Session Thirty Seven: The Best Laid Schemes of Mice an' Men

General Summary


  It is the evening before you intended to leave for Athandra.   Grace has just taken her leave from the Ishim residence. She seemed very upset with the news about Jossac. Griff and Cody followed her outside.  

G-race to get another person to join

  Griff tries to stop Grace from leaving by picking her up. She pokes him with a wand, telling him to put her down. She didn't give him permission to pick her up. Griff agrees but mentions that Cody never tells him to ask for permission. Cody quips that he never considered this an option.   As Griff puts Grace down, Tristan joins them outside. Grace reassures everyone that she's ok. She is upset that he had not trusted them with this information but realises that Griff must have his reasons for not immediately telling them. She wants hear everything but someone else needs to hear the words too. Griff is not completely sure whether this is a good idea but agrees to let her go. He'll inform Kiasuh. Nicely.   Tristan offers to come along with Grace. She declines, explaining that she needs to head to the palace. She needs to be subtle and he'll stand out. But she appreciates the offer.   Before heading out, Grace notices that Cody is not doing ok. Griff offers to to carry him. Cody allows it.  

Can I bring one more person along

  Griff, Tristan and Cody come back inside, Cody being carried by Griff. Griff informs everyone the princess is coming for dinner and asks Kiasuh if it is ok to wait with dinner for her. Kiasuh says she must have misheard him mentioning the princess. Griff she has not. Kiasuh tells Malak to get out the best china and starts organizing everything and ensuring people are sitting proper. Malak and Nesza go out to get Fernando's.   Emir leans into Elijah and asks what happened with Martha. Elijah asks if Martha shared. Emir says the details where scant, it must not have been that memorable and winks at Elijah. Elijah tells him that the best details are never shared, and he’s sure that Emir would agree.   He asks Emir how she’s doing (obviously not talk about Martha). Emir mentions she’s in unusual high spirits but wonders if this is the first bounce. Elijah mentions that’s what happens when you lose someone. Emir says that he’ll see to it that she recovers. Elijah thanks Emir. Emir asks Elijah what he was doing at the Spire of Inspiration and he explains he joined Silmer and April  

Who is the better Fernando’s

  Nesza and Malak discuss what to order and settle on a spread. They also agree it’s going to be difficult to convince them that they deliver. They plan on hinting royalty is joining them for dinner and assure their "aasimarness" stands out before they step inside.   At the front desk they are greeted by an half-elven man. He asks for their reservation but they tell him they have a special request. They are organizing an impromptu dinner for the princess and some veiled ones, about 15 people in total. He shares the princess has been raving about Fernando’s in Fairhaven and he wanted to prove the Fernando’s in Thrane is better. Nesza asks if they can include the dolphin soup. The half-elf is convinced and tells them they will show her that they are much better than the one in Fairhaven. He’ll add sharks and killer whales in the soup! He tells them it will be chefs choice and they will deliver in an hour. He asks for the address.   At the name Ishim he mentions he asks to send his regards to the Veiled Ones and asks if he would be able to meet them. Malak tells him he does not think they can just talk to anyone on the street because of their standing with the church.   As everyone congregated again. Kiasuh is stressed as fook and is yelling at people for doing things wrong and not sitting strait enough. There is a soft knock on the door.  

