Session Forty One: Dreams, Discoveries and Departures

General Summary


  It's past midnight. Some have gone to bed. Some stayed up a little longer to enjoy a good after party dance and a night cap. But for some, the night has just begun.   Corvus and Tristan meet at the Ishim household and are quickly taken upstairs to where Myri sleeps.  

Pinpricks of emotions

  Corvus explains that before they do this, he wants to ask Myri for permission. The spell is invasive and he is in full control of her dream. It might be best to try and ask her or at least alert her of what is about to happen.   He then tells Tristan that he would need to sing a few songs and checks that Kiasuh will be staying throughout. She confirms, as she needs to ensure her husband is save and her daughter is not hurt, seeing as Corvus is not completely sure what the spell might do. Kiasuh gives Malak a kiss as he readies himself.   Corvus casts Detect Thoughts on Myri. He feels activity. Pinpricks of emotions. They are scattered and they are far away from this conversation. He then tries to reach out to Myri, checking with Detect Thoughts if she is registering his voice. Although there was a brief response to her name, she does not seem to pick up on him asking her permission.   Upon Corvus' request, Tristan starts to play the Traitor's Song. In her mind it’s as if the music touches something. Corvus notices that this goes deeper and that her thoughts are bubbling up. She seems to be humming along to the song. He notices the emotion of nostalgia. Everyone but Corvus notice a smile growing on the face of Myranna.   Corvus explains what he’s learned and asks Tristan to please continue to play the song, it seems to give her a feeling of comfort. This might help Malak arrive at a happier place. Corvus gets Malak to sit with him and gives him some tips how to sit in a meditative state. He explains how the spell works and that he was planning on using the spell to continue their work as people are sleeping. To not waste time. Tristan shakes his head while singing. Corvus puts his hand on Myri and Malak’s heads and casts dream to send Malak into her mind.    

Deep Dark Dreams

  Malak feels like he’s thrown into a deep dark pool of water. The only real sense he has is hearing, and that is of the song playing. Movement is restrictive and a sense of weightlessness and yet sinking to the bottom. When his feet touches ground, he is relieved of the restrictive feeling. The darkness fades but the music get increasingly louder. But with the music, he is met by the familiar sound, smells and sights of the Battle for Metrol. In front of him, he sees Myri crouched over a Leonin, who is laying on the ground. He sees and hears her singing loudly to the song playing in the background. As if it was encouraging the Leonin to move. She gestures ahead of them. And with her words and gestures, Malak sees the Leonin rise, straighten up and give an earth-shattering roar before belting ahead. Myri watches after the Leonin as he disappears, her long silver hair drifting above her shoulders like flames in the wind. She then turns around and sees Malak. She doesn’t look particularly shocked but is momentarily surprised by him being there. She then bows her head at Malak before she is engulfed in flames.   The world shifts in front of Malak and he’s yet again at the Battle of Metrol but by a different scene. A halfling woman is trying to raise her fallen comrade to no avail. There is a shadow approaching her from behind. She is panicking. But then Malak sees Myri running towards the woman with the music blaring in the background, her light seemingly forcing the shadow to back away. She places her hand on the woman’s shoulder and sings to the songs. As she does so, her hair flares up more brightly. And this woman seems to see more than just the light. The woman sadly looks at her fallen friend, nods, gets up and leaves. As she walks away, she seems to disappear into thin air.  

