Session Seventy One: Sons and Fathers

General Summary

Tristan Is exhausted from not being able to sleep after his nightmare.   At breakfast, Vence points out Tristan’s hair is white, there is a streak of white across his scalp, Tristan and Edward are unaware of the reason why. Edward wonders if Grace did something with magic. After a short examination Tristan seems healthy, just tired.   Tristan tells everyone about his “Visions”. This prompts Chantilly to also say that she has been seeing things. Edward does another check, but can’t seem to find anything.   Vence theorizes a connection to our silent fane experiences, Chantilly chimes in that she has been seeing these “visions” on the bridge. Tristan then talks about Lucy and then sees her wave a hand in front of his face for a second, this stuns Tristan for a brief moment. After a quick mention that Lucy is here, Vence announces that he will go grab 'Crystallini', and goes upstairs to pick up his instrument.   Edward and Chantilly then get an explanation who Lucy is and why she is always around. Chantilly introduces herself to the seemingly empty room and says hi to Lucy.   The group ponders about seeing strange things, Malak mentions that ever since he joined there have been lots of strange things going on and points at everyone, Silmer mentions that the strangest thing he has seen was water people kidnapping kids.  

Lucy Etiam in Aeri, Cum Crystallini: Home for lost children

  Having heard the names "Lucy" and "Crystallini" being mentioned, has Edward ask if anyone has heard about an orphanage in Sharn named "Lucy Etiam in Aeri, Cum Crystallini: Home for lost children". Edward reveals he is from the same orphanage and Vence explains the Viol and the Bow as well. There might also be a connection to a Hag, which Chantilly seems overly interested in.   Meanwhile Tristan is trying to see Lucy again but is having no results, after a while he tries to relax in Grace’s proximity and sees Lucy smiling at Edward for a second. After this has been mentioned Edward looks like he has seen a ghost.  

This Cissa intervention

  Tristan asks Edward if he can help, Edward asks for information and why Cissa is involved. He gets the quick explanation about her involvement and that she isn’t just a prima donna bard. Edward has to rethink his entire opinion on Cissa and Emir’s voice slips out thinking that they are being a bit rude talking about Cissa like this. After this conversation the party is preparing to split up for the day to get to their respective places and they try and arrange a meeting point/moment.   Grace halts this for the moment and sends a message to Cissa
  • We’ve found Ed J Berkley from Orphanage, You know him?
  • The reply is unknown, after the message has been received by Grace she asks Vence if he could stay away from Edward for today, Vence needs to be at the Spire of Inspiration today so that is not a problem.   Cissa sends a message to Edward
  • Is that you? You’re still alive?
  • Yes?
  • I have so much to tell you. So happy you’re alive. MJ will be so happy
  • Okay, I’m Confused
  • It’s alright, talkt to you later in my room.
  • I’ve already been there.
  • After the message there is a talk about who will go with Edward and who will do their own or separate things. Chantilly would like to come along with Edward to meet Cissa again. Vence said he’d love to but he can’t join in.   Malak gets up and says that he's heading to Flamekeep to spend the day with Kiasuh and tell her about the good news in person. He'll drop by the castle to bid goobye to Cody before he goes. He waves goodbye to everyone and leaves  

    Might need money soon...

      After a remark about Malak being super rich to just be able to up and go to Flamekeep, Silmer in the meantime was worried about the financial state of the party and asked if the party was fine and if they needed any help any time soon.   Vett seems to be fine getting some income from Emir’s Concerts, Chantilly mentions that she doesn’t have a lot on her and would like to go shopping at one point to buy some things. And asks if Silmer is interested to come with. Edward also asks that Silmer should come with to Cissa and then afterwards they could go shopping.   The talk off money sparks the conversation between Grace and Tristan, She mentioned to him that he is always wearing the same clothes and is asking if he is financially stable or needed some assistance.   He explains his financial situation and she is not pleased, she thinks that he should have new clothes, at least 3 days of wear. Chantilly chimes in that she is always ready to mend anything that needed to be fixed, but Grace isn’t having any of it.   Grace to Tristan,
  • Do you have any money for clothes?
  • I’m saving for Emergencies, I only have 120
  • Only 120?! If you need any money just ask.
  • You made it clear that there are always people interested in you for the wrong reasons, I wanted to avoid that.
  • We’re well past that
  • How about a wand? I could use one of those.
  • She grabs a wand of Magic Missile (a new one) and hands it over to Tristan also handing over a stamp for a seal to get money if he needed it, this would be on the name of Grace d'Vadalis. It’s the way how nobles pay for stuff.   Vence gives Grace a spellbook as an engagement present, but he would want it back after she is done copying it. Tristan then teasingly complains about not receiving a present from Vence, to which Vence replies “Happy Wife, Happy Life” and then they talk about Guitar lessons.   Edward then mentions it might be best if Tristan doesn’t come to the meeting with Cissa. He says that Tristan should rest and he seems grumpier than normal, Edward also seems very nervous and mumbles something about not wanting to get hurt in a tackle.   After this the party is ready and is on their way to their respective locations, they walk together to the Orion Station (wey post Silmer's letter to Tatalla and Tristan pick up a letter from Theda) and split up from there. Grace hugs everyone goodbye.   While breakfast and this conversation was happening Chantilly knitted 12 pairs of socks.  

