Session Thirty One: Merry Solaris, Joshua. Sweet dreams.

General Summary


  You're standing in front of the Spire of Life. It's very nearly four o'clock. You take a moment to fill each other in on what you have learned before the four embark on their trip to the Cathedral across the waterway.  

Cave-ing into Information

  Before splitting up, the group share titbits of information gathered in the last day or so:
  • Malak reveals Athandra's known for its cotton and spices. There are also rumours of a cave system located at its heart.
  • Nezsa explains that the statue of Hawk was made by an elf called Ferron Olestina. He looked into his genealogy and found no mention of his mum, Sarah Greenthorn.
  • Griff reveals Windshire’s doing fine. Ex-sicklemen are helping rebuild it. They are trying to gather intel on General Len but can’t find written records of him. Griff’s brothers told him they never got into Athandra but there’s a keep at it's centre.
  • Vence told the group Attritus willingly sacrificed himself. Cygnus is part of the Feathers.
  • April updated Malak on what Martha told them at the Spire of Inspiration.
They briefly discuss how to behave in front of the Veiled Ones. Malak suggests being respectful and tells the group not to insult the Silver Flame. On the subject, Malak casts ‘sending’ to Daellean: “Any news on this meeting with the Veiled Ones?”   No response is received.   While part of the group are with the Veiled Ones, Nesza wants to look for maps of Athandra. When the caves are brought up again, Malak mentions the cave system in Thaliost is related to Mirons Tears. The association used to have an outpost there – and in Athandra.  

Sister Merry vs The Cardinal

  The group splits up, with Malak, Griff, Tristan and April heading to their meeting with the Veiled Ones. The are taken to the room and are “greeted” by the Veiled One who was present at the statue and a man names Cardinal Darak. Darak obviously knows Malak... and hates his guts. Going so far as to blame everything he can on him.   Griff tries to clarify that the ruckus at the statue wasn’t Malak’s fault but isn’t given the time of day. Before more can be said, the door swings open and Sister Merry walks in.   She tells the Cardinal the Keeper wants to see them. He doesn’t believe her. That doesn’t stop her from pinching Malak’s cheek and ushering the group out. This leaves many members confused. Griff offers to have a drink with the Veiled One later while April stands there blinking for some time.  