It’s really you…

  Myranna notices Malak again. This time she looks confused. She walks towards Malak and addresses him. She points out that she found it strange but not unlikely that he knew the Leonin. But the Leonin was still dreaming and Malak could have merely been a figment. He can’t be a figment if the person is awake… and the halfling lady just woke up. And he can’t be dreaming as this is not his dream. Malak admits that he’s neither. It slowly dawns on Myranna. “It’s really you….” She takes note of the music and realizes that Malak must have been the cause of it. Myri seems very thrown off and unsure what to do. She explains that she does not know how much time they have as she has work that she needs to do. Malak attempts to conjure something using Dal Quor logic. He tries to clean the air by trying to create a bubble. Unfortunately, his attempt only partially succeeds and the bubble is just formed over his head like a fishbowl. Myri is very confused. Malak gives up the attempt and just rushes towards her and hugs her. Myranna freezes for a moment but very quickly crumbles into his embrace. Malak explains that Corvus, a friend, helped him enter Dal Quor to speak with her. He was told that he’d be able to control her dream once he was inside but realized quickly that the rules of the spell are different when he is not in her dream specifically. He was testing the spell out by making a bubble, in order to “clear the air” (he very nearly gives Myri psychic damage with that comment). Myri asks about the song and Malak explains that a friend of his, Tristan, is playing. He’s a new bard. Myri can certainly tell. It’s not the best rendition that she’s heard… On the one hand, thank you. On the other hand, I’ve-only-been-doing-this-for-a-week! Meanwhile, Corvus is taking the opportunity to help Tristan out. He gives tips on posture and technique and also gives bardic inspiration. Tristan both appreciative and annoyed. He has only just been learning how to be a bard and is already being judged for it. With this extra help, Tristan’s music does improve, however. And Myri and Malak notice the difference while in Dal Quor. (There is a little edge to the music as Tristan’s frustrations are pushed through his music… Myri likes the new version)  

Over ten years…

  Malak and Myri talk about her tasks in Dal Quor. Myri is surprised by just how much Malak already knows about Tira but all becomes clear when Malak points out that they met with Hawk. Malak states very matter-of-factly that he’s getting Myri out. He doesn’t have the means to right now. But he’ll do what it takes to wake her up. It’s been too long. Myri asks Malak just how much time has actually passed and is very shocked to learn that 10 years have passed. She immediately asks about her friends. Malak explains, to Myri’s relief, that Luscinia is still around. She is, in fact, Corvus’ mother (Myri realizes that Corvus has been mentioned by her before). But it seems that everyone else is gone. Died by the Sickness. Myri is distraught by this news and wishes that she could have helped them, looking at the string around her wrist. Malak explains that the others did not have Tula to save them. She’s even more upset at that thought. If the group was still together, perhaps Tula could have helped them all. Malak explains what he and the party are doing to ensure that she is brought back one day. He briefly discusses the task from Tira, Corvus’ research and what everyone else is working on. Myri muses that Malak has changed. Malak apologises. Myri apologises. Malak tells her that she shouldn’t. He nearly prevented all the good that she’s done.  

Next steps

  Malak explains that Tula has suggested looking into reliquaries to find the pieces of Kloinjer. And that a big “tortle guy” is looking into Sickle (he explains what that think Sickle is). Next to that, they are doing research on the crystals. He shortly tells Myri about April and how much alike they are. And that April’s mother, alongside a “wise-cracking cowboy guy” are looking into what the crystals are capable of. Myri is trying to stifle a chuckle. But as he talks, it seems that flames are engulfing her once more. And she cannot control it.  


  Once the flames clear, they are both on the back of a Silver Couatl, flying high above the clouds. Myri looks back and is relieved to see that Malak is still with her. Obviously the spell tethers Malak to her. Above the clouds, Malak sees millions of red threads shooting across the sky. They are coming from all different directions but seem to all go to the same place: a dark mountain-like structure in the distance where the threads fall into, what seems to be, a caldera at the top. Myri points it out that says that it’s il-Lashtavar, the Shadow in the Flame. The threads are connected to anyone with a mark. And if any threads are cut, the person attached dies. The quori cut the threads and the Dreaming Dark, otherwise known as the Shadow in the Flame, feeds off the suffering caused by it. Malak asks if Tira has a thread and Myri says no. But Tira is trying to forge Kloinjer to fight and defeat the Shadow in the Flame once more. It’s the aim to fight the darkness and end suffering. (Malak does not think that is possible but won’t voice his opinion).  

The 12 bards of the "Dodecahedron"

  The two discuss how the world affects Dal Quor. Myri explains that she does not actually know what’s going on outside of Dal Quor. But music can greatly affect it. Malak tries to explain the Trail and the “Dodecahedron” to her (isn’t that the game you and mom always play?). He explains what Corvus told him about it being linked to his father, to which Myri instantly understood what he meant, even mentioning Svesica by name. Malak is momentarily surprised that she knew who that was. But Myri shrugs it off because Luscinia told her about him.  