Grace comes knocking

  Malak opens the door and in come Grace followed by Corrinne. Everyone greats and Malak asks everyone to sit down. He mentions there is going to be some talk about sensitive and tough subjects but it’s important for everyone to know that, well you know there is an old Thranian saying that says it best and he raises his glass.  
There is wood ships and good ships, ships that sail the sea. But the best ships are friendships and may the ever be.
— Malak Ishim
  Kiasuh cracks up at the saying. Malak emphasizes that everyone here are friends and can freely share their thoughts. Nesza shares they have arranged Fernando’s and there might be surprises in the soup. Griff apologizes to Corinne for the inconvenience. Corinne sits next to April and Grace remains standing behind Tristan putting her hand on his chair. Grace says there is something important that the princess, Cody and herself don’t know and it’s vital to discuss this.   Griff explains everything that happened with Jossac and hands the princess the letter he received. The princess reads it and passes it to Grace and Cody. He tells him he expects it to be linked to the soldier's mark. And that in his opinion she acted like there where eyes on her. Corrinne mentions she might be trapped.   Griff mentions that Jossac will keep her promise regarding the empress of beasts. Corrinne asks who that is and Griff tells her she is the empress of beasts. The day she flew of on Godric the Sky Kings decided to watch over her and protect her. This is why Cody and Grace are her royal guards. And this also means Jossac is loyal to her. If she wanted to be a problem she would have turned Griff against them, and she didn’t.   Griff asks Malak if he can share what happened last night. Malak tells him that is ok and Griff explains everything that happened recently, emphasizing on Myranna’s condition, Dal Quor, The soldiers mark with the strings leading to the dreaming dark. He only omits that Vence is also Emir, Thaen and Lady. The group helps him with details he misses. Emir does not add any information nor does Malak share what happened to Myranna the night after they went to Dal Quor.   Corinne asks if Myri is here and Malak mentions she’s upstairs. She asks if they know precisely where Aprils mother and Jenny are being held and if the only way to know to get in is via a cave system. She asks about the army being there. They talk about an army being to much for the 14 of them to handle. Corinne mentions that she might have a way in, as they can’t keep the gates closed if the princess knocks on them.  

Keeper of the Heart

  Tristan mentions he does not like the idea of putting her at risk. Corrinne tells him she’s not scared. She found out today what she is capable of. She is not scared of an army. Tristan asks what she found out. Corinne mentions she’s been chosen as the keeper of the heart of Life. Kiasuh seems shocked and mentions that there has not been a keeper for decades. Griff explains how cool it was and what happened. Tristan asks what the keeper of the hart does, Corinne mentions she has access to the heart and is still learning what it means. She also shares that her brother is the keeper of the heart of knowledge.   Griff also indicates that Corinne’s ability are far superior to any druid he’s ever met. Nesza tells Corrinne she should make a pilgrimage to Olian, the great pine. Griff agrees with this as he was trained there. She mentions she would love to, but it might be difficult. Elijah offers to take her if she needs to get there quick.   Grace asks them what the plan is.  

Dinner is served

  There is a knock on the door and Emir goes and opens the door. The guy is stunned as he sees Emir Kaarde and drops the bag. Emir tries to catch it but fails. Luckily Fernando’s packs their food properly. Malak joins and the man tells him it will costs 90 gold. Malak pays him 150 gold as the appreciation for their fast and extraordinary service. Emir adds their amazing discretion to that lists. The guy sighs and mentions he won’t tell any more people.   Emir says that at least he’s alright. The guy leaves a little shaken looking back at the door seeing Emir wave him off. Food is served and Malak points out To Kiasuh that Tristan and Grace are holding hands. They decide to put bread and garlic butter with one knife in between of them so they need to share.   Tristan and Grace realize quickly what Kiasuh is up to and play along. The rest of the table notices the fact they have been holding hands. Silmer is not surprised.  

