Session Sixty Eight: A very offensive birthday party

General Summary

When the clock struck twelve, the appartment turned into a pumpkin...

  The group arrives at Cissa's apartment in good cheer. Upon surveying the room Emir quips that Ari has finally eaten Tristan, Grace merely comments "not yet." Edwards lets them all know he has brought snacks. Cody exclaims with glee he wants to throw a surprise party for Tristan's birthday. Which is also a "surprise" party for the rest as Tristan never told them. Grace remains uncertain of the idea but doesn't put a stop to it. While Emir tries to ascertain how "big" they're to go Edward explains Karnathi birthday customs from a reputable "published journalist". The party doesn't know yet, but it turns out Edward's information is sourced from comic books of 'The Panic' (the Sharn version of 1960s Batman). Emir is not on board and explains that this isn't actually traditional but Edward's mind couldn't be changed. Emir suggests "Karnathi milk" as the drink to be served (as he suspects Tristan will need a drink to handle the evening).   Edward also wants to make up Malak, Corrine, and Griff as if they are undead. The group is all in and sets to work.
  • Edward and Chantilly make the decorations
  • Ms. Chose gets a bartender to make the "Karnathi Milks"
  • Gislea and Silmer salvage some cup cakes from earlier in the evening
  • Cody, Gisleia, and Edward do the following disguises
  • Malak is made a Vampire- Piesk is a ghost (sheet with no holes)- Corrine as a Zombie - Griff as a werewolf - Edward hides dressed as The Panic - Emir wears a see through skeleton suit - Cody paints white streeks on his face, assuming that he looks like a skeleton- Gisleia adds some blood to her mouth- Neither Grace or Silmer wear a costume- ...Grace wears a worried look
Meanwhile, outside the Spire, Tristan is still unnerved from his vision of people "in old timey clothes" and asks a passerby if they'd seen anything. The person says they haven't and grows worried Tristan may have eaten one of the Spire mushrooms by mistake. Tristan assures the worried man he did not. Upon entering the Spire Tristan asks Molly about the people he saw, but she talks about dead people. Tristan waves it off as a miscommunication.   It isn't long after that Tristan knocks at the door upstairs and hears giggling. A ghostly mage hand opens the door revealing a dark room within which shouts "SURPRISE!" and a funeral dirge rendition of "Happy Birthday" starts up. Edward informs Tristan this is the traditional Karnathi custom as Emir supplies Tristan with "milk" and Grace intercedes before Tristan says anything too rude in reply. The commotion rouses Malak and Corrine and the pair try and get their bearings. It takes Malak a second to piece together what is going on and realizes how culturally insensitive it is (said during a fake bite / hug). Corrine summons bat for the party as Emir uses Major Image to make the scene actually more traditional.   Tristan explains to the group he would have told the group about his birthday in the morning as he figured that he'd be grumpier for day. But finds the gesture kind of sweet and thanks them all.   During the party Edward mentions that he is an orphan and doesn't know his birthday, but he's always celebrated it at the beginning of the fall while Tristan blows out the candles on his 35th birthday cup cake. Grace quietly apologizes to Tristan for what transpired and makes it known she had no ability to stop it.   While all this is happening, Malak gives Godrick to Corinne.   Discussion of next steps occur and it is explained that Griff will be safe thanks to Corinne having asked Balinor to protect him but the group agree that it might be best for him to stay at The Knott for now. Malak informs Cissa of this "very offensive birthday party" and to relay a message to Jay for transportation to the Knott. Chantilly and Silmer agree to accompany Griff.   Piesk and Gisleia also wish to join on this trip but Emir suggests that it might be better for her to stay as she "needs to tell her parents." Gisleia didn't understand the subtle remark so Malak tries to help but Gisleia is clear she doesn't want to leave Piesk. Emir delicately mentions that Gisleia's last name has gathered attention, which she understands but sours her mood, much to his chagrin. She remarks that the last time she went to sleep she didn't wake up as Piesk really wants to be useful. Tristan and others tell him keeping Gisleia safe is being useful.   As the evening winds down goodbyes are made and the group splits up to their respective lodgings for the evening. But only after agreeing to meet at Gold Dragon Inn for breakfast. It seems everyone gave Gislea their own special goodbye as well.   Edward briefs Tristan and Grace that Tristan will need watched for the next 72 hours as there might be some residual effects of the sickness like lower perception.   Corrine says her goodbyes to everyone but when asked about what brought her to Wroat quickly explains she told her husband they needed allies with the talks and to be closer with Breland.   Malak, Corrine, and Cody head back to the castle for the night. Grace, Tristan, and Griff will stay in Cissa's apartment, where Grace is tasked to keep an eye on both Jossac and Tristan for the whole night. Piesk and Gisleia will return to The Last Lantern. VETT, Edward, Silmer, and Chantilly will head back to the Gold Dragon Inn    