I’ll give mom a hug tonight

  Malak jokes that Kiasuh is so jealous of what he’s doing right now. Myri giggles and explains that she’ll give her mom a hug tonight. She tells Malak that she is able to visit their dreams and does so when she can. He’s always thinking in his sleep. But he always remembers her while he dreams. Not everyone does.  

Luscinia’s song

  Meanwhile, Corvus casts detect magic and asks Tristan to switch to playing Flight of the Silverbird. Tristan warns Corvus of the effect the song has on his mark and Myri’s. Corvus is intrigued and encourages him to keep going. While the Traitor’s song is still playing, no actual magical effect seems to be causing Myri’s reaction. It seems to be a physical reaction. He can tell that something magical is happening to her, but it does not seem like the music is causing it. However, when Flight of the Silverbird starts up, it’s obvious that the magic is being caused by the song. The first verse, true to the previous time, her mark glows red and she has a slightly red aura around her. With the second verse, her mark grows blue and her silver hair almost seem to light up in a silver blaze. And she breathes in considerably deeper.   In Dal Quor, Myri smiles happily. She tells Malak that Luscinia used to play this to her all the time, although it did not used to have lyrics. Malak notices that the silver thread around her wrist glows red during the first verse. And, in the distance, he sees another thread glowing. When the second verse starts, a blue aura engulfs Myri and both threads glow blue too. Her thread is also visibly growing thicker. Malak points at the other thread and explains that that is the person singing to her, Tristan. Myri is very interested in hearing that he is a soldier too. Malak adds that he’s from Karrnath… and not a vampire or undead.   Tristan plays the two version two or three times. Every time the same things happen. Corvus observes the song being played. He seems to conclude that the magic is similar to Bird Magic. Tristan explains the difference between what the song looks like this time (since his acceptance of the Feather) in comparison to last time.   Tristan wonders why someone who is not part of the dodecophany has this effect on the song. Corvus takes both flutes out and both he and Tristan notice that the bamboo one glows. Corvus explains that he believes that, the more verses that are collected by the dodecophany, the more energy is collected and stored. He believes that it’s energy that Luscinia might be able to use. However, if non-dodecophany members play this song, the song might have some effect on the world but no energy will be stored.  

A Hero Comes Home

  The two call it a night. Kiasuh is already asleep so the two cover her in blankets and see themselves out. As they wonder down the street, they discuss the power of music. They both seems to have an understanding that music affects and moves people. Corvus asks Tristan if there is a song that has an affect on him and Tristan acknowledges that there is one. They walk to Hawk’s statue. Tristan habitually checks for a copper cup (there isn’t one) and then Corvus asks him to sing the song that affects him.   Corvus casts Detect Magic and Tristan sings “A Hero Comes Home”. As with the “Traitor’s song’s” effect on Myri, it obviously has some sort of physical effect on Tristan but nothing magical. Corvus deems the test “useless”. He explains that is seems that the song has a soothing, nostalgic effect on Tristan. Tristan finds it far from useless but knows that Corvus does not see it that way.  

It wasn’t enough

  Back in Dal Quor, Myri was very happy to hear the song, seeing as it was Luscinia’s. Malak points out that it’s about her, which surprises Myri. He explains that this is the song that the “Dodecahedron” need to learn. He muses that if they collect all verses and play together, it might release everyone from the strings. Myri tells Malak that if it’s due to Svesica that all this has been set up, that she believes that the trail could work. She believes in the cause. To which Malak says that he believes in her.   The two are engulfed in flames once more and then find themselves on a cliffside overlooking the city of Metrol and a large plateau. The battle is not taking place at that exact moment so it could be before the fight. A scene that Malak has seen in his dreams. Malak briefly teases Myri for her and Tula being the Silverbird. And that the song and event are known as “The Flight of the Silverbird”. Myri feels that people were a tad unoriginal.   Malak explains that whenever he tells someone that he was Myri’s father, he gets instant respect as she is greatly respected for everything that she has done. He feels ashamed at the thought that he was nearly the one who prevented her from achieving all that. Myri sadly says that, had she stayed, perhaps someone more competent would have taken up the mantel. All her exploits have ended in failure. In fact, she always made it worse. Thaliost caused crops to die. The Flight of the Silverbird caused the greatest bloodbath of the entire 100 year war. She killed more people than she saved. She was a failure, not a hero.  