I love it when a plan comes together

  The group discuss using Corinne as a distraction but decided against it. She might be a powerful pawn they can use if they plan to lay siege on Flamekeep. They can’t risk leaving her in enemy hands. They discuss involving possible allies like Hawk, Gruss, Ornata and Hal d’Deinith. The group rules out involving more people that might point an army into a direction.   Nesza wonders about a diplomatic approach, but is explained that Valenar is still at war with the 5 nations. They are a nation of Warrior Elves bend on conquering all of Khorvaire.   Griff mentions they had the idea of a covert operation to go in via the caves. He then asks Elijah if he could check if the teleportation circle leads into the cave system. Elijah scrys to confirm this. In the mean time Griff does divination to check their odds. They seem more likely to succeed than fail.   The group discusses the options for a bit and come up with the following plan:
  1. Meet at the Isshim residence at 4 AM
  2. Buff Elijah, Corinne and Griff (Longstrider on Elijah by Griff, Vence will give his darkvision goggles and bardic inspiration. Griff will keep up pass without a trace)
  3. Elijah goes with Corinne and Griff (As Mice) using a teleportation circle and Malak casts invisibility on them as they step through.
  4. Scout and if possible take the ladies out. If they can’t take the ladies out Elijah teleports back while the druid mice stay and guard the teleportation circle.
  5. Then Elijah gets the entire group in using a teleportation circle
  6. They go and rescue the ladies and take them out via a teleportation circle, if that is not possible they leave through the caves and leave through a tree back to flamekeep

Lovable Nesza

  Nesza tries to get into the kitchen unnoticed and writes a letter thanking Kiasuh and Malak for all they have done for the group and leaves 50 gold on top of it. Kiasuh noticed him going into the kitchen and watches him do this. She tells him its way to much and Nesza says it’s not enough. He thanks her for all they have done for the group and apologizes for invading on her privacy. Kiasuh tells him she’d do it all over again. Nesza mentions knowing the group, this wont be the last time. Kiasuh says she hopes it won’t. She whacks him over the head and tells him to listen to her daughter the next time though and smiles caring at him.  

