Session Forty: A Royal Engagement

General Summary


  It's been two weeks since you brought back Jenny, Genti and Valarie. And tonight, you will bare witness to the Princess' engagement to Prince Thalin.  

All dressed up

  Everyone meets up at the Golden Dragon Inn. Silmer dresses up as Hayon and the group helps him spruce it up a little. Everybody appears well dressed and groomed for the event. Jokes are made about leaving the weapons as Silmer tells them that he always carries his “Guns” flexing his muscles.   As they arrive at the palace, gondola’s are present to take them across. They meet Elijah and Hawk there. Hawk does not fit in the Gondola but has his shadow float after the gondola while Malak waits with him. When the Shadow reaches the other side Hawk swaps with it and Malak dimension doors to the other side.   Guards seem caught off guard by Hawk and pull out their weapons. Elijah seems annoyed and tells them off introducing himself and mentioning they are both invited. They walk ahead of the party bickering like an old married couple.   The group is then met by Grace. She is well dressed, but shows that she is still armed. She is at the engagement ball representing Arcanix while Cody will be with the princess. As the enter the palace April adjust her posture and tone seemingly.  

Enter the palace

  The group enter the palace. The inside reminds one more of a cathedral than an actual palace. Very ornately decorated from floor to ceiling (and on the ceiling too) in frescos depiction religious iconography. The ballroom itself is large and the ceiling is a few stories high up. A procession runner is spread across the dancefloor towards the empty thrones and seat obviously vacant for higher officials and guests.   Silmer tries to not stand out while they walk through the palace.   The center of the room, a male Bird is playing on a lute, creating a relaxed ambience as the regular guests enter.  

The Procession

  After some time, the bard stops playing and trumpets alert the guests that the procession is about to start.   Below are the descriptions of the royals and delegates from different countries, the court birds and any additional people in the procession. Names of Royal or important officials are given but not of those accompanying them (like the Birds). They were not described in full in session for the sake of time. In total, the procession takes about an hour from start to finish.                                                                            
Thrane Queen Diani Keeper Jaela Two Birds
  • A Female. Average height. Long black hair in a Thranian braid and lilac robes
  • Example  
  • A Male. Average to short height. Long black hair worn down with a headband to keep hairs from falling in his face and similar lilac robes to the female. Was the bard who was playing upon entrance
  • 4 Veiled Ones Example   2 Cardinals   Sister Merry Quite old fashioned but "rich-looking" outfits in whites, silvers and purple   Example
    Breland King Boranel Male. Average to tall. Long black hair worn down. Has an air of confidence to him. Smartly dressed in light greens and whites Formal but quite basic. Light tones but usually in greens. Some furs   Example
    Karrnath King Kaius III Queen Etrigani Male. Very tall. Long black hair. Forest green eyes. He has a similar "radiance" to him that Cissa has. In contrast to the Karrnathi's, he is wearing formal but flamboyant attire Example Gothic. Black, ornate jackets. Lace dresses   Example   Example
    Lhazaar Principalities (Seadragon Principality) Prince Ryger ir'Wynarn Female. Tall (mainly long legs). Long black hair tied in a high ponytail with a few red streaks throughout.   Example Four... dignitaries? Crew men? Pirates? Blues, reds and leathers. Formal navy wear.   Example
    New Cyre "Mayor" Oargev ir'Wynarn A Male. Average. Long black hair with beads in them. Is wearing a simple dress shirt and pants but somehow makes it seem like it is high fashion.   Example Trendy but minimalistic   Example
    Zilargo The Triumvirate representative of Zalanberg Female. Short. Black hair tied up in a high bun. Is holding an instrument that looks complex and no one has ever seen before (gnomes probably made it for her).   Example Neat, basic, functional. Coppers and browns   Example
    Valenar King Shaeras Vadallia saw no reason to show. So he sent the Bird as sole representative. Passer (only Bird announced by name as she represented a country) Female. Tall. Long black hair braided all the way down her back.   Example Flowy clothes in green and earthy tones   Example
    Sarlona Emissary of the Iron Gate. No name is given. Male. Average to short. Short cropped black hair. Blue eyes. Wearing dark toned formal clothing Long fine, light robes with touches of gold   Example
    Aundair Queen Aurala Sassik d'Vadalis   Wrogar Jurian Two Birds:
  • Corvus
  • A Female. Petite. Long black hair worn down with a flowery diadem on her head. Her dress is made of fine green and navy silks and she shimmers as she walks.
  • Example
    A whispy lady with long white hair and a white robe High Fashion, high magic   Example
    The couple Prince Thalin Princess Corinne The Duke   Baron Billy   The Eager Earl Thalin Example

