Session Thirty Two: Glorious of Glorious Days

General Summary


  You are all standing in a semi-circle in what seems to be a void of whiteness. You are facing two figures. A tall paladin with short cropped golden hair wearing a purple cloak. And beside him is Cissa, wearing her trade mark casual attire. She smiles politely at the group after welcoming them to Dal Quor.   Hawk looks at Nesza with a big broad smile on his face. "Ah! What a joyous occasion it is to finally meet you, nephew!"  

Just call me uncle Hawk

  Nesza and Hawk greet each other. Hawk welcomes them to Dal Quor and says this is the greatest of great days. Nesza asks if Hawk could explain what Dal Quor was for those who are not familiar with it (because Nesza "off course" knows all about this realm). Cissa explains this is the real of dream.
Hawk inspects Nesza and seems excited to meet him. Nesza asks that if this is a dream, then is Hawk actually real? Hawk explains that it's complicated, but he wishes to start at the beginning.
He is Baxon Hawk and confirms he is Nesza’s uncle. Nesza said he assumed as much and that it was a challenge to find him. He asks if it was Hawk person who talked to him during meditation. Hawk confirms it was. Hawk mentions it was great how he took all of Almentash’s hints and found his way here.
They geek out about Hawk's statue, talk a bit about the weather and Solaris. The mention of Solaris makes Hawk a little sad. Nesza mentions the tale they tell now is odd and he would like to hears hawks version of the story. Hawk looks at Cissa and says that right now is not a good time.   Nesza turns around to introduce the group. Hawk is pleased that Nesza was smart enough to bring a tortle and slaps Silmer on the shell. As Nesza introduces everyone, he spots besides Vence, Emir, Thaen and a female changeling. He mentions he does not know who Thaen and the female changeling are but that they probably belong to Vence and Emir. Thaen introduces himself to the group and mentions the female changeling is also Thaen. Hawk welcomes them to Dal Quor and blinks at Nesza.  

I thought you came here to ask me Questions?

  Nesza turns to the group to ask what to do. Hawk asks if he did not come here to ask him questions. Nesza says it’s a bit overwhelming so Hawk changes the subject and asks Nesza what he likes to do as a hobby. Nesza mentions he loved hanging out with his friend George, but they split up as things got dangerous and that he misses him.   Nesza says that his mother is doing fine but that he was surprised that she never mentioned Hawk. Hawk explains that Sarandriel couldn’t tell anyone about him. It was a promise she made when she fled from Flamekeep. The group are surprised by the name and Hawk says they most likely know her as Sarah. Hawk apologizes for sharing to much. Nesza says its ok, what happens in a dream, stays in the dream.   Hawk and Nesza discuss the stranger that gave him the map. Nesza asks if it was Hawk, and Hawk explains he has been in Dal Quor for a very, very, very long time. But Hawk expects it was his friend, Almentash. Vence asks who or what he is. Hawk says he doesn’t know, but Almentash visits him from time to time.   Nesza asks Cissa why she is here. Cissa tells him she is as much Cissa as he needs her to be. Hawk rolls his eyes and explains that she is not Cissa but a figment. A figment is created when when you come into a dream. It’s usually a creature or humanoid that can help you navigate your way through the dream realm when you are sleeping. Often it’s someone personal, but he is pretty sure that not everyone here knows Cissa. He mentions that he knows that Cissa has a lot of people that think of her and that is probably why this form was chosen to help you navigate. Cissa says its mainly because he is here too, but yes.   Malak asks Hawk if he is the real Baxon Hawk and what he is doing in Dal Quor. Hawk asks Malak what “real” is. His body burned in a pyre 60 years ago. He does not fully understand it himself and asks Cissa to explain. Cissa then explains that Hawk is neither a figment nor a Quori. He is the thoughts and the mind of what used to be Baxon Hawk. He was brought here by the Silver Flame.   Nesza asks Hawk if his mom knows that he’s here and if there are ways they can communicate with souls that are in Dal Quor. Hawk says tells a story of a motley crew that found themselves near a silver flame where there was a teardrop amulet of sort. He could communicate with them and told them to take the amulet to Sarah. He hopes they delivered it. He does not know whether the message was received as he has not spoken to her directly since he’s been here. Tristan asks Hawk to confirm that the Silver Flame brought him here. He confirms this. Tristan and Hawk discuss the possibility of having Sarah talk to him.
Emir asks whether Tira is here too. Hawk confirms this. Griff mentions they where near a Silver Flame to retrieve a gem recently and talked to Tira. Hawk finds this cool and asks if the gem was egg shaped? Griff says it wasn’t Hawk finds this good news. Griff asks Hawk if he might have heard them while he and Malak were in the flame. Hawk explains he does not constantly put his ear to the flame, that is Tira’s job.   As they are talking Griff notices a red thread coming out of his soldiers mark. The others with Soldiers marks take notice of this too. This string seems to be going somewhere far south. It seems to be immaterial and at a point goes through Cissa. Griff asks Hawk if he knows what this string is. Hawk says he has seen quite a few people with that. Tristan talks to Cissa and asks where the string goes. Cissa mentions it goes to il-Lashtavar, home of the Dreaming Dark. Thaen asks what the Dreaming Dark is. She mentions it is the location of what is called "the Shadow".   Malak asks how the group can leave the realm. Cissa explains that they need to find a high place and leap of it or experience a nightmare. Unless the nightmare is caused by a Quori. So she suggests to fall from a high place.
Cissa also mentions that there are other ways but that would involve people outside of Dal Quor.   Tristan asks if by "the Shadow" they mean the shadow in the flame. Cissa confirms this but tells Tristan they are here to discuss other things. Cissa turns to Nesza and asks if he has questions.  

