Session Fifty One: Passing the Torch

General Summary

Sitting in a tree. S-E-N-D-I-N-G

  Malak is sitting in a tree, upset about the recent events in the Silent Fane. He Sends to Kiasuh, complaining about people in the group trying to kill him through ignorance. He also informs her that we found a piece of Tira’s sword and ended up destroying the temple. As Kiasuh asks him to elaborate on this, Malak explains that Tristan apparently sometimes loses control when he rages and bit Griff, and how April almost blew everyone up. Kiasuh asks if Grace knows about Tristan, but Malak can only confirm Griff knew about it. In response Kiasuh says she will check with Grace, and asks Malak about what happened with April. Malak explains that April needed to do something dangerous, had asked the group how to proceed but then ignored comments asking her to wait. Kiasuh tells him that it’s known that April needs to do dangerous things at times, and how other opinions in the group might be different from Malak’s. Malak wonders why you’d ask someone’s opinion if you’re not going to follow it.   The conversation then turns to the Traveler and the Warforged. Malak says that the Traveler was there, and gives a cursory overview of what we have learned about how the cups can get the Warforged where they need to go. He promises to explain further when he gets back. During the conversation it becomes clear that Grace is with Kiasuh, and that she’s been brought up to speed about this conversation. Malak muses that the bear is out of the bag now, and Kiasuh tells Malak he should impress upon Tristan that he isn’t to eat Malak.  

Climbing down the tree. F-A-L-L-I-N-G

  With the conversation done and finding himself pretty high up in a tree, Malak unsuccessfully tries to shimmy down, before messaging Silmer to ask for help. Silmer joins him up in the tree and asks him what he is doing there. Malak responds: “.... thinking”. Silmer chops notches into the tree to create a ‘ladder’ for Malak to descend safely. When they rejoin the group April gives Malak tea.  

Better, Faster, Stronger

  With Malak returned and ready to listen, Tristan explains to the group what’s going on with him.   When his sister went missing two years ago, Tristan felt lost and powerless to do anything about it. He turned to a friend who is with the Blood of Vol, one Exarch Theda Kessler, explaining to her how he felt a need to be better, faster, stronger, to be able to find his sister. She offered him a number of options that he all refused because in his eyes at the time they didn’t offer him enough. Eventually an experimental procedure was suggested that he found promising. This ‘Project Chimera’ would use the essence of many different animals to improve many different facets.   The procedure worked well, and over time Tristan began to develop abilities. By the time he was in the Lhazaar Principalities he’d gained the ability to transform into a ‘manbat’, and was able to do strange things with his blood. This however came with the drawback of an occasional bloodlust. Over time, the abilities developed further. As more forms became available to transform into and his blood abilities changed, the bloodlust faded. That’s how things were when he met the group.   He has been keeping Theda updated through letters. Since meeting the group, he conversed with her about the pain the transformations caused. She sent him the herbs to help with that initially (which was the very limited extent to which April was informed about what was going on), and noted that she had started animal testing with… mixed results. Apparently there were some with violent reactions. This is what prompted Tristan to approach Griff for some experimentation, after which they had decided to tell the group. He also sent a blood sample of himself to Theda for study. Unfortunately, due to circumstances and plain old forgetfulness, the intention of sharing the information was not followed through on. Tristan expresses his regrets about this, and agrees there is no good excuse for it. The group deserved to know, and he can’t fault Malak for being upset over it.  

The More You Know

  Griff mentions that Emir has asked the group if there where things like this that other people might have been holding back. There is a round table where April shares Elijah and her mother are working on creating a portal to Dal Quor, Silmer shares that besides being a prince and being hunted by the inspired he knows of nothing. Malak mentions Tula is no longer a secret. Griff turns to Emir and mentions that while Emir has mentioned he has nothing to hide the others have not let their voices heard. Griff mentions he's particularly interested in what they did during the war and who the people with Silmers brother are. Emir explains that he and Vence didn‘t exist during the war, and that Asher and Woe have always been good and kind to him. When pressed on the war specifically Thaen shifts in. Thaen mentions he was a diplomat of sorts, sometimes a socialite and sometimes a bard. Griff asks if he was a spy. Thaen mentions he would never say that of himself. Griff then asks him if he is a Lantern.    

The King’s Dark Lanterns

  essentially   Thaen wonders if the Birds and Soft Ones might (accidentally) play off each other on occasion, as they’re both in every court. The group doesn’t reach a conclusion on this, but there doesn’t seem to be immediate grounds to assume this being the case at least.    

Sacrifices for the Trail

  Griff asks Thaen who he had to give up for the Trail. The answer is Taliashanna. Tristan questions whether Thaen has reached out yet, as they would now be allowed to communicate due to the loophole of them both being on the Trail. Thaen says he hasn’t reached out yet, which Tristan takes badly, stating that if he was in Thaen’s position, contacting his sister would have been the very first thing he’d done. Thaen explains how when you are partners with a Kalashtar, there is a constant psychic connection, they are always in your head. He misses that constant connection, and a brief contact through Sending would only serve as a painful reminder of that. He isn’t ready to reach out, but will when he is. Tristan can understand this reasoning and cools off.   Thaen talks a bit about his abilities. While he can mimic any humanoid’s form (including Tortles), he can’t copy their abilities. He also explains that when Changelings have babies, there is no such thing as a halfbreed; the child will either be fully a Changeling, or fully what the other parent is. Thaen then offers Silmer to do a Sending to Woe to make contact with Dhyn. Silmer accepts, and Thaen Sends to Woe, saying we’re on our way back to the capital and asking where they are. Woe responds that they’re in Glumtown at the Silver Serpent. but offers to meet the group in the capital in one day's time.  