Remembering the Flameless

  Malak explains that the Flameless were known to end fights peacefully and are greatly respected by soldiers of other countries. He probably would not have been able to convince Tristan to sing for her had Tristan not already heard and believed the stories about them. Myri is glad to hear that the Flameless are being remembered. That Kiya is remembered for everything that she did. Malak confirmed that Kiya is in a book.  

Goodbye… yet again

  Malak bids his goodbye and says that he’ll hug Kiasuh for Myri. Myri asks him to also hug her grandmother. And to tell her to be nicer to the man who obviously really likes her in her dreams. Malak DEFINITELY will talk to Daellean.   With that, Myri is engulfed in flames once more… as Malak wakes up before nodding off into his own dream.    

The Lady and the Vence

  At the Lazy Bull, Vence tells Hawk and Elijah about meeting Baxon Hawk in Dal Quor. Hawk and Elijah explain that they were aware as Cissa had already informed them both.   Vence then explains Baxon Hawk’s name change to Sunny Baxon Hawk. Elijah is VERY amused and Hawk thinks it’s a bit silly but knows it’s coming from the right place.   Before going to bed, Lady messages Asir Lady: Been a long time since I seen you play. But giving up the viol? Really? The Asir that I know would never not apply himself. Asir: Ah. Hello guest. I did not see you. Though not surprised. I have multiple skill. And I try to apply to them all. Have a lovely visit  

Bride of Balinor

  Griffy owl flies to a tower (with claw marks on the side) in the center of town that seems to have enough space to let Godric out. Griff tells Godric everything that has happened in the last few weeks and says that he does not know what to do. There’s a lot of stuff going on and he wants to keep his mind on just one thing at a time.   He explains that the princess will be leaving on her honeymoon (and explains what that is) and that she’s not very happy with this course in her life. Godric offers to eat the Prince and Griff talks around it, mentioning that Corinne has a Griffon egg. Godric offers to teach the baby to eat the Prince. Griff does not think that this is a bad idea.   Griff then asks why Corinne is called the Bride of Balinor. Godric explains that that is what Balinor calls her. He does not know why. Just that she is important.   He asks Godric if there is a cup to talk to Balinor with but Godric retorts that Balinor is not the Traveler. Griff then asks how Godric knows about the Bride of Balinor and Godric explains that it’s like knowing how to fly. He just knows. He’s both surprised and not surprised that human do not know this. Godric muses that perhaps other humanoids do and wonders if Silmer does.   Griff then asks what he should do next. He feels that fucking up Sickle is a safe option. Godric agrees and is not sure what to do about the matter around Corinne. He suggest talking with others about it but Griff is not sure whether Corinne wants this information to be shared. Godric says that the entire animal kingdom knows so it’s not really a secret. But Griff does not agree as most humans do not. Griff decides that he’ll talk with one of the “smart ones” further about this. So Godric flies him back to the inn.    

Don’t you hear the bells?

  The next morning, the group awake to loud bells chiming in the distance. Most party members decide to remain in bed, trying to drown the constant chiming out. But Silmer gets up, disguises himself as Hayon, has breakfast and heads to the Spire of Inspiration to find Vence. He knocks on Cissa’s apartment door and Cissa answers. She’s fully dressed and seems wide awake, greeting him brightly but does not open the door fully.   Silmer asks for Vence and Cissa explains that he’s sleeping and not decent. She asks Silmer to hold on a moment. She goes to make Silmer some tea and then pokes Emir awake, explaining that Silmer is there to speak with Vence. She does not think he’d be there if it wasn’t for something important.   She brings Silmer some chamomile tea and a pillow to sit on (he remains standing) and has some tea with him while Emir gets dressed and shifts into Vence.   Cissa asks if Silmer enjoyed himself the night before and he says no. But he did enjoy watching the dancing and the Birds and Vence’s performances.   When Vence is ready, Cissa lets Silmer in. She asks if she should leave but Silmer tells her that she can stay.    

Silmer needs to talk with… Flamingo?

