Session Eighty Six: A shadow Looms over Aerdyn

General Summary

Chamomile and Golden Eyes

  Edward awakens in Cissa's apartment to the sight of curtains, crystals, sparkling light, and frescos of stars and arrows. Amongst the frescos is a painting of Cissa and Lucy holding hands. As he stirs he finds himself in amongst many sheets of music on the floor and the smell of chamomile tea permeating the air.   Edward goes to the kitchen to find Emir making tea and simply trying to just hold it together. The pair sit together sipping tea in a relaxed quiet. Edward spends the time reading his book and finds he has words to pass along to Hal of his friend Edwyn Rich. Emir meanwhile spends time doodling a design of an eye with a heart and L U C Y written inside of it.   Before leaving to find the others Edward explains to Emir how his eyes have changed while Emir explains to Edward what he knows about the repercussions of passing through the Silver Flame. Emir’s eyes now sparkle like actual gold, not unlike that of an Aasimar’s eyes. Edward realizes that while Tristan may not have gone through the Silver Flame, Griff and Silmer certainly did. Their eyes have a silver tint to them Emir assumes Tristan wishes to keep a normal life span.  

Oh sister where Aerdyn thou?

  Malak and Kiasuh wake up the next morning in Myri's room and it is clear Kiasuh cried in her sleep. The pair discuss the upcoming day. There are dinner plans with Dalian and "Friend" to be done and since Kiasuh wants the day off, they need to go to the Spire of Life.   Upon arriving at the Spire of Life they can see it's very busy. Kiasuh's manager, Caroline, looks harrowed as Aerdyn didn't show for her shift (Genti's Sister). At the moment things are too busy for Kiasuh to take the day off, but she will send her home early after the chaos has died off.   Malak says in the meantime he will look for Aerdyn and heads to the Spire of Inspiration to find VETT.  

Spoiler: Tristan never does anything on the list

  Over at Hawk Street 1 Tristan and Grace begin to wake. Tristan hoped to spend the day with Grace but she has to work. (What is it with this group being unemployed and not having steady jobs? Pesky adventurers). While Tristan is unsure how long they'll be staying he expects at least 1 more day and when asked about his plans for the day Tristan has a detailed list: * Visiting Briar * Visiting the Library * Talk with Corrine * Maybe borrow the book on Werewolves that he gave Corrine a while back   Grace says she'll talk to Corrine and had some Sendings with Malak in the meantime. Grace learns Malak will be meeting Edward and VETT at the Spire of Inspiration and Ardyn, a friend of the family, is missing. Recognizing the name Tristan gives Grace a kiss goodbye and makes his way to the Spire of Inspiration.  


  Malak heads up to Cissa's and is welcomed in via mage hand and offered tea. Malak fills Edward and Emir in on what has happened with Aerdyn as Tristan arrives and all is explained and discussed. Emir suggests Malak contact Cissa to try and contact Aerdyn and get her address.   Cissa's distraught/angry profanity is unable to be properly rendered by Malak's book but she does give him Aerdyn's address in the North-East harbor area (non-human zone). It's in a small shopping district and it's nice enough. Tristan asks about alerting the authorities or The Blaze, but they decide to only do so if she's actually missing before heading out.  