We'll be right back after these short messages

    Before turning in for the evening Edward asks Vence if he can do sending and if so to Elizabeth. While Vence can do the sending he can't do so directly to Elizabeth, but can to someone close to her.   Vence: Elizabeth, Edward says happy birthday. He's safe and well fed. He gave Tristan a traditional Karnathi party as described by The Panic. Genti: And a happy birthday to Tristan from all of us. We are also celebrating in "traditional" Karnathi fashion. She is laughing a lot.   After Vence's sending to Genti are completed Edward begins to receive sendings from Elizabeth asking about who saved him and about Tristan. Edward explains the group of people he is with and that "Tristan is with his GF and a traitor. He was hurt a lot but he is currently okay." Elizabeth asks him to visit her tomorrow, if he can, giving him an address to 221B Baker's Street.   Taking a moment to mentally readjust after the sendings Edward invites Vence along to visit Elizabeth. There is a short pause before Vence accepts, but in doing Thaen creates the mental equivalent of someone flipping their desk and kicking it at Vence.   The pair then go to their respective rooms where Vence makes one final sending to Rescinna, inviting her to breakfast at the Gold Dragon Inn.  

Princess and the Wands

  Having safely escorted Corrine back to the palace Cody and Malak ready themselves for bed. Malak was given Grace's room for the night. He walks in to find a very richly decorated and comfortable-looking room. The room cannot be described as "messy" but there is a lot of "organised chaos" as it is clear that Grace uses the room to also work from. A lot of books, a lot of papers... and wands in the weirdest of places. There is a small office to the side where it is clear Grace has been doing research.   Malak finds it hard to initially to get comfortable as Grace has left wands all throughout her bed, floor, and every available surface area. Before going to sleep however Malak kicks off a round of 'good night messages', even telling Cody "good night son" and receiving a "good night dad" in return.  

Dream not of Nightmares

  While ,ost of the group manages to find sleep, Tristan and Grace stay up talking for a while. They speak in halfling and dwarvish with the aid of Comprehend Language to keep Josac from listening in. Tristan is reluctant to sleep, worrying of returning to the nightmares of Il-Lashtafar. Grace offers to wake him if the nightmares become too much as she can't sleep because someone has to watch Jossac. While Tristan is tired enough to sleep there are things he needs to tell her now.   Tristan begins by explaining about the effects of walking through the Silver Flame. The way it extends your life and seemingly offers protection in Dal Quor. Grace is intrigued at the possibilities of extended life but thinks also thinks of the cons. And teasly implies that any future children of theirs would grow jealous of their youth and beauty.   After some pressing from Grace Tristan admits he doesn't "want to be a threat to those I love" in regards to having Theda removing the animals from him. Grace makes it clear to Tristan while she appreciates him asking it is his life and his decision, she only considers it her business if it negatively affects her. Before sleep takes Tristan he admits he doesn't know the risks or potential outcomes, but will inform the group.  

Sweet Dreams of Made of Trees

  In his dream Tristan again stands before a tree where Elizabeth's corpse hangs as if she was sleeping. His mind is clear as he approaches the tree without fear. The scene isn't as grizzly as it was before...before Tristan wakes with a start staring at the stars and moon and a dozing Grace, just like the continuation of the nightmare. But this time, he is desentised by what was happening, as if everything has been muffled. His sleep continues into the morning.  

Before Breakfast

  Malak's sleep was poor as he seemed to have an unnatural talent for finding all the missing wands in Grace's bed. He tried to say goodbye to Cody, but he seemed to still be asleep. Malak does leave a note for Grace. Initially complaining about all the wands before crossing it out and thanking her for the bed and to keep the princess safe before leaving.   While Malak complains about wands, Grace is having Skyking soldiers finally escort Jossac away.   Afterward Chantilly, Silmer, Jay, and Griff use Cissa's apartment to make their way back to The Knott.  

Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee Coffee

  The group meet up at the Gold Dragon Inn at the agreed upon time but it seems Edward has already been raiding the breakfast buffet. Tristan brings coffee to an exhausted looking Grace as Edward gives rave reviews to the "cloud like" mattress he slept on. After Vence returns with extra cups and a fresh pot of coffee Tristan asks, "Alright Idiots Anonymous, what's the agenda?"   Malak begins explaining about what transpired in il-lashtafar with Griff, Keya, and Corrine. His explanation regarding Balinor drew a some raised eyebrows. But it seems Griff will be safe, much to the relief of Grace.   Edward recounts what he talked with Elizabeth about yesterday, including giving the address of where she was staying. Malak quickly asks if he can go as Tristan says he will not be attending. Tristan then explains to Edward some of the Trail and why he can't see Elizabeth. Malak offers to give Elizabeth a hug for Tristan as Grace announces she will go too. Edward remarks that Grace "isn't presentable." Vence "accidentally" spills coffee to try and distract the comment, but to no avail. Edward further explains his meaning, which is better understood, but does little to make Grace feel better. Tristan reminds her that personality will matter more to Elizabeth anyway and not to worry.   Grace explains to all that the Korranberg Chronicle's investigative reporters are currently working for her. It was why she is aware of Loomkeep. She will have someone stationed there. It also seems their findings regarding the moons alignments is "soon" and that there may be power surges from them. Tristan recounts his experience regarding the moon in his nightmare the other day, which raises a few eyebrows and questions. The group speculate about the godly influence of other planes being limited and various reasons why that may be the case.   Grace does wonder what brought the group here though and gets a variety of answers before clarifying "in Wroat." Which is of course to complete the next part of the trail, meeting the next bird. Vence's answer though was about a friend who should be arriving shortly...  


  Vence explains that the friend in question might not give their name, thinking of her refusal to enter the Spire the previous night. It seems Thaen trusts her but is a 'bit' paranoid given the circumstances. He explains though that this is an information exchange and that said friend has been cleaning up the events in the tunnels. Not long after a middle aged woman with salt and pepper hair, olive skin, and a religious symbol of the Host enters.   Malak greets her as 'vassal' as she enters and Vence begins introductions. The group's names don't seem to surprise her, but to Vence's relief she gives her own name, Rescinna. She tells the group her primary concern is whether or not all of "this" is a threat to the nation. She then recounts about "the mess" in the labryth our team left behind for her to clean up and that it was she who ensured that the soldiers who encountered us do not say anything about it, including Altor. That the only reason we're currently safe is because of her.   Tristan thanks her for her efforts and has some travel documents for her to look over, but he'll want them back. After reading them a few times she returns them and remarks she'll analyze them later as Edward hands her a list of the Brelish people he knows who died. At this point "Lady" shifts in and is greeted as Thaen by Rescinna, who becomes more relaxed and invested in the conversation. She tells them that not all the Shields were involved/aware of what was going on, is unaware of Wands involvement as of yet, but does know the Lanterns remain true (Thaen's affiliation).   Lady explains a great deal that has occurred and what they know regarding the sporing and sickness. She even goes so far back as to explain the Jamie incident aboard the train. She basically breaks down how the operation works to extort and control those they are using in their operation, including taking over of towns etc. When Rescinna asks about noble involvement Grace explains that she doesn't think so, but knows alliances are made in courts to protect higher ups.   Tristan mentions that Soft Ones are also allied with the Eyes. While Edward then explains there are 3 factions in all seemingly wanting to awake il-lashtafar and about Sickle. His explanation about Sickle has Rescinna recount that a man with prismastic eyes was just in Brelish court, Lord Elson. Upon this revelation Grace quickly leaves. Malak warns about accepting rings from Sauron, I mean Sickle, and the powers the rings possess. Edward explains there is a cure to the sickness though, Myasha blue label wine. Further, the sickness is only directed by Elves but is it carried out by humans. Rescinna enquires about the rural vs urban targeting of Sicklemen and Malak explains that is was more urban in the past but is primarily rural these days.   After thinking more Rescinna remarks that Lord Elson arrived about a week ago but he might already be gone, she didn't see him in court today or yesterday. Tristan reminds everyone about the Eyes being held at the House Denneth station, which Rescinna finds interesting. At this point the meeting dies down and Rescinna takes her leave, remarking that Asir misses Lady. As she is just about out the door Vence quips, "So much for being retired." which gets a small smirk.   Not long after Grace reaches out to Tristan telling him that Lord Elson left court in a hurry yesterday and that Corrine is safe. She says she'll meet up with him later but only after sending all the messages to Griff's family she needs to.

Sickle Moon


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
19 Aug 2023

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