Prepare for War

  Nesza asks Hawk if the female voice he heard speaking celestial while he meditates is Tira. Hawk mentions it could be, but there are other celestial females here. Nesza then mentions that the question he has had on his mind since he received the map that lead him here is whether this place can "fix him". He asks Hawk if he knows what happened to him.
Hawk gives Nesza a hug and tells him he does not need to be fixed, he just needs to find his light. Malak confirms that he is not broken. Nesza asks what he’ll need to do. Hawk explains he needs to face what took his light from him.   Nesza turns to the group and explains that while he does not know what they’ll face, if its his nightmares they all better get ready for actual war. Griff and Tristan stand besides him and tell him they are with him. Malak turns Nesza’s clothes green to help him stand out.   Hawk asks Nesza where he thinks his light went out. Nesza says that it is hard to pinpoint but he believes it was either when he had to kill Bob, when he got himself out of the war by injuring himself or during the outburst where the healers tried to heal his wounds. Nesza mentions he made a couple of mistakes and did things he would never do again.   Hawk consoles Nesza and mentions that war does these things to people. Hawk asks him where he had to kill Bob. Nesza explains that it was in the forest near Metrol. The Third Division Night Owls were on a recon mission for the Aundarian army. It happened the day after the Flight of the Silverbird. He explains explains the events on how he first met Bob on the day the Flight of the Silverbird and that they bonded very quickly. The day after, he was ordered to kill Bob during his recon mission While he talks, a figment of a man appears and stands next to Nesza. Nesza notices that Hawk is looking past him over his shoulder. Nesza turns his face away from it, he does not want to see that face again. Nesza mentions that when he gets traumatized the ugly comes out and scares everyone. The rest knows or has been warned. Hawk explains that he is not going to deal with this right here. This is the nothing, there is nothing to fear here.   Hawk explains that Nesza needs to go to the "Fields of the Lost". That’s where battles are often replayed and the battle Nesza refers to, still blazes there. He will have to go to the place where he killed Robert. Hawk suspects that Nesza will find a Quori there. It’s the embodiment of all of Nesza's regret, guilt and negative emotions.   Hawk explains that the Quori can be slain, but that will temporarily fix the problem as it will return. There are two other ways that involve binding it and this will solve it for good. Hawk mentions that the Quori are reborn in il-Lashtavar and they return to the place where they can feed the most. And negative emotions of an Aasimar are one of the most delicious meals they can have. Those of Mabar feed the shadows more than anyone else. Nesza mentions he is done feeding anyone.   Nesza explains friend Corvus has said something about him being "of Mabar" that as well. Hawk looks at him and repeats Corvus’ name and then looks at Cissa. Cissa says that both she and Corvus are of Mabar. Nesza is a bit confused because he is sure he is born in the Eldeen Reaches.
Hawk explains that Nesza has the blood of a celestial in him like Malak does. That means that they have a connection to the plane of Irian. However anyone from Irian that is tainted severs their connection to that plane and are instead connected to Mabar. And those of Mabar with negative emotions make for very delicious meals for Quori. Nesza asks if Malak is also of Mabar then. Hawk says he does not look like he is tainted. Malak mentions he is taint free.   Hawk explains there are two ways to bind a Quori. Have a song that touches your soul sung to you outside of the dream realm while you face it or bind it with a circle of Silver Flame. This is, unfortunately not in abundance. Nesza and Malak discuss options and Griff asks Hawk how to bring Silver Flame here. Hawk mentions there a few heralds that carry it. One being Tira and another being Myranna.  

Did he just say Myranna?