To whomever reads this letter…

  Emir asks the group who is collecting the letters. The group seems confused. He asks the soldiers if they don’t write letters before they go into whatever. The soldiers don’t seem to, but are not against the idea, this mission feels like something different.   Elijah mentions he has a couple of things from Cissa he would need to carry over and mentions that she would trust Emir with them. Emir mentions he would happily take the letters. Tristan mentions that he’s sure Emir is busy and would like someone more local to take care of them and asks Kiasuh. She looks alarmed at the idea but mentions she’ll deliver them. She asks Malak to write Myri a letter.   Nesza gives Kiasuh his diary and tells her to sent it to his mother. He also asks Griff for a few post cards. He sends one to Mia and wraps the cloak of many fashions around it. He sends the other to Tatalla and G.   Malak writes a letter to Myranna and Corvus. While writing the letter to Corvus he crosses out Corvus’ name and addresses it to “My dear friends C & J”.   Corinne crumples up her letter and mentions no one cares about her. Malak asks if not even Jurian would care. She mentions Jurian has his own life. Malak says of course he does, but she is also still his sister. The group would also all care if she would not back. He meant what he said about those ships. Corinne says she’s unsure.   Tristan is not writing anything and looks at Grace and asks if she’s coming along. She nods. He mentions that then he does not need to write anything down. She shows him a letter with his name on it. She tells him that if she does not come back there is at least a letter waiting for him. He mentions he had not considered that and starts writing.   Grace is writing a lot of letters, all to family members. Cody is not writing at all. Griff tells Cody he has a family and mentions all the Sky Kings. Cody mentions he’s not sure if they are with Jossac. Griff tells him they all care. Cody shuffles next to grace and asks her to help him write a letter. Griff tells Cody that his family farm is also home to Cody. Grace mentions that her estate at Arcanix can always use a stable boy, nudging him in the ribs. Emir mentions he could write Cody a song if he does not want to write a letter. Cody mentions he’d like both, a song and a letter.   Corinne mentions she’s still unsure about writing and Griff asks her to come outside with him. Griff tells her that when he was her age he had one big regret. He left to train to become a druid and left his love behind. When he returned, 3 years later, his love had not waited for him. Griff was told that they assumed he had forgotten all about him. There was never even a letter, not a sign of life. Griff explains to Corinne that he has never told a single soul this, not even Cody and Grace. This is why he sends postcards. To ensure that no one ever forgets how much he cares.   Corinne tells Griff she does not have that. She has not heard from her brothers nor from her mother since she left. Emir is right, she is just a pawn. Griff tells her to tell them. Corrinne does not want the last thing she tells them to be something out of spite. Griff mentions that what he means is to tell them you miss them. Make the last message good. Not that anything will happen to you, he’d rather die than let her get hurt.   Griff mentions that part of being a druid is that you age slowly. Corinne leans against Griff’s chest and tells him that she’s happy she’ll at least outlive that asshole. Griff asks her if she would be willing to take care of Godric if something happens to him. Corinne looks stunned. Griff mentions that he won’t listen to anyone beside you. If she won’t take him in, the others will have to put Godric down. Corinne mentions she thought you could not take over a Griffon. Griff tells her that Cody did, and so can she. He hugs her and gives her a kiss on the forehead. He tells her it will be fine. Corinne mentions its going to be exciting and she agrees to write a letter.   When she comes back inside there is a small note where she was sitting with her name on it. Inside written that she is not alone together with a little stick figure that has fangs. She chuckles and smiles at Tristan.  
  April writes a whole stack of letters and while she’s working on the letter for Corvus she is reminded of the fact Malak has a letter for her. She asks him for it and he gives it to her.   Silmer writes letters to Tatalla and Hawk.   Griff starts writing a lot of postcards and a letter to his father. Grace and Griff compare stack sizes jokingly. Grace says it’s not fair as his family is definitely larger, they clearly breed.   Cody has written one letter, and shows it to Grace and Griff. It’s to Jossac. Griff shows of his postcard to Jossac and Grace shows him her letter to Jossac also. Griff mentions that if it was not for here the three of them would not have been here.   Kiasuh takes the time to receive all the letters and giving everyone a hug. She’s hesitant in hugging Corrinne, but Corrinne hugs her.   Cody and Grace ready Corrinne to leave and Cody offers a ride on Ash back to the castle, grinning at Grace and Griff. They fly off ahead as Tristan leans into Grace. He asks if he should be worried about the noble estate. Grace mentions that she assumed he already knew and tells him she is the Arlessa of Arcanix. Tristan mentions its not a problem for him but he knows noble families can be choosy. Grace tells him she’s from house Vadalis, they are a little different. Tristan mentions that he does not know much about house Vadalis, and all he’s learned came from Griff overthere. Grace tells him he’ll learn soon. They say their goodbyes awkwardly trying to not let the moment pass. Griff walks in, hugs them both. Tristan mentions he was about to suggest this and now it’s considerably more awkward. Griff says he knows right. Tristan says he hates him. Griff asks if he should let go so they can just hug. Tristan says please. Grace is just laughing. They hug and go their own directions.  