    You can call her Phoenix

      The Bird of the Principalities glances over the crowd and notices Hawk standing there. She “subtly” shimmies towards Hawk and whispers in his ear. She asks if they can talk for a second. Hawk asks if she wants to do so right now. She says yes. Hawk jests and says he’ll, “make a stealthy exit.” As she tries to take Hawk aside she notices Silmer, disguised as Hayon. She tries to grab him to drag him along, but Silmer dodges it, not surprised. She takes a step back and tells him she needs to speak to him using message. Silmer follows her also. The group seems confused.   She takes them aside on the balcony and apologies to Hawk. She explains Sarlona is about to arrive and she is unsure what will happen if they take notice of him. Hawk asks what would happen if Sarlona sees him. She turns to Hayon and asks him how he could have allowed this to happen, he should know better. Silmer remains silent and stoic.   Hawk seems confused. Elijah pops in. The Bird tells him that “they are having a private conversation.” Elijah explains that Hawk is his plus one. Hawk says he’s sure its fine. The Bird explains that Sarlona and Tortles don’t mesh well. Hawk mentions he knows there are tortles in Sarlona. The Bird says “yes, but they are being wiped out.” She turns to Hayon and asks him why he is allowing for this to happen. Hayon shrugs.   Elijah apologizes to Hawk and mentions he did not know this was going to happen. Hawk says it’s fine. Hawk mentions he’s not a Sarlonan tortle. Elijah explains they are from Q’Barra. The Bird says that at least explains the markings. Hawk and Elijah seem surprised and impressed. She explains she only really knows one other tortle. She keeps looking at Hayon as if there is something wrong with him. She tells Hawk he is lucky. She takes her hat off, and her disguise, revealing a belly dancer outfit.   She explains that Hawk should put on her hat. She mentions it was supposed to be a surprise but wants to ensure he is atleast save. Hawk understands and asks if he can be a smaller person with it. She tells him he could just be a tall person. No one has a thing against tall people right.   Hawk says he’s unsure, it’s like he told Silmer,“You should not be hiding yourself for other peoples sake.” She tells she knows who Silmer is and asks if they know him. Hawk and Elijah both reply with a “Well, Yeah”. Hawk explains that he visited him a little while ago.   She turns to Hayon and asks if he introduced him to Silmer. Hayon nods. She turns to Hawk and explains him how the hat works. Elijah taps him on the shoulder and turns Hawk into a Baxon Hawk. Slightly changed the face. She explains that actually helps her and she puts her hat back on her head and changes her outfit again. Elijah mentions that he does not want to ruin her surprise.   Hawk mentions he’s a little wider than he looks now. Elijah says that Hayon “might have some tips for you” as he winks at Hawk. Hawk looking at Hayon, narrows his eyes, nods and does not look surprised at all.  


      April starts looking around. She wonders where Silmer went and moves away trying to find Silmer. She checks out the piano and ends up in the rose garden. The rose garden is very nicely lit. There is a part that people can’t get into. It seems roped of for some reason. There are beautiful lanterns, bunting and garlands hung between the trees and everything. Prince Silmer, royally surprised   Hawk and Elijah leave and as Hayon tries to leave she holds him back and mentions she needs to still talk to her friend. Elijah and Hawk leave bickering.   She looks worried. And she tells Silmer that he should know that they can’t have a tortle around when Sarlonans are going to be here. Silmer tries to lie to her and tells her that he does not feel so good. She pauses for a moment. Silmer steps back. She steps back, arms folded. She says that she thought that he was dead. Silmer shrugs. She asks him who he is.   Silmer seems flabbergasted. She complains he always was a man of so few worlds. She muses about how half elves work again and if they are long living or not. Silmer shrugs. She asks if Silmer is safe. Silmer nods. She explains that she could not have thought for a worse place for him to be. “If he was here. If Sarlona found him. Imagine them finding the prince.” She mentions that she is very glad that he is safe and mentions he should stay that way. She tells him to atleast contact her the next time he is going to just appear at some big event and leaves. She turns around and tells him she does not even know why he is here. She walks out saying she has to go back.  

    The group gets back together.

      As Hawk returns he moves up behind Malak, he whispers “It’s me, I’m in disguise”. Malak tells him that he should not take what these people say to heart. Hawk explains this is just something for the Sarlonans. He’s not sure how it works, but this seems the best option.   The Bird flourishes out as if nothing happened, not being subtle and rejoins the prince of the principalities.   Silmer waits a bit, stunned, before he returns back to the group, trying to piece everything together. He returns to the group and is greeted by Hawk who tries to put his hand on his shoulder. Silmer skillfully sidesteps, not wanting to have people notice the illusion.   April returns and notices Silmer has returned. She stands next to him and tries to touch him and Silmer sidesteps her too. He tells her to not touch him. They gesture at each other oddly. April understands they can talk later.  

    Procession continues

      Sarlona enters without further incidence. Tristan and Vence carefully observe the Sarlonan Bird and can definitely see the resemblance to Cissa.   After Sarlona enters then the Aundair delegation enters, three Sky Kings line the runner (one of them is Cody). Griff waves and then realizes they are in the middle of something as Billy waves back and realizes the same as they return to their formal stance. After which, Corrine and Thalin enter.   Thalin has short Reddish hair, big brown eyes and a pale freckled face. He is tall and lean with a charm to his smile. Corinne is dolled up and looks uncomfortable. She is wearing a simple looking dress. Nature tinted. But as she steps forward branches start growing from her dress and in her hair. Little silver flames light up as a bodice forms from branches becoming more and more beautiful. Little flowers blossom. The dress seems to be alive. Her hair is styled, makeup done. She looks beautiful.   As her dress changes the Prince take notice and suddenly can’t take his eyes of her. Corinne seems even more uncomfortable. Grace stiffens up a bit as Corinne walks past. Tristan puts his arm around her.   Dancing commences and Birds take turns performing. There is one Bird who seems to always be part of the performance.    