Jossac May Not Be Such a ‘Keeper’ After All

  Sister Merry guides them through a more ornate part of the cathedral and into a vast room where they spot the Keeper sitting on a large throne in front of a wall of Silver Flames. She looks confused at the group entering and Sister Merry apologizes for the interruptions. Apparently the Keeper never really called upon them. It’s revealed they are in the Inner Sanctum, where the Keeper speaks to Tira Miron. There is also an elven bard named Ornata strumming a lute by the throne. He is quickly dismissed. And by one of the pillars stands Daellean.   Daellean thanks Merry for helping out. Sister Merry offers to make everyone tea and temporarily leaves the room. Tristan tells Malak he likes her. Malak asks Daellean what the Cardinal had to do with the situation. She has no idea, but assumes he jumped at the chance to smear his name in the dirt.   Sister Merry returns and starts passing out tea. It turns out Merry's an ally from Miron's Tears. Sister Merry explains that according to Miron's Tears, the Church has lost sight of why Tira sacrificed herself. Their aim is to stop war and end suffering.   Tristan mentions having heard this explanation before and asks Merry if she has a feather similar to his. It was given to him by Cissa via his sister. Sister Merry confirms that it’s his then.   Veering back on track, Daellean asks whether they were all there because sensitive information was shared with a Veiled One. She asks them not to do it again. It’s also mentioned they have allies. They just need to know where. It’s good to know as there may be people working against Miron's Tears in Athandra. Secret handshakes are discussed. Daellean says the feathers may be a better way of identifying allies. Tristan says this idea comes with its own set of problems. For one, you broadcast your allegiance to everyone that sees you.   It’s revealed April’s mum was kidnapped and that April has “good energy”.   Griff asks the Keeper if she has ever seen a Griffon before and offers to show her one. He releases Godrick from the locket so he can stretch his wings. The Keeper is very excited to see him. Godrick asks for permission to eat her, which is declined by Griff.   Daellean asks Griff if he walked through the flames. Sister Merry explains that the flame has a “special type of energy about it” . He’s going to live quite a long life. So will she, having walked through it herself.   So, what information have they found out and how do they plan to go about things, Daellean wonders. The group reveals: They scryed on Valarie and Jenny with the help of Elijah, another ally (Merry knows him and Sunny-Hawk!). Having looked at an area of land, Elijah found five people with cloaks and 12 with weapons. Siege weapons were spotted. There may be fortifications. This could be an indication of an army. They need to find a map and then get a lay of the land before continuing on.   As for information on General Gazeer Len, the group revealed he’s marching on the Several nations, Breland, Aundair and Thrane. It’s unsure whether or not he’s Thranian, though chances are he likely is. He’s a Valenar elf. It seems he’s recruiting ex-soldiers who fell in disarray after the war and is having them do the dirty work.   Griff suggests in Aundair they are trying to repurpose the people. He explains an idea April had on re-educating and training them. April blurts out that it wasn’t her idea, though she isn’t averse to it.   Malak explains that the plan is to leave for Athandra in two days to scope out the situation.   Daellean confirms a few secret entrances around the town to a cave system. There is also the entrance from the keep.   Griff gives her his letter from Jossac. He believes she knows more than she’s letting on. He never mentioned the name Gazeer, but she knew it. At this point, Malak mentions they acquired a note from her in Windshire. It simply said “I’m sorry”. He assumes she is somewhat related to everything. Turns out Jossac isn’t as good a girl as she appears. Griff’s asked not to give Jossac more information.   Griff asks Godrick about how he perceives Jossac. Godrick doesn't like Iron Claw but trusts Jossac. After a hug, Griff dismisses Godrick and turns into a little back owl.   Meanwhile, April and Merry have a chat about the flavour of language. A result of April’s confusion as to using “balls” in an odd context. Sister Merry appreciates her honesty and humble nature, so offers her a position with Miron's Tears. April asks about the role she’ll be put in and the cons and pros first, then asks for time to think about it. She will meet Daellean at the maternity ward at dawn to unveil her answer.   Tristan asks Sister Merry about the shadow she mentioned before and how shadow feeds it. She explains evil makes the world a darker place. During the war Miron's Tears had the goal of ending the war because it was causing a lot of unnecessary suffering. The end of the war led to smaller cold wars unnecessarily hurting people. This feeling of bitterness and suffering feeds the shadow in the flame.   Everyone says their goodbyes. April gives the Keeper her monkey as a gift. The Keeper gives her some bangles in turn and calls them friendship bracelets.   When they get on the Gondala’s Griffy-owl flies away.  

‘Chili-ing’ at the Store

  At the same time as the Veiled Ones meeting, some shopping takes place. Nesza, Vence and Silmer decide to go past some vendors to gather information and find a map at the same time.   As they walk, Silmer talks about the Lhazar Principalities. He explains where the Lhazar principalities are and that it’s mostly ruled by Pirates. Nesza also asks Vence to talk to Cissa about their mention next time the two talk.   They seek out the vendors first. Nesza wants to buy a plant for April and Silmer and Vence want to scout out rumours. They go to a spice vendor to purchase some seeds and gather information. According to the trader, chillies are a big Athandran export from and would make the perfect gift. Nesza buys some. Silmer does the same, adding it to his list of cooking spices.   Athandra, the trader explains, isn’t far from Flamekeep. It’s surrounded by chillie fields. The place was well kept during the war. The population is a 50/50 mix of humans and elves on amicable terms. He doesn’t really know anyone living there, mostly interacting with farmers. They also sell anise. Nesza gets some on the house for tasting some fresh from the stall.   Vence buys two bottles of nice wine. Not Ma Yasha blue good but close.  

