Couch Sessions 15.5: Tales of Fairhaven

General Summary

While the group is split up, in the interest of time, we decided to have a few “couch sessions” or text RPs.     Silmer and April   After reading up on House Cannith, April and Silmer ask Molly about other books. Silmer is interested in finding out more about the Tortles of Agar but preferably not by reading a book written by Juliona. Molly says all anthropology books on tortles are written by her. He then asks if there is anything about monks of Agar. She tells him there is a scroll about the “Way of the Water”.   April wants to know who the author of the book on the fake Mai Yasha was: “Dan”.   Silmer has a look at the scroll. It depicts a tortle using, what is said to be, a “Water Whip”. He tells April he actually has figured this move out recently and would like to show her.   April wants to send her father a message as well so she and Silmer first head towards the Spire of Words.   On their way, a gust of wind flits the paper with the list of names out of April’s bag and into the air. It is caught by a man with a slightly weathered face, salt and pepper beard and hair tucked under a purple cowboy-wizard’s hat. Without looking at the paper, he hands it back to April. He then tips his hat to Silmer, saying he has a tortle friend too.   They strike up a conversation with the man, learning that his name is Elijah d’Orien. He asks Silmer whether he is from Q’Barra or Sarlona. Silmer says neither. He hails from Stormhome. He has never other tortles before. This mildly surprises Elijah. Silmer asks about his tortle friend. Elijah explains his friend, Sunny, is a very old tortle from the Kin Tribe in Q’Barra. Incidentally, Elijah is also from Q’Barra.   Silmer asks if he can meet Sunny. Elijah explains that Sunny is not in Fairhaven but he’s sure they can arrange a meeting sometime. Although it won’t be within the next few days as Elijah will be away on business as of tomorrow.   He gives his card and invites the two to drop by the House Orien Headquarters next to the Train Station if they have any questions or just want to chat. They would not be allowed to meet with him if they don’t have this card. If he’s away on business, House Orien will send him a message. He knows how to get back to Fairhaven quickly, being the “Fastest Wizard in Khorvaire” (he says, in slow, Southern drawl).   Hearing that he’s a wizard, April asks him if he is familiar in piecing together formulas. Elijah explains that, as a wizard, he’s more inclined to use spells. But he could inquire with an associate of House Cannith. April blanches at the mention, asking if he is friends with people from that house. Elijah says no but he has no choice but to work with them seeing as they are the ones who created the trains.   Elijah says that, although he’s away as of tomorrow, they are welcome to visit this evening if they would like to. And with that, they part ways.   April asks Silmer whether he had a problem with Elijah being of House Orien. He states that, although his family doesn’t like the Oriens, he doesn’t really have beef with them.   At the Spire of Words, Silmer needs to introduce himself to another Molly. Although he does use his real name, he tries to joke with her. She does not respond to it. Silmer chalks it down to this Molly not having a sense of humour.   April sends her father a message telling him that she’s taking responsibility, and also that Dan is up to something. Possibly distributing fake wine.   Upon leaving the Spire of Words, Silmer suggests to show April his new skill. They head to the lawns in front of the palace and he uses his Water Whip. It kind of looks like he’s sprinkling water on the plants, which piques the interest of the palace gardeners. April overhears them talking about how this could be useful whenever “House Lyrandar decide to act like assholes and not send rain”. April now wants to invent the Sprinkler System.   April, in the meantime, was “polishing boots”.   The two then decide to go to the market place and purchase a few items. They then return to the Inn, where Almentash informs them that Corvus asks to meet everyone here at 8pm for dinner. And that Vence passed by.   In Silmer’s room, April confronts him about the fact that she actually knows nothing about his life outside of Windshire, other than that he was affiliated with the Lyranders. She didn’t even know that he had a sister. When they are on the airship, Silmer and Tatalla barely speak. Silmer tells April his family has never been “huggy”. More… zen. Understanding of each other’s space. She’s also the captain of an airship so she tends to be busy.   