    Time to dance

      Silmer walks up to Vence and asks him to remember that one Bird from the principalities because he wants to send her a message later. Vence takes note and asks him who the hell she is. Silmer says that’s what he is trying to figure out since she took him and Hawk aside to warn them about Sarlona. He wants to learn more without revealing who he is. Vence asks if he wants to have a private word and Silmer says it does not have to be private, but maybe just later. Vence tells him to just tell him when.  

    Catching up in the rose garden

      April asks if Silmer can join her in the rose garden so they can talk more openly. Silmer says he’ll come with but that she should not touch him. He mentions he’s not trying to be rude, but really does not want to be touched. They let the group know they are going outside for a bit.   April asks what just went down. Silmer explains that the Bird knew his name and was worried about him. He does not know her though. April wonders if she knows him from when he was younger or if she just knows about you. Silmer stresses that he really does not know. He mentions he wants to talk to her in private or through Vence, but he first needs to know if she can be trusted. April asks if he learned anything beyond what he just told her. Silmer explains that it was mostly about the “big guy” and that tortles should not be here. April thought they were not too bad with Tortles here. Silmer explains it’s not about Thrane, it’s because of Sarlona. Silmer explains everything regarding the treatment of tortles in Sarlona. April says he’s definitely not getting touched then. They set up a secret signal for when he is in trouble where April can take him out of conversations. April mentions she’ll try to find out more information. Silmer asks her to not make the same mistake she made with the church. April mentions she can see these people coming, they are not hooded. They plan to just act normal.  

    Sky Kings, this is Tristan

      Griff “subtly” and extremely eagerly shuffles towards the Duke and Baron Billy, dragging Tristan and Grace along. Griff tells Grace that they have to introduce him and tells Tristan to be happy it’s them. Tristan wonders what that’s supposed to mean. Griff mentions it could have been Jossac.   Grace mentions she is going to meet her family. Cody welcomes Tristan loudly and mentions he’s going to love these guys. Tristan compliments Cody for being part of the procession. Cody says that Grace was also supposed to be doing this too but she opted out. She had a good “Reason”. Cody winks at Tristan. He turns to the other two and introduces Tristan.   Cody ushers Tristan to the other two Sky Kings. The duke asks if “he is the one taking our Princess.” Tristan mentions he is not taking anyone but Griff retorts he’s heard differently as he smiles. Tristan gives him an angry side eye and mentions “that Grace can make her own decisions on who she does and doesn’t want to spend time with.” Tristan notices them all giggling. Grace squishes close to him and introduces the Duke and Baron Billy. She tells them to behave and that they can have their Griffons sniff him later. Tristan says it’s a pleasure to meet them and he shakes both their hands. Baron Billy tries to get Tristan to sing along as the group urges him not to.   Griff tells them that Tristan is also his friend. He’s kind and he likes him. Tristan mentions he likes Griff too when he is not being like that. The Duke explains Tristan that if he ends up hurting her, they will feed him to the Griffons. Tristan says this is not news to him. Grace tells them all to behave, she is fine.   Cody, The Duke and Baron Billy say goodbye as they return to their post. Griff asks if they are sticking around. They explain that they are leaving in the next 2 or 3 days. They agree on having drinks. Baron Billy inquires if Tristan likes music and explains how much house Vadalis likes singing. Tristan amuses him. Griff explains that Tristan can actually sing. Baron Billy says that this is good breeding as they walk off.   Grace is laughing. Tristan thanks them for the introduction. Griff tells them “to bugger off and go dancing” and shoves them away. They join the dance floor.  

    Malak and Kiasuh

      Kiasuh is not much of a dancer. She’s letting Malak fully lead her. Which is a rare occurrence.  

    April and Silmer

      April tries to subtly keep an eye on Silmer while not standing out. They were seen coming in together and have been seen going outside and now that they’ve come inside it heavily gives of the vibe that they are arguing and April is waiting for a signal to speak with him.  