A 'Message’ for the Young Ones

  Silmer wants to look for job boards. Vence asks a passer-by where they might find one and is led to the d’Deinith house. On the board there are a few jobs:
  • A cave with some treasure
  • Some rats in a basement
  • Missing Child (Jossua Cur)
They focus on the missing child. It’s mentioned that the post has been there for a few days. Every day the reward has gone up. From 20 silver pieces to 20 gold pieces. They say the child went missing on the first day of Solaris during the parade. The parents last saw the little boy as he was following the girl who sang at the front. He was dressed for the occasion in a little suit and went missing on the first island of the Fields of Quiet.   As they arrive on the first island of the Fields of Quiet they notice the statues all depict non-humans like Orcs, Kaleshtar and half-elves. Nesza sees if he can find any orcish or half-orcish statues. There is a huge orc that has him so in awe he forgets to inspect his surroundings.   Vence walks around in a circle and casts ‘message’ to talk to the boy. After the fifth time, he gets a shaky response. Jossua explains he’s in a dark place and his leg’s stuck. He can’t get out. Jossua says he was running and fell. Now he’s wet.   Vence gets a general idea where the child is from. They gather he must be under the platform. Nesza looks over the side with the assistance of Vence and sees water going through some grates. They notice the islands are manmade. On stilts. The water floats from under it. He also sees a hole someone could have accidently been dragged into. They dive into the water and swim under the island.   It’s dark under the island. Nesza casts ‘light’ on his shoulder so they are visible. They swim towards Jossua. He is drenched, parched and hasn’t eaten in a few days. He is holding onto one of the beams. Vence gets him some water and something to eat while they get him out.   Nesza takes out his miners pick and tries to free Jossua’s leg. Silmer assists and Vence keeps Jossua calm. They manage to wedge the kid out. His hurt foot is cured by Nesza. Jossua latches onto Vence. Silmer and Vence each hold onto one side of Jossua as they swim out. Vence sings him a song while Silmer keeps the water calm. When they get back to the top, Nesza puts his cloak around the boy to keep him warm.   They then bring him to the Deneith house and refuse to accept payment. Nesza’s cloak is returned to him.   With the little boy safe, the three head to Malak’s house where they find the rest of the group besides Griff. He seems to be flying around.  

Tell Me It’s Not True

  Griffy-owl flies to the House Orion station to check if there is teleportation available to Windshire. Theere isn’t one. Griff goes to the house Sivis station and asks to contact Jossac d’Vadalis in Windshire. It’s an urgent matter about “the empress of beasts”.   Griff waits in a private booth and within 10 minutes Jossac arrives. Griff suggests the Princess is a druid. Jossac says that some people already suspected this. But that it doesn't matter. They can't get her out of there.   Griff then tells her how people from Mirons Tears claimed she can’t be trusted. Griff can’t get over the fact he never said Gazeer’s name. Jossac feigns ignorance at first but Griff presses on that that there is obviously something going on.   Jossac then says she doesn’t want to hurt him. Repeatedly. She’s surprised when Griff mentions a note Malak found and even more so when Griff mentions his glowing mark and that it can be removed. Jossac starts repeating her sentence of not wanting to hurt him again. She unveils General Len isn’t really the one calling the shots. When she asks for more information, Griff refuses. She starts to mention that she also doesn't want to hurt Grace or Cody. Griff pushes on. Jossac pleads for him to step away.   Griff hangs up and slowly makes his way to Malak’s house.  

