Session Six: Up in the air… in more ways than one!

General Summary

Vence, Malak, Silmer, April     Vence tells Malak he can’t join the meeting with Juliona anymore. He has another urgent matter to attend to. But he will give bardic inspiration to anyone who will join just before they go inside her house. Malak and Silmer decide Mia might be the best to help as she seems to know the family (they didn’t want the whole group to go again as that seems to be counter productive). However, they find out she is already out and about. Then Silmer suggests to involve Tatalla   She happened to be at the Palace as the armory has been opened and she and her crew were stocking up. He and Malak ask her to help. She honestly says she doesn’t know what good she’d be doing as she has zero affiliation to anyone other than Silmer. She could perhaps mention how sturdy the ship is??? But she’s always willing to help her brother   They all head to Juliona‘s house. Vence meets them there and give Silmer and Malak bardic inspiration. He then leaves. Silmer knocks on the door and Juliona opens. She is immediately irritated. With Malak’s Guidance, Silmer has the confidence to tell Juliona how important April is to him and the team.   She lets them in and calls April down, who’s a bit disheveled but otherwise fine. Turns out the door was unlocked…. Malak casts Prestidigitation on her to clean her up.   April, Malak and Silmer talk about what the options are. Juliona understands WHY it’s important to have April there, but she doesn’t want to loose a piece of her daughter again. She wants to keep April with her where it is safe.   Malak steps in and explains that he knows how she feels. He, in fact, did exactly that to his daughter, Myranna. But she left anyway. And became a hero. He realises he shouldn’t have forced her to not follow her desire to help people.   Besides, if April comes, the chances are higher that they will be able to find Valarie. This is the point where Juliona gives her blessing.   April says she really wants to come back to study to be a licensed Artificer. But, in the meantime, she’s worried she might get in trouble for using “unregulated” potions. Juliona, as a favour to her granddaughter, forges a license with her husband’s signature (Kleris Godfried). They part ways on good terms.   The group then heads to the Spire of Words to send April’s dad a message. She sends it to her family farm in Windshire.   Afterwards, the group go to the market and then to the armory to gear up. They then head to the airship.     Nesza and George   Nesza and George head to the armory. Nesza gears up but George refuses to pick any weapons because he does not want to hurt anyone.   They both then head to the Spire of Knowledge, where Nesza wants to read up on the Church of the Silverflame. He finds out some basic information on the Church but no mention (at first glance) about Aasimar.   He then successfully copies a map of Flamekeep for future reference. In the meantime, George is dreaming sweet dreams about food in the section about food.   They then head to the airship.     Corvus and Mia at the Palace   Early in the morning, Corvus sneaks into the room and looks for the letter. Mia hears him enter and catches him trying to get the letter from under her pillow. She’s very annoyed as the rest of the letter is personal. But Corvus explains: “I thought this is what friends do?” Corvus notices Mia has changed her hair. It’s now in a braid around her head, with a feather braided in. He asks Mia to join him and Jurian to a visit to Cissa later that morning but Mia declines.     Mia   Mia decides to go to the Spire of Life. She asks Molly:   If there is an archive on who the first case for the Sickness was (answer: “You don’t have access to that”) If there was a specialist on the Sickness (answer: “No”) She leaves in a flurry of dramatic Prestidigitation flares. She even left a nasty smell behind as a point. Molly barely notices. Mia then goes to a tavern and tried a new cocktail called the “Sloshed Sister”. Then she and the hipster bar tender created a new drink (not sure but there might be absinthe in it…)   After that, she waits at the airship, writing in her journal.     Corvus   Corvus wanted to spend as much time as possible with Jurian before he left for the mission. But he did need to speak with Cissa. They head to the Spire of Inspiration .   Cissa is giving a music lesson to some children and they have a chat when the lesson is done.   Corvus first introduces her to Jurian. He then tells Cissa he loves Jurian, to which she give a resounding “WTF ARE YOU DOING?!”. She explains that he’s still new at being around humans and doesn’t understand how much it hurts when they die. He shouldn’t get so attached.   Jurian has had a similar talk with Corvus before so actually agrees. He knows that Corvus will hurt when he dies.   Corvus “knows what he’s doing” and just wants Jurian to have a friend while he’s gone. Cissa begrudgingly agrees. Jurian isn’t so sure about this but the prospect of her being able to tell all kinds of gossip about Corvus, piques his interest.   Corvus then asks Cissa about a melody he suddenly got stuck in this head when he and Nesza were talking about Fallen Aasimar. He hums it to Cissa and she first with disdain asks why he wants to hear a “fake song” about Myranna Ishim. She wishes people could finally remember the original song. Corvus says he’s not sure what she means and then explains the situation with Nesza from the previous session.   Relieved, Cissa says he is actually remembering the original. The song SHE originally wrote. About someone she was very close with named Hawk. She sings a song about an Aasimar who saved the head of the Silver Flame church, and died in the process.   While she sings, Corvus’ Sword Cane starts to glow. She ends up crying towards the end of the song and Corvus gives her a hug.   Corvus then asks about the feather in her hair. Being a bit emotional from the song, Cissa gets fed up with Corvus’ random questions. She tells him, for some, it stands for peace. But she really isn’t up for going into more explanations right now.   He then asks about his mother. Which COMPLETELY throws her off as this is something he has NEVER cared about. Corvus explains that in his trance, he’s started to remember a woman with wavy black hair and a feather in her hair.   Surprised by this information, Cissa tells Corvus the lady in his memory is called Luscinia. She’s indeed his mother, who’s also alive.   Corvus decides to end the conversation there for now. He and Cissa can catch up again when he gets back from the mission. He wanted to spend the last few hours with Jurian.   So the two of them hang out a bit before going to the airship.     At the Airship   Mia arrives first and sits for most of the day writing in a journal. Nesza and George arrive next. Nesza asks Mia about what it’s like going on an airship (he’s a bit… concerned). Mia suggests stretching to be a bit more flexible (she just wanted George to flex his muscles). Malak, Silmer, April and Tatalla arrive, followed closely by Corvus and Jurian.   The latter nods to Malak and then asks Corvus to follow him before they set sail. He takes Corvus into a small chapel where he gives Corvus a silver bracelet (and he holds a duplicate himself). He asks if Corvus would exchange vows before he left. Malak was willing to perform the ceremony.   Corvus seems confused but says “Um… sure?” whichJurian takes as a resounding “NO”. If Corvus doesn’t understand why Jurian is doing this or even feels the same about it, Jurian refuses to continue the ceremony. He gives Corvus the bracelet and says “let’s call it an engagement instead. Let me know what you truly wish to do when you return”.   With that, the group set sail to Windshire.   After departing, they go through possible strategy. In broad strokes possible ideas include:

  • Going to Town Hall together to discuss the matter peacefully
  • Splitting the party into the Sneaky and Social group (one half handling the securing of important places and the other half talking at town hall)
  • Having one person go in as a scout to see the current state of the town and then everyone deciding the course of action from there.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
14 Mar 2020
Primary Location

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