  Silmer takes his hat off and asks Vence if he can send a message to Phoenix. Before giving him the suggestion of what to say, he tells Vence and Cissa everything that he had learnt the night before with Hawk and Phoenix.   Vence and Cissa are taken aback by the news that Silmer might be a prince. Silmer explains that Phoenix seems to know him but he doesn’t know her at all and doesn’t know whether he can trust her. Vence and Cissa confirm that, considering that she did not even know that Silmer was nearby and looked concerned for him, she probably is trustworthy. Cissa also says that she knows Phoenix and she has never been known to be an untrustworthy Bird.   Silmer is reassured and decides to contact Phoenix. But they all realise that Phoenix is probably attending the wedding at that exact moment so she might not be able to reply.   Upon reflection that Sarlona is involved, Cissa suggests maybe reaching out to her brother at some point too. But he’s probably at the wedding too so they’ll need to wait.   They decide to hang out at the Lazy Bull while they wait for time to pass (Vence shifts into Emir before leaving Cissa’s room).    

There is no lazing in the Lazy Bull

  At the Lazy Bull, Hawk comes downstairs and is greeted by Cissa with a massive hug. He explains to her that he danced with Eggs the night before. Cissa is shocked and delighted. And slightly sad that she missed that. Hawk suggests trying again that evening.   Hawk shakes hands with Emir, squeezes his hand a might too tightly and tells him to take care of Cissa. They all sit for breakfast but realise that Muffin isn’t there.   Pancake is stressing in the kitchen. Hawk explains how freaked out Muffin was from the whole Eggs encounter the night before. Cissa suggest that she can go help Pancake in the kitchen. Hawk and Silmer suggest that they do that and Cissa help in the tavern instead. Pancake is very appreciative of the help and gives the tortles a stack of recipes that needed to be prepared for the day. Silmer gets started immediately. Hawk helps by passing ingredients (he has no idea what he’s supposed to actually do).   As they work, the tortles talk about the night before. Hawk feels somewhat obligated to help with the Sarlonan matter as it could eventually impact Q’Barra. He might be able to get his tribe to help.   Silmer wants to verify the information first and explains that he will reach oPhoenix Hawk asks to join and Silmer gladly accepts.    

…love you…

  Malak wakes up and tells Kiasuh everything that happened the night before. It’s an emotional moment with a lot of hugs and crying. He then tells Kiasuh about what Myri said regarding Daellean. The two are invested in setting Daellean up with this mystery man and Malak decides to the her in his book.   Malak: Hey mam. So. I heard something interesting from your granddaughter…. She has watched your dreams and wants you to talk to this man you like. Daellean: I am at the wedding, Malak…. Malak: Well, you did not have to reply. We will talk later. Have fun. Watch for Corinne. LOVE YOU! Daellean: … love you…   Malak then explains the book to Kiasuh and asks her to sign it. Kiasuh scans the names that have signed it already, gets to Cissa obnoxious signature and just gives him a look, sighs but when she gets to Jurian’s name she seems happy to see it. She signs her name too. (She give Malak shit for asking her last though).   Meanwhile, the rest of the group slowly wake up and head to the Inn’s restaurant for breakfast and coffee (Tristan joins too) and just… dissociate.    

Calling Phoenix

  As the bells stop chiming in the early afternoon, the group decide to head back to the Spire of Inspiration once more to reach out to Phoenix. Before doing leaving, Emir shows Hawk that he is, in fact, also Vence by showing his hand shifting. He then sends to Phoenix.   Vence: Silmer reached out. He is safe and would like to arrange a meeting. Come to Cissa’s apartment in the Spire of Inspiration. Phoenix (after a slight pause and in a confused tone): Vence? You know Silmer? Ok. See you later!   Emir shifts back in as they are about to leave the Lazy Bull and Hawk says he needs to give Emir “the talk” for both him and Elijah. Cissa asks him to be gentle.   Pancake runs out of the kitchen as they head out, saying a million thank yous and handing Silmer a stack of recipes. Emir’s eyes light up at this and asks Silmer to please teach him how to make Bacon and Eggs sometime. Silmer agrees and then disguises himself as Hayon again. They head out and Hawk greets Pancake and Eggs.    