    Murder on the dancefloor

      Vence moves around and approaches the elven lady that took Silmer and Hawk aside and asks her if she would like to dance. She raises a brow and goes “I’m sorry I don’t know you, and I need to warm up for my performance, but it was very nice of you to ask me. Have you tried the chocolate fountain it’s really nice.” The pained look on his face is evident. Vence introduces himself and wishes her a pleasant evening. She says nice to meet to Vence and walks away.   Corvus walks up behind Vence and tells him that she would probably dance with under different circumstances. Vence does not even turn to look at Corvus and asks what he means by that. Corvus says that given word is out, “congratulations”. Vence mentions that is not really his situation, but that he’ll appreciate the sentiments. Corvus says, “Fair. Part of you is a desired object, however I’m not sure if that is the right way of putting it.”   Corvus mentions he is doing an accompaniment on the viol and asks if Vence brought his. Vence mentions he has someone else’s old one, but he does not have the other one, so to speak. Corvus says that is not what he means and asks if Vence would like to accompany them. Vence says he certainly could and asks what her name is. Corvus sighs and says that she prefers to be called Phoenix. Corvus says, “That is not her actual name, but she is very insistent. Her actual name is Phoenixcopteridae.”   Corvus says that it could be a rare opportunity for him to perform in a place like this and since they have played before he is sure that Vence can easily keep up. Vence says that’s kind of him to say and he would like to join.   From behind Corvus a voice tells him that it’s nearly their turn. Vence turns around to see what’s going on. He notices Corvus shiver as a petite, smug looking Bird appears behind him. She tells Corvus it’s his turn to accompany her. Corvus says he’ll come fetch Vence when they need to accompany Phoenix. Calypte asks if this is his friend. Corvus mentions that this is a bard that requires way more recognition than he’s getting. She says charmed and holds out her hand. Vence takes it. Calypte and Vence introduce themselves.   She tells Corvus to come along now. As Corvus moves he turns to Vence and says “That Bitch”. Vence casts message at Corvus. “She bothers you more than Cissa ever has”. Corvus walks on but visibly nods.  


      While dancing with Grace Tristan keeps an eye on the interaction between Corvus and Vence given their history. Grace asks him what is wrong. Tristan explains and Grace asks him if he is really having his focus on Corvus over her right now. Tristan mentions that he wishes he wasn’t. She mentions that she notices Calypte coming their way. So whatever is going on is going appears to be broken up very quickly. Tristan asks if she knows her. Grace mentions that she’s been here the last few days and that she and Corvus don’t get along. Tristan says that he then does not need to focus on them and they dance on.  

    April and Vence – Second Dance

      Vence seems to be scoping out the Brelish dignitaries. April walks up to Vence and puts her hand out asking for a dance telling Vence she’s had lessons. Vence seems surprised and mentions he would like to see this and leads her to the dance floor.   Vence notices that April has indeed very much improved, compared to their last time where he ended up with bruised feet. They look very skilled while dancing. April seemingly keeps up with his lead. And as they dance around the ballroom they turn some heads.   Cracked something of cup level importance Griff checks out the food. There is a savory and sweet section beside a chocolate fountain. There are also people walking around with trays. Griff starts putting different things on a stick and dips them in chocolate. As he dips a chocolate in the chocolate fountain it hits him. He turns away and looks for Vence.   Griff waltzes up to April and Vence. He asks Vence to come with him, there is a chocolate fountain. He’s cracked it. Vence, confused, asks if they can finish first. Griff tells him to meet him at the chocolate fountain as It is cup level important and he waltzes off.     April and Vence finish their lovely dance and when the music ends they join Griff at the chocolate fountain. Hawk and Elijah follow suit.    

    The chocolate fountain

      There is a little old lady who is trying to get some food through the chocolate fountain. As the chocolate starts spraying Vence grabs a plate and catches all the chocolate spraying. The old lady wanders off with her chocolate covered foods.     Griff explains that he’s solved it. He grabs a chocolate, puts it on a stick and then puts the chocolate in the chocolate fountain. He gives it to Vence saying “Right?” Vence notes it is chocolate. Griff repeats “its chocolate in the chocolate fountain.” Vence says absolutely not and that he knows where Griff is going with this and absolutely not. (Vence thinking Griff wants to put the Traveler’s cup into the chocolate fountain)   Griff explains he does not want to put chocolate in the fountain, that’s not what he means. Vence asks Griff to explain it more clearly. April seems confused.   Griff rolls a napkin and makes a chocolate bracelet and puts it in the fountain. He takes it out and goes “Tada”. Hawk asks if he wants to put a necklace made of chocolate in the chocolate fountain. Griff says he gets it. Hawk asks why though.   Griff tells them to imagine that the fountain isn’t chocolate and the necklace isn’t chocolate. But there is a fountain and a necklace made of the same material. Hawk says that makes some sort of sense. Vence says he sees what he’s going with. Griff says they don’t have to do it now, but this might be it.   April asks why the necklace is going in the fountain. Vence puts his arm around her and says they’ll explain later. He notes he finds it an interesting idea and says it sounds like something they should celebrate with everybody. Griff agrees. Vence asks April to not ask questions please.   Malak notices the congregation at the chocolate fountain and walks up. He asks if “chocolate fountains are not a thing outside of Thrane as you all seem mighty fascinated by the concept. Also we don’t usually put napkins in.” Griff asks if Malak is smart. Malak mentions that he knows not to put napkins in the chocolate fountain. Griff says it’s a chocolate necklace that you put in a chocolate fountain. Hawk says it really makes a lot of sense.   Malak looks at Vence for explanation. Vence tells him to imagine a is cup involved with all of this and it makes a lot more sense. Malak asks if it’s not a chocolate necklace and if it’s not a chocolate fountain. Griff says no. Malak says they haven’t tried that. Hawk mentions that he is now confused, where does this cup come in. Griff does not make it any clearer.   Changing the subject Hawk puts his hand on Vence’s shoulder and asks him if he talked to that weird elven lady. There is a pained embarrassed look on Vence’s face and he mentions he tried to and it didn’t go well. Hawk asks what he said to her. Vence says he asked her to dance as he introduced himself and she wasn’t at all interested. Hawk asks if that happens to him a lot. Malak starts giggling. Vence mentions it happens somedays, but not all days. Kiasuh comes in and says that is just plain rude is it not and invites Vence to dance. Vence quickly realize she can’t dance for shit. Vence guides her along though.   Hawk muses he would like to dance. Elijah reminds him that it might get weird due to the illusion. Hawk says that he has moves. Elijah says fair enough. Hawk shows off a few “dance” moves. Elijah explains that for a Q’Barra tortle he does have pretty good dancing moves. Cissa even tried to teach him how to dance. Hawk mentions that was a fun afternoon. They both giggle.  