Broken Butterfly

  Emir arrives back at the Spire and sneaks in. No one seems to pay attention to him until he reaches the door. Gobby spots him and says he’s been looking all day and is so happy he found him.   Gobby says he has a butterfly and shows him a broken butterfly in his hand. Emir asked what happened. Gobby says he touched it hard. Emir asks who’s butterfly it is. Gobby mentions that it followed him, so he thought it was his friend.   Emir asks why he was looking for him. Gobby mentions he forgot but he is wondering why Emir and that other guy are staying in Cissa’s room. He describes Vence as a guy with curly hair and a forgettable face. He asks if Emir and Vence are a thing. Emir tells him they are both friends. Gobby asks him why they are then both staying in Cissa’s room. Emir explains they are both friends of Cissa and gives Gobby a little wink. Gobby mentions that Cissa is busy, while he hasn’t seen her.   He asks Emir if he is with Cissa. Emir says they are just friends. Gobby mentions that friends don’t just randomly get to go into her room, he is also a friend of Cissa. Gobby mentions they are usually Rivals. Emir explains that that is more for the theatrics. Gobby does not understand this.   Emir asks Gobby again why he was looking for him. Gobby explains that his best friend in the whole world asked him to look for you. Emir asks who this might be. Gobby mentions his name is Junior. Emir asks why he is looking for him though. Gobby says that he never asked.   Gobby wonders why he can’t sleep in Cissa’s room as they are both friends. Emir asks if he has ever asked her. Gobby says no, he’ll ask her next time he sees her, although it’s been 20 years. Emir says that’s a long time and asks him where they met.   Gobby explains that they did not meet 20 years ago, they met long before that, during the war. He tells Emir she made him and she’s a good friend. Emir leans against the wall and asks her if he served with Cissa or if he just encountered her. Gobby mentions that Cissa didn’t serve then, she served long before. He explains that she taught him to play when he came back from the war.   Emir asks what she taught him. Gobby mentions she taught him the Viol. Emir says that’s a hard instrument, it takes talent and perseverance. Gobby mentions that he had time, he lost everything else. Emir says he’s sorry and asks if Gobby has a last name. Gobby mentions he can’t remember.   Gobby asks Emir when he last saw her. Emir says he last saw her in Fairhaven and that he was trying to figure out where she is playing next. Gobby mentions he would love to see her play again. Emir tells Gobby that the concert was canceled but promises him that if he founds out where and when she’s playing next he’ll let him know.   Emir notices that his accent is somewhat brelish and asks Gobby about that. Gobby seems surprised and Emir says he’s curious and might look into that. Gobby says ok. Emir says that he should know where he’s from, it’s not good to be lost. Gobby says he’s not lost, he is here, in the spire of inspiration in Flamekeep in front of Cissa’s door with Emir Kaarde. He says he is not lost he knows exactly where he is. Emir says he is not wrong, he is correct.   Gobby asks Emir what to do about the other bard. Emir tells him to make him prove that he is a decent bard. That would be a fitting punishment. Gobby is confused why he needs punishment, but Emir convinces him that the other bard deserves it for being rude.   A bird flies in and perks down and says “Hey buddy, uhmm forgot to check in with you about the cup. Busy tomorrow. Might contact you again later buddy” in Griff’s voice.   Gobby says ok bird and as the bird flies of he tells Emir that was Junior. Emir asks Gobby if Junior is a bird. And mentions that its pretty cool to best friends with a bird. Gobby mentions he wasn’t a bird this morning, ponders and then chases after the bird screaming come back at the bird.  

Sending Goodbye

  Emir turns, waves and quickly goes inside. He shifts into Vence who walks out onto the balcony dropping his stuff as he walks and casts sending to Mia   Vence: You still owe me a night of drinks. Not sure if I’ll return to collect. You have been missed, including Malak. Tell Cissa Emir.... Mia: Hi! Did you know I play the ukulele now? You would be so proud. So we are on this journey and Cissa has been....   Thaen shifts in and casts sending to his mother.   Thaen: Still making amends. Met someone insinuating they were the traveler. Copper cup instead of the bones. If something happens. I love you all. Mother: Good to hear from you. We miss you. Don’t know about this traveler person. Perhaps cups are the new bones? Please come home save.   Thaen receives a message from Cissa   Cissa: Dove, is everything ok? Emir: We are going after Valerie and Jenny. This is dangerous. Just want you to know: I love you too.   There is a very long pause before Cissa replies again   Cissa: Please make sure you come home. As I will. Please take care. I love you. Emir: I will be in Flamekeep when you return. I already have good wine waiting for us here.   Thaen looks for a lantern, finds it and puts it in his bag.  

Writing to “Mom”

  Before going to bed Malak quickly updates his mother to play along.   Malak: Hi mom, if you hear anything about a party. You were there at the house. Going after Athandra tomorrow morning. Love, Malak Daellean: Party? Please take care. Send messages if everything is going ok. Love mom.   Malak: Of course mom, love Malak Daellean: Good luck.  