The Long Rest

  Even though it’s early morning, the group decides to rest after the long day they’ve had. During a watch, Tristan asks Emir how he’s doing with missing Cissa. He also asks if they can make contact with his sister’s group to ask her a question. Emir agrees (although it is Thaen who will need to do the Sending), and it is decided that Tristan will prepare the message on paper to give to Emir later. Emir also tunes Tristan’s guitar and agrees to help mentor him in becoming a Bard.   During his rest Malak identifies the rings. The copper ring with a skull is a Ring of Obscuring. The three silver rings are known as ‘The Red Thread’, if you wear them while asleep on your index finger you are transported to Ilashtavar. When the group is informed, Tristan asks to be allowed to send one of the silver rings to Corvus, as this might be able to help his research. It’s decided this shouldn’t be done through the mail, for safety reasons, they’ll think about other ways to get it to him. It’s also decided one of these should go with April, as she and her mother are doing Dal Quor related research.  

A moment of Grace

  The group heads out back to the capital. During the walk, Tristan is contacted by Grace. She wants to make sure he’s okay, to say that all is good on her end, and that she’ll reach out to Griff in a moment. He tells her he’s okay, and that the group had a good talk. Grace then contacts Griff and asks him about putting a fist in Tristan’s mouth again, isn’t there a better way to do this that doesn’t hurt both of them? Griff tells her that at the moment there isn’t a better way, and compares it to giving a bear medicine.   Finally, Grace contacts Emir, sounding a bit confused as she explains Cissa is upset about Emir encountering her child. She’s trying to soothe Cissa but isn’t sure how, and asks for help. Emir explains Lucy’s situation, and how we were able to talk to her when we were beyond the veil. He advises Grace to give Cissa a hug, tea, and just to ask polite questions to help her work through it.  

On to the Lantern Tower

  The trip back to the city is otherwise quiet. Once the group arrives in town, they join Orillo and the other Warforged in their house, where they are given the cups and khyber shards to help them get to the Lantern Tower. The group also gives them the Traveler’s Amulet, to take with them on their ongoing journey to the Traveler’s Temple on the Glass Plateau. Orillo etches the map into the floor of the house they’d been occupying, then gives Griff the key to give to the Elder. This way, if other Warforged come this way, they can use this map to make their own way to the Lantern Tower. We then say our goodbyes to the Warforged, as they leave town to find a private place to activate the cup-maps.  

Totally going to Surprise Silmer

  As we make our way further into town, we are warmly greeted by Dozen. Or rather Emir is.   It’s decided to throw Silmer a ‘surprise’ birthday party (while he is right there to hear the entire conversation). Tristan goes for a couple of blocks around the town with Silmer to ‘distract’ him. They have a chat about the oncoming non-surprise. Silmer also asks Tristan if he knows why Malak was in a tree. Tristan supposes it has to do with that Malak was flying and his state of mind at the time. He has some personal experience with the healing properties of a high place when needing to calm down and think. Silmer mentions how he tends to sit down on the ground when he needs to find his calm, and meditates. Tristan asks to be given a lesson in that some time.   Meanwhile Emir, April and Dozen make a bunch of pancakes with different spices they know Silmer likes. All of them end up with flour, batter and powdered sugar all over them and their clothes.  

Meeting Marcus

  Griff at the same time goes to the Elder to hand off the key to the Warforgeds’ house. He tells the Elder that we collapsed the Fane, and takes full responsibility for it. He also relays his grandmother’s greetings. Along with the Elder he finds Marcus, his Half-Orc friend who will be finishing his tattoo. Since the last time Griff had seen him, Marcus has settled down, he now has a wife and two sons. Griff invites Marcus along back to the Gold Dragon Inn for a surprise party.  

Silmer is "Surprised"

  As Silmer arrived back he is welcomed by the party all screaming suprise. Dozen, April and Emir have prepared "Shane mentioned a list of things here" for Silmer. Emir is still covered in some flour and baking ingredients. There are some drinks going around and the party celebrates Silmer.  


  After birthday wishes, the group are properly introduced to Marcus. It’s explained he’ll be working on Griff’s tattoo for the next three days. During the introduction and the following conversation, Marcus mentions ‘David’ to Griff. The group’s curiosity piqued, Griff explains his history with David. They were together pretty seriously before Griff first came to stay with the Druids. When he found Godric and went back home he found David was Married and had a kid. In spite of that, he speaks well of David, who now runs the flower shop in Passage. Griff also confirms his intent to settle down in Thaliost with Celine once his adventuring days are over.  

Goodbye April

  After Marcus has taken his leave, the group takes a moment to say goodbye to April, who will be rejoining her mother in Sharn. Before she leaves she gives Emir something she’s been working on for a while with Corvus’ help: armor made of glamourweave, that can change the way it looks. After everyone has hugged her goodbye, she takes her leave.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
26 Feb 2022

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