Chili Wines vs Dog Whines

  Malak, Tristan and April arrive first. Vence, Silmer and Nesza arrive later. Kiasuh has prepared dinner. Nothing fancy. Just pasta. The door to the house is wide open. There are more tables set and occasionally people walk in and eat some pasta. Malak and Kiasuh barely blink at this.   Nesza asks April if she has any knowledge of growing things other than berries. She does. During the war they grew crops and sent supplies to Otharaunt. After the war they started growing more crops for themselves. Each family grows two certain crops that go well together to prevent pesticides and such. She explains that’s how you get more food to go around. He gives her a pound of chillies. Perhaps she could make her own wine with them? April takes it and tears start coming down her face and mentions that maybe sister Merry was right and she is special as she has such nice friends.   Silmer explains they were looking for some information and found a job board. They three unveil their tale of rescue and how impressed they were with each other.   April finally gets too curious and asks why people are coming in and out of their house. Malak explains it’s a Solaris custom to share what you have with others. Such as food. Silmer wonders if that means he can go to the neighbours and eat their food.   April starts mumbling to herself about her chili plant and its properties. She opens her notebook and starts writing. Vence and Malak who are sitting next to her notice that she's been analyzing dirt samples and lots of different flows and specific chemical properties. She keeps mumbling about if it would be possible to substitute a dandelion. Vence asks her what she means. April hypothesizes that she might be able to make a more viable cheaper solution to the “wine cure” since she knows the formula. She explains she’s also trying to find ways to make it better and mass produce it. She’s not sure what the chilli will do yet but that’s why she's analysing its properties. The reason they went to a “specific island” in the first place was the spoil. It’s a special type of compressed soil.   If there's a place where she can find similar soil it might make things easier for them. April says that she’s been analysing soil wherever she’s gone and trying to see where best would be a fit ya.   Tristan keeps glancing towards the door as the conversation goes. He’s worried about Griff. After a while, Griffy-dog runs in. He walks up to April and puts his head on her lap. April pets him and asks him if he’s ok. Griffy-dog whines sadly. April asked if he needed to get it out of his system. Griffy-dog whines. April asks him if he would like some food. Griffy-dog whines some more.   Griffy-dog turns back to Griff. He sighs and says he has some bad news. They were right about Jossac. Malak puts his hand on Griff’s shoulder and suggests they may be able to break any hold over her during their journey.   They thank Kiasuh for her hospitality, Kiasuh hands Griff a "doggy bag" and they head out. The group decide to head out to Hawk’s house.  

Piggy-Backing to the House of Hawk

  Tristan walks next to Griff as they leave. He mentions being worried after he just took off. He puts his arm around Griff's shoulder and they have a heart-to-heart. April crashes their party and jumps in with a hug. Griff puts her on his back and he piggy backs her to Hawk’s while talking with Tristan.   As they walk past Hawk's statue Vence checks if the copper cup is there. It’s still gone.  

Door to Dal Quor

  April drops off Griff's back and tries to look unsuspicious. Nesza asks whether everyone can see a keyhole as it wasn’t there the first time he and Malak looked. They can. Nesza takes out his key and explains he found it in Hawk's study. As he turns the key, he hears a couple of gears turning and the door opens up. They are met with a cold, dusty wind. Nesza only sees another door at the end of the hallway. He checks to see if there are traps. There is something unusual about this house but Nesza has no idea what it could be. He finds no traps.   Malak senses magic everywhere in the house. April investigates the door with the assistance of Vence. She notices that there is something magical about the door. She senses something unusual about the area. There seem to be small etchings on the floor but she can’t make sense of them. Vence recognises it as Quori. It says “Be safe”. Nesza lights up his shoulder pauldron and steps inside. Everyone follows.   As the last one steps in, the door slams shut behind them and they feel pressure on their bodies. Their heads start to feel like it's filled with cotton and before they know it all they see is black. As everyone opens their eyes, they see a blinding white light. As their eyes adjust, they find themselves in a large endless white void and standing in front of them are two figures. One is a paladin with short cropped golden hair. He has a braid with a feather in it. The other is Cissa and she smiles. She courteously welcomes them to Dal Quor: plane of dreams.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
13 Mar 2021

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