Session Seventy Eight: Getting an in with the Gold Dragon

General Summary

To the Library!   With Tristan in the lead, the party heads towards the Spire of Knowledge. They have a brief talk with Molly where Tristan learns that SoK Molly knows what he discussed with SoI Molly. Ed asks about the volume of Panic books that have been published in the last 9 years and is told it’s about 3 per month. At Vence’s request Molly points him to the smut section and Malak asks for a book about simulacrums.   While Ed tries to catch up on things he’s missed in the past 9 years, Vence follows Tristan and sits down with him humming softly and composing some sendings. Tristan is going through a book called “My spiritual journey” to learn more about seeing dead people. He learns he might be able to control sightings if he focuses and trains his body and mind and how there are three types of spirits. Vence in the meantime is bored and strikes up a conversation and Tristan tells him the story of the Lady in Red. This rolls into a longer talk on fairy tales. In the meantime Malak found a spellbook and studied it for new insights.     To the mall!   Done at the library, the group heads for a magical item shop. However when nearing the store Ed notices an establishment wedged in between two buildings “Olla’s feast & fortunes”. He points it out to the rest as he peels off but no one can see it. When he mentions the name Malak says it reminds him of the name of one of the Host (Ollandra). Ed suddenly disappears and the group investigates, Malak detects some magic in the shape of what could be the facade of a store. Tristan says if this is indeed Ollandra then Ed will be in good hands.   Ed in the meantime is inside velveted curtains lining all around, across from him a wooden desk with a halfling lady holding a die that changes her eye colour. She calls herself Ollandra and explains the rest can’t see this place cause she wanted to talk to Ed alone. She explains that Ed’s luck turned on a dime, he was down and suddenly showered with great fortune. Ed isn’t too sure about either of those statements but she says she finds this interesting. She explains she foresees he might get stuck again somewhere and that she can help him once and gives him a card. Their conversation turns to making your own luck and being a magician and she gives him a special deck of cards and pushes him out the door.   In the meantime the rest of the group is in the magic shop across the way, where Malak makes a very special find, namely an Abracadabracus which he instantly buys. Tristan being very confused is told the tale of the abacus but still thinks Malak and Vence are being silly. In the meantime Tristan bought a wand and Vence buys some more magic Chalk. As they head out of the store they see Ed appear as if he’s been pushed out of a door.     Back at the old haunt   Ed explains where he was and what happened and Vence sympathises with him as the band head back to the gold dragon inn. They have a talk about gathering allies, they can travel around to contact people fairly easily and they brainstorm a bit on who, where and when. Tristan afterwards asks about Malak’s pendant and maybe if it would be a good idea before they leave to check if there are any prismatic caves nearby. As he focuses on the necklace he feels a slight tug and recollects a place called Woodhelm that is relatively nearby and should have one. Everyone agrees it's a good place to stop over before heading to Karnath but that they should maybe visit Wilkis before they leave to see if House Medani would be of any help.     Into the dragon’s den   The group heads to the Medani HQ building a big white marble tower with a cockatrice symbol above the door. Vence is thrust into the lead and steps up the reception desk asking to talk to Wilkas. However Cornelius is the only one on the list and he is of course not there. Vence sends Rayler a sending and he suggests telling Mordekai behind the reception that he knows about the snake incident. Mordekai quickly relents and sends the group back to meet with Wilkas and to go through the security check. Here they are relieved of all their weapons and other magical items before going into an elevator. They are brought through a hallway one by one with a house Medani escort and warned to never enter this hallway without an escort. When all are across the door is opened and they are led into another room with the house Medani escort staying outside. Suddenly moonlight fills the chamber and Thaen is revealed into his true form with three echolike beings behind him. Tristan can see something slithering through his veins, small spectral animals and Malak is more radiant then ever and sporting opalescent wings. Ed is also there.   The door across from them opens and as they step out into a dark room they are back to normal. A pleasant voice asks a friend to guide them into the light and Ed suddenly sees Fear on his shoulder, the Panic must be the friend Wilkas mentions. As Ed says he’s also a friend of the Panic the panic confirms this and even though Tristan is sceptical there seems to be truth in there. Ed asks the Panic for an autograph and both he and fear sign an autograph.   The group sits down in a circle of light across from Wilkas on top of a Sarlonan rug. Thaen introduces the eyes as a subject but Wilkas wonders why he should help. The group explain their affiliations to try to persuade him (Miron’s tears, The traveller, Feathers). Wilkas asks what the group is looking for and Thaen asks for help in dealing with the syzygy but they agree that they need to strengthen their bonds first by working together. Malak also reminds Ed of his list of names and Ed explains what the list represents and hands it over to Wilkas who is very happy they will be able to provide some peace to families. Wilkas says he has his suspicions but he thinks Ed might already be able to clear up some things.   Wilkas says Sickle is scared of the nightmare because he's a beholder, besides that the syzygy will reset all magic and beholders are magical creatures. Malak is triggered and mentions that sickle went disguised at court as a lord Elson. Wilkas admits he wasn’t aware of this but he did have some suspicions. He says house Medani will be in touch with the group and they can also contact them using the house Medani stations and receive a code phrase: “There is something going on upstairs”. The Panic also gives Ed a sending stone to be able to contact the Panic however warns him it works only once and then explodes. As he does this he walks into the light finally and the group see what he truly looks like (a red tiefling)     A spot of vandalism   The group heads to the Spire of Inspiration to vandalise Cissa’s door. While Malak and Ed watch from a bit further, Tristan asks to open the viol case and let out Lucy and he focusesttrying to see Lucy like the book said. He manages to see Lucy and talk to her but he can’t hear her and she doesn’t know sign language. In the meantime Malak explains the vandalism to Edward who doesn’t know Lucy as Tristan walks over explaining he can see and is talking to Lucy. Lucy suggests Malak teaches the group to sign so they can communicate with Lucy even if they can’t see her. Tristan can relay what she says and the group agrees this is a great idea.     Ground control to Major Tom   The group heads back to the gold dragon in for some sendings and sleep. Vence sends a message to Tattala explaining that Silmer is now travelling with Hawk and Chantilly and that now they are no longer travelling with the group his part is done. Tatalla thanks him for the update and is glad HE thinks his part is done. Thaen sends a message to Talia explaining Phoenix's plan to gather allies and suggests they do the same with Talia replying her airship smells like Jasmine. Thaen asks Malak if he ever used a dream to visit Kiasuh and Malak says no but does get triggered to write her a message asking for his #notmydad’s last name. Kiasuh replies it’s Jerasco. She also mentions that Grace will visit Dallaen, Malak's mom, tomorrow.   Tristan asks Malak why he doesn’t dream himself into Kiasuh’s dreams and Malak explains she is in enough danger already he doesn’t want to add to it, but realises hadn’t considered giving Kiasuh a night with Myri using dream. After a short discussion with the group Malak sends a message to Kiasuh rambling about dreams and people and taking people to see other people, but Kiasuh understands. She can see her little girl…. “Come back home at once!”

Sickle Moon
Report Date
17 Feb 2024

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