  Malak asks Hawk if he just said Myranna. Hawk asks if he was unclear and describes her. A young girl, silver hair, has a bit of chip on her shoulder. He’s unsure what else to tell him. Malak asks where she is. Hawk sighs and explains that she is everywhere and she is never sits still. Tira tends to be speaking with the Keeper speaking and Myranna is often in the Fields of the lLst for some reason. Malak asks which way to the Fields. Hawk says he’ll get to that in just a moment.   Nesza mentions to Hawk and Cissa that it's really important that Malak speaks to Myranna. She is his daughter. Hawk is over the moon to hear this and Vence assures Malak that they’ll find her. Hawk agrees.   Malak teasingly asks one way we beat the Quori is by having someone sing while we fight it. Hawk says this is correct but that person needs to be awake. Malak asks if we kill Vence, does he wake up. Hawk confirms this and explains that he won’t be able to get back in though as the portal is a one time portal. Malak asks Vence if he would like some tea. The changelings all look at Malak. Malak explains he won’t die, he’ll just wake up and be able to sing Nesza's a song. Male Thaen mentions he is not sure what will happen if he kills Vence. It could be that he might take full custody of the body. Malak asks if anyone else can carry a tune.   Malak asks Hawk if Tira is always in the same place. Hawk confirms this. Hawk then explains that the party can’t be in Dal Quor forever. The moment they leave "the Nothing" they are timed. Every hour in the dream realm they become more susceptible to what the dream realm can do to their minds and that Quori can sense them. The problem with finding Tira is that she is further away and the group has about 8 hours before the dream realm's influence can be too difficult to overcome. Eight hours in Dal Quor is about an hour in the Material Plane (after passing through the Nothing).  

20 Quori’s

  Thaen mentions to Hawk he would like to look for a specific Quori called Ashana. One associated to a Kalashtar. Hawk explains that if the Kalashtar is not sleeping or dead the Quori won’t be here.   Tristan asks if all Quori are bad. Hawk says that not all Quori are bad but most feed the shadows. Those are the ones you should be cautious of. Hawk asks if anyone ever had a nightmare that seemed a bit too real. Tristan says he had those many times. Hawk mentions those are often caused by Quori. If a Quori actually kills you in this realm you will get hurt. Tristan asks if nightmares caused by Quori actually hurt you if you die in those dreams. Hawk mentions it depends on the person and asks Tristan if he has ever been so scared by a dream that he woke up physically not feeling well. Tristan says he is unsure. Hawk mentions that people with that feeling tend to have been hurt by the Quori.   Emir asks if they are killed here are they hurt in the real world. Hawk explains that if they are killed by Quori, yes. Emir asks how severe it can be. Hawk says it depends on the type of Quori. The more eyes they have the more pain they inflict.  

Is Sarah ok?

  Griff asks why Sarah had to flee and what they promised each other. Hawk mentions she did not want to be a Keeper and it was hard to smuggle her out with her silver hair and glowing halo. Griff tells Hawk she is doing fine and became a wonderful person. Hawk asks how Griff knows her. Griff explains that if it was not for her and her family he would not have gotten as far as he did in life.   Tristan asks Hawk politely why his sister did not want to become a Keeper. Hawk explains she wanted her freedom, a thing she was not alone in. And they helped her find that in the Eldeen Reaches. Nesza mentions she became a healer and that Griff can attest to that. Griff says that’s true.  

So what’s the plan?

  Griff asks Nesza if he wants to go to Tira or risk it and gamble on Myranna. Nesza explains that if there is a chance for Malak to meet Myranna that he absolutely wants to do that. Malak tells him that they are here for him, and that they will go where he wants to. Griff adds to this that they can always find more portals and try again and tells Nesza he’ll be by his side every time he needs to face this. Nesza thanks them both. Vence asks Hawk if knew who put the gateway there. Hawk says he does not know, but thinks it might be Almentash. After spiraling of into conversation about the statue made by Faram Olestina Nesza makes a decision to gamble on finding Myranna on the way to the Fields of the Lost.  


  Nesza mentions that he has something he needs to get off of his chest. He explains that he got himself out of the war after he killed Robert. He shot himself in the leg with his Crossbow and gravely wounded himself. As he breaks down in tears and explains this is his biggest shame and that he’ll understand that people won’t hold him in high regard as a soldier anymore.
Tristan steps forward and tells Nesza that 11 years ago he would have thought he was weak and a coward but… He hugs Nesza and starts crying. Nesza hugs him back. Griff steps in and gives them a big hug and slightly lifts them. Griff mentions that Nesza did not only save himself. He most likely saved many other lives to. Hawk runs in and embraces them both. Tristan mentions he wants out. Hawk and Griff don’t let go.   Nesza says that he does not know what became of his regiment, where they all might be now dead or alive. Nesza mentions he feels guilty for this. Hawk tells him that this is why he is here.   Hawk then explains to Nesza that, even if the Quori is bound, he probably won't ever fully heal from this pain. However, if accepts the pain as a part of himself, it will at least rekindle a light that has been extinguished. Nesza says he knows he will never fully heal and in his eyes he does not deserve to. But a bit better would be nice. He mentions he feels great being able to share this and that he has never told anyone this besides George.   Hawk explains that no healing magic can heal mental wounds. Nesza mentions that’s what his mother said. Hawk says that talking about it helps and sometimes music can too. Nesza asks if this is like the song they sung for Myranna. Hawk asks if anyone can sing it for him. Nesza turns to Vence asks asks him if he can.   Vence explains he sang a song to her and it made her glow but also all the soldier marks. Hawk asks if he sang Myranna’s song to her while she was sleeping. Vence confirms this and mentions he sang another song to her that made her smirk. Nesza mentions they don’t have all the verses yet so it won’t be able to fix him. Vence mentions he is unsure if it’s his song. Should it not be something deeply personal and that song was not written for you. While it’s the first song that did anything to him since the war Nesza agrees he is not sure that is his song. Nesza then also mentions that Hawk has a song. Cissa and Emir performed the song to the group very recently.
The group discuss options for Nesza like songs from his childhood. Griff explains that the Sky Kings rode into battle while singing music. He mentions it would not be bad to all together sing the song that made Myranna smirk and asks Vence to teach them. Malak mentions this sounds like a plan. Vence justs asks if they mean the Traitors song. Griff mentions that might have her come to check it out and they have 4 and a half bard to sing now.  