    The Bird approaches the bad ass half-elf

      Silmer is standing by himself, minding his own business and assuring no one touches him as Phoenix comes up to him. She asks if he is going to talk to her tonight, did she offend him. Silmer shakes his head and coughs. Phoenix says ok Hiyan, she mentions she is not sure they used to be buddies and asks him what happened. Silmer hints he had too much to drink. Phoenix muses on lyranders and tells him he should then have some water. She tells him that she has to perform in a moment and asks him if he’s going to watch. He can then tell Silmer all about it, he has told Silmer all about her right? Silmer shakes his head. She said that they discussed this. Silmer walks off to get some water. And tries to avoid her for the rest of the evening.   As Hawk notices Silmer walk off on his own he joins him. Hawk asks him how his evening was. Silmer says it was super awkward. Hawk asks what she wanted from him. Silmer says he doesn’t know. She seems to know him but she doesn’t know her. Hawk asks why he doesn’t tell her he’s him. Silmer is not sure about telling her here while he shouldn’t be here. Hawk says that right now might not be wise yes, but find a quiet spot. Silmer mentions he was planning on doing this. Hawk offers to be there, he can punch her in the face if needed. Silmer says that sounds good. Hawk tells him to just give him a sign. They discus changing his shape and talking to her. Hawk mentions this won’t work, because how would she be able to recognize you. Hawk asks why she would even go with you if she would not even dance with Vence. Silmer mentions he can always sent her a message as Silmer. Hawk tells him it might be easier to stay like this for now. He mentions he has atleast not been bothered by other Lyranders. Hawk asks him if he doesn’t like other Lyranders. Silmer mentions he does, but he is unsure how the feel about Hiyan. Hawk goes back to the snacks.   Corvus performs with Calypte. Her voice is soft and ethereal. Her movements, however, are blurred. She seems to flit from one side of the room to the other in the blink of an eye while the movements of her arms are hard to follow. After her performance, she curtsies low and offhandedly gestures to Corvus too (Malak doesn’t like her).   “...That blurry bitch...”    

