Session Two: Jamie the Escapee

General Summary

On Watch   Silmer and April take the first watch, along with a guard from House Orien. They stood at the back of the train, during which April created her first concoction. Second watch was done by Nesza and another House Orien guard. They stood at the front of the train where George was sleeping in his tent.     Half-Elf Babies and Meeting Vence   On his turn to watch, Corvus opted out of sitting outside. Instead, he dragged Mia and Malak into a discussion about Half-Elf babies. One guard stood at the back. With Malak going back to sleep, Mia and Corvus returned to the Bar car to chat, where a cheeky bard named Vence convinces Corvus to get him a drink. After a short discussion, and a performance of "Silverbird", it's established that Vence is very good at collecting information. So Corvus offers to hire him for some tasks in Fairhaven     Escaped   Suddenly, the lone guard screams that the terrorist has escaped. Corvus, Mia and Vence go out to investigate. Corvus sends the guard after Jamie.   Not too long after, a member of House Vadalis, Jossac d'Vadalis, arrives on a Griffon. She was sent to look for the missing train. Corvus uses his Royal Seal to send her after Jamie.Jossac d'Vadalis alerts other riders via sending stone where the train is and flies off after Jamie.   The three horsemen from House Vadalis approach Nesza and questions him about what's going on. Nesza recaps the trip's events and goes looking for an Orien guard in the train. He doesn't manage to find anyone. During his search, he notices that Jamie's loo (the place he was kept) was unlocked. Outside, he finds the other three party members, now joined by Malak, April, Silmer and a groggy George. Everyone is filled in on Jamie's escape.   Jossac d'Vadalis alerts the horsemen by sending stone that she might have spotted Jamie and the horsemen go after him. The group realise the horsemen might be too loud and that Jamie might still escape. So Corvus, Malak and April use their powers to ensure that Nesza (with his stealth, night vision and affinity with nature) and Silmer (with his speed and sure footing), run ahead of the group after Jamie. Poor George was left behind. Tired and hungry.   After a few checks, Nesza and Silmer realise the horsemen are close to Jamie's location but are now going in the wrong direction. Nesza and Silmer pinpoint the approximate location of Jamie. But the foliage was dense. The rest of the group (except George) arrive and, with Nesza's quiet gestures, flanked Jamie and recaptured him.   Jamie is questioned by Mia (under Vence's suggestion). They found out that someone else helped him escape. A woman with curly brown hair and a kind smile. She does not have a Soldier's Mark.   In the meantime, Nesza goes to look for George who was looking around for food. With the guidance of the voices in his head, George located some bright pink berries that would not make him sick. He also notices a pretty lady with curly brown hair run by. Nesza finds George mid-meal     Back to the Train   Along with the horsemen, who were alerted of the group's whereabouts by Malak, everyone returns back to the train. George and Nesza join the group too. George tells the group about the lady he saw and the group realise the accomplice escaped. Once back at the train, they notice it's hovering and the elemental has started up again. So all get on the train in order to finally arrive in Fairhaven.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
25 Jan 2020

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