    Emir gets fan mail

      Tristan and Grace head to the northern bank of Wroat to do some shopping while the rest head to the Spire of Inspiration.   Silmer, Chantilly and Edward head up to Cissa's appartment. Vence puts his hood on and shifts into Emir and goes to deal with his fan mail in the Circle. A woman watches him, he doesn’t know her and ignores her.   Seated in a circle as Emir enters are some interesting characters who seem to be waiting for anyone to approach. A dapper “Half-Orc”, a Red haired “Elf” with androgynous features. And a Dwarfen lady with smiling eyes and a lovely black beard. As the Dwarfen lady peaked his interest he moves towards her and speaks with her in Dwarvish. She introduces herself as Chance. She's delighted to find that he his fluent in the language (it's not common knowledge). They chat for a bit.   She's curious about the fact that Emir and Cissa had not really been seen together since shortly after their concert in Flamekeep. Fans are wondering if they are even still together. Emir confirms that they very much are (she's even in the Spire in Wroat at this very moment!) but they both have their own lives and work that could seperate them at times.   Emir enquires about his fanmail. Chance confirms that there is an enormous load that Emir had to go through. Chance explains, due to the sheer load, it can't really be transported elsewhere outside of the Spire of Inspiration. Emir asks if a bag or two can be sent some over to the Gold Dragon inn to his assistant “Vence”. After getting confirmation that that is okay, he goes to a closed off room and starts sorting through everything.  

    An awkward reunion

      Edward is very nervous as he, Silmer and Chantilly wait in Cissa's apartment for her to teleport in.   When Cissa arrives, Edward observes that she's changed since her visits to the orphanage. Her eyes seem more intensely blue, her hair is a little longer than before and the room seems to dim around her, emphasising a radiant beauty that she somehow posses now.   She immediately tries to hug Edward but he avoids it, mentioning that she is sucking all the color out of the room. Cissa sadly explains that she can’t turn it off and says "But still me”.   Chantilly mentions that it also happens a lot with her mom and that they look a lot alike. Cissa does not immediately register those words.   Cissa is relieved to see Edward and tells him that she's been looking for him for years. Edward, remembering his promise, tells her that Emir is sending love and kisse. Silmer chimes in that he also cursed in Vences head. Cissa replies with an awkward wave around and thanks everyone, she misses him too ; immensely especially now. She chuckles at the thought of Emir cursing, because he really avoids doing that.  

    MJ... and Alex

      Cissa tells Edward that MJ is going to be so happy to see him but Edward is convinced she must have moved on as it took so long. Cissa smiles and explains that MJ never moved on. She still works in the orphanage and has a son... *his* son. Edward is in shock and declares it impossible, but Cissa explains the math. The boy is about 8 or 9 years old named Alex. He looks a lot like his tiefling mother. But shares the same demeanour and love for reading that Edward had. Edward is stunned into silence for a moment.   In the meantime, seeing that the conversation will take a while and remembering how much of a sweet-tooth Edward has he goes and makes some tea and grabs some cookies in the kitchen.   Cissa hands over a green feather to Edward, which he does not accept. He already has a new one. He asks why the feathers and why the Orphanage is named after the Viol and Lucy. He also mentions that Tristan can maybe see Lucy and maybe he just needs some sleep. (At this point Silmer comes back with the goods from the kitchen, Chamomille tea and cookies) Cissa is taken aback by this news and ponders this news a bit, Edward then mentions it could also just be stress, which could lead back to the white streak in his hair.   Cissa then asks how they found Edward, and Edward explains the general scenario on how they found him in the prison. Then Cissa asks if everyone is Okay, to which Silmer replies the situation about Griff and Tristan in DalQuor.   Cissa is exasperated that no-one mentioned Edwards in any communications, Chantilly says that she is also still catching up with information and that not sharing information or being slow/delayed isn't surprising for this group.  