    Vence takes center stage

      Corvus joins the group at the fountain. He smiles at Malak and gives April a hug. He asks if they are ok if he borrows Vence. He asked him to join in on the next performance. Malak points to Kiasuh dancing with Vence and Corvus moves over to them. There is a little save space around her as Corvus approaches them.   Kiasuh greets Corvus. Corvus bows to Kiasuh and asks if he can borrow Vence. Kiasuh mentions that there are other people that want to dance with you as she does a little curtsey and wanders off toward Malak again. Vence thanks her for the dance. Kiasuh thanks him for humoring her.   Corvus says she’s a charm. Vence says she is certainly a spirited individual and he quite likes her. Corvus tells Vence to follow along, they have to fetch Asir as well. Inside Vence’s head Thaen and Lady both swear.   While they walk Corvus explains that Phoenix kind of invents music on the fly and most of the older Birds don’t like that. Corvus mentions he can accompany her quite well as he has no style of his own and Asir will not give up. He mentions that it would be nice for what she wants to do to at least have an accompaniment of 3 viols and he knows that Vence plays pretty well. Vence says, “Alright.” Corvus mentions that it’s erratic and complex. But from everyone he knows he’s sure that Vence can keep up. Cissa normally can’t. Vence tells him to lead the way.   Asir asks Corvus if he is ready. Corvus introduces Vence to Asir. He explains that Phoenix wanted 3 performers and that the rest of the Birds are occupied. Asir mentions that Wren is not into this and he asks Vence if he can play the viol. He good naturedly says good luck.   Vence uses bardic inspiration on Corvus and wishes him good luck. Corvus sighs and mentions that he’s going to be using this against him. He touches Vence on his shoulder and uses bardic inspiration on him.   Phoenix comes floating in, in her naval outfit. She explains that she has a great surprise for the performance. She explains what she is expecting of them and then realizes that Vence is there. She looks at Corvus and Asir questioningly. Corvus explains that he invited him as she requested three violists. He mentions that he is more than adequate. Phoenix goes into the explanation and mentions that the beat is in 6-8. She tells them to try new things while in the middle of it and to make her look good.   She walks into the middle of the room and calls out ladies and gentlemen. She gestures and on a beat the trio starts the performance. Phoenix takes out little cymbals and sets the beat. As she dances she suddenly takes her hat off and appears in a belly dancing outfit. She begins doing a complex belly dance.   Asir, Vence and Corvus are all playing. Asir seems very serious during the performance and is paying attention to them. Asir notices that Corvus is lagging behind again and gives him hints. Corvus instantly adjust and thanks him. Asir glances over at Vence and starts playing harder. As he plays harder the beat starts going a little faster. Phoenix joins in with it. The more that Vence shows, the more that Asir adjusts and also keeps telling Corvus to adjust some more. Corvus smiles at him and adjusts a bit more. He mentions that he said that he was adequate and thanks Asir for the tip. The performance turns into something magnificent. Vence takes the lead in the scale. Asir is not far behind but he notices he is slightly lagging. The more he is behind the harder he works and the more he pushes Corvus to improve, which Corvus then does.   At the end of the dance she bows and curtseys and gestures to her three violists and tells them well done. Asir turns to Vence and tells him that was amazing and asks who his teacher was. Vence mentions his father and grandfather. Asir mentions that they where very good teachers. Corvus tells Asir that he said that he was adequate. Asir says he is.   Asir asks Corvus what the last time was he trained. Corvus mentions that if he has to be honest, he has been practicing the flute. Asir tells him to stop practicing the flute and start focusing on one thing at the time. Corvus motions to the flutes hanging on his side and tilts his head. He repeats that he is practicing the flute. Vence notices that one of the flutes is the same flute Tristan had with him.   Corvus says that it’s a new instrument. He has not been applying himself to the viol but he plans to abandon it. Asir asks if he plans on abandoning the viol. Corvus says for now. Asir mentions that he is good at it, why would he abandon it. Corvus mentions that he wants to learn to play the flute and one can’t practice two instruments to perfection every day. Asir asks if Corvus thinks that Wren would train him if he asked. Corvus says yes. Asir says ok. He tells Vence that it was very good to meet him and walks of directly towards Wren.   Vence moves forward to Corvus and leans in. He tells Corvus that pissing Asir off is one of the best things ever and thanks Corvus for this. Corvus says that as he said he needed an adequate bard and you have indeed even grown a lot. Vence returns him compliments as well.   Corvus asks if he wanted to talk to her for a reason or if he was just looking to dance. Vence explains that she has some connection to Silmer. He just wanted to meet her in case he would need to contact her later, that’s all. Corvus asks if he would need to facilitate a meeting. Vence asks what he means. Corvus explains that he can arrange a meet for Silmer. Corvus seems a bit confused at Silmer being part of this. Vence mentions it’s a subtle thing and that he’ll let Silmer know that Corvus can make an introduction. Corvus mentions he shall do that. Vence tells him not to do anything, he’ll let Silmer first know. Vence mentions he does not really know why he wants to meet her yet and asks Corvus if he heard about tea. Corvus says that tea is lovely. Vence says he’ll give him a book about it and thanks Corvus. Corvus explains that she is staying in the palace and that if they would need an introduction they only need to contact him. Most of the Birds are leaving in about 3 days, so she is around a little longer.    

    That was amazing Vence!

      As the applause dies down Tristan goes up to Vence and tells him that was amazing. He had no idea he was this good. Vence mentions that he was also not aware he was this good and thanks Tristan.   Malak congratulates him for the performance. He tells him it was so amazing, it almost seemed like he had a little divine help and Malak winks at him. Vence looks around and mentions that kinda squishes the spirts but he does not believe that’s the case and he thanks Malak.   Griff walks in and picks him up and gives him a big hug. He mumbles words and it’s all incoherent, but he seems really impressed as he gestures at Baron Billy. Baron Billy walks up to him and tells him that was amazing. The only way he could have topped it is if it would have been with bagpipes! Vence asks if they have bagpipes and thanks them.   April checks up on Silmer and glomps Vence. She tells him that was freaking amazing. Vence thanks them all and seems trully humbled by all the compliments. On his shoulder he hears a little whisper in Corinne’s voice. There is a tiny little cockroach on his shoulder. It says that was beautiful in Corinne’s voice. He casts message and thanks her.    

    April and Tristan dance

      Tristan apologized to Grace that he is about to dance with April. Grace says its fine, she’s “going to be dancing with the new hot thing” and goes off with Vence. Tristan asks her how the dance with Vence went. April mentions it went pretty well. April promises that she won’t step on his toes this time. Tristan says he knows she won’t. Tristan inspires her as he leads her.   It’s been a long night. April is a little distracted. Her dancing is not bad and Tristans guidance helping her. It’s not grand as the dance with Vence. But it’s pretty decent.    


      Griff presents himself to dance and a short lady called Sally approaches him (a queen’s handmaiden). Long brownish locks, sweet looking.   She shyly asks him to dance and the two head to the dance floor. Unfortunately she is not very good at dancing so Griff lifts her up and carries her around. All they see are tiny feet and petticoats.     After the dance, her plump cheeks are all a glow. She tries to fan herself (but the fan does not open) and she steals the occasional glance at Griff from that point onwards.   The whole group notice this. Malak and Kiasuh might have a new project…   Grace explains to Vence (who she’s currently dancing with) that Sally does not usually get this kind of attention at events because she’s a bit ‘different’.  

