years now. She asks how everything’s been on Griff’s side. Griff tells her there is not much to say but she see’s right through it. She tells him not to make the same mistake, he should not think for someone else. Griff tells her that while he doesn’t know if he’ll survive this trip he does want to be with her and that he has told her that he loves her. He tells her that he’s regretted the choice he had to make 15 years ago, but seeing her and Rayler together makes him really happy. He’s really happy she’s found happiness. He could not have given her more than they had, he had people relying on him. Grace and Cody would not been around had they eloped. But he’s met some people traveling with Silmer that have opened his eyes. Amongst them a very cool Thranian half elven lady. He tells her that there are only 9 Sky Kings left, but maybe others might still be alive in Cyre, sleeping. This alarms Rayler who mentions he has family he thought they lost. Griff explains the stuff regarding the Traveler, the goliaths and that Silmer’s Tortle brother is on an expedition into Cyre to see if they can bring someone out. Merel and Rayler seem a bit overwhelmed. Griff tells them something big seems to be coming and they might need all the help they can get. Merel puts a pin in it and tells him they should discus that with more people. Griff segways into the hag and her song about not letting a man steal your time. It reminded him of Merel and inspire his shitty memory he remembers everything about her and that he’s been worried that she ended up like him. He tells her that he’s really happy she didn’t. He hopes that it would be possible to try and at least be friends. Merel tells him they’ll talk about that later. Giff wants to hug, but Merel refuses. Rayler however puts out his hand and Griff shakes it. Griff asks Merel if his eyes have changed, she looks alarmed at him and asks him if he’s sick. Griff tells her he’s not sick, but he’s going to live a very long life. He knows of a tortle with the same thing who’s 90 years old. Rayler asks Merel if he can give Griff a hug, and when she agrees Griff gently hugs him. They give Griff their address in Wroat and Griff depart after putting Godric in his amulet as a snow white owl.  

Back at the House

  Tristan goes and waits for Griff in front of the door after he hears Godric fly off. He writes a few letters. Malak finds a letter in front of his door, unsigned and wonders who left it. He figures out he’ll just see who’s not at breakfast. Chantilly arrives and Tristan takes her to breakfast. She tells him that companions are not to be eaten. Tristan asks why. Chantilly mentions he nearly ate Griff twice and Tristan explains that he just bit his hands, and it was not liked. The group gathers at breakfast and discusses the next steps. Malak mentions Griff left a note and is fine doing whatever but would like to leave the place better as they found it. The group bickers about dealing with the ebony syndicate or the hag. Chantilly expresses she’s very confused about the mission statement and what everyone is talking about. At 8 Griff returns as an owl and offers the idea to just give people a good time and do a concert in which they leave. Emir suggests doing it on the top of a tavern, preferable the golden dragon in. Tristan asks if he can perform to, Emir says it’s fine, as long as it’s under his own name.  

General info dump

  Tristan explains he reached out to his contacts in Karnath regarding troop movements. There are many in Loomkeep, southern Karnath and old camps in the Talenta plains near the Cyre border. They did not know how people appeared/disappeared there regularly. They are working to setup a reintegration plan for veterans and Tristan asks to refer any veterans to him. The group wonders if it’s Len and agrees that’s plausible. Malak offers to help set up a similar program in Thrane, he might be able to get some support for it in the church. Tristan mentions that it also seems more soft ones are returning to Sarlona for what they call “Pest Control”. Silmer wonders if his people are hiding or fighting. The state of the tortles confuses the group. Chantilly asks Silmer where he is from, he does not look Q’Barran. Emir offers to contact Hawk. Chantilly asks if the Tortles need a safe haven. Silmer things they are still fighting for their country.  

Hey big buddy

  Emir casts sending to Hawk and mentions the uprising in Sarlona and asks if he’s involved and safe. Hawk tells him he’s not and he’s traveling and has some stuff for…. Tristan mentions that uprising might be wrong, it’s unclear. Silmer asks Emir to add more details. Emir contacts hawk using sending again and tells him Soft Ones might be recalled for extermination and threat the group is heading to Wroat later today. He also asks what Stuff he has. Hawk asks him where he is now. Emir tells him that the group is in Starilaskur and they have plans through the day. If he wants to meet today he needs to say now, otherwise lets meet in Wroat tomorrow. Hawk mentions they are on their way, and that he’ll see him soon. Emir explains hawk to Chantilly. Chantilly mentions she’s only seen one other tortle ever, one named Krull who’s married to a Firbolg. Suddenly there is noise in the living room and Phoenix, Hawk and Snowlijah arrive. Phoenix apologizes to Brix and tells him she’s forgotten to tell him they where coming.  

The hawk has landed

  Griff asks Phoenix about birds with tiny bird names and going through a few he mentions that this was the bird of Aundaire. She mentions Corvus, that bitch (over which she bonds with Malak) and settles on Wren. Malak catches wind of Phoenix having an eye on someone and starts scribbling in his notebook. They look hawk and Phoenix in to what’s going on in Sarlona and Griff asks Phoenix if she can check in with Wren. Phoenix checks in with the tortles she knows and Wren. The tortles tell her that they aren’t uprising but something in Khorvaire seems to have triggered the soft ones to come in droves. (The group discusses why this might be, and looks through possible events). She checks with Wren and he tells her that soft ones have been coming back more for the last two weeks and are moving in land. He mentions he’ll inquire what the soft ones are up to and will get back to her.  


  Silmer inquires about the standing of Sarlona in Khorvaire. Phoenix explains they are isolationist and they don’t’ want anything from Khorvaire. They follow the path of inspiration, its part of the government and part of the inspired. They are up to no good. Tristan asks if she knows why the eyes seem to work with them. Phoenix explains she does not know what the eyes want, but the inspired want to release Illashtafar. Hawk mentions he wants to go to Sarlona with the Kin. Phoenix mentions she can’t interfere to much but Hawk mentions he has a friend that can get them there. Griff asks Phoenix to join on the performance on the roof and asks Hawk if he knows a tortle named Krull who’s married to a Firbolg. Hawk tells him they just met and are not married and that Cissa would not lie to him. Griff mentions that Chantilly might be better informed then than Cissa and Hawk. Hawk ask her if she knows his kid and her girlfriend. She mentions she doesn’t know her and her wife very well nor that she knows where they are staying. There is however a Firbolg community in near the center of the city. Emir shows Phoenix the ring that can take you to Illashtafar and asks if she has seen this before. She’s unsure but is willing to put it on to see what might happen. The group halts her and explains that Corvus is looking into it and knowing him might have already put the ring on. Maps and a letter are given to Malak. The maps are goblin maps with badly translated elven writings on them. They seem to be maps of underground area’s, possible prismatic caverns. The language of the letter is unclear. The group decides to get a move on and phoenix and hawk agree to meet up later at the Golden Dragon inn for the performance. Hawk, Phoenix and Snowlijah leave to look for Krull. Malak starts ritually identifying his necklace and Emir’s feather. He finds out what the new pendant does and that Emir’s feather is not special. Using detect magic however he finds that the feather has magic imbued in it that is not of any magical school he knows. Chantilly runs after Phoenix and asks her if she’s heard about the knot. Phoenix mentions she has. She then meets up with Brix in the kitchen.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
04 Jun 2022

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