Griff and Tristan

  Before Griff goes to his room he halts Tristan. He asks him about the feather stuff. Tristan asks if he means in the bag. Griff says yes, he still smells like it. Tristan invites Griff into his room and closes the door.   Tristan tells Griff he might have lied to him a little bit initially. Griff says that was slightly obvious. Tristan asks him what he wants to know. Griff just wants to know what’s up with it. Tristan mentions he’s not sure. Griff asks if he has several types of feathers. Tristan mentions he does, it’s something he found on his journey. He takes the green feather out of his bag, that represents Cissa and briefly shows it. Griff mentions its like the one the guy they met in the forest was covered in. Tristan mentions that its obviously attached to Cissa, which makes its interesting and something he would like to know more about. He’s keeping it to himself because he is not sure what is and what sharing it might do. Griff mentions that the wizard did mention he had to run errands for Cissa. Tristan wonders what he should do with that. Griff mentions he is not going to do anything with that, he has all the answers he was looking for. But he might be able to help Tristan.   Tristan says he’s sorry. Griff asks for what. Tristan mentions he has a habit of telling people what to do and he has tried to do it with a couple of times and he shouldn’t have. Griff smiles and says it does not work very well, does it. Tristan says that it frustratingly so doesn’t work, he says he has no right to even try, he is not his CO. Griff says he appreciates that. Tristan mentions he’ll try not to do it again.   Griff asks if he likes her. Tristan says he does. Griff asks him to promise him one thing, to write to her. Tristan says he’ll write to her when he’s not with her. Griff says he’ll keep his dumb ass alive, now he double has to. Tristan says right back at you buddy. Griff says she’s like his little sister. Tristan says noted. Griff mentions he does not feel his being a bear thing is going to be a problem. Tristan asks Griff if he’s sure, he thought it was going to be a problem. Griff mentions house Vadalis. Tristan says that everything slides of his back, so that is not really an indication. Griff explains that house Vadalis members are a bit weird. They like animals, a lot. And monsters are kinda animals to us, so an owlbear and a bear are both deserving of hugs. Griff says that the point he’s trying to make is that it’s more interesting, even a noble family would not frown about it. He says that he knows he’s not a lycanthrope but whatever it is, whatever type of curse, his mark is like that to. You are born with it, you have it, it fucks up your whole live and you can’t date whoever you’d like to date.   Tristan says he’s not born with it. He explains that there is a risk that it’s going to fuck up his entire life. Griff asks what it then is. Tristan says its complicated. Griff says to try him, even though he might not be the smartest person ever.   Tristan asks him how much he knows about science. Griff mentions that when it comes to mixing animals and that kinda stuff is kinda what he does. This is why his families horses are so renown, they’ve spliced them, mixed and matched their genes until they were twice the size of a normal horse and had the average muscle mass of a bull.   Tristan chuckles. Tristan says that maybe he would understand than, not that he fully understands, he’ll spare the details about why right now. The short version is that he got some work done. He mentions he needs to get into the why a little. After his sister went missing he was not in a good place because he was convinced she was taken. There were no leads and no one seemed interested in helping him. He felt alone and a failure. So he went to a friend of a family who is involved in questionable research, and I asked her to make be better, faster, smarter, everything, anything. And she did but it was highly experimental. He was desperate so he agreed. Over the last almost two years he’s gone through several iterations of it, it has changed over time.   Griff asks him if he was not a bear at first. Tristan confirms. Tristan mentions there are side effects, the transformation is rather uncomfortable. It also seems the animal test subjects are having various reactions so he’s not sure where this will lead.   Griff says that he is in good hands with Grace. Tristan asks why. Griff mentions that breeding horses goes beyond just mixing and matching a horse these days. His father is not for this, their farm does do this. But house Vadalis uses magic to achieve things that should not be possible. Grace is one of the smartest of all of them and has connections. She might be able to help you with that kind of stuff. Also, she likes bears. Tristan says he’ll keep that in mind. Griff tells him that maybe he can help him out, he is also after all a master breeder. Tristan says he’ll take his word for it.   