What’s eating Gilbert Jorasco

  Ser Pentor finally rouses and is given a brief update while they make their way eastside. Upon arriving outside Aerdyn's apartment Emir tries messaging her but receives no response. Edward notices the door is unlocked and Malak confirms it should be locked in this area. Tristan heads in and goes up the stairs.   Upon reaching the landing Tristan calls out that he isn't an intruder in a rather intimidating manner. Which causes someone inside to scurry. Malak speaks up and works to calm whoever is inside. He suggests that Emir and himself should maybe be the ones to talk to Aerdyn as they know her. Tristan agrees and apologizes for scaring Aerdyn and follows Malak in.   Inside, behind the couch, they see the small fingers and golden hair of a young male halfing. Malak knows this to be her son, Gilbert Jorasco. Malak introduces himself and while Gilbert doesn't remember him, he does know Kiasuh. However, Gilbert doesn't know where his mother is. When he arrived with bread for her he saw the room in this state.   Edward and Tristan investigate the room and find mud tracks very similar to the ones around Moonshine's body. Malak explains to Gilbert that the tracks are a clue and asks Emir to contact Dhalean.   Gilbert recognizes Emir and is slightly in awe. Emir talks with Gilbert explaining he's a bit of an investigator but also involved because of Cissa. Also briefly explains Cissa and Sadie (Gilbert's grandma) previously being involved. At some point Tristan mentions Genti, which was something Emir was trying to avoid. Gilbert wants to know everything about his uncle as he doesn't get to see him and it makes him feel bad. Emir explains that Genti is doing something very important and requires every ounce of his focus (stepping around feather's stuff).   Tristan explains that Genti is traveling with his own sister and is happy to have him protecting her. This seems to help settle him. Gilbert seems to think Tristan is a vampire, but thinks it cool his uncle is friends with one. Malak and Emir both attempt to stifle their amusement.  

Edward connects the dots and Tristan becomes a sparkly vampire

  Edward explains the events that seemingly took place in the apartment. The people that caused the mess were welcomed in, 2 or 3 of them. A scuffle happened further inside and since her shoes were left behind they took her forcibly.   Questioning Gilbert some more they learn he got there around 7 AM and Aerdyn has tea after she gets up in the morning. Edward notices the biscuit by the tea and determines it was set out around 530 in the morning. Her shift meanwhile should have started around 600. Aerdyn clearly went missing within a 1.5hrs window, after she set her tea but before Gilbert arrived.   Gilbert hasn't spoken to anyone about it yet, he was in a bit of a panic. To calm Gilbert’s nerves, Malak uses prestidigitation to Tristan look like an actual sparkle vampire, like the ones from the book "Midnight!" which Tristan calls "absolute nonsense!". Edward meanwhile gets the baguette from Gilbert and shares it with Ser Pentor.  

Alert the Blaze!

  Tristan asks Malak about the base of operations for these people in the city and Malak says he intended to ask his mother. Emir contacts Dhalean explaining the situation some. She suspects Darak might be involved but isn't sure where. They must find Aerdyn but would like to discuss further over dinner. Emir relays her message to the group. Malak hoped to avoid the dinner...   Given the circumstances they all agree they don't have the time to wait. Ed suggests talking to Hal and that Moonshine might want to be involved for his revenge. Gilbert is excited about The Blaze (but didn't seem to connect Hal = The Blaze) and discusses the new horse and ghosts. Which reminds Emir to bring out Lucy. Tristan however cannot see her.   Emir asks Gilbert if he will be going back to work or joining them. Tristan strongly suggests Gilbert should go back to work at "Bready to Serve" and act like nothing happened. A debate regarding Kloinjer cakes briefly ensues before they set out for Hal's House.  

What “the blazes” are you doing here?

  Upon arriving at Hawk Street 8 Tristan pounds on the door and Vence shifts in. An angry and annoyed Hal opens the door. After a quick explanation Hal invites them in, but they'll have to make their own coffees (which Edward does). Tristan further explains it involves Aerdyn Jorasco and now Hal is invested. As it turns out Hal knows where Sadie is and she might have information...back to the Spire of Inspiration!  

Hearing the dead

  Back at the Spire Hal begins looking around for Sadie. Tristan steadies himself on Malak as he begins to focus his senses in an attempt to hear the dead. Sounds initially become louder but before long the background sounds fade away and he hears the familiar voice of Lucy, though he cannot see her. Then he hears a new voice talking to Hal. A voice he’s never heard before. Soft, sweet, and old...Sadie.   It turns out that Sadie’s spirit walks daily a route from the Spires to the home of Aerdyn, keeping an eye on her children, grandchild and her lover.   Sadie leads them behind the Spire for privacy. Hal explains to her about what has happened with Aerdyn and Sadie tells him that the Clergy have at times been visiting Aerdyn in the evenings. This wasn't unusual, but it was clear she was growing uncomfortable with them in her house. They told her she could find her brother in Loomkeep. With this Sadie departs and the sounds of the world rush back in for Tristan.  