    The "couple" dances

      Ornata and Gruss perform while the Prince and Princess dance.   Throughout the evening, Prince Thalin has been trying to get Corinne’s attention but she has been making it clear that she is not interested. Even while they dance, although she’s moving with the competence of someone whose been trained to dance her whole life, she does so stiffly and unsmiling.   In the crowd, people are getting annoyed with her demeanor. “Sour Princess”, “What a brat”.   These do not sit well with the group at all. Tristan puts an arm around Grace to calm her nerves and also to keep his temper in check. He muses how he really wants to do something about this.   After the music ends, Keeper Jaella’s feet touch the floor and she walks over to them. She takes a hand from each and, in turn, slips a silver bracelet over their wrists. She explains that they are now promised to each other and tomorrow they will be bound for life.   After the dance and the promise, the Prince and Princess retire to their rooms, followed by the procession (in reverse to when they came in). Jurian gives the group a quick wave as he goes.   April stands near Malak, nudging him a little to just say hi because she had not really seen him all evening.    

    Time to go

      Vence, annoyed with the “What a brat” comment, follows the procession out to go after the people who made the comment.   He walks by the people in a huff who made the comment and says: “I’m sure she won’t take offence. I’m sure that she’s used to worse from better people”   Unfortunately, his comments were lost in the buzz of the people leaving and no one took notice of him.   The group go outside and are about to cross the water with the gondolas.   Tristan asks Grace if she wants to join for a nightcap but she declines. She will be helping the princess out to get ready the next day. But they agree to meet up after the wedding.     April asks if people being rude in court is normal. Vence explains that it’s not uncommon but usually people are not so brazen and brash about it. Tristan nods along and Malak agrees that people can be very ignorant at times. But the group knows better. April agrees that the group knows better.   Griff asks Grace if he could speak to Corinne. He can turn into a tiny bird and hide in Grace’s… um… perhaps not… Tristan suggests that he flies into Corinne’s room. Grace agrees to open the window and let him in. Griff turns into a little black own and agrees to meet her there.*   Vence pulls Silmer aside and tells him about Corvus’ offer to assist with Pheonix. He also explains that, as he has spoken to her, he can cast Sending to her too. So it’s up to him how he’d like to proceed.   Silmer thanks Vence and says that he’d like to tell the group what she told him. But not right now.    

    Corvus Sending

      Corvus to Malak: Is tonight too soon and can you ensure that Tristan is there also? Malak to Corvus: Yesterday isn’t soon enough. He will be there. Corvus to Malak: Will be at your house in 30 minutes Malak to Corvus: We will ensure that we will be there friend.    

    Off to the Lazy Bull

      April asks to sleep in Silmer’s room.   Hawk asks Elijah to drop the “silly shit” and he loses his disguise. He pats Silmer on the head and asks him what he’s going to do.   Silmer wants to contact her first and see where that leads. Hawk tells him to reach out when all is done because this information is worrisome.     Malak tells Tristan to join him tonight. Although he’s exhausted, he understands that Malak is eager. And Tristan can sleep in anyway.   Elijah explains that he’s leaving for Sharn. He offers for April to come study with Valarie in Sharn when she’s ready. He tells her that she can show his card at any Orien station and she can then be teleported to them at the company’s expense.   Hawk asks Elijah to do some scrying for him on Athandra before he leaves. April suggests a nightcap at the Lazy Bull while he scrys. Elijah, Hawk and Vence like this idea. Silmer has had enough of people and just wants to go to bed.    

