Session Eighty Four: Up in a Blaze

General Summary

On to the Orion station

  While Malak is home preparing things for the evening, the rest group (with Cody and Gracy in tow) head to the Orion station to return the wagon. On the way, Cody and Grace are fascinated by Serpentor (Cody clearly moreso because it’s the first snake that he cannot communicate with). Edward mentions to Cody that Malak is likely at home so Cody rushes that way to see “dad”.   Grace evades questions that Tristan asks about how she’s faring by talking about how well Corinne is doing and the recent changes in Flamekeep, such as the spike in crime.  

The "Horse-shoe Helper"/“Spirit of Vengeance”

  They pass a paper boy selling a Korrenberg Chronicle and Tristan gets a copy. The featured article mentions the disappearance of the “Horse-shoe Helper” vigilante who used to help House Deneith with crimes. His disappearance likely correlates with the spike in crime.   Tristan reads the article out and Edward recognises the information as possibly being regarding the “Spirit of Vengeance”. Tristan is not quite trusting what he’s reading but Grace notes the journalist as being Leida d’Sivis, whom she trusts.   Ed explains that the “Spirit of Vengeance” is a rider enveloped in Silver Flames. He always riding a horse that is also aflame. The group that Grace is barely blinking at this news. She explains that she’s encountered a lot of stranger things that this, including visiting a friend trapped in the literal nightmare realm.  

Who is Lucy?

  While the group discuss the vigilante, Vence starts to notice people wearing the latest trend… feathers. They are in their hair and sometimes on their clothes. And then he spots green writing against a wall “Who is Lucy?”   Vence very quickly opens the viol case, jumps off of the wagon and runs to the wall to show Lucy. He can’t see her but he makes his gestures as big as possible. Edward figures out that Serpentor can see Lucy. The Celestial Cobra is encouraged to talk with her…. … it doesn’t go well. His “Celestial Hissing” looked almost aggressive and it startles Lucy. Tristan focuses to see her and, indeed, notices a grumpy Lucy returning to the cart. Edward and Serpentor apologise many times. Vence, who missed the drama, has been rambling excitedly to the invisible Lucy. Lucy only caught part of what he said.  

Reunited with Dad

  Through Sending, Grace warns Malak that Cody is enroute and asks about what the plans are. Malak explains that all are welcome for dinner. They agree to meet at the market.   Cody arrives (needs to knock because Kiasuh never gave him a key). He excitedly greets his dad. Malak catches Cody up on the recent events, especially how Moonshine killed 20 people. Cody listens in awe. The two of them head to the market together. On the way, Malak take note on the area looking more run down than before. Cody thinks that it might be due to a House Deneith person suddenly not working anymore. He can’t recall the name but it was the guy who helped Corvus during the murder investigation.   Header 5 The group enroute to the Orien Station discuss the “Spirit of Vengeance” some more. Edward explains to Serpentor that he’s also know as the Blaze, he only works in flamekeep, is quite religious, focussed on small crime, has powers linked to his steed (which never has a name), has the ability to see spirits and there where only 4 issues published in his series. Grace catches Tristan up on what has been going on with Dan and Corinne when Tristan hooks onto the fact that the Blaze can see spirits. And Tristan and Edward both agree that the fact he’s missing might relate to the fact that crime rates are up. Grace however has never seen any evidence of him.   Edward explains he’s not as important as the big 3, but still essential. He explains the big 3 are the panic, Hawk who is a large metal man and Captain Valenar. He however feels the Lhazaar Lady also belongs to the top 3.  

At the Orion station

  The group arrives at the Orion station and deliver Dan’s cart. After some casual back and forth with Daisy Dee Orion the group figures out she has information on the Blaze and she pens down an address near Malaks house.   Vence learns that Cissa was home as Briar arrived there with Dan and Jan and it was a chaos.  

Meeting at the Market

  Malak finds that cheap goods seem to have become cheaper while normal goods have gone up in price. He buys some dolphin cookies   As everyone gathers at the market Malak explains that the state of flamekeep seems to be related to a Deinith agent being missing. Grace is confused by the fact Cody knows this. Tristan intends to talk to Briar. Edward shares the address with Malak and discusses the Blade. Malak knows of the Blaze, but from 40 years ago when he was a kid. He’s not like the Panic who Malak does an excellent impression of. Cody loves it   Tristan thinks deinith lost a good investigator and Vence suggests that the investigator might be the Blaze. They banter about the color of the Blaze’s horse. Malak, Tristan and Cody decide to go to the church while Vence, Edward and Grace stay in the Market.  

Something about Grace

  As Malak, Tristan and Cody arrive at the church Malak is barred entrace to the keeper. He’s not allowed entry and the guards are not willing to share on who’s authority. Malak goes to his mother for help and she offers to help. She notices Tristan is there and comments on Grace’s health and Malak gathers Grace might be pregnant (but does not vocalise this). Cody freaks out thinking Grace might be sick. While Tristan is sarcastic about the situation Malak jokes that Grace might be carrying a parasite. Cody wants to go to her quickly but they stop him and calm him down.  