Hallywell Jayne d'Denneth elaborates

  Hal wishes to have their next conversation some place more private, so they head towards Cissa's apartment with Vence lagging behind. Molly however stops Hal as he isn't registered and asks for his real name. Moments later Hallywell Jayne d'Denneth is allowed into the Spire of Inspiration. Vence arrives a bit later to let them in.   Inside Hal explains to all what Sadie told him. Edward knows there are hostages in Loomkeep and presumably kept under. People like Griff can also be found there. Tristan wonders if they really have Genti or merely trying to coerce with Aerdyn. Vence reaches out to Talia and it seems Genti is still with her group. However, his manner of asking left her worried. While Vence plays it off as Gilbert asking after him Talia remains concerned. Vence confesses that Aerdyn was taken but they're on it.   The question remains on if Aerdyn is still in town or already in Loomkeep. In hopes of finding the answer Malak sets up a ritual to cast Divination.  


  Meanwhile Tristan questions Hal about the people involved. Hal speculates it is the same ones targeting Malak's family. When Tristan asks about Darak's involvement this triggers something for Edward. The name rings a bell and seemed to recall some low level contact with Len, but more so with the others. As he recalled Darak had his own agenda and was more aligned with the Inspired than The Eyes. It seemed Len and Darak didn't really like each other, but people like Darak were termed Shadowcasters.  

Under the Willow or Hal hath no fury

  While still waiting Edward asks Hal about an Edwyn Rich, a name Hal clearly wasn't expecting. Edward explains to Hal about the Sickle Marks, the sickness, even Il-lashtafar, and finally Edwyn's last words, "It's under the willow tree."   Hal demands to know what happened. While Edward explains they (the Eyes) killed him but Hal Blazes and accuses Edward of killing him and can't understand how he can live with himself. Edward tries to explain that the only solace is that he didn't die in vain. A distraught Hal asks why he cannot see him or any of them.   Tristan explains that their souls are trapped in Il-lashtafar, he was trapped there himself for a time. Hal sits on the bed, flames gone, and Tristan sees flashes of the spirits of Hal's friends as they grew up. Eventually the 3 leave but only 2 return. They embrace upon their return but moments later the two collapse to the floor in front of him, dead. Hal seems to be aware of what Tristan saw and refers to them as "Time Stamps."   Hal explains that his home was in range of the Isham house at the time of their collapsing. He laments that he usually could see spirits departing their deceased bodies. But he never saw his friends’ and realized quickly that something was terribly wrong. Malak pieces together that Hal’s friends collapsing was at the same time as Myri's collapse. Malak tells Hal that if he had known he would have save 'em all. Edward explains to Hal these are the reasons that he travels with this group.   Hal blazes again in frustration, but sighs and it extinguishes again. He explains that he learned about Myri from spirit friends who sometimes pass through house and the fact that she was still technically alive. He realised that the world did not know this and the reason was likely to protect her until a cure was found. By that point, it was already too late for his friends but perhaps it can prevent future collapsings. So he opted to watch over the Ishim house until that happened.  


  Edward has a list of names and messages for people in Flamekeep, but knows he doesn't have time to handle it, so he'll entrust it to Hal to see done. Hal tells him he'll work this Jenna on it. Edward then asks Hal to aid them during the Syzygy and mentions the Panic is on board to help. While Hal knows The Panic he's never been introduced. But he'll help if it ends all of this. Even gives Edward names of heroes in other regions like Hawk of Cyre and John in Karrnath, though he's edgy AF.   There was a mention of deals and Vence makes it clear no deals, with anyone, ever. Lucy explains The Traveler to Hal, much to his amusement.  

Ask your Question

  After what seems like more than 10 minutes Malak finally finishes casting Divination and asks, "Has Aerdyn already left Flamekeep?" Malak receives a vision of her being taken, a bag put over her head, being walked underground into a teleportation circle, and then vanishing. "She's already there" he tells them all.  