The lady is a….Changeling?

  Vence looks around when he hears the count. He sees lady for the first time and takes a half step away from her as the lady is taking in her surroundings. Emir follows Vence’s example. Malak, taking a hint from Vence, gets in between of her and April. April holds onto Malaks back introduces herself and asks her who she is. Thaen responds and says that she is also a Thaen. Malak asks if they are both management or is one the CEO and one is like. Thaen mentions he is management. Griff asks Vence again he can teach them them the traitor song. Emir says he he can and teaches the group the chorus.  

You ok Hawk?

  Tristan notices Hawk looks really off and has been quiet for some time now. He asks Baxon if he is ok.   Hawk mentions he did not know that Cissa was singing songs about him and looks at Emir as he says this. Emir joins in and mentions she isn’t singing Hawk's song anymore and never really has. She had a friend sing his song but without the images. He explains the party are the last who have seen the full thing live. The time before that was most likely her "Queen".   Emir notices the horror in Hawk's eyes as he mentions he was _that_ song. Emir asks what that means. Hawk mentions that if she sang it to "the Duchess", she must have been heartbroken. It meant he hurt her. Emir explains that she is off course hurt by his passing but does not begrudge him if there is any comfort in that. Hawk says she would never begrudge him, that’s not how she works.

Hawk asks why she sang it recently. Emir says that she did it to explain the events that went down in Flamekeep 60 years ago. Hawk asks if she did this for Nesza and Emir confirms this.
Hawk asks whether she knew that the party were coming to see him.
Nesza chimes in and explains he believes she sang the song to unite the group, to clarify some questions that the group had and show, even though it hurt her, how proud she was of Hawk. How he saved the world.
Nesza then explains the story where Hawk is known as the "Keeper Yeeter" and it lightens the mood. Hawk asks the group if they all know Cissa. Tristan fumbles for words and mentions he sort of has seen her from a distance but has not actually ever met her. Tristan mentions the rest of the group know her. Griff explains that, when he met Cissa, she was in a lot of pain that seemed to be related to her father dying. Hawk asks for an explanation and Emir explains what Cissa told the group on the airship, Corvus leaving, The Duchess and that her mother killed her father and why she did so. All in order. He also shares that later he learned that Cissa’s mother was actually part of the feathers and that she killed Cissa's father to maintain her secret. Hawk seems to be blanching by this information. The white void starts going a little tint of grey as Hawk looks very distressed.  

Why are we smart to bring a tortle?

  Griff interrupts the moment to ask Hawk why it was considered smart to bring a tortle. Hawk tries to piece himself together and mentions the good thing about tortles is that they do dream and they do have nightmares however Quori do not sense them. The dream realm also does not seem to have any real affect on tortles. Silmer asks why would that be. Hawk says that’s a very good question and he wishes it was one he knew the answer to. Hawk says this is why Kalashtar are close by when there are tortles.  

Hello, I’m moved on

  Emir moves up to Hawk and tells him Cissa still misses him. Hawk wonders why she still misses him after 60 years. Emir says she is very proud of him. Hawk mentions he would have wanted her to have moved on by now.   Emir says this might be a little awkward but "hello, I’m Moved On". And it’s more awkward for him that Hawk is still alive. He does not mean any offence by this as he is truly happy to have met Hawk.
After sizing Emir up, Hawk asks him whether she is happy now. Emir says that’s complicated. Hawk changes tact and asks whether she will be happy. Emir says yes. She’ll be very happy. She just need a little time to recover after recent events.