Griff mentions that from his house perspective they are always looking for traits in our partners that are distinctly different and have the possibility to improve the gen. This is why Vadalis house members can’t sing, they have breed the singing out of them to assure their voices sound better to animals. It’s a long complicated process. And because the thing you have is different, it might be considered interesting, especially for noble lines.   Also, just a small side note, if you hurt her I will feed you to Godric. Tristan says he assumed as much. They hug. Griff tells him he’s weird, but not weird. Tristan tells him he’s an asshole, but not an asshole. Griff wishes him a good night’s rest.   Tristan asks Griff if he has or has ever had a special someone in his life. Griff tells him no, it’s a waste of time, it never works out. Especially when you have a mark, you can’t just fall in love with anybody. Tristan mentions he does not have a mark, but he noticed how that lady in Thaliost looked at him, that was not a one night thing look.   Griff mentions that was nice, but he can’t stay in Thrane, he can’t have Godric life in her house. Tristan mentions that she does not have to stay in Thrane. Griff mentions she is. Tristan tells him to write her a letter sometimes. Griff mentions he has, he keeps in touch. That was more of a fling, it was nice for the moment. He does not really believe in that kind of stuff.   Tristan asks why he is then ok with it for Grace. Griff says because it makes her happy and if you hurt her I’ll just feed you to Godric. Tristan tells him to not be too much of a cynic, leave that to the ones dressed in black.   Griff asks if he remembers Silmer. Tristan says yes. Griff mentions they used to fly a lot with his dads airship, and his second in command Meerel. During the war they were not together, but very comfortable. At a certain point she wanted to commit. She’s house Lyrander which means, no children, no babies, no nothing. Also not allowed, it won’t work. Plus we were in the middle of the war where you can die every day. Tristan says he knows that feeling. Griff told her that they could think about it after the war, but she did not take that very well.   Griff mentions that in their lives, soldiers, stuck in conflicts, things like this don’t last. How long can you stay in Flamekeep, your sister is still somewhere and who knows where the fuck ever Cissa is. Realistically, he hopes these things just work out and otherwise he’ll feed him to Godric. There is no real loss for him.   Tristan says he thought they were becoming friends. Griff smiles and says until he hurts her. In this life you don’t have this luxury, as long as you stay in touch, the best you can do is hope the bond stays. And maybe when all this is over we can retire. Tristan says that would be nice. Griff mentions his dad has been asking him to retire for 10 years, he thinks he might. Tristan asks Griff, what do they say, one last Hurrah. Griff says he’s on his 13th last Hurrah. Tristan says he knows that feeling.   Tristan tells Griff that as for the relationship thing, if he comes across someone, don’t write it off, give it a chance, maybe you’ll be surprised. Griff mentions he doesn’t back away from fun. Tristan mentions he’s not talking about fun. Griff says they are talking about the same thing. Griff tells Tristan you tend to reach a point where you have to choose to go where you are needed or staying where you’d like to stay.   You’ve met them. I couldn’t just let them go by themselves. They would have gotten themselves killed on the way to Flamekeep. Jenny was in danger. He could not stay there. She’s not going to sit there waiting around for him. That’s fine.   Tristan says this has turned right depressing. Griff tells him to focus on his own happiness. Don’t try to focus to much on his, he’s fine. He saw Molly stand up and smile today. Tristan mentions she’s the keeper of the heart of the spire, I’m so dumb. Griff says what. Tristan explains he went to the spire today and Molly is fucking Molly. Griff says he’s not that familiar but has never seen her do that. Tristan says good night and they go off to bed.   As Tristan lies in bed before he goes to sleep he says to himself that if Elly wasn’t so obtuse about where she was he could have written her a letter to.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
19 Jun 2021

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