Phoenix and Silmer

  At the Spire, Molly greets Hawk as Ubo Gurad Tibor Queg Sunny Hawk, and Hawk shivers slightly when referred to as Tibor. Cissa hugs Hawk. They all head up to her apartment and wait for Phoenix. Emir shifts into Vence.   Before long, there is a knock on the balcony door. Cissa opens and she’s practically pounced by Phoenix, who is very nicely dressed and overjoyed to see Cissa. Phoenix then takes in Cissa’s new appearance, commenting on her hair eyes etc. Hawk notices that Cissa is getting increasingly uncomfortable and has Phoenix come sit down.   She asks where Silmer is and Hayon steps out from behind Vence. She greets Hayon brightly. She asks Vence why he didn’t tell her that there were going to be so many people present and Vence says that 25 words is not enough. She enquires how many spells slots he has and he retorts by saying that he doesn’t have enough to keep up with her. She tells him that that’s not enough and then boops his nose. She tells him to apply himself. He can’t have the skill he showed the night before with minimal spell slots.   She then turns to Hayon and asks him whether or not he is undead. Hawk is curious to know the answer to this too. Silmer gives Hawk a look and then takes the hat off.   Dots connect for Phoenix instantly. She wonders why Silmer did not tell her but first wants to know whether Haton is actually dead. Silmer confirms this and Phoenix looks a bit stricken by the news. She tells Silmer that Hayon was a good man.    

The Bird of Sarlona

  Phoenix takes a moment to compose herself and process the news. She then turns her attention to Silmer. He explains that he doesn’t remember her. She says that she’s not surprised because she brought him over from Sarlona to Chelon when he was very small.   She explains that she used to be the Bird of Sarlona. But when she learned about what the Inspired were doing to the Kalashtar and Tortles in Agar, she couldn’t handle it. She found out that they were on a witch hunt for the new heirs of the tortle throne. And she managed to get one of them out… Silmer. She brought him to the Lhazzar Principalities because no place is safer than one crawling with thieves, pirates and outlaws. Silmer asks Phoenix if she sold him to Chelon. She scoffs at the very thought and explains that baby tortles are tiny (while trying to gesture the size of her hand, Hawk does the same) and she has diplomatic immunity so she is able to cross borders easily.   After that, she did not wish to return to Sarlona. So she made agreements with another Bird (glancing knowingly at Cissa) to take her place and keep an eye on everything.    


  Silmer asks Phoenix why the Sarlonans were after the tortles. And him in particular. What could he have possibly achieved? He’s just a fisherman. Phoenix turns the question around and says that it’s linked to Kalashtar. Silmer considers that it is then probably linked to Dal Quor and Phoenix confirms this.   In Dal Quor, there is a powerful being that slumbers. Depending if it’s being fueled by more darkness or more light, it would either awaken to be il-Lashtavar or il-Yannah. The being of darkness will bring destruction to the current world and, from its ashes, a new world will be born. The being of light will take the world as it is and change it into a new world. At this moment, it’s tipping towards darkness.   The Dreaming Dark (run by people known as the Inspired) work for the quori who serve il-Lashtavar, the Dreaming Dark. They are trying to awaken whatever il-Lashtavar is.   The Kalashtar work with the minority of quori who serve il-Yannah.   The Inspired feel that, if too many people spread the word of il-Yannah, they will awaken instead of il-Lashtavar.   Vence carefully asks if that was the reason why Kalashtar disappeared in the Kingdom of Galifar. Phoenix takes a moment to consider his words and then gives a small nod.    

The Tortles of Agar

  The tortles have been allies to the Kalashtar for centuries. The Inspired are able to sense Kalashtar and the Kalashtar are able to sense the Inspired. The Inspired use this power to out the Kalashtar. However, it seems that being around tortles shield Kalashtar from this sense. It seems that they are the only species that is able to enter Dal Quor but not be affected by it.   Silmer confirms this and gives a short explanation of his experiences in Dal Quor, intriguing Hawk and fascinating Phoenix. Phoenix then explains that, one tortle can have that affect, imagine what an army can do. And what importance a leader in that position would have.   Silmer asks how many tortles are left. Phoenix does not know but there are still a fair few. Otherwise Wren would have informed her by now. Hawk asks why the Inspired don’t try to get the tortles over to their side. Phoenix is not completely sure if it’s still the case but they used to try… and failed. Because the tortles are able to see what happens in Dal Quor.  