Hawk puts his hand on Emir’s shoulder and tells him to give her something he never could. Emir asks what he means. Hawk tells him to give her the one thing she craved while he and Cissa were together. Emir says that is a very complicated matter and Hawk is alarmed that it's still an issue.
Emir tells Hawk that he has tried very hard to have that conversation with her and it always ends in tears and a fight. Emir mentions he and their offspring will not live long enough, making this complicated. Hawk asks him what he means by offspring?   Hawk says he meant to give Cissa the freedom to show who she loves. Emir says that’s not a problem, it’s a matter of time. Hawk looks over to the figment of Cissa and mentions she did not respond to Emir. Emir explains they were supposed to have a concert in Flamekeep and that was supposed to be the public outing of it but events have transpired that have canceled that happy moment. Hawk asks why they would need to "come out" with it. Hawk then realizes he is a changeling and mentions that ofcourse she can’t show who she’s with and sighs.
Emir explains that he and Cissa have a public rivalry. It sells well with the crowds and the circle and various other facets. But as such, they need to plan how they will come out to the world. But it is in the cards to do so soon.
Emir turns to the figment Cissa and calls her "Innamorata". Cissa’s expression changes and she walks up to Emir and she gives him a hug. Hawk kind of stands there awkwardly. As Cissa moves away and looks at Hawk, the figment seems to be somewhat stuck between two thoughts but remains smiling.
Hawk asks Emir what he meant by "offspring". Emir says yes, it tends to be goals in some long term relationships. Hawk mentions that she always said that she could not have children. Emir mentions that he is a little different seeing as changelings breed true one or the other. As such, their child would be either an Elf or a Changeling. Not a Khorovar.   Meanwhile, the female changeling is trying to move towards April to fix her braid. Malak stands solid in between of them.
Hawk looks kind of sad and then smiles genuinely at Emir. Hawk says she never even gave him that option. He knows what her previous losses have done to her. He sincerely hopes this will make her happy one day. Emir says he’ll certainly try. Hawk says it’s good to have met him. Emir tells him like wise. He then reaches out and holds out Hawk's feather on the tip of his finger and tells him she still wears this. Hawk says its hers after all. Hawk thanks him and mentions that although she’s hurt right now she’ll be happy later. Hawk says he can try to say that he’ll haunt his dreams if Emir doesn’t do this, but Hawk doesn’t know if he actually can.
Nesza asks Hawk regarding him being alive and Cissa’s happiness. He understands that he is not entirely alive but should they share with her he is still in here or if they should keep this from her. Hawk says that is a difficult question but he thinks that Cissa would not want people lying to her. It's noble to want to protect her, but if she ever found out that they lied to her, it will be much worse. As to whether or not he's alive, to her Hawk might as well be dead. She will never see him, never hear him and he will never see or hear her.
Tristan and Nesza try to come up with ways they can have them connect but Hawk mentions that while he greatly appreciates the effort, he is unsure if this is what he wants. He mentions he wants her to move on. He says that he thinks it’s wise to be honest with her on what is happening here but he also does not want her to linger.  

The Fields of the Lost

  Hawk asks Nesza if he is ready. Nesza says he is not but this is his only chance using this portal. Tristan asks Hawk to clarify the Field of the Lost. Hawk asks Cissa to explain.   Cissa explains that the dream realm is basically created in a way that certain dreams are slotted into certain areas. This means that dreams about battles or war tend to take place in the Fields of the Lost. There are also other areas that are allocated to other types of dreams. Some of them are pleasant dreams and some of them are more horror-esque dreams. It just depends what you are thinking at that moment. A bubble is created in that area that is the dream.
Tristan asks if there will be other soldiers sharing dreams with us. Cissa mentions other soldiers will be dreaming of battles, but this does not mean Tristan will necessarily will be partaking in their dreams. Tristian asks if figments will act like real soldiers. Cissa says that is very much correct but it is always the dream of one person, never a dream of multiple. Tristan asks if these soldiers will react realistic. Cissa confirms this and mentions that as long as the figments are based on people with access to the dream world, so anyone that is not Kalashtari or Elven, thus the dream real has access to their memories and thus the figments of soldiers you will encounter will be quite realistic. They will respond in almost exactly the way that person would respond because the dream realm has access to their thoughts and memories of that specific day.
Tristan thanks Cissa and turns to Nesza and Malak. He explains it might be a bad idea to sing the traitor song. Nesza agrees and mentions he is unsure how it will help. Nesza asks Hawk if they will encounter people who are still alive or if they will only encounter living people or also the dead. Hawk mentions you will also encounter those that have passed.
Cissa mentions she has one more point to add. A figment of a person can only exist if they are not sleeping or dead. Nesza asks to confirm if they are sleeping they would be somewhere else. Cissa confirms that then they would be in a dream of their own. Nesza asks if they are dead they won’t appear as a figment then. Cissa mentions they will appear if they are dead as a figment. Hawk warns Nesza that Robert appearing in his dream could also be a Quori in disguise due to the circumstances. Nesza asks how one can recognize if one is dealing with a figment or a disguised Quori. Cissa mentions that unless there is a spell that they might have or something like that it is hard to determine. Look at your surroundings. If they seem particularly well crafted the chances are that there is a Quori around.  

So how was the war for you?