He tells April about where he was raised. About his adoptive father, Chellon. About how Tatalla took Silmer in after their father died and gave him a cabin on the Silver Bird. For a few years, she played almost a parental role, continuing to instill her father’s teachings in Silmer. But as tortle maturity works differently to Half-Elves the “age-gap” closed quite quickly and they now have a more “sibling-esque” dynamic.   Until dinner, April and Silmer have a chat about Silmer’s past, the day’s events and the party.   Nesza Nesza checks with Molly where the Spire of Words is located. She indicates it’s near the Train Station. He then leaves the Spire of Knowledge.   He decides to explore Fairhaven before his appointment. He discovers the Spire of Trade and decides to have a look inside. Molly asks for his name and he introduces himself.   The Spire of Trade is loud and busy. Humanoids of varying sizes and races are focusing on an illusionary screen with multiple symbols on it. Whenever a symbol changes on the screen, it seems to set people off and they start yelling at it….   Nesza asks a woman who doesn’t seem to be joining in on the yelling. She tells him she’s from House Dennith and is there to ensure there is no pick pocketing. He then heads to a canteen and asks the bar keep what this place is about. The bar keep explains that this is where the money is made and that the symbols are related to how… But he doesn’t know the specifics.   Nesza says he’ll drop by again when things are calmer because he finds this place very interesting. He leaves the Spire of Trade.   Nesza briefly stops to watch a performance behind the Cathedral of the Silver Flame and then goes to the Market District. He browses around, not sure what to make about the overly flashy, over-priced items. But he did see some bags he found interesting.   He wonders around the college campus near the Spire of Knowledge. He peeks inside the Gold Dragon Inn near the Trade District, asking if someone of Vence’s description had a look inside. The receptionist mentions that there was a man who came in not long ago, who was pointing in random directions and then left again.   Nesza decides to head to the Spire of Words early. He introduces himself to Molly and then sits down in the reception area and meditates.   …The Silver Flame is pulsing and the voices are whispering urgently… …Nesza focuses on what language they are speaking in… it’s Celestial… he focuses on the male voice… …Although urgent, it is soft. Gentle. And he’s saying “Be Careful”…     Vence/Emir/Thaen/Esian   Vence heads to the Gold Dragon Inn and, at the front desk, Almentash informs him Mia, Nesza and April were all looking for him. Hoping to bump into one of them on the way, Vence visits the market district to buy some clothes and then visit the Shrine of the Traveler.   Vence goes to call on Conrad at the Glasshouse but unfortunately is not granted access. He then heads to the Godfrieds. Kleris is home, sad and worried about April. He explains to that April left. What’s worse, she also took a list of names that are very dangerous as they are of the Warforged they are planning on sneaking out of the city.   Vence presses on why she has this information and Kleris re-accounts the evening before’s events. Vence expresses that Kleris’ actions might not have been wise but says he’ll speak with April.   Vence leaves and then shifts into a half elf named Esian Valtam. He visits an old school friend at the College of Lore, a harpsichord professor named Ikel Tem. He asks about Talia but Ikel hasn’t seen her. Thinking Ikel might be hiding something, Esian suggests to introduce Cissa to Ikel for lessons. Ikel does not believe Esian is influential enough to know her but gives him his card all the same.   Esian then heads to the Spire of Inspiration. He flies up to Cissa’s balcony and is greeted by a flying sword pointed at his neck. She emerges onto the balcony and he tells her to check the freckles under his eyes next time. He shifts into Emir and as they head inside, Molly greets him in a booming voice.   Cissa invites Emir to grab some instruments and join her and some kids for a music lesson in the basement. The basement is vast. Cathedral-esque. Covered in painted frescoes. During tuning, the kids and Cissa are chaotic and noisy, which annoys Emir.   When they finally start to play, it initially sounds horrible. But, with some minor corrections, the children suddenly show the competency of bards who have been preforming for years. Emir joins in with the bagpipes. Cissa corrects him on his “thinking over feel” method, which he finds annoying so he takes out the ocarina instead and zones out in play. She leaves him alone.   