    Bride of Balinor

      Grace opens the window, looks out and then walks back inside. Griffy owl flies into the room and hops onto Corinne’s bed. Corinne is in a night gown, make up removed and hair braided. She looks herself again. She greets him with some bread crumbs and seeds that she keeps stored in her room for the animals that visit her.   Griff explains that he and Tristan were discussing the day that Corinne had walked into the Griffon pen when she was four years old and the Griffons bowed down to her. That the Sky Kings jokingly called her the Empress of Beasts from that day onwards. But that the name got some additional weight when he went riding with her the other day.   Corinne quips that they had cracked why animals follow her. She’s a druid! Griff shakes his head, confusing her. Was she not a druid? He reassures her that she is a druid… but no druid is capable to do what she did.   He explains that the Griffons bowed to her so he decided to ask Godrick why they did that. As humans bowed to her too, Godrick had assumed everyone bowed to her for the same reason. Griff explained to Godrick that it’s because she’s a princess. Godrick explained that she is the Bride of Balinor.   Corinne is stunned. Grace clarifies whether Griff means Balinor of the Sovereign Host. Griff nods and explains that he does not know what this exactly means. But all animals seem to know this.   Corinne is hugging a pillow, in shock. She exclaims that she’s of the Silver Flame. She doesn’t even know who Balinor is!   As she starts to freak out, as this is the second person whom she has not consented to be engaged to, Griff tries to calm her. He explains that Balinor is a god and it might have a different meaning to him. Griff thinks that it might be her link to nature. But he knows another god so he’ll check with them (he just needs to borrow someone’s cup so that that person does not end up paying the price).   Corinne is confused. And Griff looks confused (for an owl). Grace picks Griffy Owl up and explains that this is a lot for Corinne to take in right now. And she has to be rested for tomorrow. She can’t get more upset.   Griff shifts into Griff (Grace drops him). He explains to Corinne that every animal knows this.   Corinne is panicking. She asks what she should do. If she doesn’t go through with tomorrow she’d start a war. Griff says that he’ll get her answers.   Corinne really is at a loss. Griff explains that it’s complicated. Until recently he thought that gods were just… things. But he has now met the Traveler (Corinne: I’m sorry. What?) and Tira is in Dal Quor (Corinne: WHAT?!). Griff prattles on about Vence, credit cards and cups. Corinne has completely lost the plot. Grace is holding her, trying to calm her down. (Everyone is confused by credit cards, Griff too)   Seeing her dismay, Griff and Grace tell Corinne that they love her. Corinne calms down and accepts that she’s still getting married tomorrow, whatever that might mean for her future.   Griff promises to keep looking for answers. Starting with the Traveler.   Griff gives her a hug and tells her that at least the Prince won’t be alive for most of her life. Corinne agrees. Griff then mentions that he is arranging to get her a Griffon egg, to which Corinne excitedly explains that she already got one as a wedding gift from the Duke (Griff is annoyed that the Duke didn’t tell him). Griffons live a long time and will make a good companion for her.   Griff explains that if there is one ir’Wyrnarn who could unite the 5 nations under one banner (including the Eldeen Reaches), it would be her. She hopes she could… but then as a Vadalis.   As Griff gets ready to leave, he tells her to endure. And if the Prince ever hurts her, ensure he’s fed to the Griffons.   He turns into a little white owl again and flies off.    

    Oh. About the fountain!

      Back at the gondolas, as they arrive on the shore, Tristan takes Vence aside. He explains that he’s given it some thought. Why not just put the amulet into the fountain?   Vence explains that Griff actually figured this out while at the chocolate fountain. As they walk, Vence explains the round about way the information was presented but how everyone caught on in the end.   Tristan is pretty proud of Griff. As Tristan now lives at the house, he knows that the fountain is working tonight and they could give it a go. But not tonight. He explains that he needs to visit Malak’s place.    

    Eyes on Athandra

      At the Lazy Bull, Elijah heads to his room to Scry on Athandra and asks April to write a letter to her mom in the meantime that he can deliver once he arrives in Sharn.   During scrying, Elijah finds that the caves abandoned. Like people left in a hurry. The debris of the battle is still scattered everywhere and the quarters of the soldiers in disarray.    

    A true after party

      Vence tells April that he got her a gift that he brought back to her from Sharn. A puzzle box. April lights up. He asks her to remind him to give it tomorrow.   They talk about Sharn, how big it is and Vence’s latest visit. Hawk doesn’t sound so keen on such a big city. But Vence explains that it’s also built into the ground. At the mention of Lava Pits, Hawk is totes on board to visit (mmmm… s’mores…). April does not seem so enthused at the thought of House Cannith playing a large role in the city. But she’d still very much like to visit sometime.   Vence goes to the bard stage and plays jig music on his viol for a bit. April finishes her letters and decides to head to the floor and dance in a “half-tired jiggy”.   Hawk decides to join April in the dance. And as he starts moving to the music, he is joined by the spectral form of Eggs. The two dance happily together. Hawk on the ground while Eggs sways above and around him. She’s silent but her smile speaks volumes.   It’s at this point that Elijah comes downstairs and sits at the table. He does not dance along but he observe happily. Eggs waves at him and he tips his hat to her. She gestures something that Elijah immediately understands. He has Hat Monica join the dance.   As the music ends, she curtsies, Hawk bows and Eggs disappears.   Muffin, who has been slowly closing up for the night, stares at this whole display in complete shock. Eggs has never done that before. The group sit her down. Elijah puts his hat on her head, pours some shots and ensure that Muffin downs at least one to calm her nerves.   Elijah then tells Hawk what he saw. But also explains that, for Valarie’s experiments, she is missing one crystal. The purple one. And explains where in the caves it is located. But told Hawk to be careful. Hawk says he’ll be fine to do this. He’s not going alone after all. He’s taking Jayna with him too.   Elijah then asks Vence and April how they were able to get the purple crystal previously in Thaliost. April explains that they spoke with a guardian. She explained that they spoke in a different language (Celestial, Vence quips) and promised to give the crystal back. It might have helped (Elijah mentions that Snolijah could speak Celestial). She also tells him about the Teardrop Necklace that might come in useful. Malak has it.   April also suggests to keep an eye out for her mother’s research. Vence emphasizes to bring any documents.   Hawk reassures both of them that he wants find Sickle. He would leave no stone unturned.   April gives a letter to Hawk, to Elijah (addressed to him) and one for her mother, which she also gives to Elijah. And then she gives Vence a hug in thanks for the gift.

    Sickle Moon

    April Highthorn

    Neutral Human (Farmer)
    35 / 35 HP


    Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
    Monk 8
    51 / 51 HP
    Report Date
    21 Aug 2021

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