  Griff asks if there is anything anyone needs to mention about things they did in the war that we might encounter. Tristan mentions that if he understands correctly we are all going into Nesza’s dream of the war. Cissa mentions this is correct, however this dream realm will have more effects on you the longer you stay within it. So being in the fields of lost may trigger things to happen. Things that happened to you. Thaen asks if it’s like dreams coming crashing into Nesza, would it switch dreams or is it some sort of blend. Cissa mentions it will probably be a blending.   Griff mentions his dreams of war are basically pretty simple. The music is horrible, there is riding griffons and you’ll be killing a lot of thranians. There will be battle and lots of arrows flying around. A lot of people dying.   April mentions that in terms of the war there was a lot of pretty straight forward crop growing yo. She mentions she knows what the Commodore looks like and it’s very much possible to imagine him.   Malak mentions that unless anyone has bibliophobia they will be fine on his end.   Thaen mentions that there is nothing treacherous but he imagines there will be questions and he looks uncertainly at Griff and only briefly at Tristan.   Tristan seems distracted and Griff walks up to Tristan, but his hand on his shoulder in the same way he did to him earlier that day. Griff asks Tristan if it’s all Krarnath stuff. Tristan mentions he was in the bloodbath. So if that comes in we could get into a real big mess.   Nesza mentions that if it’s not Tristan bringing that in then it might be him. He mentions he traveled through Karrnath on his way to Metrol. He’s had nightmares about the lycanthropes and the vampires. Tristan mentions he is not worried about vampires or lycanthropes, he can handle those. He is talking about the fields outside of Metrol covered in blood and guts. Griff explains that this is why he proposes to sing a cheerful tune and that he hope that we lure in Myranna. He still does not understand why both Nesza and Tristan think this is a bad idea. Tristan mentions that he agrees that this song could perhaps lure Myranna as she seems to have a reaction to it. Tristan mentions he also knows the reaction this song will have on soldiers, and since he expects quite a few, he mentions that the reactions don’t tend to be friendly for the most part.
Hawk explains that music plays a vital role in keeping the mind sane. But just singing a random song won’t help. When he said they will be more susceptible to the realm of dreams it does not mean you’ll find more negative dreams. It just means that the world around you you’ll have less control over it. It can impact you negatively but that doesn’t mean it will. Also realize that certain bad feelings you get or bad experiences you get are not necessarily from Quori. They could just be from an emotion you are experiencing. Vence turns to Tristan and asks him to teach them the rest of the song since he seems to know it. We can at least make a judgement call then. The first verse is not all that troubling. Tristan mentions it’s not so much about the lyrics. It’s about what it means. It’s called the traitors song for a reason. When it was sung on the battlefield certain soldiers would lay down their arms and make themselves traitors.   Tristan turns to Hawk. He asks him since music can shield the mind, is there something specific in sense of songs we are talking about. Hawk mentions things that are personal to the dreamer. Tristan asks if the person just needs to think of them or if the songs need to be sung out loud. Hawk says the most effective is when someone sings them outside of your mind. But it is possible to help yourself if you are reminded of a song out loud.  

Silmer is an anti-beacon

  Silmer mentions he has two questions. First of all do they target tortles at all or are they immune to this effect. Hawk mentions Tortles are completely immune. Silmer mentions he was wondering what he would be able to encounter then. Hawk mentions Tortles have an enate skill in creating calm within themselves and therefor also don’t experience as vivid a dream as others. It’s not like you won’t have any experiences. There might be figments appearing for you but it’s more a moment in your life rather than something that can have latent negative effects. Silmer aks if there are ways for him to help others. Hawk mentions that Quori won’t sense people within 10 feet of him because they can’t sense him.  

Greatest of great days

  Nesza says speaking of tortles, did you know there is a tortle who named himself Hawk after you. Hawk asks if Sunny named himself after him. Silmer mentions they were told this by Elijah. Hawk mentions he wonders if he should add Sunny behind his name. Griff mentions this sounds like a good idea, a nickname and Griff calls him Baxon Hawk Sunny. Hawk seems pleased. Griff mentions the title maker of the group is April, she might have a better idea. Hawk asks if he is a Sunny. Silmer says he looks bright enough. April mentions he certainly has a sunny personality. Hawk mentions this is the greatest of greatest days. He is, as of now, Sunny Baxon Hawk. April starts clapping and congratulates him with his new name. Far away in a different plane of reality a torle shivers like someone walked over his grave.  

I’ve got strings on me

  Griff mentions that they know the string leads to a place but he is unsure why there is a string attached to his arm. Hawk also doesn’t know. All he knows is that when the string is severed the soul is lost. Tristan asks if he means death when the soul is lost or something else. Hawk confirms he means death, definitely death. Silmer asks if they can still prepare ourself before we leave and where we could do that.  

The Changeling is… Lady?

  Nesza asks the female changeling if she has a name or a title. She tells Nesza he can call her Thaen. Nesza mentions that would be confusing. After the Thaens share looks she says to just call her Lady. Nesza says that’s fine. Silmer says he knows what you can call them. You can call them Molly’s in joke. Nesza says that’s too long. Lady says it’s also not that funny. Silmer says he also thinks it’s not that funny either, he didn’t get it. Nesza mentions that Molly is not the funniest person he knows. Silmer mentions now he knows why. Lady asks if she can atleast fix April’s braid now, looking at April. April looks at Malak for approval and gets it. April steps out and walks up to Lady. Lady stats braiding and April seems happy. April asks if Lady has a nickname or a title. Lady is thinking and its clear she has one but she seems unsure to share it. She says just calling her Lady should suffice for a title. April says thank you and mentions she has a pretty name. April also tells her she makes really pretty braids. Lady giggles. Cissa asks from the side if everyone is ready to go. Nesza asks if she can tell us where we can find our gear. Cissa smiles and a door appears next to her. A typical sci-fi doorway with a swirl of pinks and blues in it. Cissa explains the moment you walk through the world will assess you.  