The room starts to faintly glow golden. A warm feeling engulfs them. Everyone moves and plays together as if they’ve been doing it for decades. Eventually it ends, and everyone (including Emir) stops on the same note as if it was rehearsed.   As the kids leave, Cissa explains the concept of the Heart of the Spire and that he had just experienced the Spark of Inspiration.   The two go back upstairs and discuss teaching Vence the “Song of Hawk”. Cissa explains the sensitivity of it and details around how it was spread in Khorvaire by one of her friends.   She explains that she will not be showing Vence the illusions right now as it implicates too many people. Emir shifts into Vence, who is very gung-ho about learning “The Song of Hawk”. After a discussion about why Cissa wants to teach Vence and why there will be no illussions, Cissa sings the song. She gets through most of it but breaks down towards the end, only managing to finish it because Vence shifts into Emir and sings the last part with her. He then consoles her.     Malak and Corvus   Mia has just stormed out and the two feel guilty about what just happened.   Corvus finds this situation a pity because he really wanted to share some things with his three closest friends. In the book about General Keya it mentioned both Myranna and an elf named Luscinia. He tells Malak and Jurian about the fact that he has seen Luscinia and another elf in his trance. Cissa has recently confirmed that Luscinia is his mother. It must mean something for both Malak’s daughter and Corvus’ mother to have been part of the Flameless.   Malak draws the parallel that Keya was mentioned in the “Song of Hawk”, which is Cissa’s song, and was present during the “Lighting of the Torch”.   Corvus says he doesn’t know all the words to the song but he does recall her visuals as they were incredibly vivid. He is willing to show these visuals but the content is very sensitive to Cissa so she’d rather not have the whole world see it. So they move the conversation to Corvus’ room and he uses Minor Illusion to show Hawk’s story from her point of view, without the lyrics.   After the viewing, Malak takes a moment to process it. When Corvus asks what Malak makes of it, Malak calls it “A warning”. Corvus goes on to explain why this song has so much meaning to Cissa and how it relates to the Duchess. He gives a brief insight into his role as Vassal   Corvus requests that Malak join him at the Spire of Life to check on Melissa Greywater and asks Jurian to send a message to the rest of the group to meet in front of the Gold Dragon Inn at 8pm.   At the Spire of Life, they find Melissa cleaned up and sedated, but bound to the bed with signs of struggle. The nurse informs them that Melissa is stable but will not get better. When asked about a cure, the nurse explains there is no cure. But there were places during the war where the Sporing didn’t work. She has the doctor explain the rest of those details when she realises that she misspoke.   The doctor gives them a brief explanation on the use of the Sporing during the war and that it was ineffective in some locations. He gave them a list of some places and then left again. Corvus and Malak make sure the nurse knows she’ll be supported while caring for Melissa and they leave the Spire.   They decide to go to the Spire of Knowledge. Malak asks Molly for books about the “Lighting of the Torch” (yes, in the restricted section for religious texts) and Corvus asks for books that mention an elf named Luscinia (yes, a book named “Cyre”).   Malak, who has access to the restricted section, finds some information about the ceremony and also details about the Keeper from that period. Corvus reads a very outdated history book about Cyre. In it, there is mention about Cyre’s Court Birds: Svecica and Luscinia. Covus immediately understands the connection. The feather is that of a Bluethroat. A Luscinia Svecica   Malak and Corvus then go their separate ways. Malak goes to freshen up before heading to the Spire of Words while Corvus goes to the Spire of Inspiration to see Cissa.     Corvus and Emir   Corvus knocks on Cissa‘s door and Emir answers. Corvus notices that Cissa looks like she’s been crying and goes into “care-mode” by making them all tea.   He tells Cissa that he really needs to speak with her alone and alludes to understanding that the feather is from a Luscinia Svecica.   Emir offers to leave if the conversation won’t take long but Corvus explains that it wouldn’t be a short conversation so it will have to wait. However, seeing as they are both here, perhaps they can discuss some open matters together instead.   