Session Seventy Six: The Tortle and the Hare-are-gone

General Summary

Dances with Monsters

  After a very full day everyone meets back again at the Gold Dragon inn to share tales of today's adventures.   Chantilly shares with everyone that she and Silmer had an afternoon of drinking, dancing, and drag queens and that tomorrow they will be fighting a manticore to join the Monster Hunters guild. When she explains about the "naked or wearing a leotard" requirement Malak has some doubts on the legitimacy.   The pair openly wonder about how to even fight a manticore, but none have any experience. Vence is pretty sure "you stick 'em with the pointy end" but later offers to ask Hawk for tips via sending, but Silmer declines. Silmer feels the Guild wants to see their raw skill without any equipment.   Ed remembered that The Panic once dealt with the Monster Hunter guild but as he recounts stories involving Vampires, Werewolves, and another involving a Monster Hunter who skipped bail he realizes they aren't as helpful as he thought they'd be. But it does lead to Tristan explaining that Vampires are real people with feelings and can be grumpy.  

Events in Sharn

  Tristan and Malak eventually get around to telling Vence about meeting with his family and that is went super well. Vence senses they're not being completely truthful due to both what and how they're telling him. As Vence presses them what really happened Ed suddenly word vomits confessing to not even going as to spend more time with his son. Ed then proceeds to throw Tristan under the cart telling everyone that Tristan for scaring all the kids, again, before talking about his son and his interests in books. It is eventually revealed that there was a "tense moment" with Jaers at the start of the moment. Malak and Tristan say no more about that but do ensure that Vence get all of the the informationa and news shared and received.  

Let's Make a Deal

  When Vence is asked about his afternoon he tells a story about a man who made a deal with The Traveler to reunite a Kalashtar and its missing Quori. Explaining that the man offered anything to save the Kalashtar. The Traveler asked for the man to give up his very ability to experience love at all. The man is deeply tempted by the offer but declined as the cost was too great.   The Traveler offers him a different deal, his most prized possession for information. The man accepts, giving up his precious ocarina. The Traveler then turns the ocarina into a ball of light and places it into the man's chest and tells him that a key at the bottom of a lake to open a portal to Dal Quor. The light in his chest will help find the Quori. It is the deepest and darkest lake in Karnath, which annoys Tristan.   Chantilly takes a keen interest in The Traveler and his making of deals. Vence tells her they can talk more later about it. She then gives him a hug and before long dinner wraps up.  

The price of a soul

  After dinner Thaen visits Chantilly's room to finally close the loop on what she wanted to discuss a few days ago and about her interest in "deals for souls."   Chantilly admits to wanting to bring some dead people back to life. Thaen figures if she has the bodies a cleric might be able to intervene, but she believes they are probably cremated. He advises her _not_ to making a deal with The Traveler.   She shares that she's heard a voice that goes away when she sends knitted things down a river, likely a hag, and that hags make deals for things like magical kitchens so maybe she can make deal too for her dead 11 siblings. Thaen is surprised by this revelation and very sympathetic, but gently suggests again she not make any such deal.   Chantilly feels that she cannot make anyone happy and but maybe by bringing her 11 siblings back she could. Her parents are always calling her by the wrong name and look sad at the missing places at the table. Thaen gently suggests her parents might feel the same if she was gone instead. He cautions her again that these kinds of deals always cost more than you'd think. She tells him she just needed someone to talk to and they hug.  

Talking to Mom

  After returning to his room Thaen contacts his mother via sending.   Thaen: Not sure what happened, apologies for them. Talia left today, I'm alright. Miss her and you all. Jaers: Misunderstanding, no apologies needed. You keep good friends. Wish I was there to help in difficult time. Keep safe, Barrakas   Thaen: Funny that. Traded Ocarina for info with Traveler. Turned into light in chest. I am now the "Light of Barrakas" Jaers: Did not know that was your name. Am proud all the same. The Traveler has been testing you. You have been -   Thaen: Yes, but mostly testing my patience and self-preservation. We will be going to Karnath soon. I do NOT want to go back. Jaers: Regardless, you made the right choices in his tests. Keep me updated. We miss and love you.   Thaen: Miss and love you all, even Wies. Jaers: Wies says "fuck you too"  