See you around Sunny Baxon Hawk!

  Griff waves and says Goodbye Sunny Baxon Hawk, hope to see you in the future again. Hawk says goodbye and good luck, it was very good to see you. April says goodbye uncy hawk. Nesza says he will see him again, he’ll make sure of it. Hawk says all the best. Malak nods. Nesza steps through followed by Tristan who as he steps through turns around towards the changelings and tells them it’s a pleasure to meet them. Griff and Silmer then step through. As Malak is about to step through April taps him on the shoulder and thanks him for the concern. April then follows him. Emir asks Cissa to get a kiss for good luck, she gives him a kiss and it feels kind of hollow and cold. Just as the changelings are about to step through Hawk puts his hand on Emir’s shoulder. Hawk asks Emir to promise him. Emir promises him she will be happy and he will not keep it from her but it might be in a letter for her to read at her leisure. But in his presence. Emir asks if that is acceptable. Hawk agrees. Emir says that he will then make it so. Whatever you do here, good luck. Hawk tells him to stay safe.  

Does anyone know how to boat a boat?

  As they get out of the portal they stick close to Silmer as they walk to the boat. Tristan tries to get Griff to stop singing, but Griff refuses unless he comes up with a better way to bring Myranna in. Tristan says that this song will just get them in trouble and they are not even at the fields yet. Vence and Silmer start singing “What will you do with the drunken sailor”. They walk though green fields, not filled with death towards a ship they see up ahead.   They go onto the ship, Silmer inspects it and everything looks fine. Silmer assigns everyone their previous roles. Malak asks if he should just go and sit down to sulk again in that case. Silmer mentions he did have a task, he just didn’t do it. Griff and Malak move to man the sails. April goes and be the boatswain and is going to check the ship and do repairs if needed. She asks if someone with a red thingy can take over navigation. Silmer assigns Tristan to do so. Tristan agrees and mentions he does know navigation. Vence is singing on deck. Emir joins April. Lady is going to hang out with Nesza and Thaen hangs out with Tristan and Silmer.   The water is choppy, but not massive waves. The wind does not match the waves as there is not a lot of wind. They set sail. Malak starts humming along to the traitor song. Silmer and Tristan join in with Vence. Nesza peers around while Lady helps him. While she slightly distracts him Nesza’s gaze pulls through. Ahead of him he notices an island but as we come closer it’s mounds start looking more like tentacles and it disappears into the water. Nesza calls down that what looked to be an island might be a Kraken or something we have to go left or right. As the group is informed by Nesza they feel a large wave and something going underneath the ship. Silmer looks if the red line is going in the opposite direction, it seems so. Tristan says steady as she goes.   Big dark clouds start appearing over the ship. Swirling becoming bigger and bigger as lightning crackles. Malak tells everyone to not worry as it’s just a dream. Silmer asks Tristan to hold the steer while he blows some wind into the sails to make us pick up speed. Thaen tries to help Tristan hold the steer. But pulls it to tight so that Tristan can’t hold it. Tristan slaps Thaens hand away and asks him what he is doing. The ships starts swaying and Silmer tells them to calm down. Tristan tries again and tells Thaen to stay away. He just about stabilizes it. Tristan screams sorry to Silmer. Silmer directs his fist of unbroken air to blow wind into the sails. The ship picks up speed. Nesza notices the kraken approaching, its slowly catching up but the boosts from Silmer have increased the distance between the Kraken and the boat. The Kraken is about 100 feet way. Silmer looks around and says out load if this ship has canons. Malak relays this to April below decks. April and Emir have been scouting around to check what equipment there is and if everything is well maintained. Emir gives April his goggles of dark vision because he noticed she didn’t have her normal pair. April asks Emir to look at the other side of the ship so they can quickly see if they can find canons. As April is looking and to Emirs surprise where there was nothing a moment ago suddenly cannons start appearing. They find 3 cannons on each side. April screams this to the upper deck. Malak relays the message to the group.   Nesza tries to cast speak with Animals and shouts at the kraken “Hey Kraken, we are not here to hurt you, we just seek safe passage. Hi”. The kraken seems irresponsive. While Tristan hears shouting about cannons he turns to Thaen who is next to him. He mentions that Hawk never spoke of a Kraken. You’d think something that big might be important to include. Should we assume it’s hostile, maybe it just lives here. Thaen mentions he knows nothing of this realm, he knows nothing about if its hostile or not best be on our guard though. Tristan says yes, being on our guard is good, but maybe not start shooting immediately.   April, since canons magically appeared, starts putting all her energy into thinking about a barrier around the ship. She tries to really think of an invisible bubble that could not be infiltrated from the landscape around. But what would not prevent the ship to travel, like an air bubble. A large bubble forms around the ship. Within the bubble now are the ship and the Kraken is spidered against the side beside the ship. April screams she found the Kraken. The wind dies down. Silmer screams down if the cannons are loaded yet.   