The two head to the music room to discuss and align information. It was also clarified that Corvus was to refer to him as Emir when he looked like Emir and Vence when he looked like Vence. When the subject of the feathers is brought up, they both share what they know. Emir realises Corvus actually knows less than he does so he suggests they simply talk to Cissa together.   Back in Cissa’s room, upon pressing further, she explains the feather is actually in commemoration of what Svecica stood for. He died 145 years ago, protecting an elven child.   Cissa gives Corvus a silver flute with a red ribbon attached to it. She explains that it belonged to Svecica.   She then sings the two verses of Flight of the Silver Bird to Corvus and tells him and Emir about the trail and to speak with Atratus. She then gives a brief explanation on the goals of the feathers in relation to other Birds. Corvus then also mentions that he read that Luscinia was the Court Bird of Cyre.   Upon mentioning Cyre, Emir shows a projection of Talia. He says that she is also on this trail and Cissa has, until now, refused to reveal where she went. She was originally from Cyre. Cissa says she was hoping to give this information when Mia was around but events went in a different direction. Corvus needs to know. And, if she’s telling Corvus, she is telling Emir as he has a stake in this too. But she clarifies that she does NOT know where Talia is.   Upon mentioning Mia, Corvus asks not to give any details to him that were for Mia’s ears only. He then explains that Mia is very upset with him and Malak because of this. She’s stormed off. Cissa offers to see if she can find Mia and talk to her.   Corvus invites the two to dinner. Before he leaves, he asks Cissa which song she was singing that made her cry. She tells him that she was teaching Emir the Song of Hawk. Corvus, concerned, comments how she is never able to finish the final verse. Emir mentions that she did, with his help. Emir mentions that there were unfortunately no illusions to tell the full story. Corvus hints that he could show them to Emir and then says his good byes.   Thaen appears to Cissa, furious that she has hidden the information about the feathers from him up until now. She explains that it’s only since the night before that Emir has revealed much of anything to her. And she had barely known Thaen for a day. This isn’t information that she just gives away. But he now has what he needs to continue.   Thaen also says that he suspects Corvus might know that he’s a changeling. Cissa doesn’t know whether he does but he’s smart so it’s possible he’d figure it out. Either way, it doesn’t change anything as Corvus can be trusted.   Thaen shifts back into Emir. He and Cissa briefly discuss the encounter with Corvus before moving the conversation to the Heart of the Spire again.   Not long after, she leaves to go find Mia.     Mia   Unnerved by the exchange with Corvus and Malak, Mia makes herself scarce. She flits between bars and taverns that she’s not known to frequent. Not staying too long in case someone was to notice her. She keeps a low profile, listening in to any conversations that might involve popular bards. Hoping that anyone would name drop Atratus. To no avail.   Upon exiting one such bar in the market district, Mia hears Vence’s voice call out to her through Message. He obviously did not see her in the crowded market place and walked past her. Mia kept quiet and proceeded with more caution to the next bar.   Towards evening, she heads to a Lyrandar’s Outpost Tavern. The barkeep recognises Mia and mentions that an elven bard with short black hair and a feather was looking for her. She asked the barkeep that, if Mia was to drop by, to pass a message on. He hands her a piece of paper which reads:   “Dearest Mia,   Corvus told me you’re upset about something he and Malak said to you. Don’t worry, he didn’t specify what. I understand that you might need some time to yourself right now. But know that my door is always open if you wish to talk. The group will be meeting in front of the Gold Dragon Inn at 8pm for dinner. Just thought I’d let you know in case you still wished to join. But no pressure. Take care of yourself.   X- Cissa"   Corvus and Jurian Corvus returns to the palace to freshen up before dinner. Jurian is in his room when Corvus arrives and meets him with a smile and a hug.   … And Corvus breaks down in his arms.   Through the tears, he tells Jurian that he found out today what his father’s name was… only to learn a few hours later that his father died 145 years ago…

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
25 Nov 2020
Primary Location

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