What about the other tribes

  Silmer asks why the tribe in Agar is the only one being targeted. Phoenix explains that there are two more, Ghoza and Malshashar, and they are all in danger. But the tribe in Agar is the largest one.   When asked about the Kin, Phoenix points out that they are in Q’Barra and are significantly harder to get to. However, that’s not to say that it would never happen.   Hawk points out that this is all the more reason to band together.   Silmer asks about the current reigning tortle. Phoenix believes that he is still alive, but he has not been seen for many years. But the tribe is still very much actively protecting the Kalashtar.  


  Silmer and Hawk need to process all this information. Phoenix understands and wishes she had known that he was not informed about her. Otherwise she would have reached out sooner.   Silmer explains that he was tucked away on boat for most of his life, not being told anything. It dawns on Phoenix that those were almost her exact instructions and probably the reason why he was not informed yet…   Silmer wonders who of the Lyranders knew about this. Apparently Hayon and Chelon knew and kept regular contact with Pheonix. Hayon was even the Lyrander who helped ferry her to the Principalities all those years ago. But it is unclear if Tatalla knew.   Phoenix is a bit sad that Hayon has passed away. They seemed to have been very good friends.    

Lights in their Eyes

  Vence asks how they can identify a member of the Inspired and how driven are they. Phenix explains that they kill tortles on site if they saw one the night before, the would not have cared if it caused and international incident.   Vence the asks how one can tell a Kalashtar from an Inspired. Phoenix explains that there is no exact way to do it. Inspired are capable of impersonation. But the Inspired tend to sound more “soulless” when they speak. They seem very friendly and very floaty but there are no “lights in their eyes”. They also tend to wear white flowy robes, pale faces and white hair. A lot of Kalashtar have similar appearances but do not seem as “soulless” when they talk.   The group realise that they saw two people like that the night before.    

I want to introduce you to my “snowman”

  Hawk asks how the group would be able to reach Phoenix if they ever need her. She points to Cissa and also Vence, giving him another jab at only having one spell slot when she knows that he really does not.   Hawk then suggests that he introduce her to someone else too. His “snowman”. This piques her interest as she misunderstands exactly what he means. The misunderstanding also flies over Hawk’s head so Cissa whispers something in Phoenix's ear. She is visibly disappointed. They arrange to meet at the Lazy Bull that evening so that she can meet Snolijah.  

Brave New World

  Silmer discusses with Hawk the link between everything that’s happening and Hawk looking for Sickle. Perhaps they are working together with the Inspired. Or it could be a coincidence.   Phoenix has heard of the Eyes. They were linked to the Valenar elves in some way. She’ll need to speak with Passer about that at some point. Vence then asks whether the Kalashtari song “Brave New World” means anything to her. It refers to something akin to a dream awaking. Phoenix takes a moment to think before she starts to hum the song. She remembers the song but did not know whether it had any additional meaning. But it might do. She hasn’t been in Sarlona in 15 years so if it’s grown in relevance, she would not know.   Vence enquires if Phoenix knows anyone who would have more information on the song. She did not really have that kind of relationship with the Kalashtar. And neither does Wren. She can’t make any promises but she can see what she can do. Vence then admits to being able to cast Sending “more than twice”.    

Do you have a message for your sister?

  As Phoenix is about to leave, she asks that everyone take good care of Silmer. Silmer tells her that he hopes to meet her again so that she can tell him the story about how she got him out.   She really wants to. It’s a very exciting story. She might write a song about it one day. She asks Silmer if there is any message that she should pass on to his sister. Silmer says that he wants to process everything first and then reach out to Tatalla.   Phoenix realizes that they were not talking about the same person. And clarifies that she meant his biological sister, Sii’na. Silmer is stumped. He then asks if he has other siblings and Phoenix confirms that he has a younger brother (two minutes apart), Dhyn.   Phoenix explains that they are both safe but in different places. Sii’na is in the Lhazzar Principalities, under the watchful eye of the Prince. She did not join as they knew that Inspired would be present. Dhyn lives in the Shadow Marches but Phoenix is not sure where. They unfortunately could not keep the siblings together. They decided to place the children in locations where the Inspired would be least likely to look. The group decided against Q’Barra in case it was targeted in the future.   Soft Ones have not really been able to get a foothold in the Principalities. They are usually tossed from ships. When asked, she explains that Soft Ones are the dignitaries of the Inspired that infiltrate the courts around the world who act as ambassadors to Sarlona.   Silmer is surprised. He has a family. He asks to inform his siblings about him and that he is safe. Phoenix explains that she can’t send a message directly to Dhyn as she’s never seen him face to face. But she’ll contact his caretaker.  