No Rest of the Wicked

  As Thaen finally puts his head to pillow Tristan knocks on his door wishing to talk. Tristan wanted to check in with Thaen about the deal he made. Thaen explains he was very tempted by the original offer but in the end it cost him the ocarina his grandfather made and used to teach him music.   Thaen decides to share with Tristan what Chantilly told him about wanting to make a deal with someone powerful enough to bring back her dead siblings and that he is concerned.   Remembering that he had something to give Tristan Thaen has Tristan close his eyes. Shifting into Elizabeth Thaen gives Tristan the same hug she gave him before she left. Though Tristan finds the situation very weird at first but enjoys it in the end.   Tristan asks Thaen what she was wearing, which Thaen obliges by shifting himself and clothing again and gives a twirl. She a worn knee-high leather boots, a black lacy dress and a red hooded cloak with a black fur line.   Tristan comments about the fur in her outfit being an odd choice for summer attire, with Thaen commenting on Tristan's original dress sense. Going so far to note that Tristan's didn't improve until Grace came into his life. The two have a bit of back and forth culminating with Tristan's biting remark involving Thaen's decision making and "The Traveler sitting on his shoulder". This does not go over well.   Thaen casts Bigby's Hand and attempts to shove Tristan out of the room, but Tristan manages to hold his ground. After an apology Tristan asks more about the lake. Thaen recites a passage from Talia's book:   "In the deepest and darkest of lakes, there is said to be a key, guarded by a beast. This key is able to unlock doors within, between, and outside of the mortal realm."   Tristan tells Thaen he isn't looking forward to going home, but voices his confusion as there not supposed to be anything in the lake. Thaen grumbles about not being keen on going to Karnath either but thinks for the lake they need a magewright.  

Naked and worried

  After about a week Tristan finally sleeps through the night and wakes no longer feeling exhausted. Arriving at breakfast he finds Chantilly already in her sparkly leotard and in a nervous state, her hair freshly curled. Sil is "naked" and also a little worried.   To help keep Chantilly at ease Edward offers to hold onto her cleansing stone so she can stay clean. As Edward heads to the buffet Tristan, somehow, becomes responsible for the cleansing stone.   In response to the staff's judging looks, as Edward pockets food from the buffet, Malak ask for a box of food to go. This request turns into a young Halfling, named Charlie, filling a picnic basket larger than himself and being inducted into _The April Friends_. Fun Fact: The Halfling drinking age is 10 years!  

Lion, scorpion, and man oh my!

  As the group arrives at the Monster Hunter guild Samras is out selling tickets shouting, "See the manticore devour tortle and hare!" It turns out there are two judges brought in to oversee the event. Willie Kazaar of the Korrenberg Chronicle as the celebrity judge and "Sunny" Hawk as the experienced judge. Pheonix and Snowlija are there too!   Silmer greets Hawk in the "tortle way" as the others say hi to Pheonix. When Sil asks about how Hawk joined the guild he learns that Hawk never had a test. Chantilly's question about the "naked requirement" which causes an excited Pheonix to ask if Vence is which point he removes his armor and shirt.   Silmer asked Hawk for some tips, but was interrupted by Samras reminding him he was a judge. Hawk does give him one piece of advice, "Don't die." Though he does tell Chantilly to relax as she is frantically using the cleansing stone on herself.  

Exam Rules

  Samras then presents the pair with a piece of paper that has the rules/objectives written down: 1) Track a manticore 2) Capture a manticore, dead or alive; one is enough 3) No gear or weapons; can have a leotard or fashion own equipment   After reading the rules Chantilly admits to Silmer she has no idea what she is doing. He tries to ease her worries with some success.  


  The group followed the lizardmen into the arena and found themselves seats near Hawk and Willie while Silmer and Chantilly make their way north to the forest. The pair are trailed by an orb which is able to observe them and relay the events to the arena.   One of the lizardmen is giving color commentary of the action.   The pair discuss splitting up but Chantilly thinks it is best to work together. Silmer quickly comes across tracks going in two directions while Chantilly tries to find resources to help them, but without much success. The pair decide to stealthily follow the tracks that go deeper into the foliage, causing the orb to lose track of them both.   Silmer confirms that the tracks they are following are indeed a manticore, but admits neither knows much about them. Recognizing they are downwind from the manticore but can't reposition they coat themselves in mud to help cover their scents. Chantilly is not a fan.   In the distance the two hear a crowd shouting "Man-ti-core".   Chantilly manages to find some vines to use as they discuss how to handle taking one down. They decide that Chantilly will be the distraction while Silmer physically handles them.   The pair sneak their way to the arena entrance, the orb finding them again, and peak inside. Three manticores and a roaring crowd meet their eyes.   As they enter the gates behind start to close but they are fast enough to make their way past them. However, they are now cut off but make a plan. Sil will go in first to distract them and then Chantilly will make a sneak attack.    