Griff casts speak with animals. He says “sorry buddy its weird dream stuff we don’t know what we’re doing. Are you trying to eat us or are you trying to get out of the bubble too”. The group hears Griff roar in kraken to it. As Griff talks to it it’s head appears from the side of the ship. They just see teeth and tentacles and it says it’s hungry. Griff asks it what it would like to eat. The Kraken says you. Griff starts thinking of a really big fucking spicy Thranian style steak. A big convincing steak appears for the Kraken and the Kraken leans in and takes the steak and disappears under the ship and starts eating it.   Nesza pulls his bow and tries to shoot the bubble. He hits the bubble. And it pops. The kraken splashes underneath them and swims away. Tristan shouts at Silmer the moment the bubble pops to do the punchy thing, for the love of the sovereigns. As Tristan screams this the wind suddenly appears and catches the sails. Silmer notices the wind picks up. Catching onto that Tristan starts thinking Wind Wind Wind. Nesza screams down that whoever thought up that bubble it worked, not really well, but it worked and you can make things appear with your mind. Vence hears that and thinks what if this was an airship, wouldn’t it move much faster. The ship is moving but is starting to move a little high up and there are catamaran like things appearing on the side. Helping us pick up speed. Silmer goes back to his post to relieve Tristan. April, none the wiser of the goings on outside is trying to find things with Emir to fill the canons cause the last thing they heard was Silmer screaming at them to fill the cannons. When the canons are filled they wait for further orders.   Malak casts message and tells April that danger seems averted for now and asks her if she found anything else useful down there. April says thanks for canons, it’s filled now. But btw them canons ya, they kinda randomly appeared. Malak says strange, and explains that we also just got surrounded by a strange bubble but Nesza burst the bubble so. April asks what the properties of this bubble where, did it allow the environment to come in was it light wait and did it keep the ship afloat. Malak explains the bubble seemed like a soap bubble and the wind died down. The kraken was also trapped with us in a bubble. Trying to sound as scientific as possible in the process. April asks if we still need the canons shot. Malak says not for now. April says ok. Malak says Nesza already burst your bubble. April replies sarcastically with indeed my bubble is burst. April tells Emir as it turns out them cannons magically appeared ya. I tried to experiment a bit. I tried to think of some soft of bubble thinking we could protect ourselves what no. As it turned out it was a proper bubble but it turned out to be a soup bubble so maybe what we think sometimes relays out into this landscape, not proper ya. Emir says that’s very interesting. Can you think of anything else that can help us quickly. April thinks of a propellor. On the side of the ship upward pointing propellors appear that seemingly have no function. Malak looks at the propellors and sends a message to April, while we appreciate out of the box thinking try to keep your imagination in check a little bit because this is a very dangerous place to keep your mind run wild like this and while I appreciate our of the box solutions maybe something simple like Kraken repellant would have helped more with less possible downsides. April says she was so sorry, that just happened so automatic if something did just appear. Malak says yes. April says yes. Tristan having seen things randomly appear makes him wonder. Realizing he probably caused the wind he tries an experiment now that his hands are free. He tries to imagine in his hand a flute made of bamboo. Something he is familiar with. A little green snake appears in his hands and it slithers away. Tristan says wow that’s not what I intended. Griff talks to the snake and says hey little buddy, where did you come from. The snake says “I AM BAMBOO”. Griff lowers his hand and offers bamboo to sit on his shoulder. Bamboo says “I AM A FLUTE”. Griff asks him if he wants to. Bamboo says “Yesssssssss”. Bamboo slithers up his arm and is hissing. Griff feels like Bamboo is hissing the traitors song.   Nesza is thinking back of when he went fishing with his dad at lake Galifar and thinking back at the biggest salmon that got away that night. He’s imagining that the salmon is wearing reigns and is in front of the ship pulling it along. A tiny fish spashes past and goes away. Nesza mentions land ahoy Silmer tells people to stop thinking wind. Tristan Stops thinking about wind. Silmer also screams for people to stop messing with the boat. What are these metal things. They are interesting but they don’t do anything. He does mention he wants to take notes on that though. Silmer mentions those things are going to be the future. Silmer is very confused with the current state of the ship.   The group approaches the shore. This landmass doesn’t look at pleasant as the one they had just encountered. Everything ahead looks grey. If there are trees they look chopped down or left to rot. In the distance are explosions, screaming and some small flashing lights. The group moors themselves very close to where the fields of the lost are.   When everybody gets of the boat Malak says that we just found that our thoughts can manifest very quickly so please try some discipline in our minds and not conjure up anything bad. Because even goodwilled thoughts can cause problems. So let’s try to focus on our task because hawk said this was time sensitive. So we need to find our Quori. April walks around thinking blank.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
14 Mar 2021

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