They made it

  Hawk mentions that about 40 years ago there were some Kalashtar and Sarlonan tortles who stayed with the Kin for a short while. He asks if she knew anything about them.   Phoenix looks happy and softly says “they made it”. When asked to elaborate, Phoenix explains that there were multiple exoduses from Agar. They were hidden all around Khorvaire. Sometimes the Inspired found them.   For short periods of time, they Sarlonan tortles would seek asylum with their Q’Barran brethren. And it has never been denied.    

Granddaddy Hawk

  Hawk volunteers to discuss this with the Kin as well. He is an elder of sorts so they are likely to listen to him. Cissa teases him that he’s more of a granddaddy of sorts. Hawk shrugs her off until she hints that one of his sons might have a clutch on the way. He is not all too pleased about the prospect.   He continues that he’d rather have his tribe prepared for the Inspired. Possibly head the matter off before they come for his tribe. To ensure that there are numbers during a confrontation. Silmer asks Hawk where he will be heading as of now and Hawk explains that he’s going to Athandra. But there are people who know how to reach him.   Silmer then asks Phoenix how this group would feel about him taking action against the Inspired. Phoenix says that his family wouldn’t be prouder.   With that, Phoenix takes her leave.    

Krull’s new squeeze

  Hawk is suddenly very concerned for Krull and asks Cissa if she has seen her recently. Cissa has not and agrees to contact Krull for him. Cissa: Hiiiiii Krull. Your dad says not to tell you that he is contacting you. But he is worried about you. Where are you? …. Cissa: Ok! …. Cissa: Yeah. … Cissa: Whaaat? Wow! That is so exciting! …. (Hawk starts to get impatient with Cissa) Cissa: Awwwwww! ….. (Hawk: CISSER!)   Cissa chuckles, looks at Hawk and explains that Krull is in Starlaskur and safe. She’s met a really cute firbolg. Going on a first date tomorrow. After some persuasion, Cissa tells Hawk that Krull’s new squeeze is called Cassidy.   Before the group scatters, Hawk tells Silmer about April’s letter to him. And that she offered to make him an elixir of Flying. He asks Silmer to tell her that he’d like that.   Silmer considers that he needs to find April anyway because he needs to tell her about stuff. Later on, Malak hands Hawk the Teardrop amulet.  

It's just the beginning

  April decides to join her mother and Elijah in Sharn to assist when her mother’s research while also looking into some pending matters for the group.   At the Lazy Bull, the group prepare to say goodbye. Everyone gives April a lot of hugs and showers her with love.   In return, April hands:
  • Silmer his backpack and the money
  • Hawk three elixirs of flight
  • 3 batches of herbs for Tristan
  • The rest of the group a large bag of potions
  Cissa gives April a green feather. April misunderstands its meaning at first, thinking that it’s a blue tipped feather. She starts to sing but Cissa stops her and whispers that she’ll visit April in the evening to give her that feather. The feather she gave April right now is actually her own. Signifying that Cissa will always watch over April as one of her wards.   Malak removes his mother’s name from his book and has April sign hers in there instead. He tells April to expect a lot of messages. Emir asks Hawk for some cover to shift between the different forms. They each say goodbye in their own way. Vence gives her a puzzle box (the prize inside is the necklace that she gave Vence).   April tears up as she says her final goodbyes to the group, telling everyone how much they mean to her. Tristan pushes everyone into a group hug. Griff tells her that it’s just the beginning…  

Hello Sunshine

  As the evening winds down, everyone has said goodbye to both April and Hawk (who is leaving for Athandra in the morning), Tristan hears a familiar male voice in his head:   Voice: Hello Sunshine. So that was you. I will see you tomorrow. Tristan: Yes it was. Did not seem like the right time to approach you. Got a time in mind? Voice: Shall we say noon? I am sure there will be a music room available for us. She was lovely. Tristan: Noon is fine. She is. See you then.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
28 Aug 2021

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