Roll for Initative

  Silmer climbs his way over the wall and makes his way through the stands, passing by the group. Malak tries to slip him an arrow but Silmer waves him off. Vence however slaps him on the shell, inspiring him.   As Silmer jumps into the arena pit the Manticores fly up, having taken notice of him. Chantilly sneaks her way in and sees a glint in the sand, a dagger. Dashing her way in she grabs it.   Hawk observes that these manticores don't seem like the usual wild ones, meaning the audience isn't at risk and he settles back to watching events unfold more comfortably.   Silmer runs up a wall and leaps at a manticore landing a flurry of blows upon it. His strikes land true and he knocks it to the ground. It tries to retaliate but is unable to lay a claw on him.   Another attacks him with a flurry of spikes but Silmer is able to weave through them and even catch one. Even surrounding Silmer the 3rd is unable to touch him with its claws.   Chantilly approaches the grounded Manticore from behind and is able to knock it out. Meanwhile, Silmer brutally pummels the second and manages to catch it under a rib, stunning it. Chantilly is nearly grabbed by the third but manages to slip out. She turns her attention to the second and manages to knock it out when it lunges at Silmer.   The pair them make short work of the remaining manticore and the cheers erupt from the crowd. The group hear someone whine about "Suzie, Donnie, and Mascar."  

The Verdict?

  Samras is a bit sulky that Silmer and Chantilly won, the cost to feed manticores is expensive. Hawk finds out that they are normally fed humans...Snow-lijah makes a hasty exit to inform House Dennith.   The judges, Willie and Hawk, are asked for their verdicts for the tracking portion.   Willie thought it was a bit rough and the mud was weird, but they pulled through! 8/10   Hawk couldn't really see it given the orb lost track of them, but they found their way here and the camo was a good idea. 10/10   And for the capturing?   Willie reminds everyone even The Panic has taken down a manticore too, but he gives them 11/10. Bonus point for being naked.   Hawk states they were tasked with capturing a single manticore but went beyond and captured 3 alive. 10/10, because that's as high as the scale goes.   After the verdicts are rendered the guild master unenthusiastically congratulates the pair, giving them their badges of membership.  

Meeting your heroes

  Tristan tosses Chantilly her cleansing stone which she frantically begins using to remove the mud while Edward works his way to Willie to get ask for an autograph. Hawk learns from Edward that he is new to the group and that Griff is gone. A confused Hawk tells Ed he'll need to explain that last part a bit later.   Willie gives Edward 2 autographs. One for him and the other for Alex. Edward is delighted and openly admires them and shows the others.   Willie asks about the Elves and Pheonix tells him that Birds are able to turn into Vampires under the full moon. "Outside of Karnath?!" a surprised Willie exclaimed.  

Teasing Briar

  In the distance Briar is busily arresting Samras. Malak teases Vence about getting another piggy back from Briar. Pheonix takes excited interest in this news and Vence agrees he'll ask Briar about getting Pheonix a ride.   Meanwhile, Tristan and Malak are messaging Briar. Tristan teases her about "long arm of the arm" being back and she questions his involvement in this crime. Tristan maintains his innocence as an audience member only as Briar explains Samras fed people to the Manticore.   Malak however lets Briar know Vence and Pheonix (?!) are heading over to see about a piggy back ride. Briar shouts "I'LL BE RIGHT BACK" and heads over to the group. Looking up she is greeted by a shirtless Vence and Pheonix leaning on him waving to her. Briar, blushing, turns on her heel and leaves. Vence and Pheonix chase after her.  

Two Tortles and a Hare walk into an alley...