Tristan's Revised Agenda

  "So, new game plan...Go to Korth earlier" Tristan says. Vence then suggests having Cissa talk to Aerdyn to see if she's awake as the group was worried she might be under. Cissa explains that she is in a cell, but awake and with others. Malak tells her to tell Aerdyn that they are coming for her as soon as they can but is also relieved to finally have a good enough reason to cancel his dinner plans.   The group then discusses going via Korth or directly Loomkeep (find the teleportation circle).   Vence wants to grab Darak, but Malak says he'd be at the Citadel and well-guarded. Edward wonders if Genti gave up Aredyn, but no-one who’s met Genti during his rescue knows for sure. Tristan believes she was captured to apply leverage to Genti. Malak speculates it to be an insurance policy of sorts.   Tristan wishes for Vence to contact Grace of what is happening, but Vence is hesitant to use any more magic at the moment, unsure what they'll face when during the rescue. But he agrees to contact her right before they leave.  

Hal gets even more paperwork

  Edward has more paper work for Hal, but this one is a letter to his son...and for an autograph. Vence asks Hal to pass along an apology to Briar that he couldn't meet up. He then explains to Hal about Dan and Jan and how Briar is invested in this as well. Malak wants to know more about Briar and Vence, but Vence is clear this isn't the time, they need to go!   Tristan also has a letter that needs to be delivered, but this one is to Briar. Tells him to give her a kiss on the cheek for him. Malak meanwhile writes in his book to Kiasuh explaining what has happened to Aerdyn and apologizing but he'll be missing dinner. She can explain it his mother then. Malak closes his book before he can see Kiasuh's reply.  

Someone wishes to Speak or “Lucy was here”

  The group have decided they're going to Darak's house to see what they can find but before they leave Hal stops them. He confusedly tells Vence that Lucy wants to talk to her father. Vence is uncomfortable knowing what is being risked before Emir shifts in, much to Hal's surprise. Emir expresses his discomfort taking this time when he should be saving Aerdyn, but Malak and others reassure him.   Hal has Emir and Lucy hold the bow to the viol, the bow that holds her soul. He tells them both that he cannot do this for very long and only once per spirit. He blazes and then moves the blaze to the bow.   As Lucy touches the bow her physicality emerges, starting with the hand that is holding the bow and ending with her head. Once she has fully manifested, Emir can feel the bow being tugged by her as she moves. Lucy asks Hal if it works and Tristan replies with “ it worked” .   Emir doesn't know really want to say but instead attempts to hug her. To both their surprise she's solid and she hugs him all the harder.   Lucy wants to paint and Emir has an idea to have her use the crystal dust paints they've been using and to leave a message on the wall. Dipping her fingers in and painting on the wall with her finger. She quickly and skillfully paints a picture of her, Cissa, and Emir holding hands. Underneath she writes, "Us" but doesn't sign it. Emir takes her hand and dips it in the paint and then presses it on the wall.   With little time left Emir doesn’t quite know what to say. He tells her the hug said it all and that he’s loved her without even knowing her. Lucy becomes stressed says she doesn't want to go and wants to return. Emir holds her and promises he'll bring her back. Shortly after Lucy fades away, the bow goes slack again and the blaze returns to Hal. Emir is alone and needing a moment.  

On to the next adventure: Crimes!

  After a bit of silence an uncomfortable Hal apologizes to Emir for doing that despite knowing it's not always appreciated by all people. Some had gotten angry with him or demanded to fully bring the person back. Emir gives Hal a tight hug, his voice breaking as he thanks him.   Tristan asks if this is Blaze or a birth thing. Unfortunately it seems to be a Blaze thing. But Hal believes Tristan is likely to develop his own skillset.   At last the group bid Hal goodbye, take off for and eventually arrive at Darak's house. The area has lot of security and it is pretty busy. So, what're they going to do next?

Sickle Moon
Report Date
28 Sep 2024

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