Session Fifty: Ding Dong, the Fane is Gone

General Summary

Through the Fire and Flames

With the group all now safely across the Silver Flames they make their way back down into the Temple to finish exploring behind collapsed wall in the "Clot Room." As they descend the stairs they realize that since the Mudslide and the Silver Flames were activated the roaring the walls has ceased.   Once they arrive Lucy scouts through the collapsed wall and reports she sees a glittering in the distance. Meanwhile, Malak helps blow up one of the boulders blocking the tunnel while Tristan and Griff clear the rubble so the group can proceed. With Lucy indicating the coast is clear the group climb in and proceed down the tunnel.  

..."To pass through these halls"

As the group walk down the dark tunnel they come to a cavern. The floor is littered with rubble and rock, as if destroyed by something recently. Along the walls there are what appear to be many older sigils for "The Eyes", both faded and rudimentary in their designs. With nothing more to see they proceed onward.   As they approach the next room the source of the glittering is made clear. Crystals jut from the walls and broken ones are scattered across the floor; likely from when the Clot monster came through. April identifies the crystals as Kyber crystals, the very one she was tasked to find for her mother. Valorie and Elijah plan to use them to power a portal device into Dal Quor. April further explains these crystals are full of raw magic and need to be carefully removed, but before doing so Malak suggests they finish scouting ahead as "the crystals aren't going anywhere."   While April and Silmer setup a station to harvest crystals Lucy again volunteers to scout ahead quickly. After a few minutes without returning Griff calls out to her and the group learns she is talking with Almantash, The Traveler. Upon this revelation Malak and Tristan instantly head back to the "Eyes" room while Emir and Griff rush ahead go to see him.  

“I couldn’t save them…”

As they turn the corner into the next room they are met by an unsettling sight. A great number humanoid skeletal remains in both pillars and piles against and up the walls. Amongst this sight Lucy is found trying to comfort a distraught looking Almantash. Griff ends up gives Almantash a hug, verifying that he is actually present.   In speaking with Almantash Griff and Emir learn a little about the other, that Almantash has advised Griff's grandmother and through dreams guided VETT's mother. Griff, having already given Almantash a hug, asks if Almantash would be his friend. Griff explains that he'll live a very long time and would like to know he'll have a friend other than Godric for its duration.   Almantash laments not being able to "save them all" while Emir tries to comfort him. Almantash decidedly points out 4 copper cups on the ground, picking one up. All have the same map etched on them. He explains that the Lantern Tower is the next step to reaching his temple (Glass Plateau). All need done is insert a small Khyber crystal in a particular spot and it will transport the individual to the Lantern Tower. They are to give the 5 warforged the cups, crystals, and amulet so they can find sanctuary at the Lantern Tower. Griff picks the copper cups up and is given the one in Almentash's hand.   Emir has a few questions for Almantash about the 'Silver Rings' and 'The Eyes'. Griff and Emir then learn that those who wore the Silver Rings could not be reached by Almantash. They were affected a sleeping curse, never to wake again. Almantash confirms for Griff it is just like the 'Soldiers Mark'. As for 'The Eyes' they have come after Almantash's people before and that he protects them because not only does he side with outsiders and the hunted, but he also stands for freedom.   Meanwhile…April and Silmer set to work on harvest Kyber crystals. Together they successfully harvest 3 khyber crystals, and while they aren't perfect, they'll do the job.   Tristan and Malak meanwhile went back to room with the eyes after hearing about Almantash. Tristan makes an attempt at using Message to talk with Lucy, but it doesn't seem to work.  

The Eye of the Couatl

Griff collects 10 khyber shards as he and Emir rejoin the group. April wants to try harvesting some more crystals, but after she explains the danger and the poor odds of success the group hastily work to dissuade her. Silmer does says something rather sweet but it was lost to written record. Griff then checks on Malak and updates him about the rings/"sickness" and that the group is ready to finish exploring. Malak says he'll meet the group later at the entrance, but if they find a prismatic shard a he'll then join.   As the rest of the group then packs up and moves through the room of skeletal remains Griff explains who they were and about their new task for the copper cups. In the next room they find themselves facing the side of the Couatl statue near the entrance, forcefully spewing silver flames into the pit. Looking over the statue Tristan discovers a ‘rainbow crystal’ in the eye socket!   Malak is brought back to the group and removes the prismatic shard, which is uncharacteristically cool to the touch. As he removes the crystal the others see wings of silver feathers and a long tail grow around him. When the huge dragon-esque face comes into focus it is then they realize it is a Couatl and it is growing. However, the image doesn't last and leaves behind a stunned party.   Tristan curiously ask Malak if what they just saw was Tula. Malak was unaware of what just transpired but explains while Tula is indeed a Couatl they can also look humanish. The descriptions he and Lucy give are of a vague human with eyes and hair but with a feather lined cloak and was special enough to be offered tea and biscuits by Cissa.  