  Hawk has been tasked with keeping the manticores from dying and invites Silmer and Chantilly to join him in this task. The trio will put them in their cages and find some Vadalis folk to patch them up.   The trio then head into the back alley together. Hawk, wishing Pheonix was there to explain, tells them that "stuff in Cyre is goin down." His daughter is bringing an army to Cyre and Silmer has a role to play in this with his siblings there.   Silmer is surprised. He thought the tortle siblings were to remain split for their own safety. Hawk explains that time is nearly over and they can take him along. Chantilly reminds the pair she's there too and totally capable! She is told she is welcome to join them and together they can hunt along the way.   Hawk tells them he needs to stop by home in Q'barra first and they can join him. Silmer says he'll need to talk with the group first though.  

It's a date?

  Meanwhile Vence and Pheonix catch up to Briar. Vence very awkwardly asks Briar about piggyback rides as she is blushing and averting her gaze from a half dressed Vence. Pheonix clarifies a misconception, she wasn't interested in any piggyback rides, but she was interested in having a threesome. Vence is rendered speechless.   Briar comments she's on the clock and can't. Pheonix says is leaving soon and can't stay, "ah shoot." Vence, remembering words, then asks Briar out for drinks, the two agree to meet at King's Bridge @ 10.   As Briar leaves Pheonix says she needs to find Hawk. After talking with him via sending she tells him they'll head to the Gold Dragon Inn and meet there.    

A Few loose ends

  The two tortles are unable to find any signage to the Vadalis station and get a little turned around. Chantilly ultimately gives them some directions to get back on track.   The rest head to the Gold Dragon Inn via Orion station, allowing Edward to send an autograph to Alex and for Tristan to mail some letters.  

Back at the Inn

  Upon returning to the Inn Malak thanks Charlie for his help and generously tips him 5 gold.   After everyone has arrived at their private room Pheonix begins to explain what has been transpiring. She tells them about needing to amass an army for the Eclipse, the Shrouding Syzygy. [Mike is getting 'the Day of Black Sun' vibes]   The found 3 tortle siblings are instrumental to fight the darkness and that they will need an army. The group is told that "Animalistic Humanoids" are capable of entering Cyre completely unaffected. Hawk asks if Pheonix is joining and learns Elves are also unaffected.  

Separate Ways

  Her information relayed Pheonix tells them it they will need to leave and asks if Silmer is coming along. Given the importance of what his happening Silmer decides he will join them.   Vence gets Silmer's permission to update Tatalla and Malak will update April. Pheonix tells them she'll keep in touch with Vence if they need to meet up. Tristan gives her the group’s general itinerary, first finish up in Wroat and then head to Karnath.   Chantilly asks if she can go with them and Tristan tells her it's good for those two to stick together. Prompted by Malak's comment about being "beastly" Tristan ask Pheonix about sunshine children. She's been waiting for him to ask but sadly doesn't have the time to talk about it. She suggests he talk to his dad about it and that Pavo has been waiting to talk to him.   Silmer then remembers to return the Herbs to Tristan, much to everyone's relief. This prompts Hawk to return the Rainbow Shard necklace back to Malak and asks about the letter they found in Athandra. The group tells him that it was encoded and read the below:   "Use the old Goblin mines that go under the river at Vurgenslye. But take heed and respect the Lady Seta."   Vence tells Pheonix that some of his friends, Asher and Woe, are traveling with Dhynn and shows her their appearances. Malak meanwhile messages April that Silmer will be traveling with Hawk and Pheonix to Cyre.   There is a brief discussion of Silmer's sister being on an airship. Not Tatalla as Silmer has assumed, but Sii’na. Turns out she lives on an airship with The Pirate Prince.  

Fond Farewells

  Pheonix tells them all it is time to say their goodbyes as they will be leaving at first light.   Tristan gives them both hugs goodbye. Malak hugging them as well and telling each to keep the other safe. When Ed and Chantilly hug he tells her he'll keep them all alive and she asks him to steal something cool. The pair also plant "I WIN" notes on the other.   Vence hugs both as well; reminding Silmer not to let anyone treat him like a kid and that Chantilly has people counting on her. He and Pheonix then have rather silly but flirty goodbye.   While Hawk talks with Malak about patching things up with his daughter Chantilly attaches ribbons to everyone's weapon in a color she associates with each.   As everyone goes to bed Vence slips out to go see Briar. Next morning Silmer and Chantilly leave with Hawk and Pheonix.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
20 Jan 2024

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