    Better to "Stay Dead"

      Edward recuperating from the news that he has a son is still in denial, and says that maybe its better that he “stays dead”, Cissa shuts this idea down immediately. Chantilly chimes in that he owes it to his family, to which Edward eyes the door real quick. Chantilly noticing this says to block the door to Silmer. He complies unfazed. (Edward mumbles to himself that he should have brought Tristan, because he is sure he could've out run him if he needed to escape this conversation).   Cissa tells Edward that he should tell MJ. Edward explains that Sharn isn’t in the travel plan and lists a lot of reasons not to go. Cissa mentions to write a letter instead if he doesn’t have time right now. To which Silmer agrees with whole-heartedly. Edward mentions that he doesn’t know what to write and if he can even do it in a letter? That they are busy with sowing the seeds to make the world better and that he has to make things right. He insists that he should stay out of their lives... until Cissa slaps him. Cissa says to Edward that he also deserves happiness. She then tells Edward that she hasn’t told MJ yet, and that she will give him some time to contact her.  

    One of her children

      Cissa explains that she was unsure that Edward was still alive as there was no replies to the Sendings that she did to him in the past. Because there was never any conclusive evidence that Edward was dead, MJ never gave up on him.   Cissa calls Edward one of her children and is proud of him. Edward mentions that he will ask the party for a detour if possible, he is still having trouble processing everything. He changes the subject quickly and tells Cissa about the current situation, including the news that Talia’s brother is a Soft One. And the Engagement between Tristan and Grace.   The mention of Tristan and Grcae's engagement seems to delight Cissa. But the mention of Talia seems to have her smile disappear and get up to leave. But, before she goes, she realizes something. Chantilly casually mentioned her mom earlier, and she makes the connection that Chantilly works for Cygnus and they exchange some pleasantries.   Cissa hugs everyone goodbye, Except for Edward because he declines said hug. Silmer during the hug asks if Cissa could find out any news about the Tortles, Cissa will check up with Phoenix and Hawk. After the hug Silmer asks if they had to pay for the cookies they ate, Cissa said not to worry.   After receiving messages to send back to Emir (she loves him, thinks about him every day and waits for him every sunrise) and promises to keep each other safe, Cissa leaves.  

    Silmer the Wise

      Edward breathes a sigh of relief and turns to Silmer and exclaims that he seems wiser than that he looks, Silmer replying that he is actually not that old. Chantilly chimes in “Don’t let looks decieve you”.   At this moment Silmer reveals to Edward that he is a Tortle, To which Edward looks disturbed, either by the revelation or the deception. Edward then asks if it would be okay to ask the party for a pit-stop to Sharn or if he should just write a letter, Silmer replies that if he doesn’t share this information that Malak will raise hell, but there is a time constraint to their Quest.   Edward mentions at least life will be easier with easy access to money and mentions Tristans seal. Silmer replies that he doesn’t know where the next step for the party will lead them but he will ask VETT about it. Chantilly mentions that this information is usually shared during breakfast.   Silmer compliments Edward about his dodge earlier, Edward mentions that he doesn’t like sudden affection or being touched in general. Chantilly tries to plan in a hug for tomorrow, Edward considers it. After this banter, Silmer explains why he is being in disguise to Edward and Chantilly, but holding back the information that he is a Royal. Afterwards the trio goes shopping.  

    Farewell fiancée

      Grace and Tristan are in the posh section of town and Grace is in her element window shopping. They are browsing for new outfits for Tristan. Although Grace is not thrilled by the Brelish-style, they ate looking for “Practical” clothes, which lends well to the items on display. After going in and out of multiple shops they find Tristan multiple outfits of high quality. They will be ready in a couple of days and will be sent to the inn.   At Noon Tristan mentions that he is sorry that he is so grumpy, this is because it’s their last day together. Grace replies that it doesn’t matter because he went through hell and back.   Tristan asks about the white streek in his hair. To which Grace says that it suits him. Tristan mentions he hasn’t had a look himself yet and Grace uses one of her wands to show his reflection. Tristan acknowledges that it isn’t terrible.   Tristan remembers to hand Grace a letter for Corrine and thanks her for many things. He wants to be selfish and doesn’t want her to leave. Grace mentions that she also has been selfish the last 2 days when they were together, taking the days off while on a diplomatic visit. Tristan says its his best birthday gift ever. They talk of Dal Quor hell and that recovery is better with friends, Grace wants to keep posted about the ghost thing and mentions that she was planning to learn either Dream. She would also appreciate any updates on Theda.   Tristan is considering buying more wands and asks Grace where she gets hers. She explains that most towns have a special stall or a magic item shop. In Arcanix, Grace goes to a specialised wandmaker. Grace wonders why he is suddenly into wands, to which Tristan replies that he feels a bit limited in just punching things. Grace mentions that at least he punches really well. Tristan then says that it is about versatility. Grace mentions his singing to which he exclaims that he sometimes forgets that.   It's time for Grace to leave and they stand in the castle coutryard, waiting for the rest of the royal entourage to arrive. They promise each other to stat safe. Grace then ponders how Cissa and Emir manage to do this with the option of never being allowed to see each other at all. It is so hard to leave.  

    Is Dad not saying goodbye?