Let’s Leave

After a brief discussion on if they've concluded their business in the temple Emir asks April if she is ready to leave...and then immediately dimension doors the pair outside (creating a logistical headache). After some hasty discussion Malak and Tristan dimension door into the control room and remove the purple crystal so Griff and Silmer can safely pass. As the flames subside Griff and Silmer sprint their way across the metal bridge, which is extraordinarily loud. Loud enough to be heard outside. Loud enough to cause the bells to reverberate and further amplify the vibrations...Then the support pillars start to collapse.  


Lucy hastily warns April and Emir to run before vanishing. Meanwhile, Malak and Tristan are trapped as the temple is collapsing. Griff and Silmer work on freeing them from the outside while Malak and a raging bear Tristan desperately work to free themselves from the inside. Once there is an opening to get through Tristan realizes something, he is HUNGRY...and dashes out.   Malak flies out of the temple past everyone with Silmer not far behind. April readies herself to cast Longstrider on the next person she sees come out but in her surprise ignores Tristan in his bear form, who just continues rushing past. Griff flies out on Godric in pursuit of Tristan. With the party safely out of the temple Emir casts fly on himself and April and moves them upward.   Malak continues flying towards the camp and safety while Silmer readies himself to help deal with the feral Tristan. As Godric looks to bear down on his quarry Tristan reaches up and pulls Griff from Godric. Silmer tries to interrupt Tristan with his water whip but isn't successful. Godric manages to restrain Tristan and Griff, holding a fist of herbs, stuff his fist into Tristan's maw. April and Emir fly backwards, Emir watching the collapse and April casting Longstrider so they move faster.   Malak turns around notices the struggle and commands Tristan to "Drop it!" and quickly casts a healing word on Griff. Silmer attempts to stun Tristan a few times but Tristan's physiology is either too strange or resilient for it to take effect. Tristan swallows the herbs and falls unconscious while April and Emir watch the temple collapse.  

Bearer of Bad News

With Tristan finally under control Griff begins healing himself and the rest as they begin to regroup. As they regroup 2 of the warforged emerge and join them. Malak tells them that "we found what we were looking for, and more" before heading back to camp. April inspects Tristan and thinks he is fine, just exhausted, and plans to devise a better way to administer his meds. Together they all head back to camp.   Once back at camp Griff explains about Tristan's rage issue to the group and the herbs. Malak is _not_ happy about "another potential disaster in the group" and not having been told about the danger. Griff explains they just forgot and that it really wasn’t his place to tell, to which Malak seemingly concurs. April explains she was brought in to help identify the herbs. Unfortunately the situation is made all the worse when it is understood that April, Griff, and Tristan all knew and hadn't shared this information. Malak leaves upset that no-one was told since Hawk's house; Griff tries to apologize as he departs.   Emir attempts to calm the situation explaining to Griff something similar happened with Nesza, so this is something of a sore spot, but he himself isn't mad. He just wants to know if there are any secrets that might endanger the group. No-one seems to have any to share with only Silmer reiterating that the 'Soft Ones' are after him and then suggests “perhaps we divvy up the herbs going forward.”   After Tristan wakes up he apologizes for what happened and for forgetting to tell the group. Malak goes to sit in a tree as he is annoyed and does _not_ want to be bothered. Tristan goes looking for him but is only able to message his apology.  


The realization that The Veil is gone slowly sets in on the group. Emir bemoans not being able to talk _with_ Lucy anymore while Tristan, touching his dog tags, hopes 'they' are okay. April makes tea, gives hugs, and generally comforts everyone while Griff takes the time to explain how to get the Warforged to the Lantern Tower. The Warforged are _very_ excited by this news and that "The Traveler means the best for them."   A while later Tristan confesses to Griff he wanted to talk to Merle and Roland. Griff thinks they're probably alright since there was no sleeping curse for either. Both mention people they still wished to talk to. Tristan wanting to talk to a Soft One he once knew and Griff the Sky Kings from Cyre, to see if they are asleep or dead.   As group begins to rest Malak writes messages in his book and Emir makes rubbing of his copper cup.

Sickle Moon

April Highthorn

Neutral Human (Farmer)
35 / 35 HP


Neutral Good Tortle (Sailor)
Monk 8
51 / 51 HP
Report Date
29 Jan 2022

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