Meeting the Keeper

  Malak's mother leads them past the guards into the innter sanctum and Jaella is happy to see them while the others seem very unhappy to see Malak. Jaella sents the others away and tells Malak that Tira is talking less as her powers seems waning. Malak gives her the pieces of Kloinjer they have collected and Jaella walks them into the flames. Tristan sees flashes of different girls sitting on the throne and wants to approach the flame, but Dhallean stops him.   As the keeper comes back out of the flame she tells Malak that he has Tira's thanks. She mentions that Tira also hopes Maillak is resting now. Dhallean turns pale. Malak tells her that Sammi visted there a lot and he didn’t know her but neede Thirza.   Jaella confused but Malak explains that there where previous flames before tyra and she’ll be replaced with someone new when she goes out. Likely Myri. Dhallean looks distraught. Jaiella asks Malak if this means his daughter is not dead and Malak says she is and winks at her. But Dhallean and the keeper bow to Malak, Cody is confused with what is going on and is told he has a sister which makes him super enthausiastic. He has an actual family now, not just cousins.   Malak asks Jaella to sign his book so he can directly talk to her and she does. They then all leave but before they leave the church Dallian invites Malak to an informal dinner with her and her boyfriend.   Tristan asks Cody if he can please talk to Grace first. It’s impottant but not that important. Malak tells Cody he can meet his sister after dinner and Cody is excited.  

Back at the market...

  At the Market Vence buys flowers for Kiasuh, Edward buys a bouquet of medicinal herbs and flowers. Grace then wants to get Edward new cloths and after some banter he accepts she’ll get him something new. He just wants a lot of pockets and a holster for his book.   Grace wonders if he’s a write and Edward explains her his book. She finds that a beautiful gesture. Ed and Vence notice that little things are off with grace. Edward notices she’s sensitive to smells and more tired than normal while Vence also notices she’s not wearing a corset.  

Grace tells Tristan the news

  As the gondala approaches the market, both Tristan and Malak message Grace. Tristan tells Grace they need to talk and Malak mentions that his mother might have given it away.    Grace turns a little pale as she sees Tristan being upset, swears under her breath and agrees to have a private conversation. Malak shuffles the group away from the two.   Grace tells Tristan the news. She’s pregnant. It’s the early stages and she did not know the last time they saw each other. All the talk about Sunshine children made her think about it and realise that there were signs that she was too busy to previously notice. She didn't want to tell Tristan via Sending and she was not expecting him to return to Flamekeep so quickly so she did not have time to prepare _how_ she was going to tell him. Tristan calms down, clearly happy with the news.    They catch up and come to terms with the fact that they need to calm down Cody.   Edward tries to reassure Cody that Grace is fine but Vence jokes about the fact that she is pale and tired. Maybe she’s turning into a vampire. Malak quickly shoots it down as Cody starts to panic again.   As Grace and Tristan join the rest again she mentions she appreciates Vence’s joke and Tristan jokingly says he only bit her a couple times. Then it dawns on Cody that ask was talking about Grace getting Cubs and the group all realizing she is pregnant congratulate them.  

Who the Blazes is Hal?

  On the way to Malaks house the group decides to stop at the address. It appears to be the house of Hal d’Deinith. After he reluctantly lets them in his house seems a mess. There is paperwork everywhere. Hal recognizing Tristan jokingly tells him he didn’t sent him paperwork and Tristan mentions he has not worked with him for months.   Hal looks burnt out, tired.   Introductions are made and Hal seems to be aware of Malak and Vence. Tristan tells him that he’s been connected to the Blaze and that now that he’s gone crime is up as the Blaze seems to have kept it down. Hal tells him that it looks like house Deinith did not do its job and offers to make them coffee as he’s shit tired. Edward tells him about meeting the panic and asking the heroes of Khorvaire to help on the day when everything goes to shit. The Blaze is the best Thrane has to offer and he would like to recruit them to the cause. Hal mentions that Willy really sucked at writing those books. They where sad and frustrating and there was a lot of stuf missing.   Tristan asks him if he feels he did not to the Blaze justice and Hal explains it was more a caricature than the person. Hal wonders why anyone would even care. Malak mentions he lives around the corner and very much cares. Edward asks him what they can do to help him. If he just misses his horse they can get him a new horse. Hal mentions it’s not just any horse. He needs the spirit of a noble steed. Vence, Malak and Tristan exclaim in unison… “MOONSHINE!”   Malak explains to Hal the story of Moonshine, the most amazing horse to have horsed. As Tristan starts focusing on spirits he can see Lucy and notices Hal can also see her. Vence, being the owner of moonshine calls for him as the group brings Hal up to speed on what happened. Hal explains that they got his previous horse as a powerful cleric got involved. He also shares with Malak that he knows about Myranna and his family and has been keeping them safe. Edward invites Hal to dinner and Cody hugs him for keeping his sister and family safe. Hal resigns to dinner and hears horse hoofs clapping as he comments on lucy’s potty mouth.

Sickle Moon
Report Date
31 Aug 2024

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