      Cody joins them, then looks around a little disappointed, askig if Dad is noy coming to say goodbye. Tristan is surprised as Malak was supposed to drop by before he left to Flamekeep. Cody says that Malak did not come to see him. Grace says that she'll check in on Malak once they are in Flamekeep. She will get back to Tristan as soon as she knows more.   As Grace draws the teleportation circle to Flamekeep, Corinne and Prince Thalin join. Corinne bids Tristan a shy congratultions and goodbye. The royal entourage then leave   Tristan tries to message Emir in the Spire of Inspiration and gives him a quick update of where he is heading (the Spire of Knowledge). Emir is reading fan mail.  

    12 sets of tiny socks

      Chantilly finds a moment after shopping with Edward and Silmer and tells the two of them that she needs to go down the river to float 12 pairs of socks down the river, but someone might take them. She needs to be the one to release them.   Edward offers to do a stage magic as distraction with Silmer, and with a few slight of hand magic tricks they make some pocket money while they are at it.   Chantilly, during the distraction, stealthily manages to get out of sight of the townsfolk. She releases the socks safely into the water. This creates a green flash of light and she hears a sigh, she also smells sweat peas. A gentle voice whispers to Chantilly “Perhaps one day we can talk”. Chantilly asks where to find yhe voice, but the voice replies “I’ll find you”   After, Chantilly comes back and finishes the stage magic show together with Edward and Silmer they receive 3 gps, 1 gold each. Silmer then tries to find the Monster hunter guild, but that’s located in the slums. He decides to head there together with the group instead of solo.  

    Spire of Knowledge

      Tristan heads to the Spire of Knowledge and starts talking with Molly, he asks if there is any information about people that can see dead people that others can't. He is redirected towards section B3. He thanks Molly.   The books that he found do not seem to be very informative, after browsing through multiple books he decided to go for the most boring-looking book and a Goliath picture book. He gives up on reading the boring-looking. Not because it's not informative, but it seems to be written by someone who cannot write books well. He decides to read that when he isn’t tired. So he reads the Goliath picture book instead.   It's a book obviously written for Goliath younglings. It has stories about "The Ancestors" helping in times of need and how Goliaths have "loose souls" (that they can move their soul out of their bodies).  

    Malak is missing

      Emir makes a small dent in replying to his fanmail. Most fanmail, so far, are not out of the ordinary. But he does catch a familiar honeysuckle scent somewhere in the midsts of the large mountains of letter. He asks if some of it could be sent to the Spire in Korth (this is possible).   The congrigate back at the Gold Dragon Inn. Thaen invites Talia to dinner through sending and she accepts.   Tristan realises that he didn’t get an update on Malak from Grace, which prompts Tristan to mention this to Vence, suggesting to ask Sending on Malak. Vence sends a message to Malak “Being bad dad with Cody, you are late for dinner, whats going on?” but does not get a response or the feeling that his message was delivered. Vence sends another message this time to Grace “Can’t reach Malak, do you have information?” Grace “We are looking for him, Kiasuh is frantic, Wanted more info before checking in.”   Everyone is starting to worry but no one knows where to start looking or what to do. Edward asks what reasons there could be for a Sending to not “connect”. Vence lists the reasons (he could be knocked out or somewhere where Sending is not possible to connect). Tristan suggests searching in Wroat since he never showed up at the palace.   Talia arrives. Vence introduces himself and explains that Malak is missing. He asks Talia if any of the dodecophany members has tracking capabilities, she suggests that Niklas might be able to help. They are in need of a personal item of Malak’s to do so. Vence brings up the Abbacus.   Edward asks if the group could ask Malak’s friendto help out and locate him (Tula). Tristan ponders if it’s possbile to send a message to Tula, they all conclude that it's not. Silmer mentions that Malak could be in the Dream realm, Talia offers Quori and Vence comments that Corvus knows Dream if they are in need of it.   Silmer suggests to go and see if they can find any traces following the route that Malak would have taken. They know that he was heading to the castle and then the Orion station. He and Edward head out to check.   Vence sends a message to Niklas “Hi, our friend Malak has gone missing and Talia said you can help, would you come to Gold Dragon Inn” To which he gets a reply “Ok”.   After following the trail, Edward and Silmer find a lock of glowing hair on the corner of a stone building, there is also a crumpled up paper with a 5 headed serpent in the shape of a star. It’s a poster saying ”Come to circus of the Eventide”, seeming be deliberatly placed. The poster has been spotted around the town, and the duo can see some details in elvish on the poster “Come see the dancers of Damesnes’ (Gisleia’s group)   Upon investigating the area further, they notice that this was a rather short struggle by the single dent in the wall and single spot on the floor where they surmise Malak would have fallen. Silmer collects the strand of hair and the poster and they return to the group.

    Sickle Moon


    Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
    Monk 8
    51 / 51 HP
    Report Date
    14 Oct 2023

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